Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 92 The Final Era: Visitors of Faith

The turbulent waves of subspace surged outside the battleship, and the tide of the Sea of ​​Souls squeezed against the Geller Stand shield of the battleship. The end of the huge hull spewed bright long tail flames and slid across the sea, just like an ancient river. Like a Greek sailing ship.

A huge shadow slowly shrouded the side of the battleship. The entire deck and buildings on the side of the battleship were covered by the shadow. The huge creation slowly slid from the surface of the Sea of ​​Souls. The giant plasma thruster Pushing the hull closer to the docking deck of the Infinite Frontier.

The Imperial Skyhawk logo is obscured by the shadows cast by tall buildings, but the heavy docking hatch below the Skyhawk logo is slowly opening, the heavy and thick heavy armored door is slowly lifting, and there are countless locking structures and fixed gates. Opened one by one, the giant circular hatch is gradually opening.

On the other side, the docking trestle of the opponent's warship is also being stretched out. The docking bridge body of the telescopic structure slides out one by one, and the circular anchor point bulkhead is inserted into the docking hatch of the Infinite Frontier. The anchor point lock slowly closed with a roar, and a large ball of vacuum gas was ejected from the airlock.

Lancelot looked at the inner gate that was still closed. The warning lights on both sides of the giant gate were flashing brightly, and there was already a waiting team standing on the other side of the gate.

The honor guards wearing exquisite carapace stood at the front of the procession. They stood upright on the deck like the guides of the procession. The precision laser guns were placed by their sides, skillfully held by their right palms. .

Behind the gorgeous red feather helmets are rows of soldiers and sailors. The marines stand in line wearing full uniforms or combat breastplates. Everyone has a laser gun in their hand, and I am sure that each gun has energy bombs. The boxes are full.

A pair of eyes stared alertly at the landing hatch. Their political commissar stood on one side of the team, with the flag bearer behind him. The golden velvet flag hung down from the political commissar's shoulders.

Each team has a pennant. By the number of flags, you can know the current number of people here, and you can also know how many guns have the safety that can be opened at any time.

Commander Stormtrooper Colonel stood behind Vito. He had already put on full combat equipment. The colonel's hand was quietly holding the butt of the gun, and his finger was subconsciously placed on the trigger of the laser gun.

Vito looked at the hatch that had not yet been opened, and the four giants also looked at it. Everyone was loaded with ammunition like everyone else. The chain ax was warming up and waiting to be awakened. The power sword exuded a faint halo, and the bolt gun It also made a clanging sound as the iron fingers pried it.

Vito glanced at Cole, who was also wearing a laser gun and a chainsword. The captain was flanked by Omega. Although the leader of the Mechanicum of the Infinite Frontier did not reveal his weapons, Vito could sense his robes. Watch the movements of countless robotic arms and hear the clicking joints.

Vito took a deep breath and looked back at the cabin door. You may be curious as to why it seemed like there was going to be a fight with everyone just to welcome guests.

I can only tell you one answer to this answer, this is subspace.

Anything can happen in the subspace. If in the physical universe you can identify yourself and the enemy through communication, verification codes and identification methods, then in the subspace this is all nonsense. There is no way to figure out who will not kill you. .

Everything in the Sea of ​​Souls is dangerous, any echo, any image is dangerous. If it is not necessary, the navy will not let people get close easily, but obviously Cole feels it is necessary, so they will do a good job here. Be prepared, rather than immediately blast the opponent to pieces.

Cole has already told Vito the news. An Imperial Avenger-class cruiser named "Absolute Truth" sent the message. Although their identification code has been verified as friendly, it is obvious that, as I said, in This is all fart in subspace.

Vito looked at Lilith beside him. The latter was looking at the hatch with her arms crossed. She looked calm. It didn't look like a demon, at least not a Slaanesh demon. But as for the others, they wanted to kill a whole ship of people in this damn place. There are quite a few things.

Vito's attention was attracted by the sound of the heavy hatch being lifted. He looked at the opened hatch. As the hatch slowly opened, cold light gradually spilled into the deck, along with The scent of the incense burner.

