Asking about longevity

Chapter 508 Escape

The peak consciousness of the Thirteen Patterns!

It is enough to crush most early-stage foundation-building monks.

At the level of spiritual consciousness, he can be on par with the top monks in the early stages of foundation building.

Compared with before, Mo Hua's spiritual consciousness is deeper, and the control of his spiritual consciousness is also more sensitive.

Mo Hua's eyes are deep, he lets go of his spiritual consciousness, and Xubai's spiritual vision continues to expand...

The range of perception is wider and more things are perceived.

A tree, a stone, a flower, a grass, a living monk, a dead walking corpse, an iron corpse, through the external material form, one can get a glimpse of its essence.

The trajectory of the inner spiritual energy, corpse energy, and various natural energy of all things in the world has also become clearer.

What the naked eye sees is appearance.

Only within the vision of spiritual consciousness can we see the inner essence of all things.

Every time your spiritual consciousness becomes stronger, the essence you see becomes more profound...

In addition, Mo Hua's understanding of the Lingshu Formation has become more thorough.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, I borrowed the zombie spiritual thoughts of the Zhang family, drew ink on the Taoist monument, and practiced the Lingshu Formation hundreds or thousands of times at once...

The originally complicated formation pattern was already familiar to me.

With eyes closed, they all look like the Lingshu Formation.

He can control the spiritual hub array, divide spiritual power, form spiritual threads, and control the medium with ease.

In addition, other methods are naturally improved.

The ability to draw one's body in ink, regardless of formations or spells, is closely related to spiritual consciousness.

Now that the spiritual consciousness has been enhanced, the formation will naturally take a further step.

All kinds of spells, whether they are Water Step, Fireball, Water Prison or Invisibility, will be even more effective.

It's just that he was trapped in the coffin and couldn't get out for the time being, so he had no chance to try.

Mo Hua was so happy that he couldn't help but squint and laugh.

Smiling and laughing, Mo Hua couldn't laugh anymore.

He discovered something very embarrassing.

His consciousness is now very strong, very strong, comparable to the peak of early foundation building.

But his physical body is still very weak, and his cultivation level has not increased.

At the eighth level of Qi refining, the physical body is weak.

There is no way to get out of this little coffin...

This small coffin was made of neither stone nor iron, and was made of tough material. It was sealed with coffin nails from the outside, so it was impossible to get out...

If you use magic to break it, you will hurt yourself.

Mo Hua sighed, a little helpless.

This issue needs attention.

Even though I am naturally weak and cannot train my body, I still have to find ways to supplement some means of physical training...

However, this issue must be considered later.

The most urgent task is to find a way out first.

Mo Hua let go of his consciousness again and observed what was going on outside, suddenly feeling a little strange.

Inside the corpse mine, there seemed to be a state of martial law and some chaos.

In the distance, dense and chaotic auras are mixed together, entangled, conflicting, and extinguishing.

It seems like there are many monks fighting in a melee...

What's going on outside?

Mo Hua was confused.

Someone has attacked the corpse mine.

Who is the one?

There should be no force in Nanyue City that can compete with so many iron corpses and walking corpses in the corpse mine...

Mo Hua frowned.

If a melee breaks out, the Stone Palace will be in more danger.

You should find a way to get out early...

There is also Lu Chengyun, who hasn't come here yet. I wonder if he was delayed by the war and didn't think about it for a while.

If he had time, thought of himself, and came to check, that would not be good.

Although it was possible to deceive him by being invisible in the coffin, given Lu Chengyun's cautious nature, the probability was low, so it was better not to take the risk.

Mo Hua began to think about how to get out.

But after thinking about it for a long time, there was no good solution.

The little zombie is in the array of thousands of corpses. It is too far away to control it. Come over and help you open the coffin.

Little Tiger himself didn't stay outside either.

Mo Hua sighed again.

The preparation in advance was still not sufficient and thorough.

It seems that we can only wait patiently and see if there is a chance.

During these days, Mo Hua would often release his spiritual consciousness to sense the movement outside and look for opportunities to escape.

The melee outside the stone palace is still continuing, and there has been no opportunity...

It was not until three days later that Mo Hua suddenly sensed two familiar scents, lingering vaguely around him.

It seemed that he was hiding, avoiding others in the melee, and quietly looking for something in the stone palace...

Mo Hua's eyes lit up.

