The fire brigade arrived soon after a call from a passerby.

The vk apartment area, including the area where it is located, is filled with middle-class families, so the fire brigade acted quickly.

At the warning of passers-by on the street, the fire brigade began to drive towards the thickening fog.

"Oh my god, what's happening."

Some passers-by naturally gathered at one point and watched with worried eyes as the fire convoy rushed into the fog and slowly disappeared.

Finally, even the sound of the police sirens disappeared.

One second, two seconds, and three seconds passed, and there was no movement at all. There was only a light fog that was originally very light, and slowly became thicker. The high-rise apartment buildings that could still be seen were now completely covered by the thick fog, making it impossible to see. to anything.

The combination of various circumstances was very strange, and the passers-by who gathered at one point finally felt that something was wrong.

As a result, many people began to slowly report this strange thing to the official government.

In this case, many people came quickly.

And the thick fog began to spread outside the vk apartment area.

Originally, a shadow could still be seen in the vk apartment area, but as time went on, the fog became thicker and thicker, and slowly spread outward. Even the light fog that spread first began to thicken.

This situation, which was visible to the naked eye, prompted the officials present to disperse the people here and seal off the area around the vk apartment.

The person in charge was a middle-aged man with brown hair. He was wearing a suit and stood in the clearing that had been dispersed. He put his hands in his pockets and said in a deep voice as he looked at the thick fog covering everything in front of him, the sky and the earth.

"What did you find out? Are these fogs real fogs?"

Landry said as he looked at the team of experts who were conducting tests in front of him.

The experts in front of them are all normal human beings. For their group, scientists involved in technology and various creations are restricted areas and cannot be taken away from them.

Because taking the body does not mean that you can inherit the host's wisdom, it only means your own.

Therefore, these smart experts and scientists need to exist and must be vigorously cultivated.

It's a pity that, with the development now, their number is increasing. Some stupid and uncontrollable tribesmen will just keep snatching and devouring their bodies for enjoyment, while the number of human beings is getting smaller and smaller.

The big bosses above began to realize that this was not possible. The smaller the base, it also meant that the world could no longer undergo qualitative changes and would only stagnate.

So the big bosses above began to set restrictions on each clan member, and also set up a department to clean up those clan members who were only greedy for pleasure.

It not only controls and limits the number of ethnic groups, but also allows humans to recuperate and slowly recover.

So until now, the development of science and technology has been stagnant for so long, and there is no change from before.

"It's still being tested, but I think it's probably normal fog." Someone said next to him.

"Normal fog?" Landry looked at his tribe and subordinates and said solemnly.

"Can normal fog eat people? Or what? All the people sent in disappear?"

A few people nearby lowered their heads, unable to answer this question at all.

"Damn it!" Landry cursed, then said in a deep voice.

"Is it the vk apartment area inside?"

"Yes!" replied the subordinate who just answered.

"I heard that there were some of our people inside?" Landry said. He didn't need to explain anything specifically. He knew that his men would understand.

The subordinate did know, but his expression at this time was a little hesitant.

"Yes! There are thousands of people registered."

"So, what's your expression like?" Landry saw the expression on his subordinate's face.

"Could it be that with the biological signals between us, we can't sense each other?"

The subordinates did not dare to look at the expression of his boss and answered cautiously.

"Yes, sir, no one can be contacted, and the information returned is 0."

This time, Landry finally understood the seriousness.

The reason why their group can know at a glance whether the other person is a normal human being or a clan member is all due to the biological signals between each other.

If we explain it in human terms, they are equivalent to one base station after another, only emitting electronic signals at the same frequency.

Therefore, within a certain distance, powerful people can receive the biological signals from all nearby tribesmen, and in this way know how many tribesmen are within this range, and can also know the location of each tribesman.

Of course, this is for strong people. Weak people receive a limited number of signals, and the size of the range is also limited.

Like the president, some big bosses who control resources are so powerful that they can receive more biological signals and know all the tribesmen within a ten-mile radius.

"Damn it! No wonder I didn't sense anyone's presence."

Landry looked at the thick fog in front of him with serious eyes.

This situation means that all the people in the vk apartment area, including those outside the apartment area, are dead.

"Seal this area, don't allow anyone to enter or exit, and have people send more experts over."

After hearing the order from their superior, his subordinates also looked at the thick fog that blocked everything, and hesitated again.

"Sir, what if the fog continues to spread?"

Landry took a deep breath and said, "Then this is nothing we can control."

He looked at the thick fog in front of him and thought of the tribesmen who had disappeared without a trace and the team that had entered the exploration but had no movement or news feedback for a long time, and he felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He always felt that this thick fog would never stop.

In fact, just as Landry thought, Alessa's expansion will never stop. It originally started from the fog in the vk apartment area, disappeared until the vk apartment area, and finally went directly to the entire huge vk community and the outside. neighborhoods were devoured.

The spreading light fog will eventually thicken and cover everything.

The street outside the vk community disappeared, and finally the adjacent ck community was also swallowed up, and then to nearby blocks.

During the whole process, I don’t know how many experts came to test, but they all came to only one conclusion.

That is, the components of these fogs are indeed the components of normal fog itself.

Water molecules, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. are all present in regular fog.

This made the experts completely confused. They didn't know what was going on inside the thick fog. They couldn't figure out why the fog could isolate the sound. They couldn't figure out why the fog could keep spreading. .

Various incomprehensible reasons have completely become a mystery in this world.

The spreading thick fog began to attract the attention of the whole world, and some countries also began to provide support and continued to send their own experts to provide support.