The Astartes all tightened their grip on their weapons, and the Stormtrooper captain also slowly held his hand on the butt of the gun. There was a sound of charging laser guns all around, and a hissing roar echoed throughout the deck. .

But as the response appeared in the long bridge, everyone loosened their fingers. Everyone looked at the people walking out of it in great surprise. They were women, each wearing mortal model power armor and macro cannons. With a woman holding a bolter.

They walked into the deck from outside the cabin door. Along with the smell of incense burners, there was a group of state monks. They were walking in the corridor holding incense burner hammers. The monk at the head of the group was holding a fluttering flag with a picture on it. Bearing the holy skull symbol of the Emperor.

"Battle Sisters? Why are they here?" Cole asked in a low voice, leaning closer to Vito, "Do you recognize the order they belong to?"

Vito took a closer look and quickly locked onto the robe of one of the young brown-haired nuns. The red robe behind her depicted a holy sword and a pair of spreading wings, which allowed Vito to quickly focus on her. identity of.

"People from our Order of the Lady of Redemption." "The largest Order of Sisters of Battle? But why do they appear here?" Cole continued to ask, while Vito smiled and looked at the two senior nuns walking towards them.

They walked through the ranks of state church pilgrims who lined up on both sides after entering the deck. They walked between the nuns under their command who had dispersed and took their places. Each nun was holding a weapon and watching these with vigilance. side.

Obviously the vigilance brought by subspace also played a role on the other side, but Vito's attention was not attracted by this hostility. He looked at the two nuns who came in front of him.

The nun stopped a few steps away from Vito and saluted the Aquila in front of her chest. In response, Vito also gave the Aquila salute in return.

Vito raised his head slightly and looked at the one-eyed nun in front of him. She had an ugly scar on her face and wore an eyepatch, but her other eye was as sharp as an eagle.

"First of all, let me introduce your colleagues from the state church. This is Father Hus. The ship's priest is from Saffa." Vito introduced. The old priest also bowed slightly to the two nuns, and the two immediately responded. responded.

"These are the Brother Astartes of the Death Watch, Captain Cole and Father Pumiga. This is Colonel York, the commander of the stormtroopers and marines." Vito introduced the members behind him one by one. , Cole nodded politely to the two nuns, but the latter still looked at them warily, one by one, especially when they saw Lilith.

"This is Judge Lilith, from the Demon Tribunal." Vito said, but when he said the word "devil", the nuns subconsciously clenched their weapons, and the head nun stared at Lilith. she.

But the latter seemed very natural. She smiled and lifted her silver hair, "Dear, don't worry, I have a way to make your scar not so ugly."

The nun frowned and looked at her colleagues. The nun with a ponytail and a sword nodded slightly to her, and then the two of them looked at Vito, as if waiting for him to finish his words.

Vito's signature move was to raise one hand behind his back and look at the two nuns, "I am Judge Vito Constantine, from the Alien Tribunal. Where are you two?"

The nun did not answer him, but looked at Father Hus. "Father, in the name of the Emperor, are you willing to vouch for them?" Scarface Sister's question made Vito and everyone except Hus frown. frowned.

"I don't understand what you mean, Sister." Hus said, brushing up her long sleeves, and the Sister put one hand on the handle of the gun on her belt, "Are you willing to guarantee that, before this, Everybody is loyal.”

"Are you doubting us? High Sister!" Ragnar clenched his fists and said sternly. He was about to move forward to argue but was stopped by Lancelot. The son of Caliban looked at the High Sister with slight confusion. , "Your Majesty the Great Sister, in the name of Ryan, we are all loyal."

"Traitors will say that." The Sister of the Saber said, staring at the Astartes warily, "Especially the Alpha traitors. They will disguise themselves as Space Marines and cooperate with the Emperor's traitors to betray and destroy us." "You. Your words are full of insults, High Sister," Olaf said seriously, staring at the High Sister in front of him, "You are insulting the son of Leman Russ, the son of Llane Al'Jonson and Roboute Guilliman. Son, I ask you to take back your words immediately!”

The nun obviously didn't mean this. Ragnar roared and pulled out his chain axe, wanting to go forward and chop her to death. However, the calmer Lancelot immediately locked his arms from behind, "Let go! Lancelot!" ! How can you accept such humiliation! I thought you valued glory as much as we did!"

