Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 63 The Final Era: The Endless One Trazin

"I didn't expect you to appear here, my friend." Trazin said, still looking at the cube in his hand. He held the quadrilateral crystal flashing with green light in front of him, and the eyes were completely composed of luminous conductors. Staring at the Rubik's Cube.

Vito looked around at the display stands around Trazin. There were items suspended on these black islands, and there were many exhibits that even if they had never seen the undead creations, they could tell at a glance how valuable they were.

The judge's foot kicked the arm of the undead warrior who fell to the ground. All the light on his body disappeared when he fell to the ground. Even people who didn't understand mechanics could tell that he was dead and must be repaired. It would be very troublesome, very, very troublesome. After all, a big hole had been blasted out of his entire chest, and there were not many parts left.

A Underworld construct flew past Vito, and he pushed aside knowingly to make way for the construct. The suspended beetle flew to Trazin's side and whispered something.

The Endless raised his head and looked at Vito jokingly, tapping the long steel staff he held slightly. "Ah, it looks like you are preparing to destroy this planet, right? My little birds saw your battleship in the orbit of the planet."

Vito smiled and stepped over the warrior's body, "Yes, I will deal with the troubles on this planet, but you may not believe it. In fact, this is an additional task. I am mainly here to find you."

Trazin turned around curiously. He was still holding the Rubik's Cube and looking at Vito with interest. The huge bulge behind him looked so bloated. From an ordinary person's point of view, that part was meaningless. It only hinders its movement.

But Vito knew that the bulge on Trazin's back contained an entire microconverter. He could use that thing to teleport anywhere to evade any pursuit, assassination or even a world-destroying blow, so this old thief now You can also sneak around here.

Vito thought and walked up to Trazin. He raised his head and looked at the dead soul who was much taller than him, and then looked at the flickering Stand Rubik's Cube. "What did you go to such trouble to 'borrow'?" "

"Ah, this is a Rubik's Cube." "Of course I know this is a Rubik's Cube. Do you still have a few of these? Last time we met, you used this thing to capture a Catachan Demon, right?" What did you do with that monster, throw it into the zoo?"

"No, I found that I don't like that creature very much. I already have some Tyranids samples, so the creature is of little value."

Trazin said as he looked at the humans in front of him with twinkling eyes. His fingers tapped gently on the Rubik's Cube, ticking in a very rhythmic manner.

"I gave more than ten of the samples to Orikan. I believe he will enjoy a "wonderful" hunting activity, and it also allows him to have some new activities and activities in addition to studying the stars and the laws of subspace. pleasure."

Vito laughed helplessly. He looked around at several islands and found that there were many undead guards lying around Trazin. Almost all of them were beaten to pieces by deadly firepower. Even the ones who were in the best condition had their limbs broken. arm.

"I think the astrologer. Orikan will be a very touching old man, so what is unique about your Rubik's Cube?" Vito asked, and the Endless One also extended the Rubik's Cube to Vito very considerately, and judged The official looked at the countless weird lenses in the Rubik's Cube. The refracting planes were projecting toward each other like mirrors. Countless rays of light and mirror images intertwined to form a weird maze.

"It's a prison, right?" Vito responded, and Trazin laughed with a weird mechanical laugh. "I'd rather be a 'theater.'

Trazin picked up the Rubik's Cube and looked at it, admiring the treasure in his hand with flashing green eyes, "This is a sub-universe generation device. It can create a miniature universe, although it can only create a small part. But there is still unlimited potential.”

"It can create a cyclical world, reincarnation and cycle again and again, and each reincarnation will have some unexpected changes, which makes people full of surprises."

Vito raised his eyebrows and looked at the Rubik's Cube with his arms folded, "So you're going to send some unlucky people in, and then put on "movies" for you an unlimited number of times for you to watch? And there will be some more every time. Transform.”

Trazin smiled and looked down at the Inquisitor. He levitated the long staff to the side and pointed at Vitor with his iron fingers slightly raised. "You are a smart man, my friend. You are absolutely right, and I may have it in my mind." Some candidates.”

Vito sighed helplessly and looked into the eyes of his "old" friend. "Won't they find out? Find out that they are in an infinite loop?"

"Their memories will be erased, and after each reincarnation, they will continue to take risks and challenges again and again."

"That's how memory is. Whether it's memory as a carrier of flesh and blood or memory as a carrier of machinery, they are just streams of information. As long as we make some small adjustments and changes, we can create amazing things. Amazing story."

Trazin stretched out his hand to Vito, like an old friend, his eyes twinkling with laughter, "How long have we not seen? My old friend, if you are willing, please tell me about your How did you know I was here?"

Vito also smiled and held the cold iron hand. The arm was as hard and uncomfortable as ice.

Most of the undead are like this. Their emotions disappeared along with their bodies tens of millions of years ago. All their thoughts were formatted and obliterated by the master control system. Almost all of them became pure steel walking zombies. The meaning of its existence is only to harvest lives and endless conquest.

Even if the nobles, kings and technicians among them retain their own ideas, they have become ferocious, paranoid and crazy as millions of years have passed and programs have been updated.

Vito still remembers the Skinners from the Orpsian War, crazy and twisted screaming souls. They can no longer be called "he", but purely "it"

But Trazin is not. Vito doesn't know how this iron bastard retains his thoughts and emotions, but there is indeed a "passionate" soul in this steel body, the passionate soul of data? Okay, it's still weird.

"Eldarad told me, he said you would tell me where to find a necromancy treasure." "Ah, treasure, I think I would be very interested." "No, Trazyn, that thing is mine. , at least until I finish Eldarad’s prophecy.”

Trazin shrugged in frustration. It had to be said that the emotion expressed by the undead was very strange, "What a pity. I hope Adarad, our old friend the Riddler's prophecy did not last too long."

