"Do you think I will be burned by the sun?" Rose Hill's voice showed no emotion.

Aldin saw the movement behind him and wisely got out of the car to wait.

It's a bit like being covered with coffin boards and it's really suffocating.

Sierra's mind went blank for a moment, and she twisted her wrist. After finding that she couldn't move, she sighed quietly, "I really saw it. When I met you before, you were never in the sun. I thought you had porphyria and I was afraid of you. I pulled you out because something happened."

Porphyria, a pitiful disease that causes red spots and blisters when exposed to sunlight, is indeed similar to vampires' dislike of sunlight.

Rose Hill's lips were pursed and her brows were lowered. Her explanation made him look even more unhappy.

If she knew the inside story, he would have every reason to give her his first embrace and make her his descendant, but she didn't know that she didn't break the rules, she just purely cared about him.

"What's wrong?" Sierra moved her body uncomfortably, but he grabbed her hands and pressed her tightly against the back seat of the car. This ambiguous posture was really awkward.

She noticed that Rose Hill's expression seemed to become a little disappointed.

Either the anger of worrying that the secret will be exposed, or the pure disappointment of not being heard.

Sierra rolled her eyes slightly and whispered: "But I do have a secret about you. Can you lower your head a little?"

"There are only two of us in the car." Rose Hill lowered her head, her pale black eyes seeming to see through all her little thoughts.

Sierra said seriously: "Just in case, what if someone stands by the car door and eavesdrops?"

The young lady who had just followed him from the church saw that the car was not leaving, so she secretly approached the car and glanced behind the car curtain intentionally or unintentionally, hoping to see what was going on inside.

At this moment, Sera's heart went blank, and Rose Hill suddenly couldn't hear any of her thoughts. Her good and bad abilities prompted him to slowly lower his head until the tip of his nose was almost touching her.

Sierra raised her chin and kissed him on the lips.

After the previous two sneak attacks, Rosehill didn't react at all to this one. He listened expressionlessly as the girl's heartfelt shouts of victory returned to his ears.

She's probably addicted to taking advantage.

Rose Hill thought this until her lips were bitten by her teeth, and a girl's proud little voice came in front of her: "I told Anaxi this morning that you didn't let her go to church, but in fact it was me who didn't want to go to church with her. If she shares with you, you must remember to take the blame for me."

A certain nerve in Rose Hill's body was suddenly touched. Should we say that vampires have no desires? That's a lie.

Their physical abilities are destined to be hundreds of times more sensitive than humans in every aspect.

Just as Sierra was about to pull her hand away while kissing, a big hand was placed on the thin back that was pressed against the leather back seat, and her body was picked up by Rose Hill.

Without any warning, her delicate body was pressed into a stone-like chest, and cold lips pressed towards her.

Just like the storm that came that night, the attack was fierce.

It has been a long time since Sera traveled through time, and for the first time, she made a big fuss with an inhuman creature at the entrance of a sacred church.

The noble lady who wanted to peek outside was stunned when she saw the car shaking up and down violently.

Serra has actually hooked the Duke! Still playing so hard!

She gripped the hem of her skirt angrily and buttoned off the small sequins sewn on it.

Aldin, who was originally standing in the shadows of the church porch waiting for his master to finish, looked at a butcher shop not far away with unfocused eyes, a red light flashing in his eyes.

Rose Hill in the car also turned his head and looked at the window in front, his eyes darkening.

The buttons of his suit were almost untied by Sera. She quickly moved her hands away after breaking away from the kiss, and followed his gaze to the outside of the windshield in front of her.

If she wasn't blind, Eric and Gail were standing in front of the butcher shop, both of their eyes focused on their classic car.

Even though it was far away, she could feel that Eric was angry.

After all, she broke her appointment this morning.

"Broken the contract? Did he invite you?" Rose Hill lowered her eyes, but the hand on her lower back was not in a hurry to leave.

Sierra looked sideways at him suspiciously, "Why do I always feel like you are like a roundworm in my stomach."

He knew everything she was thinking.

"I don't like this adjective." A wrinkle appeared on Rose Hill's smooth forehead.

"Oh, Eric and I agreed that if you don't go to the church with me, we will go hunting together." Sierra explained honestly, and there was no need to lie in this regard.

Rose Hill's thick eyebrows frowned deeper, and it was rare that such a bad mood accumulated on his face.

"Don't interact with them."

Sierra blinked, "They also told me the same thing, do you know each other?"

Rose Hill pulled up her lips with a mean smile, "We barely know each other."

Sierra nodded, then shook her head, "But they are my friends."

"Stay away from those stinky people." He said with disgust on his face.

Sierra was unhappy. She pushed away the cold hands around her waist that were still holding her, wrinkled her face and said, "They don't stink at all. They are always dressed very clean and have no smell."

"What's more, it was Eric who saved me from freezing to death in the sea." She moved her butt to the car door and said unhappily: "You can't say that about my friend and savior."

Rose Hill turned his face sideways and said in a cold voice, "They are not worthy of being your friends, Sera."

Sera was really angry, and her pretty little face sank, "Can only rich people like you be my friends?"

Rose Hill didn't speak, his expressionless face already made his position clear.

"Mr. Rosehill, you are so mean to disappoint me. Go visit the remaining churches by yourself!"

Sierra opened the car door with her little hand, completely ignoring the vampire behind her who was frozen into a statue. She stepped into the sunshine with her little leather shoes, closed the car door and ran towards the butcher shop.

Watching her leave angrily, Aldin stood in the shadows and sighed.

Centuries later, it seems his master still doesn't know how to pick up women.

Eric, who was in a depressed mood, was walking side by side with Gale. The scene he just saw made sour bubbles bubble in his heart.

"Eric! Wait for me!"


"I seemed to hear Sierra's voice." Eric lowered his eyes and looked at the ground.

"She's coming after her." Gale turned his head.

As soon as Eric's expression changed, he heard a familiar girl's voice shouting breathlessly from behind, "Eric!"

His steps suddenly stopped, and he subconsciously straightened his back and quickly turned around.

The girl in a black skirt ran towards him against the flow of people. She was running so fast that she was about to bump into someone.

Eric took a few steps back uncontrollably, catching her body and letting him rush into his arms.

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