"We are, Ragnar, but stay calm, we can't kill each other!" Lancelot said, and Bell also stepped forward and pressed Ragnar's arm. "He is right, Ragnar, if we are Killing each other here is just falling into Chaos’s conspiracy, stay calm brother.”

Vito stared at the people in front of him and frowned slightly, "If you think we are traitors, why don't you just fire and blow our ship to ashes?"

"We are here under orders to explore the truth in the name of the Emperor." Sister Saber responded, while Vito looked curiously at the team of pilgrims behind them. They indeed looked like the kind of piety that can be seen in any shrine world. believer.

"Whose order?" Vito asked, and the scar-faced nun stepped forward and looked at Vito intimidatingly, "It has nothing to do with you, and you will not know any truth until we believe you."

Vito smiled and put one hand on the hilt of the chain sword, "This is my ship, Sister. If you don't believe me, you can leave, but I will not allow you to humiliate me on my ship." people.”

Vito's hand slowly pressed on the trigger. The battle nuns behind the two nuns raised their guns in unison, and Vito also raised their weapons. The two sides faced off with their guns in an instant. A fire will break out.

Both sides stared at each other fiercely. The hundreds of marines and stormtroopers on Vito's side and the dozens of battle sisters on the opposite side filled the entire deck with the smell of gunpowder.

But the nun and Vito were staring at each other, as they were about to start fighting at any time. A burst of footsteps came from the docking corridor, and Ding Ling's sweet ringing sounded like she had arrived in a cathedral.

"I'm here to vouch for them," the voice said.

Vito noticed that all the pilgrims were kneeling down. They knelt down to pray and made the famous Aquila salute on their chests. Even the explosive chicks who were full of gunpowder all turned to kneel down in the direction of the person coming through the gate. .

Vito looked at the two nuns who kneeled back decisively in front of him. Vito and his people looked at the person walking towards them. She had an extremely eye-catching symbol, a pair of wings behind her.

The white wings slowly unfolded from behind, the golden armor was lit by the shining halo on the back of her head, her short black hair fell beside her ears, and there was a smile on her sacred face.

"Celestine?" Vito asked in surprise. Behind him, soldiers and sailors had already begun to kneel down to pray. The remaining people also watched in stunned silence as an angel walked up to them.

She is so beautiful that there are no words to describe her. She is like the synonym of beauty in all fairy tales, the aggregation of all beauty.

St. Celestine, the living saint of the empire, walked up to Vito. Her divine smile was flawless. She was as perfect as the most beautiful being created by the emperor himself, as beautiful as another angel. People are moved.

"Hello, Lord Constantine, nice to see you again." Celestine said with a smile, and Vito also smiled and removed his finger from the bolt gun, "Me too, Lord Living Saint, Is it a coincidence that we met here?" "Not entirely," Celestine said, then looked at Lilith, "Are you Lilith too, Judge?"

Lilith hugged her hands and smiled mockingly, "Yes, me too, Miss Living Saint." Her words were full of sarcasm, and the two nuns looked at Lilith angrily. They stood up and pulled out the weapon, but was quickly stopped by Celestine.

"Four emperors of blood, please accept my apology. I apologize to you on behalf of my sisters." Lancelot and Bell were flattered by the living saint's personal apology, but Ragnar behaved steadily. He sighed and rubbed He rubbed his nose and said, "For the sake of a beautiful woman apologizing, okay."

She smiled and looked at Lilith again, but she didn't say anything and then looked at Vito, "Can we talk alone? In private."

Lilith frowned and looked at Vito fiercely, who smiled and nodded slightly for Celestine to follow, "I know a secluded place, come on."

"Oh, by the way, Cole, would you like to entertain the retinue of the Living Saint? I remember there was still a lot of food left after we robbed those bishops. Ah, I was really surprised at how much they can eat."

"As you command, Inquisitor." Cole said, looking at Celestine in shock. She looked at Cole with a smile, then looked at Lilith and left with Vito.

Lilith looked in their direction with one hand on her hips and snorted, then turned and left. The two nuns looked at Lilith who left with hostility.

Cole sighed, at least there wouldn't be a fight now.

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