Back Off, Let Me Come

: Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, welcome to 2023! (A letter to book friends in the

  Let’s say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, welcome to 2023! (A letter to book friends in the New Year)

   With the sound of firecrackers, one year old is removed, and the spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu.

  Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old symbols.

   Well, although firecrackers are not allowed now, we still have to pay New Year's greetings, and wish all the treasures an early New Year.

  (`) heart-to-heart

   I wish you all a happy new year and all your wishes come true. The student party has a perfect score in the exam and their studies are smooth; the working party has a successful career and a happy family. In addition, I would like to wish those who have difficulty losing weight like me to wear size S in the new year!

  Well, according to the event flow, it’s time to summarize last year—what I want to say most is a thousand words, thank you for being more tolerant of shiitake mushrooms last year.

  A lot of things will happen in 2022.

  Family, Shiitake was pregnant at the beginning of the year.

The first trimester was a bit unstable, and the update changed from a stable double update to a single update. The key is that I received an annual gift from reading this year, saying that I have updated 1.072 million words without stopping. Ashamed, this is not the output that a full-time author should have (but Shan Geng is really cool, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal, I have been salty for a whole year, and now I am a little panicked). Fortunately, there are almost no adverse reactions to pregnancy, and some energy is low in the third trimester. Finally, on December 15th, I like to wear a leather jacket.

   In terms of career, it is also the place where mushrooms swell the most, because of everyone's strong support for "Tui Zhen", which makes this book popular with 9,000 orders in an environment where female traffic is scum. This is also the ten-year career of shiitake mushrooms, and such results were obtained during the first serialization (when the female emperor finished, it seemed that 4,800 orders were ordered, and the boss was worth 5,000 orders).

In fact, when I chose to write "Tui Zhen", I was very hesitant. I was worried that I would be said to be living on my laurels. Why is it a female emperor? And so on... After thinking about it, the female emperor's literature is very small and unpopular. There are many people in this circle and I don't have many books. I want to write, so why not write?

  With this impulse, I started to do it.

  To tell the truth, there is no outline for mushroom writing.

   Yeah, I don't have such a thing as an outline.

At the beginning, I also wrote it with a slap in the head. At that time, there was only a vague scene in my mind—a girl with amnesia woke up in exile—and then I revised it seven or eight times, choosing a suitable perspective, and the writing was almost finished. The name, endowed her with the characteristics of poking me cute, road-crazy, big appetite, free and easy, bad at drawing but confident in honey...

   There is also the capacity for alcohol.

  Readers who have been following updates also know that the inspiration for this book of mushrooms was in the early years. The inspiration came from the time when I had been chasing and updating "The Supreme Sage of Confucianism and Taoism", and I was updating "The Empress", thinking what would happen if I added the element of "speaking the law to follow" in the process of fighting for world hegemony? How will strategists and generals, two crucial roles in the war, use their respective talents?

  But the scum of shiitake mushrooms is more, double opening is just a dream.

   Now, I only pick up the throbbing that passed away in the past.

   The book "Tui Zhen" is like a scroll, I update it every day, and then I know who the characters are (this is a literary term, in fact, there is no outline). Qishan was the first scribe to appear on the stage. At the beginning, he didn't have so many characters, he just wrote and wrote, and found that Tangmei's force value had not been released, and she couldn't do that third-class hairpin for the time being, so he arranged for Tianxiang The savior is Qi Yuanliang. The young scribe officially appeared, he couldn't be a passerby, the image of the character gradually became clear in my mind, I knew his name, his past, and vaguely knew why he happened to appear.

  The same is true for the appearance of the second scribe, Chu Yao.

  I want to write about a young man who is proud of himself, but for some reason has been down and out for half his life, the pearl is covered with dust, and finally meets the Mingzhu. In my heart, he should have the kindness and tolerance of an elder, and the calmness and humility after years of precipitation.

  What should this person be called?

   My first reaction was to think of Yao, so I gave him a word for nothing. This name was more like a sarcasm in the first half of his life, but in the second half of his life, I hope it is just right - a good minister meets a king, and the ground is full of beauty.

   After that is Gu Chi.

  I didn’t give him a name at the beginning, the description of this role is not pleasing, and the position is partial to the villain, and the arrangement of the way of scribes is the same. Until one day I got stuck on his name, I didn’t know what to choose, I accidentally thought of Gu Chi, and then I thought of the homonym Gucci GUCCI, I thought of Wangchao, I thought of Little Octopus, I thought of Octopus Balls, I thought of a person who can hear How lonely the heart of a person with the voice of the human heart will be. He is used to seeing people's hearts, so he doesn't believe in people.

  Looking at the tide of the river with a pool of water.

  So when he meets Tang Mei, he will definitely be attracted.

There are many, many characters, Gong Shuwu, Lin Feng, Tu Rong, Kang Shi, Jiang Sheng, Xun Zhen, Ning Yan, Yu Zi, Liao Jia, Xian Yujian, Bai Su, Lu Jue, Xu Quan, Brother Xu Jie, Lu Ji, Zhao Wei, and of course, Gong Xiqiu.

Veteran readers should have noticed that Shiitake’s writing habit is that the characters often appear first and are referred to by words such as young people, women, and old people, and then the names and plots are arranged later. This is all because there is no outline. There are BUGs and logical conflicts, but Shiitake likes this kind of "supreme fate".

  Of course, there are also some that are wrongly written.

  For example, the character Yang Gong, I originally arranged for him to defend the city and die for Tangmei, on the eve of reunion with Yang Ying and his daughter. Or Yang Gong was living in command of the army and fighting, and occasionally saw a skeleton in the wilderness. He felt palpitations for a moment, felt pity for her, and helped her to bury him. Afterwards, he arranged for a beggar who specialized in groping corpses to sell money to take out Yang Ying's token, and Yang Gong knew that he had met his daughter. .


   The result reads, the plot of defending the city was arranged for someone else, and he was forgotten. He survived the death point and is still alive and kicking. I can’t force the lunch box, right? Either fix it later, or have to take back the bento...

   Alas, it is really difficult to write a novel #托嘴

   After talking about novels, let’s talk about the income from novels.

Thank you guys, the shiitake mushrooms can barely make ends meet. After the contract expires, you should be able to renew the contract without any accidents. "∠)_).

   As for grades...

  Shiitake took the top spot in the first monthly ticket list in 22 years. In fact, this honor should have been obtained long ago, but because of some well-known reasons, everyone understands it. Thank you also for being willing to support shiitake mushrooms after being asked for a monthly pass for 365 days.

  New year, new starting point, new wish.

  I hope to have more readers, more leaders, more subscriptions (for example, to win the Wanding badge in one fell swoop, I am too greedy), to win the five-star badge (post with "Empress" in the Five-Star Hall), or...

  Emmm, open a new book.

   (wiggling crazily) I'm so greedy for my previous imagination!

  Silent beep beep—

  The circle of empresses is so small, there are not many more books?

at last-

  The road ahead is long, you and I walk together.

  Hundreds of poisons do not invade, and there are no taboos.

  Happy New Yearヽ(°▽°)ノ

   Seeing this, do you really want to scold people? It would be great if the number of words in this space is updated normally?

   Hehe (*^▽^*)

   I want to tell everyone something that I have been digging my heart out of, but I accidentally dig too much...



  (end of this chapter)

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