It's the little senior brother and the little senior sister!

Are they looking for themselves?

Mo Hua tried his best to release his consciousness and sensed the two figures. At the same time, he vaguely heard them talking in lowered voices:

…After searching for so many days…there is no sign of anyone…

You said...where will my junior brother be?

The voice was intermittent, and there was Bai Zisheng's sigh.

Let's look for it again...

This voice is cold and pleasant, and it belongs to the little senior sister.

Bai Zisheng was dejected, Zixi, junior brother, nothing will happen to him...

Bai Zixi remained silent.

Mo Hua felt a little warm in his heart.

It seems that during these days of being locked in the coffin, the junior senior brother and junior senior sister were worried about him and have been looking for him.

Mo Hua let go of his consciousness and blatantly spied on the two of them.

Both Bai Zisheng and Bai Zisheng noticed this, and their hearts trembled.

Was discovered?

Then the two of them were overjoyed again.

This aura is that of my junior brother!

Bai Zisheng's face just showed joy, then he suddenly frowned and said:

No, junior brother's spiritual consciousness is not that deep...

The breath seems to be right.

Yes, this aura cannot be faked...

Did he 'eat' something again...

No way, how can he 'eat' it every day? Are you really afraid of 'eating' his little head and destroying it?

...His little head is already bad...

Go and have a look...


Ink painting has constant spiritual awareness.

Bai Zisheng and the other two also sensed Mo Hua's spiritual consciousness. Wearing cloaks of concealment, they hid their figures and found the secret room in the chaotic stone hall.

The secret room is narrow but exquisite, with a strange altar above it.

On the altar, there are white bones, white candles burning, corpse oil flowing, and a gloomy candle light.

Under the altar, there is a white coffin.

The spiritual consciousness of Mo Hua comes from the coffin.

Bai Zisheng looked stunned when he saw the white coffin, then looked painful and said sadly:

Junior brother, he is dead!

Bai Zixi rolled her eyes at him, How can you get your spiritual consciousness after you die?

Bai Zisheng was stunned for a moment, his painful expression disappeared, he couldn't help scratching his head and said angrily:

Oh, that's right...

Bai Zixi said in a clear voice:

Open the coffin.

Bai Zisheng nodded, looked at the coffin for a moment, figured out the structure, and then used strong force to pull out the nails at the four corners of the coffin, then twisted off the inlay of the coffin lid, and slowly opened the coffin lid.

As expected, there was a familiar figure lying in the coffin.

It was their junior brother, Mo Hua!

Mo Hua's face is a little pale, his eyes are deeper, and there is a faint hint of brilliance, which is both familiar and a little strange.

Bai Zisheng looked happy at first, and then looked serious:

How do you prove that you are my junior brother?

Mo Hua rolled his eyes at him, Idiot!

Bai Zisheng breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

With this look and this familiar tone, he is indeed his junior brother...

Bai Zixi said softly: Is everything okay...

Her expression was plain, but her eyes were like the stream under the autumn sun, warm and bright.

Mo Hua was slightly lost in thought, then smiled brightly and said:

It's fine.

Bai Zixi blinked and nodded.

Bai Zisheng asked curiously: Why are you locked in here?

Lu Chengyun wants to kill the donkey and trick me to death. Mo Hua said.

Bai Zisheng was furious, This is unreasonable. If you bully my junior brother, you are bullying me. If you want to kill my junior brother, you are just trying to kill me!

He patted his chest and said to Mo Hua:

Don't worry, I'll kill him for you!

He is a foundation builder...

Building the foundation is the same as killing!


Mo Hua didn't know if he was bragging, but he was still very grateful.

But how do you kill a donkey? Bai Zisheng asked curiously.

Just use me as a sacrifice and use my consciousness to feed that visualization picture. Mo Huayan explained concisely and concisely.

What about the picture?

I was 'eaten'...

Why did you 'eat' again...

Bai Zisheng was a little speechless, and then muttered: Are you Tu's sacrifice, or is Tu your sacrifice...

So, your consciousness has become stronger again? Bai Zisheng said.

Yeah. Mo Hua nodded and said modestly:

I'm a little stronger, I have thirteen tattoos...

Even Bai Zixi was startled when he heard this.

Bai Zisheng opened his mouth and said helplessly:

If you continue like this, you will really become a little monster...

Eighth level of Qi refining, thirteen lines of spiritual awareness...

