Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 38: A dry well that cries

Chapter 38 The Crying Dry Well

 In the village, soldiers from both sides collected the bodies of the people together in a tacit understanding.

Other than the occasional sobbing, no one made a sound.

Zheng Yingqi and Li Yunlong searched aimlessly in the village. They only hoped that they would be lucky enough to encounter villagers who had escaped the disaster.

 In front of a house, the two saw several militiamen and civilians lying dead.

Only then did they know the reason why the village was killed. It should be that the village provided shelter to the militiamen.

  After the Japs tracked down Xiaowang Village, they found that the people here had a strong anti-Japanese sentiment, and they simply did nothing to harm the entire village.

Li Yunlong's teeth were clenching, and there was an uncontrollable anger in his eyes, like an angry lion.

He ignored the presence of the preserved fruit soldiers around him and cursed angrily:

“This is a **** 45-degree execution-style shooting! They not only killed prisoners, but also civilians!”

"These beasts! If I don't take revenge for this, I swear I won't be a human being!"

 Compared to the angry Li Yunlong, Zheng Yingqi still maintains his last sanity.

 Because he knew that he might be the last hope for some survivors.

 His hard work pays off, and his experience and patience pay off.

 In the southwest corner of the village, there is a dry well, which was originally responsible for the domestic water supply of nearby villagers.

  But as time passed, the well reached the end of its useful life and became a dry well.

After Xiaowang Village was persecuted by the Japs, although the villagers resisted heroically, cold weapons were almost useless in the face of hot weapons.

In order to save ammunition and find it troublesome, these beasts threw many villagers headfirst into this dry well.

In order to prevent anyone from climbing out, they frantically threw a big stone into the dry well and suppressed all the villagers in the well.

 Slowly, the people inside will die due to suffocation and other reasons.

 This is a dry well that can cry.

Even many veterans can’t control their emotions when they see it.

After hearing a faint sound coming from the dry well, Zheng Yingqi immediately called the nearby soldiers to come and help.

Hearing that there might be survivors, everyone around came to help.

 At this time, both sides had only one identity, regardless of whether they were the Central Army or the Eighth Route Army.

That is the Chinese who want revenge and want to save their compatriots.

At Zheng Yingqi's insistence, he tied a rope around himself, and the other end of the rope was in Li Yunlong's hand.

With the help of everyone, he immediately went down into the well.

At this time, the sun had risen. With the help of the sunlight, Zheng Yingqi saw a large and heavy stone lying across the middle of the dry well.

 He shouted to the people on the ground, asking them to hand down a few more ropes, and then he carefully tied the ropes to the rocks.

In order to prevent the people under the stone from wasting their little energy by calling out for help, he used his gentlest voice to comfort them throughout the process.

 But the villagers still couldn't help but let out small, desperate cries.

This made Zheng Yingqi feel like a knife. He reached out and tugged **** the rope tied to the stone. After making sure it was safe, he shouted to the person above:


 Everyone who had been prepared for a long time immediately went into action.

 Because of the light weight, Zheng Yingqi was quickly pulled up.

 Subsequently, with the efforts of everyone. The big stone was then pulled out and thrown aside by everyone.

Without the slightest rest, Zheng Yingqi pushed aside a recruit who was looking down at the mouth of the well and entered the desperate dry well again.

 There was no obstacle to stop him, and he could clearly see the villagers who were thrown into the well upside down. Those kind-hearted people were pressed into various twisted postures in the well.

Even though he is a veteran of many battles, this scene still makes his hair stand on end.

 After carefully rescuing the villagers at the top, Zheng Yingqi suppressed his anger and sadness.

 He kept the nearby recruits sensible, and then learned the process he had just done to rescue the people in the well.

While they were working hard to rescue, the accompanying medical soldier from the 217th Regiment had already been waiting at the scene for a long time. He took the trouble to check every villager who was rescued.

 But they arrived too late. One night had passed since those beasts arrived at Xiaowang Village.

Most of the people in the well had no breath. They died under the dry well with fear on their faces.

Only a few people persisted, but even if they did not die, they suffered multiple fractures and contusions all over their bodies.

This **** on earth made the medical soldier who was indifferent to life and death burst into tears, because he knew that even if these people could be cured, they would become insane and become complete lunatics.

Mountains and rivers are in foreign lands, but we are incompatible with each other!

 Watching the new recruits working in an orderly manner under the command of their commander, Zheng Yingqi silently came to the battalion commander's side.

 The two of them were in another hellish scene.

Several wooden sticks strung with the remains of the militiamen were inserted diagonally into the red and black land. The nearby marks told the two that the militiamen did not give up resistance even in the end.

 The cold wind blew by, and Zheng Yingqi spoke first.

“We rescued a few survivors over there, but we still have a mission and we can’t take them away.”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the people around him.

The battalion commander did not avoid Zheng Yingqi's gaze this time. He blushed and hit his chest and promised:

"Don't worry, I will try my best to cure them. If anyone wants to stay in the Central Army, I will accept them. If someone wants to leave, I will pay them travel expenses!"

 “Okay, I hope you can do what you say.”

 After the conversation, Zheng Yingqi, who originally turned around to leave to gather with his team members, suddenly stopped and said something seemingly casually.

“In the biggest room in the village, there are a few beasts who are still alive. You know, our team has discipline, and we leave it to you.”

The originally lifeless Commander of the Preserved Fruit Battalion seemed to have been given a shot of chicken blood. He immediately led a few recruits to the place Zheng Yingqi mentioned.

After a while, shouts of killing and the wails of animals came from the sky above the village.


  Although the original stopping point was destroyed, the soldiers had to rest here temporarily.

A night of running around on the mountain road coupled with the activities just now made everyone in this special agent company exhausted physically and mentally.

 With the bad weather now, it is reasonable to delay the trip due to something on the road.

Even if the Japs from this unit did not report back to the stronghold in time, they would not immediately go out to find people on other small days.

 After arranging the sentry personnel, the soldiers of the special agent company fell into a light sleep.

 At noon, the battalion commander of the 217th Regiment came to invite Zheng Yingqi and others to have dinner together.

Considering that he had a certain friendship with the other party, Zheng Yingqi agreed to bring back the meal prepared by the other party.

Although it is different from what they usually eat, it is good to have something hot to eat in such a wilderness.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the food, they quickly finished eating and took the time to continue resting. Everyone was holding a breath in their hearts.

Brothers, I am positive. I have been having a fever today, with the highest temperature being over 39 degrees.

   I feel like something is not right since last night. I am struggling to write these chapters and I feel like my brain is a little hard to work with.

I will revise it when I get better. I will try my best to keep it updated these days.



 (End of this chapter)

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