Anna Xi gritted her teeth: "No, it seems that the Duke is only prepared for you."

"Then he's so kind to me." Sierra looked at her from head to toe and smiled softly, "Would you like to go to my bedroom to warm yourself first? You look like you're going to freeze."

"No need." Anna Xi held her breath, turned around and left.

Sierra followed her leisurely, "You hurt my finger on purpose yesterday. Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"I didn't mean it. I've already apologized to you." Anna Xi stopped, turned around and whispered: "You should be more generous. Everyone knows that it was a misunderstanding. I just wanted to help you peel the apple."

Sierra raised her lips, walked up to her, put her hands on her shoulders and reached her ears, "Okay, but thank you for doing this. My mouth was almost broken by kisses last night."

"You!" Anna Xi took a step back and saw that her lip wound was indeed more serious than before. Her cheeks, which were frozen white with anger, turned red, "Don't go too far!"

Sera chuckled lightly, turned around and went down the stairs.

Aldine prepared a sumptuous breakfast and greeted Lizzie and Josie cordially when she came down.

Lizzie said concernedly: "You didn't even have dinner yesterday."

"It hurts too much to cut my finger. It hurts so much that I have no appetite, but I'm very hungry now." Sierra sat down on the other side of him, very close to Rose Hill who was sitting on the main seat.

"Mr. Rosehill didn't have dinner yesterday either." She turned her head to look at his eyes, which had returned to black, a little embarrassed, "He was just taking care of me."

Lizzie seemed to smell something between them, raised a smile and said, "Speaking of which, Mr. Rosehill saved you several times. You should come and thank him more often."

Anna Xi heard this as soon as she came up, and she became sulky with a sullen face.

Josie spoke in time, "That's right, but Sera should also learn more etiquette with Anna Xi. In the future, when she goes out with the Duke, the two of them will get along better."

"I think I'm pretty good like this." Sera said half-coquettishly.

"What do you think?" She touched the young man with her leg under the table, signaling him to say something nice.

Rose Hill maintained a standard sitting posture, and her dark eyes were a little warmer because of her little teasing.

"No need to learn." The clear and cold voice made Mrs. Qiao Qian smile indulgently, and made Anna Xi lower her head and say nothing.

Mr. Vampire, who has always been an insulator to women, finally got the idea to cater to her.

Serra's smile was bright and dazzling.

After breakfast, it was time for them to set off home.

Anna Xi wanted to build another wave of goodwill in front of Rose Hill, but when she thought about how she had talked with him on many topics from last night to now, her goodwill remained unchanged at all, and he even went to send warmth to Sierra. Get angry.

She squatted down to say goodbye to him and got into the car.

Sera was the last one to leave. She stood beside Rose Hill and finally asked the question that stayed in his mind all night.

"Why did you eat my finger yesterday and kiss me so hard?" She raised her injured hand to touch the bruised and blackened lips. Thinking of the scene last night, she felt that her cheeks were about to burn.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Rose Hill asked quietly.

"Stop the bleeding." Sierra raised her head and said, "But you are such a big man, why do you still use this baby method?"

Rose Hill: "."

He couldn't help but remind her, "Don't you think I'm sucking your blood?"

Sierra licked her lips and said sheepishly: "You are obviously teasing me, and I almost fainted from your kiss."

Her eyes were bright, and she even had a little more desire and expectation when she came to him, "But don't do this in the future, at least don't do it in front of daddy."

The girl didn't go according to her expected outcome at all, and Rose Hill was speechless.

Sierra glanced at the car that had been waiting outside the door for a long time, took his wrist and walked behind the door, avoiding everyone's eyes, and kissed him on the face for the last time, "I'm leaving, remember when the time comes. Come pick me up."

The collar of the coat trimmed with white fur rubbed against his neck, making it feel furry and itchy. Rose Hill stood there for a long time without moving.

The sunny mountain road was muddy, but it was not difficult for the car to walk. Sierra breathed a long sigh of relief in the fresh air, and her mind finally no longer had to strain.

After what happened last night, she understood that Rose Hill was not willing to kill her now, but especially wanted her to know that he was a vampire, so that there would be sufficient reason to transform her into the same kind.

This was a big improvement, enough to show that her status in his heart had indeed risen a lot. He liked her a little, but it was far from the level of love.

Only when one day she revealed that she knew Rose Hill's identity, and he was reluctant to kill her, and even agreed to let her live as a human being, would she be able to escape from this death line.

Sera lowered her head and looked at her fingers casually. Of course, Anna Xi must not get involved in this. Her original idea of ​​pushing the vampire to Anna Xi was completely overturned this time.

She has to control these three male protagonists. As for how to escape reasonably in the future, she will take it one step at a time.

It was still early when we got home, and the servant said that two marine experts had gone to the laboratory early to study mermaids.

After getting off the car, Sierra told the driver Joey: "Wait for me here for a while, I want to go out."

"Where are you going, miss?" Joey asked.

"The butcher's shop on Holker Street. I promised to send money to Eric today."

Anna Xi, who got out of the car later, heard the conversation between the two and immediately had a plan in mind.

She just took the money and went to send warmth to Eric first. Wouldn’t Sierra lose her favorability level? And the declining family affection value in her system can rise again.

Sera pretended not to notice that Anaxi had deliberately slowed down because of eavesdropping, and quickly returned to the room to let the servants take care of her to take a bath and change clothes.

The three male protagonists have three dog noses. If there is any smell left on her body, the next one will smell it.

It's really troublesome to keep your body smelling clean all the time.

After changing into a simple printed white dress, spraying some orange-flavored perfume on her wrists and applying it behind her ears, Sierra went to the laboratory with her semi-wet hair loose.

There was no one at the door, and there was a muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground inside.

As soon as she pushed the door open and entered, a huge black fan-shaped tail fin arced across her eyes and struck towards the half-dead Edward in the corner.

"Locide!" Sera yelled urgently, "Stop!"

The sharp and razor-sharp tail hung above Edward's head, barely stopping.

The mermaid, half-lying on the ground, turned around and stared at the girl at the door with her fierce lake-blue eyes.

A servant carrying a change of sheets saw her standing blankly at the door and asked aloud.

"Miss? What happened?"

"No, I'm fine, I'll help the experts." Sierra replied, stepped into the room and locked the door.

Who said I was Kavin? I just broke it at the right place. (д;)

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