Life master in the last days

Chapter 31 Catching up with the main force

After harvesting the radishes, it was completely dark.

Ling Xue also returned to the hover car to rest, looking at the dots of lights all around. It was the collection team in the safe area burning the midnight oil to fight. This is a site that has just been cleared by the Corps, so it is relatively safe.

It seems that everyone is working hard to collect ingredients in order to better survive the harsh winter.

Opening the safety cover of the hover car, Ling Xue also got into bed to rest! She thought it would be difficult for her to fall asleep, but unexpectedly she rested well and it was already broad daylight when she woke up.

I turned on the optical brain and saw that it was almost nine o'clock!

Oh my gosh, it's so late! She had to move forward quickly, otherwise she would be left behind too much!

After reading a few messages from Uncle Yong and Xiao Luo, there was nothing special. They all talked about yesterday's hunting situation and told Ling Xue to pay attention to safety.

Ling Xue replied one by one, as if doing homework given by the teacher. She did this mainly to reassure Uncle Yong, so as not to worry about something happening to her during the battle.

After processing the information, she quickly washed and tidied herself up, then started the hover car and drove forward. Of course, she still put the hover car on automatic driving so that she could have breakfast.

Because of the convenient transportation and because it was not that far away in the first place, she soon saw the shadow of the large army in the distance.

She gradually slowed down the car, and of course, her forward speed moved further to the side, almost reaching the outermost edge of the corps!

There are almost no individuals or small groups of relatives and friends gathering here, almost all of them are people from hunting groups and corps.

Individuals and small groups of relatives and friends also dare not come here for safety reasons. Even the bravest people will not come here. It is completely unnecessary. There are enough good things inside for them to collect. It is not safe to drive away without thinking about anything. Go to the periphery?

Ling Xue didn't want to be too special and come to the periphery, but she could harvest a large area of ​​wheat as soon as she used her gathering technique. Wouldn't it surprise others?

It's not a good thing to be too high-profile at a time like this, and she doesn't want to draw attention to herself. Of course, if she becomes stronger or has a stronger backer in the future, she won't have to be so careful!

Fortunately, she was not the only one who ran to the outside. There were also a few people here and there, but I don't know why others ran to the outside without fear of danger.

Everyone has different reasons, and like Ling Xue, he always has his own last resort.

Fortunately, the outer area is relatively large, and it is difficult to encounter a few scattered people here, so everyone is on the same page, which feels quite good!

Being so close to the corps and hunting group, she didn't worry about her own safety, so she just enjoyed collecting all the small and large resources she found.

You can collect materials quickly, and of course, you can also gain a lot of experience.

After gathering a small piece of cabbage, Ling Xue took advantage of the break to drink water and clicked on the panel to take a look. She had accumulated more than 500,000 experience points for upgrading from level 5 to level 6, and she was still almost five years away from reaching 1 million for upgrading to level 6. One hundred thousand experience. Looking at it this way, the upgrade speed in the past two days is still very fast.

If we find a large wheat resource point for her, maybe the level will go up.

Forget it, she'd better be honest so as not to cause anything to worry Uncle Yong.

That's what she thought, but she thought that just in case...if she found a big resource point possessed by the koi, she wouldn't let it go!

While thinking about good luck and working hard to collect the small pieces of ingredients she found, Ling Xue was as happy as a little sparrow.

How could you not be happy? These are all good things. Not only can you eat them by yourself, but you can also exchange them for money, so you can do a lot of things!

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