Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 90 The Chosen Angel (please order!)

Chapter 89 The Chosen Angel (please order!)

"You thought I came here for destruction, but on the contrary, in the name of my loving father, I came here to save you." The monster named Rotigus raised his hands in the air, with antlers growing on his head, and rotten dragons hanging on the antlers. Creep carpet. The left hand holds a branch of a box tree.

Every time this strange plant is born, grows, and then rapidly declines and dies due to disease.

A seed will be left behind.

The seed will grow again, repeating the process over and over again.

But in every reincarnation, a terrible disease will be conceived, spread throughout the physical universe, and take away the lives of millions of mortals.

Rotigs waved the scepter in his hand.

He sang blasphemy at the top of his lungs, but the sound suddenly stopped in the next moment.

The flaming red giant blade struck from behind with a roar that tore through the air, and Rotigos's leather-like skin due to filth and filth was torn apart by this force. The divine weapon forged by the Emperor's own hands easily penetrated deep into the flesh, drawing out a large amount of blood when it was drawn out.

The Red Blade is almost as tall as an ordinary Astartes.

It is covered with a layer of psychic black fire.

Even for a demon as big as Rotigs, who was as big as a mountain of flesh, such a sharp blow was fatal to him.

Kano can clearly see it.

The muscles, fat, and bones on Rotigs' neck were neatly cut open.

His huge and ugly head is only connected to the body by a little skin and blood vessels. But he didn't cheer, and his eyes became more serious.


Loud and powerful laughter burst out from Rotigs's mouth.

The blood turned into a thick yellow-green slurry, and the patter of rain in the sky became heavier and heavier, setting off a torrent of filth on the ground. Rainwater washes away the forest, flooding low-lying areas, turning the fertile forest into an even more fertile swamp, and more and more life begins to become distorted.

Catachan warriors and pilots hide in the rubble.

Try to avoid getting the plague-laden rain on your skin.

Although Astartes warriors like Kano could still resist, as time went by, he also felt that he was getting weaker, breathing became more and more difficult, as if he was blocked by some pus, and there was a thick layer of blood in his nose. There is a lingering smell of rust.

"The concepts of life and death are under the control of my creator, how can you kill me!" Rotigos laughed endlessly.

The angel responded with silence.

But there was a bloody flame burning in her eyes, and her anger was growing.

An even more fierce attack struck at Rotigos's vitals. In the blood-red sword light, half of Rotigos's head was cut off directly, and the disgusting stench of fat was exposed to the air. The fat was gray-white in color, and you could see the squirming brain and gray-green teeth inside.

The Blood Angels responded one after another.

Explosive bombs poured out.

The dense firepower exploded like raindrops on Rotigs' bloated body.

"What a bunch of rude little guys!" Rotigs muttered. He waved the boxwood branch in his hand, and the numb zombies soaked in the rain came to life, roaring, screaming, and heading towards Followed by the Blood Angels.

The Blood Angels' firepower had to be sucked away by these approaching monsters.

Sanguinius seized the opportunity.

Lean forward.

At a speed that even the devil had no time to react, it passed against his arm, and a shining and brilliant sword light exploded. The devil's thick arms and the boxwood branches held in his palms fell into the stinky sewage.


The Archangel holds a sword in his left hand and a spear in his right hand.

She landed gracefully on the broken pillars of the ruins, her body burning with a subtle layer of spiritual black fire.

The downpour of rain had already been burned before it touched her body, and turned into wisps of white smoke amidst the chirping sound.

"Its vitality is too tenacious, what should I do to defeat it?"

The archangel frowned in thought.

Scenes appeared in front of her. The past, present and future were intertwined and blurred.

For Sanguinius, the concept of time is somewhat fuzzy.

What happened in the past and future is like a book, the contents of which can be read by her at any time. However, the contents recorded in this book are full of variables and traps. If you accept them all without thinking, it will definitely lead to disaster and destruction.


Even Sanguinius himself has strong psychic talents.

But she has never conducted in-depth exploration and development in this area, and has only maintained a certain degree of familiarity.

The screen flickered faster and faster.

