Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 442 Huh? Heading south to the island?

Upon learning that the 1st Marine Brigade needed a large amount of manpower to repair the airport runway, the two old village chiefs of Jinjiaying Village and Baliying Village immediately expressed their support and took over the task of temporarily recruiting local young adults.

The fish-water situation between the military and civilians is vividly reflected at this moment.

"Comrade, you must not go outside. The Japanese have caused great harm to the village before, and we have not kept anything left by our ancestors!"

"Thanks to the Eighth Route Army for driving away the Japanese and regaining the lost territory, everyone can see hope for the future again. If we don't do something, our conscience will be uneasy!"

The two old men with weathered faces reminded Li Yunlong of all the past events since last year. He agreed to the matter and quickly expressed his gratitude.

"Okay! Then I'll trouble you, fellow villagers! The organization will definitely not forget your contributions!"

Just as the three of them were talking, a beeping radio sound suddenly sounded in the temporary command post of the 1st Marine Brigade. The correspondent on duty immediately took notes and started compiling the information as soon as possible.

After deciphering the complete content, the communications squad leader jogged all the way to his commander and handed over the newly released telegram with both hands.

"Brigadier, Mr. Xu is calling!"

"The headquarters is already aware of the situation at our Xinxiang Airport. A support crew consisting of twenty-five medium and large transport aircraft will depart from Yuncheng soon."

"The first wave of supplies includes a total of eight 105mm howitzers, ten 120mm mortars, and three base numbers of various types of ammunition."

Upon hearing this good news, Li Yunlong's eyes flashed with excitement and he hurriedly jumped up from the ammunition box. No one expected that the headquarters' support would be so fast.

After calming down, Lao Li quickly started working.

He first sent his second-in-command to cooperate with the two village chiefs to complete the temporary recruitment task, and then issued new orders to all commanders and soldiers.

"Zhang Dabiao, go and bring the fellow villagers in. You must maintain order!"

"First Battalion Commander, Second Battalion Commander! Each of you leaves one company of troops to remain on alert. The rest of you, urgently repair the airport! Sun Desheng, bring in all the tanks of the combat mobile company and coordinate with the infantry to complete the mission!"

Under efficient and reasonable scheduling, a construction team of 800 people quickly took shape.

The commanders represented by Li Yunlong were not idle either. They picked up the special version of the engineer shovel for the paratroopers and joined the maintenance team to work hard together.


More than forty minutes later, the roar of a piston engine sounded from the northwest.

Looking along the source of the sound, we saw more than 20 medium and large transport aircraft gradually lowering their altitude and peeking out of the clouds, first appearing in the sight of the soldiers and fellow villagers.

Behind them are towed wooden gliders, which seem to be somewhat blocked by clouds and sun.

In the higher airspace, the escort fighter group was vaguely visible.

The Spitfires and Typhoons did not relax their vigilance. They kept their formations constantly patrolling and were ready for air combat with the enemy at any time.

"Fellows! Don't panic, don't be afraid! Those planes in the sky are our Eighth Route Army planes, and the Japanese will never have the strength to make a comeback in a short period of time."

"First Battalion! The signal flare is launched! Guide the glider to land!"

With the close cooperation between the air and ground parties, the first batch of Horsa and Hamilka were successfully decoupled.

The glider loaded with weapons and military supplies began to adjust its angle and flew accurately and steadily towards the sign outside Xinxiang Airport.

At the same time, the hatch at the tail of the transport plane slowly opened.

Tons of boxed supplies, carrying white umbrella flowers, fell to the area designated by the 1st Marine Brigade.

The size of Xinxiang Airport does not meet the standards for the landing of air supremacy. After the airdrop mission, these large transport aircraft climbed back to altitude and began to return.

The five sky trains put down their respective landing gears and began to land according to the serial numbers on the fuselage from small to large.


Although it has undergone emergency repairs, the quality of the earthen runway is still far behind that of Yeongbei Airport.

Fortunately, the system products were strong enough, and all five transport planes completed the landing without incident.

"Maintenance Company! Bring your tools and cooperate with the Air Force comrades to complete the preparation work!"

"Sanitary platoon, bring over all the wounded who need medical treatment. We will fly them back to the headquarters hospital for treatment soon!"

Under the leadership of a group of grassroots commanders, the soldiers completed various tasks meticulously.

After watching all the wounded board the plane smoothly, Li Yunlong took his chief of staff to the back of the tarmac and said to a resting pilot:

"Team King, I didn't expect you to lead the team in person this time. It's really troublesome for the comrades!"

Hearing this, Captain Wang Hai waved his hand very casually, indicating that Lao Li was welcome.

The 1st Marine Brigade is not only a unit directly under the headquarters, but also a powerful force under the Air Force sequence. Their two bases are not far apart, and they have organized joint training together, so the relationship is natural.

"Li Yunlong, there are new orders from the headquarters."

"You paratroopers and infantry must control the entire territory of Xinxiang within two days, and then complete the assembly and march east to west with our main force, and capture half of northern Henan in one fell swoop."

"The dumplings this time are not small, with a total of 30,000 people. Unfortunately, most of them are Manchurian and Mongolian youth volunteers and puppet soldiers, so they can barely give Cheng Shifa and Ding Wei a boost in their achievements."

The names of the two old comrades aroused a doubt in Li Yunlong's heart.

As far as he knew, in the original offensive plan of the infantry experts, the 772nd Regiment and the New Regiment were not in the sequence of the large force, not even the reserve force.

In this case, there is no talking about improving the record.

Seemingly sensing his colleagues' confusion, Captain Wang Hai first pulled Li Yunlong aside, and then carefully revealed:

"The French are here. They seem to be in a hurry. There must be some new situation in North Africa, so the headquarters temporarily modified the original attack plan."

"After liberating northern Henan, you must first go south and land on the island to open up a stable rear area for the subsequent advisory team."

"I don't know the specific situation. After the 1st Marine Brigade returns to Taiyuan after the battle, there should be someone dedicated to explain the details to you."

As soon as these words came out, Li Yunlong immediately took out a military map from his pocket.

He first looked to Southeast Asia, especially the former French Indochina. Finally, it slowly moved eastward and set its sights on a large island with an area of ​​35,100 square kilometers.

"Qiongya, it's a very reasonable choice."

"A battle that was truly far away from the rear and almost completely unsupported was definitely our 1st Marine Brigade."

The colleague's firm expression made Captain Wang Hai nod with satisfaction.

"Okay, let's talk about the rest later. The current task is to completely drive away the Japs near Xinxiang within two days, and then eat dumplings with the main force."

"Come on, let's exchange intelligence and see where it's worth bombing."

I underestimated ZC too much.

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