It's a pity that no matter how many experts came, they still couldn't figure out the reason. Although through various cooperation and some high-tech equipment, they concluded that there seemed to be an incomprehensible and invisible thing in the fog. The strange energy that arrived.

But no matter what, things eventually developed into exploration mode.

Enter the dense fog to explore in the form of an elite special forces protection expert group.

As a result, day after day passed, and these exploratory teams were just like the people before them, without any news or feedback, as if they had died the moment they entered.

Undoubtedly, the fear caused by the thick fog began to be gradually amplified.

When the thick fog began to spread from the vk apartment area, spreading continuously, and began to cover the entire Brooklyn area, the whole world, including the free country, began to know the seriousness of the matter.

The army is gone.

Well-equipped, in groups, with aircraft and more ground tanks, heavy weapons, etc., they began to enter the thick fog with a very powerful momentum.

Day after day passed.

There was no news about this elite army. From the moment they entered the thick fog and disappeared into it, it seemed as if they had really disappeared without any sound. There was no movement.

Even if there are so many weapons.

Now everyone in the world began to panic, thinking that this was the end of the world.

"So there's absolutely nothing we can do?"

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Freetown, DC.

A very serious meeting was taking place inside.

The people inside include not only the president of the free country, but also the heads of more countries. They are the so-called masters of a country and one of the bosses of the entire ethnic group.

"No." The President of the Free State is a middle-aged man in his forties. Physically, he is a very strong man.

"I have tried many methods and sent many human troops, but the result is still the same. They disappeared."

Someone said: "Including our tribesmen?"

The President of the Free State nodded and knocked on the smooth table: "Yes, no matter what method is used, their signal cannot be detected. This situation means death."

"So what is the cause of this thick fog that eats people?" Someone asked, his voice was low.

"There are no results. Humans can't detect any problems. They only detect an unfamiliar energy." The president of the Free State said solemnly.

"According to human beings, this kind of energy has never appeared before, and it does not conform to the current logic, because this strange energy seems to be generated out of thin air and will disappear as soon as it leaves the range of the fog."

Speaking of this, his voice became even deeper: "There seems to be a dimensional space inside. It wants to swallow our world. The thick fog is its tentacles."

"Damn it! How could such a thing happen?" someone shouted.

"No matter what it is, it becomes nothingness in the face of destruction."

The person who said this loudly stood up suddenly, stared at the President of the Free Country, and said in a deep voice:

"Pierret, I need you to abandon that area and drop a nuclear bomb. Since exploration and heavy weapons are useless, then try dropping a nuclear bomb. Its powerful power may be able to disperse the dense fog."

The President of the Free State first glanced at the person who made the noise, and then glanced at the people in the meeting. Judging from their eyes and expressions, he knew that dropping the nuclear bomb was a foregone conclusion.

"Then give it a try."

The next day, the entire top management directly approved the plan. Finally, after the people were dispersed, special projection equipment was deployed hundreds of miles away in the thick fog.

Under the attention of the whole world, a nuclear bomb slowly rose with fireworks and went straight into the thick fog that had enveloped the entire New York.

In the eyes of many people, this nuclear bomb directly penetrated the outer edge of the dense fog, also blew away the spreading light fog on the periphery, and finally disappeared into the thick fog.

The only one who knows the location and status of the nuclear bomb is in the hands of senior officials who have been transferred.

Among a group of aircraft carrier fleets in the vast ocean.

In a closed room, the leaders who were meeting from the White House were all sitting at a table, staring at the screen above.

The nuclear bomb disappeared into the thick fog, and the visual equipment it carried was all white. The positioning it carried had failed, but at least it could let people know whether the nuclear bomb had exploded or not.

However, one second, two seconds, and three seconds passed, and nothing happened, and there was no movement.

The projected nuclear warheads, like the troops and teams that entered the exploration before, all disappeared without a trace without any feedback.

The entire space was filled with the sound of heavy breathing, and a long-lost emotion began to rise in the hearts of these leaders who had not experienced it for who knows how many years.

That emotion is called fear.

"Damn it!" Someone scolded and hammered the table hard.

Only the president of the Free State and the other relatively calm leaders looked at each other.

"Start moving. The world is very big. According to the spread of dense fog, it will take at least a hundred years to cover the entire world." The president of the Free State said calmly.

"No matter what, we have to move until this thick fog stops."

So, the end has come.

When all of New York State had fallen, all the people who fled were rushed towards the evacuation point one after another under the official government arrangements, and were moved to the sea or other countries one after another.


At this moment.

The sun never sets on Empire, located in Trafalgar Square in the center of London. Amidst the crowds, figures of one large and one small sat on the steps, watching the deliberately arranged live broadcast on the big screen with worried people, and watching the people on the live broadcast. The scene of their evacuation was also accompanied by the thick fog that has enveloped New York State, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont, as well as the Canadian province of Quebec in the north.

The younger one was a girl about ten years old. She was sitting on the steps, holding an ice cream cone in her hand and licking it. She looked at the planes flying around the thick fog on the screen, and then took another look. The people in the square, whose faces were full of worry and despair, whispered.

"Uncle York, what to do with those nuclear bombs?"

The older and younger ones were none other than Yorkshire and Alessa. When the thick fog began to appear, they actually moved to the Empire where the sun never sets.

"Keep it for now, Alessa, how many have they thrown away already?"

"Yeah." Alessa thought for a moment, as if she was really counting, and answered after a few seconds.

"There are already 106 warheads."

Hearing this, Yorks kept looking at the live broadcast screen specially arranged by the Sun Never Sets Empire, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


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