Soon, Sanguinius found the image he wanted.

It was a group of Dark Eldar who were confronting another group of Catachan apes. The time was about three standard Terran weeks ago, and the location was among the ruins. The confrontation quickly turned into a conflict, and fighting was about to break out.

What surprised the archangel slightly.

Even when facing well-equipped and rigorously trained Dark Eldar warriors.

This group of Catachan apes still quickly gained the upper hand at the beginning of the battle, especially the leading ape who defeated the leader of the Dark Eldar in a head-on battle.

But that’s when the change started.

Cut off with a decapitating knife.

Activated ancestral weapons, polluted forests, filthy and blasphemous praises.

After the Dark Eldar experienced the disaster caused by Slaanesh, they voluntarily gave up sealing their psychic talents. Perhaps it was because of this innate caution that they withstood the mental impact caused by the subspace psychic fluctuations.

The elders of Catachan fell.

Most of them exploded directly and turned into a mass of festering flesh and blood.

A small number of survivors were taken away by the Dark Eldar slave-catching team and returned to their own spaceships.

The scene continues——

The spaceship sailed towards the depths of the universe, and the archangel's gaze passed through the curtain of starlight and entered the interior of the Dark Eldar warship. On the lower deck, the surviving Catachan warriors were imprisoned in rusty cages.

Plague and infected wounds claimed their lives, but the chief among them survived.

He was a warrior with a sickly face and stiff ribs.

A flash of red light burned in his eyes.

He longs for revenge, but he is too weak to break free from his bonds.

The archangel decided to help him.

The talent obtained from the guardian angel can not only affect machines but also humans. Even better. But at such a long distance, Sanguinius was not sure whether his attempt would succeed.

But whatever the outcome.

This thing in itself is worth trying.


Dark Starship.

Arcana, who was trapped in the cage, opened his eyes in a daze.

He heard the wind.

But there shouldn't be any noise here.

This is a closed spaceship, and the Dark Eldar's spaceship is even beyond the understanding of the sages of the Martian Mechanicus. There are no thick cables, various metal pipes, consoles, etc. inside. Every part in it is as natural as crystal, full of exquisiteness and beauty like works of art.

But indeed, Arcana heard the sound of wind blowing across the field.

Golden sunshine and vast sea of ​​grass.

The eagle flaps its wings and soars.

He raised his head and saw wisps of golden light piercing the darkness and falling from the sky. An illusory figure shrouded in hazy light stood in front of him, exquisite and perfect, brilliant and gentle. It was a majestic but humble life form, an angel representing the new empire.


Arcana felt like her brain had been burned out.

He spoke, reaching forward through the cage.

But he touched something soft, which was the wings of an angel, soft and warm. Arcana retracted his fingers like an electric shock. His eyes were wide open, he was panting, and his face was full of bewilderment.

"Angel, why do you appear here? Are you a real thing or my fantasy?" Arcana swallowed his saliva and asked blankly.

"I'm somewhere between reality and fiction."

The angel said, "I am here because I need your help. Your people need your help."

"I neglected my duty and the forest was polluted because of my mistake."

Thinking of the scene where the soldiers were killed, Archana showed a look of pain on his face. But he quickly cheered up. Since the angel appeared here, it meant that everything was still possible to be redeemed: "Tell me, what should I do?"

"You need to find that artifact and isolate its power from the plague."


Arcana covered her mouth and coughed violently.

There was sticky black-red blood between his fingers, and he said with a face full of pain, "I wish I could do all this, but my current condition is very bad. My body was almost destroyed by that damn plague. , I couldn't move, I couldn't even breathe.

Great angel, I, I’m sorry…”

"I will give you help so that you will no longer suffer from the pain." The archangel said gently, "I can also tell you the structure of this spaceship, but I can't provide more help. Will it be completed in the end? This matter still needs your efforts.”

"Enough, enough."

The excessive excitement caused the wound in Arcana's lungs.

He coughed twice before he calmed down and continued, "I am the son of the forest and the Windrunner of Catachan. Even if there is only one person, I will be an invincible army. Angel, I use the wind And I swear to you on my life that I will do it.

