I Formed The El Cat Investigation Team In Pirates

Chapter 368 Children still prefer listening to stories [please vote]

I have to say that Master Xiang Feihu's method of "sitting and bathing" was quite effective. In the days that followed, Cuixiang Miao's attempts to persuade him to drink became much less frequent.

Coupled with the fact that Hua Mei Miao kept reminding him from time to time, there was no such thing as another member of the investigation team getting drunk by Cuixiang Miao...

Even though the alcohol consumption on the ship suddenly increased several times, in addition to Cuixiang, who drank every day, Xie Wen, Robin, and several other adult cats, including Hua Mei, would also drink with her from time to time. Two cups.

The main reason is that this little drunk cat seems to have some kind of drinking aura around her. When drinking with her, even if she is not persuaded to drink, she will still feel that the wine in the glass is much more fragrant than usual.

Nyajuro, who was already a good drinker, went to have a drink with Suixiang almost every day.

In addition, while Xie Wen was having a drink with Cuixiang Miao, he got a general understanding of the situation before she was summoned from the other party's mouth.

To put it simply, this is another Elu cat with incredible talent, and her talent is mainly reflected in her natural power.

The chains on Cuixiang's hands, as well as the chains and the dragon jade pendant hanging on her tail, were originally added to restrict her activities because she could not control her strength and accidentally broke something when she was a child. , and even got the title of "Elu of Ghosts and Gods" in the village.

As Cuixiangmiao got older and her strength continued to increase, these restrictions were naturally of no use to her. Fortunately, she had learned to control her strength by that time, and nothing would happen even if she was drunk. The problem, plus the fact that she was used to these "accessories", was that she never took them off.

As for the two exciting golden lion horns on her head...

It was Cuixiang Miao who knocked it off the golden lion's head alone in a daze after being drunk. However, she also paid the price of lying in bed for several months. The most important thing is...

"They said I'm not allowed to drink while I'm injured, meow!"

Cuixiang Miao seemed particularly aggrieved when talking about this matter, "I can't move even when I'm lying on the bed, and I don't let the cat drink. How about Tianli Miao?!"

Later, Cuixiang Cat changed directly from a follower cat to a hunter cat because of her achievements this time. Then she embarked on a journey of traveling around, tasting fine wines from various places, and finding fights with other monsters, El cats and hunters. In a drunken stupor, Cuixiang Miao responded to the call of "there is a lot of wine to drink".

"Meow hahaha! The wine here is delicious! It's so fun to fight with weird people again, meow!"


The little orange cat held the "Ibuki Ladle" that was amplified by her ability, and took a big gulp of wine boldly.

Even though this little guy is drunk all day long, he is really unambiguous when it comes to fighting. He can easily master the armed color. Although he has not yet learned the sight color, the ordinary sight color does not have much effect on her, because he has always maintained it. In her drunken state, her moves were completely irregular, and it was impossible to predict her next behavior.

And she has not failed to develop the fruit's ability. The density fruit and Cuixiangmao are so compatible. In just a few days, the density fruit's ability in the hands of the little drunk cat has far exceeded that of the sand crocodile in Alabasta. subordinates...

At least the other party will never be able to generate high heat by rapidly changing the density of an object.

The little drunk cat uses the fruit's ability in conjunction with the wine in the gourd that he never leaves, and can easily use wine + fire attacks.

Well, if the Shao Shao fruit hadn't been eaten by his own Keli cat, Xie Wen couldn't help but want to pull it out and torture it again.

If in the future Cuixiangmiao develops the density fruit like the original Ibuki Suixiang, which can "atomize" itself by adjusting the density and turn it into a pseudo-natural fruit, it will be even more "burning fruit, even dogs will not eat it."

Uh...but our Kelly is a cat, so it doesn't matter!

Besides, can Ace, that idiot, develop the Shashao Fruit as well as our Spark Knight? !

Despite this, Xie Wen still glanced at Keli Miao a little warily. Fortunately, the little puppet was busy now and did not notice that her brother Xie Wen was complaining about her again.

But then again, Kelimya seems to have been telling stories to Shirahoshi during this period...

Is Shirahoshi also so obsessed with "Naruto the Cat"?

Also, isn’t Shirahoshi’s expression too serious when listening to the story? And after Kelimiao finished speaking, she actually looked thoughtful...

Wait a minute! Could this silly girl have been influenced by those weird concepts in Naruto?

Xie Wen suddenly remembered that there are many "pacifists" in Hokage, such as Itachi who "kills relatives for justice", the third generation of "non-stick pan", Nagato who "makes the world feel pain", "Let's have a good dream together" "The spots...

I just don’t know which plot she heard.

In order to prevent the little girl from being misled by the weird ideas of those in the ninja world, Xie Wen took the initiative to find her.

"What are you thinking about?" He patted Bai Xing's fish tail.

"Thank you, Boss Xie Wen!" Shirahoshi, who was deep in thought, was startled, and then replied honestly: "I was thinking about Mr. Nagato... The situation in Yu Ninja Village and Fishman Island is somewhat similar. And I’m like the jinchūriki in the story.”

"Uh... So you also plan to make the world feel pain?" Xie Wen subconsciously answered.

"No, no, no!" Bai Xing waved his hands quickly: "Although Mr. Nagato's situation is very sympathetic, I don't agree with his thoughts. However, as you said, Boss Xie Wen, it is difficult for the voice of the weak to be heard. People heard that if it weren't for Mr. Nagato's existence, the tragedy in Yu Ninja Village would probably have continued... just like Fish-Man Island without the protection of Father Whitebeard."

Then, she continued: "What I want to be more is someone who can protect his village like Mr. Naruto, but I am too timid and may not be able to be like him..."

Bai Xing lowered his head, wringing his fingers in embarrassment.


Xie Wen let out a sigh of relief. He didn't just want to be "Penn".

Although he was happy to see Shirahoshi change, it would be too much to jump directly to "making the world feel pain".

But, Naruto?

It makes sense that Shirahoshi would fall in love with this character, not only because the jinchuriki and Poseidon's situations are very similar, but also because Naruto has also forgiven his enemies.

"Don't be so arrogant," Xie Wen patted Shirahoshi's tail and encouraged: "Naruto is just a fool who knows how to play pranks at your age. I believe you will be able to become a better guardian than him in the future. !”

"I-I will work hard!"

With Xie Wen's encouragement, Bai Xing also cheered up, waved his fist and shouted.

To be honest, Xie Wen did not expect that "Naruto the Cat", which he had just used to relieve the boredom of cats, could actually help Bai Xing find a role model to learn from. At the same time, he also discovered that compared to talking about famous quotes and truths, As expected, storytelling has a greater impact on children like Shirahoshi.


"I have nothing to do now, so why don't I tell you another story about Nao Zha Nao... uh..." Xie Wen glanced at Bai Xing's fish tail and temporarily changed his words: "Nao, Nao Tiangong's story!"

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