Even among the descendants of the Bai family, he has never seen such records.

Bai Zixi's eyes flashed slightly and she warned: Don't tell anyone...

Bai Zisheng also reacted, nodded and said:

That's right, you must never tell anyone, otherwise there will be people who want to cut open your head to see what's inside... The human heart is very sinister.

Mo Hua was shocked and nodded repeatedly, Yeah!

Bai Zisheng wanted to say something else, but Bai Zixi said: Get out of here first.

A corpse mine is not a place to stay for a long time.

She and her brother came here just to find the ink paintings. Since they found the ink paintings, they naturally wanted to leave as soon as possible.


In the corpse mine, monks fight with zombies.

The swords have no eyes, the spells are intensive, and corpse poison is everywhere... There are even foundations and iron corpses fighting.

Once affected, it is still very dangerous.

The three of them turned invisible together and left the secret room.

Before leaving, Mo Hua thought for a while and set up a fire array around the secret room, blowing up the secret room and blowing the entire altar, including the coffin, to pieces.

Although he is not dead, he still wants to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces.

In other words, it was precisely because he was not dead that he wanted to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces just in case.

At the same time, the blank visualization picture was also taken away by the ink painting.

Imagine that the ancestors of the Zhang family in the picture have all been eaten by the ink paintings.

This picture is blank now.

However, Mo Hua felt that this picture was very strange, as it allowed generations of Zhang family members to turn into evil thoughts after death, manifesting their corpses and parasitizing in the picture.

This is obviously not something that ordinary monastic objects can do.

Mo Hua then kept the blank visualization picture.

In the future, you can study it yourself or ask a teacher.

The Taoist side was still attacking the stone palace. The Taoist soldiers took the lead in the charge and were covered by other monks.

The zombie soldiers have a way to restrain themselves, and the threat is reduced.

Lu Chengyun then used the Ten Thousand Corpses Formation to raise and refine corpses, constantly replenishing the source of corpses, and wasting them with Taoist soldiers.

There was a stalemate between the two sides, and the battle situation in the stone palace was chaotic.

Foundation-building monks, Qi-refining Dao soldiers, iron corpses, and walking corpses are fighting together...

This situation cannot be solved by Mo Hua and the three Qi Refining monks for the time being.

The most urgent task is to get out of the corpse mine first and then make long-term plans.

The three of them turned invisible, took a circuitous route from the edge of the battlefield, and retreated out of the corpse mine.

Although he was very careful, the corpse mine was too messy, with many monks and more zombies. He accidentally showed his mistakes and was discovered by the corpse cultivator.

Several corpse cultivators controlled an iron corpse and dozens of walking corpses, surrounding them.

Bai Zisheng stood behind the palace and waved his spear to block the zombies.

Mo Hua and Bai Zixi were restrained by magic and sword energy respectively. The three of them were not eager to fight, and they fought and retreated.

Later, other monks came to help, and after an hour of melee, they escaped from the corpse mine and evacuated to a cave where they were stationed outside.

In the cave, Yang Jiashan, Master Yun, the skinny old man, the middle-aged monk, and other monks were all discussing the matter of exterminating the corpse mine.

On the way here, Mo Hua also asked them all.

I found out that it was the Taoist order to suppress the corpse mines and destroy the corpse king, so that's why so many monks gathered.

So it's not surprising to see so many people.

A Taoist soldier brought the three Mo Hua people to Yang Jishan.

Yang Jishan was obviously surprised when he saw Mo Hua and knew Mo Hua's identity.

He heard Bai Zisheng say that it was his junior brother who found out about the corpse mine and spread the news.

Since he is a junior brother, he is naturally not very old.

But he never expected that he would be so young.

Mo Hua's fair and tender face still has a bit of childishness.

He doesn't look much older than the disciples in his family who have just entered the school to practice enlightenment.

Could such a child be taken advantage of by Lu Chengyun? Can he be imprisoned in a corpse mine?

Can you still take the opportunity to find out information and send it out from the heavily guarded corpse mine?

How did you do it?

Yang Jishan's brows wrinkled into the character Chuan.

The other monks also had complicated expressions when they saw the ink paintings, and they didn't know what to say.

There was some silence in the cave for a while...

But Mo Hua looked at Yang Jishan, looking left and right, something looked familiar, and he couldn't help but ask:

Commander, do you know an uncle named Yang Jiyong?

