Chapter 49 Death or Disgrace

 As long as there is a battle, there will be winners and losers. There is no ever-victorious general and no undefeated army.

 Many times when you lose a battle or need to retreat, you will be pursued by the enemy at that time. Everyone knows how to take advantage of the situation.

 At this time, someone needs to step in and even light the lamp.

 The meaning of lighting a lamp is when you know that there will be Japanese planes to bomb the retreating troops or there will be Japanese infantry to chase the retreating troops.

You need to have a troop walking on the most conspicuous road to attract firepower for the Japanese to blow up and chase them. The outcome can be imagined.

However, this will allow other troops to evacuate to the designated location faster and protect as many effective forces as possible.

Perhaps some people think that whichever troop is chosen to light the lamps is in bad luck.

 But sometimes you look at those people who were chosen or volunteered to light lamps to protect you, and it feels like watching them die to protect you.

Those who have never experienced it will never know what it means. Sometimes living is far more uncomfortable than dying. For the living, this is too heavy.

 In this small group of captives, many people have experienced this kind of life and death.

They temporarily joined the secret service company after escaping from the hospital. Although they had fought side by side, except for a soldier who originally belonged to the Eighth Route Army, there was always a vague gap between the others and the soldiers of the secret service company.

 After all, everyone has different beliefs.

Their leader is a middle-aged man with a plain appearance, although long-term malnutrition has made him look extremely thin. But judging from his previous combat performance, he must have been a well-trained warrior in his early years.

If someone could look at Zhang Zhiyi’s resume, they would find that his experiences in the past few years were both wonderful and tragic.

 He participated in the Central Plains War and went to Chang'an in 1936. He was involved in the battles of Zijin Mountain and Lanfeng, and after 1938 he moved to the Taihang Mountains.

 Later he was captured by the Japanese. After the soldiers who were also captured learned about those experiences, they all looked up to this veteran.

 Although they have not known each other for a long time, they hit it off immediately and they all have similar experiences. Together they planned to escape from the Japanese prison, eating and living together as brothers.

Originally, he thought that if he could successfully reach the Eighth Route Army base, he would go and see with his own eyes what the difference was between this place and the preserved fruit.

The feud between the family and the country still exists, and Zhang Zhiyi has no intention of discharging his armor and returning to his fields.

It's just that he has been running around all year round, and it's time to find a place to settle down, not to mention that he now has a brother who depends on him for life and death.

 But now he has changed his decision. Before, he vowed to lead a good life for these brothers who were imprisoned with him.

The Japanese fighter jets just now will definitely attract a large number of Japanese soldiers to pursue them.

Of the twenty-nine of them, four were injured and one died on the spot. They would not be able to run far with the wounded.

He didn't want to abandon his brother, and he didn't want to do it again. That year, almost all of his troops were wiped out, and only a few people survived. Every day was a torment for him.

So they who escaped together discussed it and decided not to leave! Build positions on the spot to block and buy time for the Eighth Route Army.

 Wherever we fight against the Japanese, we are not fighting. No matter which army we join, we are all Chinese. Anyway, there is a high probability of death, so it is better to die vigorously and with some value.

 They are all tired of living like pigs, being herded around.

Zhang Zhiyi looked at Zheng Yingqi and Li Yunlong and said nonchalantly: "Sir, let's go. We, the people, will try to buy you some time."

"It's obvious that you have done something big, otherwise the little devils wouldn't be chasing him like this." "We are dead, and we owe it to you for being rescued by you. My brother can't leave now, and I won't abandon him." Anyone else."

“But you have to keep the mortars. We won’t be able to hold on for long without heavy firepower. If you keep some more grenades, they will be almost the same as the original ones from Santoku. I really miss them.”

At this time, the prisoner who was originally an Eighth Route Army soldier ran over from Dai Yu excitedly.

 When he was first imprisoned, he disdained the company of these people. But after contacting them for a long time, he found that these people were different from the "friendly forces" he imagined.

 During the time we were together, he was always taken care of by everyone because he was the youngest.

But I just heard Zhang Zhiyi’s words that those people wanted to stay for a break, but they didn’t seem to want to take him with them.

"Zhang Zhiyi! You said you wanted to go to the base with me to see it! Why have you changed your mind now! If you don't leave, I won't leave either!"

As soon as the little warrior finished speaking, a figure walked over from the side. He put his arm around the little warrior's shoulders and said in dialect with a smile:

 “The child of Qinggouzi pretends to be a hammer and is criticized by the master.”

Facing the familiar dialect in the past, this time there is no usual laughter and laughter, only the carefreeness of looking down on life and death.

 After being rejected, the little warrior’s eyes were filled with tears. He was about to argue but was interrupted.

Zhang Zhiyi looked at his brothers. No one was timid because of the tough battle they were about to face. He looked directly at Zheng Yingqi and made his last request.

“Sir, please take this boy away. Unlike us soldiers, he is our hope.”

Looking at the other party’s burning eyes, Zheng Yingqi nodded. Just when he was about to arrange the handover of weapons, the injured soldiers of the special agent company also came over with the support of their companions.

 The two soldiers each took out a letter, which they had prepared before setting off.

As long as one person from the special agent company can return alive, these letters can be delivered to the hands of relatives. Even Staff Officer Li Da asked Huang He to write a letter to the brigade commander on his behalf.

Although he didn't speak, Zheng Yingqi understood what the two of them meant, and after accepting their letters, he seemed to return to the team calmly.

 Zheng Yingqi is no stranger to lighting lamps. Because the Eighth Route Army also faced similar problems when fighting the Japanese, especially during counter-mopping up in enemy-occupied areas.

When the Japanese fail to block the retreat of our troops, they may vent their anger on the local people. Therefore, when the troops retreat, they will take the common people with them.

 At this time, we must not tell the people who are behind the scenes, let alone allow the troops behind the lines to come into contact with the people.

 Because the common people will cry when they know about it, and the soldiers can't help it when they see the common people crying.

Zheng Yingqi has experienced this kind of thing several times, but even he feels so distressed that he almost faints every time.

 The soldiers in the team get along with him day and night. Some of them were even selected and trained by him himself. Now watching them go to death, no normal person can bear this.

 Seeing the little soldier who couldn't help sobbing, Zhang Zhiyi frowned and said seriously:

  "Crying? What's the use of crying! Put away your tears! Live well! Kill the enemy for me!"


The editor in charge told me this afternoon that it will be available on the shelves early tomorrow morning.

I beg you all not to make me miserable.



 (End of this chapter)

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