"Negative energy from Cao Cao +66"

"Negative energy from Cao Cao +88"

"Negative energy from Cao Cao +99"

Along with Cao Cao's words"Are you going to kill your father?", in Cao Ang's mind, the system's notification sound kept ringing.

In just a few breaths, Cao Ang had already gained nearly a thousand points. Even more than Dian Wei.

Cao Ang was overjoyed, but his face remained calm and he said with a serious face:"Father, please calm down. The reason why I set fire to my father's tent is to save my father and the camp." All soldiers."

Cao Cao was furious at the moment. When he heard Cao Ang admit that he set the fire, Cao Cao felt a mixture of disbelief and complicated anger.

It was precisely because he did not believe that Cao Ang would do such a thing, so when he heard Cao Ang admit it, He was even more angry.

Hearing Cao Ang say that he set fire to save himself, even a fool, let alone Cao Cao, would not believe such words.

So the resentment in Cao Cao's heart continued to refresh, and it had reached a breakthrough level. Thousands of points.

However, the speed and number of refreshes were slowly decreasing.

Cao Cao was holding his burnt beard and looking at Cao Ang with a complicated expression, as if Cao Ang would not explain. Give him a reasonable explanation, and pull out the belt with your backhand like an expert...

Cao Ang saw that Cao Cao's negative energy gradually stopped refreshing in the system panel, and then he said slowly:"I don't know, father, that Zhang Xiu has a grudge in his heart, and has been Secretly plotting rebellion.

Tonight, there is an ambush outside, preparing to attack the camp at night with Hu Che'er as the internal response.

Fortunately, I was aware of Zhang Xiu's conspiracy and didn't have time to ask my father for instructions. I took it upon myself to resort to counterintuitive tactics and falsely conveyed my father's military orders to mislead Hu Che'er.

He sent a message to Zhang Xiu, thinking that our army had an ambush outside, and only waited for the Chinese army to light a fire as a signal, and then came to surround Zhang Xiu.

There was a counselor Jia Xu next to Zhang Xiu, so he was not easily fooled and sent Hu Che'er to find out the truth.

In order to strengthen Zhang Xiu and Jia Xu's intention to retreat and prevent them from realizing that they were fooled, I had no choice but to light a fire as soon as possible and pretend to signal an ambush.

In the camp, there was no time to build a beacon tower in a short period of time. Only my father's tent was the largest. It could illuminate half of the sky red from a distance, so it met the conditions of lighting a fire as a signal.

As soon as the fire started, even Zhang Xiu and Jia Xu were still a little suspicious, but they would definitely not dare to take risks and would retreat decisively."

Speaking of this, Cao Ang made a fearful look and said:"Now that the fire is started, our army's crisis will be resolved.

Otherwise, if Zhang Xiu attacks the camp and the main force of our army is not there, but Zhang Xiu has many brave soldiers and hastily fights, he will suffer heavy damage at least, or the whole army will be annihilated.

Zhang Xiu, on the other hand, held a grudge because his father had taken in his aunt Zou, and because his father had rewarded Hu Che'er with a lot of money, he feared that his father was going to harm him, so he must have attacked the camp with the intention of killing his father.

Once Zhang Xiu comes to kill, his father will be in danger!

Therefore, I had to act in a hurry and did these things as a last resort.

If there is any violation of military law, please ask your father to punish you!"

After saying this, Cao Ang looked at Cao Cao as if he was loyal, filial, honest, and willing to be punished.

After hearing what Cao Ang said, Cao Cao suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and quickly sent a team of people to investigate.

In his heart, he was He had great trust in his eldest son and felt that Cao Ang would not do such a thing to burn his father for no reason.

Coupled with Cao Ang's words, Cao Cao connected Zhang Xiu's previous behavior of moving the camp. Only later did he find out. Later , I realized that something was wrong with Zhang Xiu at that time!

It was just because Cao Cao was obsessed with Mrs. Zou's beauty and felt that Zhang Xiu had a weak character and would not rebel, so he didn't care about Zhang Xiu's move to the camp.

, He was indeed careless!

This made Cao Cao suddenly feel extremely scared. Of course, he knew how dangerous the situation would be tonight if Zhang Xiu really attacked the camp. His life was not saved, and the whole army was wiped out. impossible!

"I kindly offered to surrender Zhang Xiu, but Zhang Xiu dared to do this!"

Cao Cao, who was soaked with cold sweat, had angry eyes and wanted to kill Zhang Xiu immediately.

But he seemed to have forgotten that the reason why Zhang Xiu rebelled was because he was obsessed with sex and cuckolded Zhang Xiu's uncle...

Soon, The spies came back:"Report to the lord, Zhang Xiu's camp is empty, and there are signs of people and horses being mobilized.

Three miles outside the camp, footprints of people and horses were found, as if there had been an ambush.

Following the footprints, I found the messy footprints of a large group of people heading south.

Everything is consistent with what the young master said!"

After hearing the detective report, Cao Cao became more and more frightened.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked at Cao Ang with a happy and somewhat relieved expression:"If my son hadn't noticed Zhang Xiu's conspiracy, he would have had the wisdom to retreat. If Zhang Xiu is killed, his father and the soldiers will be in danger.

Well done Zixiu!"

At this moment, Cao Cao, the old father, was very happy and even a little surprised!

Because what Cao Ang did was blameless in the eyes of everyone in Cao Cao's military skills.

The combination of counterintuitive strategy and empty camp strategy , accurately taking advantage of Jia Xu's overthinking and Zhang Xiu's fear of taking risks, and defrauded Zhang Xiu. Even Cao Cao himself felt that if it were him, he would never have thought of this in a hurry. Facing Zhang Xiu's attack, he had no choice but to abandon the camp and flee in a hurry to save his life! Therefore, Cao Cao was also surprised by this plan!

What 's more, this plan was what his eldest son Cao Ang thought of!

Cao Cao has always felt that his eldest son was loyal, filial, and good-natured.

As a child, Cao Ang was an honest child, but as an heir, he was more loyal, less resourceful, and less flexible.

Cao Cao often felt regretful and worried in his heart.

As a traitor, he knew that people like Cao Ang could easily be deceived and framed if they inherited his legacy.

But at this moment, Cao Cao felt that he was wrong.

It seems that he has never really understood this eldest son.

Except when Cao Cao took Cao Ang to study and hunt in his childhood, in recent years, Cao Ang studied and practiced martial arts with Mrs.

Ding in his hometown, while Cao Cao worked as an official in Luoyang.

Later, he fled Luoyang and didn't have much of a family.

From the time he raised his troops to join the Eighteen Route Princes to fight against Dong Zhuo, he has been fighting in the north and south, running the business.

It was not until Cao Ang came of age last year that he promoted Cao Ang to Xiaolian and began to gradually bring him with him.

In other words , Cao Cao's relationship with Cao Ang has been limited over the years, and Cao Ang has just come out to practice, so he is steady and taciturn, so Cao Cao really doesn't understand the heart of this eldest son.

I was wrong before and didn't realize that my eldest son was silent on the outside but resourceful and showy on the inside!

There had been no dangerous situation before, so Cao Ang didn't want to show off until he was in danger today, so the eldest son finally thought of taking action.

Here, Cao Cao felt even more relieved, feeling happy that he had a successor!

Even the anger of Zhang Xiu's betrayal and the depression of being burned were completely gone.

Well, even though he was set on fire by his own son.

, but that was all about following the right of emergency.

My son set fire to my big tent just to save me...

Cao Cao thought happily...

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