"I also hope so. Do you know what that bastard has been doing recently?" Vito asked curiously as he let go of the undead's iron hand, and Trazin's laughter rang out again with the flash of light.

"You didn't ask your Lilith?" "I'm asking you now."

"I heard that he is collecting some soul crystals of prophets, but I really don't know what he is going to do. What about you, old friend." "No, I don't know, at least for now."

Vito lowered his head and thought about what Eldarad was going to do. The magician definitely had some plan, but he obviously didn't tell himself and Trazin. He just appeared suddenly and rushed everyone to do something like this to break the prophecy.

Really Eldar style.

"Now let's get back to the topic. What did Eldarad want you to look for?" Trazin said, reaching out and taking out a sword from an island platform, a silver-white long sword, which obviously belonged to the spirit. Family, perhaps the trophies of this dynasty’s kings in past wars?

Vito looked at the long sword painted with the wings of a spreading phoenix. The phoenix's eyes shone like the sun, and the crystal embedded in it burned with rolling flames.

"The prophecy of that magician said that a necromantic creation needs to be found. He called it the "Old Jade". After the War in Heaven, it was preserved by the Eldar on your former home planet, a man named Sil. On the planet of Wacker Lias.”

Trazin laughed as soon as the name was spoken, the voice crackling with irony, "Their names are really weird, aren't they? That planet is called Lahmia by us, which means the city of knowledge."

"Very good. It seems that you know the "knowledge" in it. Where is the ghost place?" "It is indeed a ghost place. According to your definition, the subspace is full of ghosts."

Vito was stunned, then raised his forehead helplessly, "Your Majesty, the Emperor. Is that planet in the Great Rift?"

"After the War in Heaven, the Eldar took over many of our planets as their own lands and realms, but unfortunately after they finally awakened Slaanesh and your... I would not call her your "lover" Is there a problem?"

"I don't think this is an issue that needs to be entangled now, Trazin."

The undead's weird laugh laughed again, this time full of amusement, but luckily he continued.

"During the Great Fall, after what you humans call the Eye of Terror, most of the Eldar's ancient empire was swallowed up, and Lahmia was among them."

Trazin's mechanical fingers danced in the air and said. His eyes flickered and lit up the dark carapace on his face. Dots of green light reflected on the surface. The light flickered and then completely dimmed, as if it were a black hole.

"You need to enter the Eye of Terror and find the "Old Jade" between the devil and the devil's realm. Unfortunately, I don't know what the magic stick Eldarad is talking about, so you have to spend some effort to get in. Look for."

"But I believe, my friend, you also have a friend in the subspace who can help you, a powerful friend."

Vito always felt full of irony when looking at those pupil-less eyes, even if this emotion was so funny when it came to the undead.

"Judge, are you okay?" Bell's voice said outside the iron gate. Vito looked at the gate and walked quickly. He squatted down and pressed against the gate to listen to the sounds on the other side.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

On the other side of the door, Bell was also leaning against the door leaf. He held a bolter in one hand and stood among the remains of the undead. "We are fine. The undead have been pushed back, at least for the time being."

Bell looked behind him, where Lancelot was stabbing an undead guard with his sword, and then looked at Olaf, who was sitting on the side and looked not very good.

"The old wolf was injured. I have dealt with it, but the situation is not very good."

"No, I'm fine." Olaf stood up stubbornly and strode to the door. He leaned against the door leaf and said loudly, as if he wanted to prove something.

Bell wanted to say something but was stopped by Olaf's glare and scolding. He looked at the dark door panel, "We will continue the mission, Inquisitor, the phase position generator is in front, and we will destroy that thing."

Vito's voice was silent for a moment, "Are you sure you're okay?" "Like I said, I can still fight for my father for a long time, Vito."

"Very good." Vito said from the other side of the door, and then turned to look at Trazin, who was walking almost silently. He lowered his voice as if just to let Vito hear.

"I suggest that they go to the third door on the left side of the hall. There is an abandoned tomb mausoleum there. All the undead members in it have awakened. I don't think anyone will stop them there."

Vito looked at the bastard Trazin and smiled, and then stuck to the door, "Old Wolf, take them to the third door on the left side of the hall. All the undead there have awakened to go to the oil guy, no. What's the big problem?"

"How do you know?" Ragnar's voice asked, "We only have less than an hour. Let's talk about this problem later. Now go blow up that bastard! I will find a way to meet you at Thunder Eagle. "

"Understood, Inquisitor." "The Emperor bless you." "All Father bless you."

Vito stood up as he listened to the retreating footsteps from the other side of the door. He looked at Trazin aside and straightened his collar, "I should go."

"Of course, but take this before you go." After saying that, the Endless One handed a small crescent-shaped object to Vito, who took it naturally.

The inquisitor looked at the thing in his hand. The black object was inlaid with a small green crystal, a typical undead creation.

"What? A bomb?"

"No, dear Vito, if I wanted you to blow up something I would give you a singularity bomb, something that creates a black hole."

"No, this is not a bomb, this is a communicator. I think you will need to contact me in the near future, and then you can use it to contact me without having to "blow up" a tomb world."

Trazin looked at the Rubik's Cube beside him and smiled with satisfaction, "Although I am very satisfied that this place was blown up, so that everything that disappears here can be treated as an accident."

Vito also burst out laughing and put the Crescent Communicator into his arms, "You old bastard." "You too, dear friend, see you next time."

"See you next time."

As he spoke, Trazin opened the door. He lifted the door slightly with his finger and it opened. Vito walked out and looked around at the miserable situation in the entire hall, then smiled and rushed towards the hangar.

Trazin looked at the Eldar sword in his hand, then looked at the treasures in the entire exhibition hall and let out a sly laugh.

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