Tell the people of Catachan that I will save them from the plague. "

"I'll tell them."

The archangel nodded gently and did not continue to speak.

A pair of ice-white wings spread out behind her, and snow-white feathers fell into Arcana's hand.

Arcana was surprised to find that the disease raging in his body was being cured rapidly, and the injuries on his body also began to heal. The broken bones grew at a perceptible speed, and there was a numb and itchy feeling deep in the muscles. He exerted slight force, and unprecedented strength surged out of his body.


Arcana held the two long metal bars of the cage in front of him with both hands.

A plague spread from the forest.

Not only does it spread among animals and plants, it can also corrode metal and infect some electronic components.

The cage was covered in a thick layer of rust, making it brittle.

Arcana barely exerted any force.

He successfully broke out of the cage.

He jumped out of the cage that restrained him and jumped to the ground easily. The soles of his feet collided with the blood-stained steel, making almost no sound.

It's a brutal prison thing.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Many Arcana tribesmen are imprisoned inside, as well as precious creatures captured from Catachan.

But it's a pity.

These humans are all dead.

Dark Eldar weapons and various plagues are responsible for killing them.

Arcana clasped his hands together, silently prayed for his brothers, and then carefully left the cell. Perhaps it was already acquiesced that all life in this cell would be killed by the plague, and the warriors of the Dark Eldar Order did not fortify it at all.

There was no one in the long corridor outside, only the dangerous red light was flashing.

Arcana leaned down, lowering his center of gravity.

Walking cautiously in this long corridor, he heard all kinds of small sounds, the crisp sound of steel colliding when the engine was running, the painful screams of the tortured people in the dark depths, and the wanton screams of the Dark Eldar. There are all kinds of sounds that cannot be described in words.

He saw layers of buildings arrayed above his head, in front of him, and behind him.

These buildings with exquisite structures and complex functions make up the main body of the battleship, and the Dark Eldar who shuttle back and forth among them are the prey he needs to hunt. He even felt the wind, not a natural wind. Rather, it is a more subtle but distinct perception.

The inhaled air is exhaled from the mouth and nose, the air flow caused by walking, the hot steam emitted when the engine is overheated and cooled down, etc.

These subtle things are things that can be perceived and used by Arcana. When he realized this, he was no longer in a dangerous and unfamiliar alien spacecraft, but was walking in a jungle made of steel.

His figure disappeared silently from the corridor.

Two Dark Eldar Order warriors walked around the corner, but did not notice the threat hidden in the darkness.


Deep in the jungles of Catachan.

In the abandoned ruins, the battle between angels and decaying demons continues.

In a violent collision, the boxwood branch in the demon's hand and his arm were chopped off, and blood spurted out from the huge wound. But Rotigs didn't care. He hugged his open belly and laughed so hard that his intestines flowed out.

"It's useless, it's useless!"

Rotigs opened his arms and embraced the angel, "My life is endless, but your power will eventually run out. How long can you hold on, and how long can your rude heirs continue to hold on. Give up. Come on, join-"


A bloody thunder flashed across the sky.

The expression on Rotigs' face suddenly froze. He covered his throat. The wound that should have healed in the blink of an eye did not heal this time. His connection with the subspace was cut off by some force, and he could no longer draw strength from the epidemic. "No! It shouldn't be like this!"

"It's all over," said the angel. "Go back to your hometown, you nagging fellow!"

She swung her sword forward again.

Rotigos tried to block, but he couldn't keep up with the angel's speed.

His fat and deformed head rolled down from his body like a mountain of meat, blinked, and then his whole body exploded, turning into a pool of foul-smelling sewage and rushing in all directions.

I don’t know why, but when I was writing this plot, I always thought of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Sun Wukong. The power of subspace is sealed on some ancient planets. What I remember most clearly is that in the first book of the Horus Heresy, the country where Senutis was killed sealed some demons from subspace. . Because Horus killed the False Emperor, the demon inside was released, causing a series of effects that began to shake the Astartes' belief in the truth of the Empire.

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