What is she best at?

Deception and violence.

"You're done." Betty took a step back, fear in her eyes.


Sera sneered and climbed up from the two girls.

She turned to look at herself in the mirror and raised her hand to mess up her simple and elegant hairstyle. The tears in her eyes quickly gathered and formed in a few movements.

What do men hate the most?

I see very pitiful women.

What's more, she is such a stunning girl with a charming face.

Having seen too many intrigues between girls, Betty instantly understood what she was going to do.

By the time she was about to stop him, it was already too late, Sera's strength was like a black bull's brute force that knocked her away.

She rushed out of the toilet with disheveled hair and red eyes. She paused slightly in the card room and looked at the man at the back table with blurred eyes.

Rose Hill had just lit a new cigarette, his face expressionless, as if he had expected it.

The girl with messy brown hair had crystal tears dripping from the corner of her jaw. Seeing that he had no intention of getting up to help, she bit her lip and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

A few seconds after she left, Rose Hill took a puff of smoke in a natural movement and then pressed the whole newly lit cigarette into the ashtray.

The men playing cards at the same table were not aware of what happened next. When Betty and the red-haired girl brought Lily out to find the doctor, everyone realized that something was wrong.

Looking at Rose Hill again, he didn't even say hello, he just put his hands in his pockets and left the card room.

Sera ran to the second-class deck in one breath before stopping, leaning on the railing with her palms and looking into the distance.

The sea was calm tonight, and no one was walking on the cold deck. Wiping away the tears that were squeezed out of her face, Sierra raised her eyes to look at the star-studded night sky, admiring the night view.

Rosehill's mind-reading ability definitely knew in advance the bad intentions of the two girls towards her, and she was not surprised that he would not come forward to help.

And the few seconds she paused there were enough for the women in the card room to create the latest gossip.

Tomorrow’s latest headline, [The daughter of a marquis was jealous of love and violently beat the poor daughter of an earl who was still in mourning. 】

There were only two coal movers left working in the boiler room of the Royal Cruise Ship. When the bottom hull baffle was hit by a force, the two people who were moving coal were so frightened that they sat on the ground.

That tiny impact was like scratching an itch for the Big Mac cruise ship, and did not bring any strange effects to the people on board.

The mermaid Luoxid who was trapped in the cargo hold seemed to be telepathic. His eyes were dark, his long tail swayed rhythmically in the water, and a series of low and mysterious languages ​​came out of his mouth.

The deep-sea mermaid swirling around the cruise ship emerged from the water, looked toward the cargo hold at the stern of the ship, and reluctantly allowed it to sail toward the land little by little.

A black suit with a faint smell of tobacco was draped over the dazed Sera.

"what's on your mind?"

Calm and indifferent questions sounded around him.

Sera tilted her head, and he happened to look over. His perfect face, which looked like an ant all day long, showed an inquiring emotion towards her for the first time.

Rose Hill's arrival was unexpected.

She thought he wouldn't come.

It looked like he really didn't know what she was thinking at the moment.

She remembered that Rose Hill's mind-reading ability was completely ineffective against Anna Xi. Could it be that it was good and bad for her?

Could it be that she and Anna Xi have the same father and mother, and she also inherited some special characteristics?

Sierra hugged her coat tightly and said shamelessly: "I miss you."

The cold nobleman lowered his head and said something shocking to the world, "Consider working for me?"

Sera glared, recruiting as a subordinate without getting married?

"You know that I am the daughter of an earl after all, right? Work for you?"

Rose Hill calmly expressed her embarrassment, "Work for me and you can get the status and wealth you want."

No one dares to bully her, which sounds like a good idea.

Sera asked tentatively, "What job? The Duke's personal secretary? This is the first and most popular occupation for newly independent women these days."

He glanced at her delicate neck covered by a few strands of hair, his gaze dangerous and focused.

The creepy feeling came again, and Sierra shrank her neck, thinking it would be better not to understand.

She said first: "It's a pity that I am only interested in being your wife, but since the Duke will never marry a poor man with an empty title, I voluntarily give up my surging love for you."

It seemed that she was not the one who scolded him for being arrogant at the banquet yesterday. Sierra took off her coat and gave it back to him, then took a step back and gave sincere advice: "The women on this ship who are spying on you are not good people. There is no need for you to follow them." This finds a wife. I have a sister in Cumbonia called Annashe. I think she will meet all the requirements you want to get married. She is a perfect woman."

"You can meet me if you have a chance."

Sierra ran very fast, and looked very suffocated as she knelt on her knees in the room.

As the second richest man in the kingdom after the king, this old monster who had lived for hundreds of years had created countless dirty industries underground. She suspected that he was actually richer than the king.

Want to work for him?

Those who worked for him were never human, and she had every reason to think that his intention was to turn her into a vampire.

The reason is also very simple.

Anaxi got his attention because of her special ability to block his voice. He likes to collect talented humans and transform them into vampire subordinates.

There was a high probability that he could not hear Sera's voice every time. His strange skills that sometimes blocked and sometimes failed to block him also attracted his attention.

At best, as long as he doesn't provoke the heroine, she has a pretty good chance of surviving in his hands thanks to this special feature.

The sea voyage has come to an end. She only needs two nights to reach Cambunia County, away from this dangerous man and focusing on hugging the mermaid's thigh.

Rosehill was left alone on the deck. The servant quietly came to him and took away the suit jacket in his hand.

"Are you going to transform her?"

"I can't read her heart, it's good and bad." Rose Hill said calmly, her neatly combed short blond hair was blown away by the wind and fell on her forehead.

“Exciting capabilities may be born.”

"Don't we care about the fish in the cargo hold? His tribe just knocked a piece of the ship's plank off course." The servant asked again.

"The ocean is not my jurisdiction. If they want to capsize the boat, throw the mermaid back into the sea."

The cold voice floated in the night sky.


Ever since the incident in the card room came out yesterday, wherever Sera went, people looked at her with sympathy and pity.

It turned out that yesterday, Lily covered her broken nose in an attempt to show pity in the infirmary, explaining that she was the one who was being held down and beaten. As a result, she was slapped by her old father. The story was quietly spread from the mouths of the doctors and nurses there.

In any case, it is wrong both emotionally and rationally for the noble daughter of a marquis to bully the daughter of an earl who is still in mourning. This matter will directly lead to Lily being unable to get married if it becomes fermented in the circle.

Please comment on the women's section~No one can afford the lottery

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