Yang Jishan was stunned, Do you know my fifth brother?

Mo Hua nodded, We have a little friendship, and Uncle Yang also asked me to go to Yang's house to play when I have time...

Yang Jishan frowned and recited ink painting twice. Suddenly he suddenly realized, his eyes lit up and he said:

Mo Hua! I think this name is very familiar. My fifth brother mentioned it to me a few years ago, saying that he met a very talented little formation master...

Very talented...

Yang Jishan thought again.

At that time, his fifth brother didn't seem to be talking about anything.

At that time, he looked serious and said seriously that he met a small formation master with terrifying talent...

Asked him why he was so scared, he wouldn't say anything, only that he wanted to keep it a secret.

Yang Jishan didn't take it to heart.

Yang Jiyong and him were evenly matched in terms of formations. How could we tell the difference between them? So at that time, he just listened to Yang Jiyong's words casually and didn't care.

When I arrived at Nanyue City, I heard the name of Mo Hua and felt that it sounded familiar.

Now when he heard Mo Hua mention Yang Jiyong, he remembered it.

Yang Jishan's attitude immediately became gentle.

He couldn't tell whether the formation talent was good or bad, but he remembered that his fifth brother also said that when he met this little formation master, he should say thank you for him, treat him well, and it would be best to win over the Yang family.

His fifth brother has a bad temper and a bit of arrogance, but he is generous and loyal. Not many people really fall in his fancy.

This young monk can be highly praised by his fifth brother. If nothing else, at least his character is definitely not bad.

What's more, he is a formation master at a young age.

Even if the talent is not terrible, it is still pretty good.

He also went into danger alone and found out information about the corpse mine, which was of great help.

Yang Jishan immediately said kindly:

My little brother is frightened. I'll ask someone to prepare some wine and spiritual meat. You should eat and drink enough and have a good rest.

Mo Hua smiled and said: Thank you, Commander!

Yang Jishan waved his hand, There is no need to be so outspoken. You are familiar with my fifth brother, just call me uncle.

The ink painting followed the good and the flow and shouted crisply:

Uncle Yang!

Yang Jishan smiled and nodded.

Everyone looked a little confused.

How come we've already started a friendship before even saying a few words...

Commander Yang came in, and in less than a cup of tea, he became Uncle Yang...

Yang Jishan, who originally had a square face and a serious expression, now has a spring breeze on his face.

Look at how inconsistent it is, how inconsistent it is.

Who is this little monk?

Everyone whispered.

Yang Jishan then said to Mo Hua: You can follow your senior brother and sister and go down to rest first. We still have things to discuss here...

Mo Hua nodded and said, Okay, then I won't disturb Uncle Yang.

Yang Jishan nodded slightly.

Mo Hua bowed and left.

Yang Jishan watched Mo Hua leave with a kind expression, then turned his head, looked at the crowd with a solemn expression and said:

Let's continue...

There was a Taoist soldier who looked like a deputy commander, and continued what he just said:

...the zombies are getting more and more refined, and we don't have enough manpower, so we are losing our manpower...we can't withstand the consumption, so we have to find a way to crack the Ten Thousand Corpses Array...

Ten Thousand Corpses Array?

Mo Hua, who had just walked to the door, pricked up his ears and was slightly startled when he heard these three words.

The deputy commander had already lowered his voice, but Mo Hua, who was at the peak of Thirteen Marks, had too strong spiritual consciousness. His voice was not loud, but Mo Hua still heard it.

Mo Hua hesitated for a moment, then turned around and asked:

Uncle Yang, are you discussing the Ten Thousand Corpses Formation?

Yang Jishan looked stunned and couldn't help but ask:

Little brother, do you know the 'Ten Thousand Corpses Array'?

Mo Hua nodded.

Yang Jishan was startled, and then he remembered that the information was sent by Mo Hua. He knew about the Ten Thousand Corpses Formation, so it was not surprising.

Then, this formation of ten thousand corpses... are you familiar with it?

Yang Jishan's eyes brightened slightly, and he asked with some expectation, just in case.

Mo Hua hesitated and said slowly:

It's pretty...familiar.

What can he say...

It cannot be said that the central eye of the Ten Thousand Corpses Formation was painted by him...

Thanks to Time Thief, flinng, ChanSO, and Rabbit on a Boat~

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