Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 8 Godzilla: Let’s fight Titanium King next, that would be so cool

[Name: Godzilla (second generation Godzilla form)]

[Height: 50 meters]

[Weight: 20,000 tons]

[Attack methods: radiation heat, white hot light, melee, flying.]

‘Are you serious? Flying? ’

Godzilla sighed as he looked at the last skill on the system panel.

‘Just criticize the second generation Godzilla. ’

The second generation Godzilla is one of the few Godzillas that can fly, but that flying posture is Godzilla's eternal black history, and Godzilla will never use it.

There is not much change from the first generation Godzilla to the second generation Godzilla, except that the nuclear organs in Godzilla's body are stronger, and can use more powerful radiation heat skills, which is Godzilla's most common breath.

As long as you see blue, white or blue-white beams coming out of Godzilla's mouth, they are basically radiation heat rays. Even the atomic breath of the legendary Godzilla is actually radiation heat rays, but the translation is different.

As for other skills, such as the high-temperature particle radiation stream on the back of the real Godzilla and the electromagnetic interference of the planetary Godzilla, they are all special skills.

Back to Godzilla's sight.

Godzilla looked around, and after seeing that the originally uninhabited planet has now become a habitable planet with rainforests all over the place, he nodded with satisfaction.

'Okay, it feels like the beginning of Planet Godzilla. Where are those blue elves? Did they run away? '

[Now this planet is full of two or three-meter-tall lizards. The stronger ones can tear the space marines apart with their hands. It would be strange if they didn't leave. ]

'Hey, the space marines have become combat units. All kinds of monsters want to fight the empire. Do you think this world can be good? '

Godzilla began to walk in this dense rainforest. In the gaps between the vegetation, some lizard-like creatures looked at Godzilla, and after seeing Godzilla's huge body, they bowed down from the bottom of their hearts.

These lizard creatures and lizardmen were not created out of thin air, but were created by Godzilla using the power of Singularity Godzilla to distort time and space in the distant past.

In the eyes of the lizardmen, they have been residents of this planet for a long time and have survived under the protection of their god "Godzilla".

No matter how powerful the enemy is, they cannot defeat their god Godzilla, and they maintain a peaceful but power-loving life under the enlightenment and guidance of Godzilla.

Lizardmen will not take the initiative to provoke battles with other races, but they will not show mercy to any enemy who actively attacks them.

Lizardmen have no gender. All of them are born in the incubator of this planet, which is a few red lakes. There are not many lizardmen born, but each one is an adult at birth and will not die of old age.

When lizardmen are born, in addition to ordinary individuals, there is also a probability that unique individuals will appear. Their dorsal fins and tail fins are naturally larger than those of other lizardmen, and they have organs that spit flames, which are enough to melt the armor of heavy vehicles.

Lizardmen worship dueling customs similar to those of the Orcs. The winner of the duel will become stronger, their skin will become harder, and their body will become huge. There is almost no upper limit to this change. Some of the largest lizardmen have a body size comparable to that of Titans.

Among all the lizardmen, there are the most special individuals.

They are the "priests" who are born with different appearances from ordinary lizardmen. They have strong learning talents and psychic powers, and they will "grow".

Priests are rarely born, and there may not be one in hundreds or thousands of years, but once they are born, it indicates that the god of the lizardmen [Godzilla] will appear and lead the lizardmen to carry out a great supreme plan.

[Okay, Planet Godzilla likes you. ]

Godzilla has many forms, some are the embodiment of the fear of nuclear explosions, some are the collection of the resentment of the dead in the war, some are mutant creatures that evolve very quickly, and some are supreme gods who kill through the gods.

Even the system thinks that this setting of Godzilla is pretty good, a bit like Godzilla.

[Why do you insist on creating a race? ]

‘Nonsense, if you don’t create a race that believes in Godzilla, how can you show Godzilla’s divinity? Although I think Godzilla as a nuclear explosion product or a Titan monster is more suitable for the background of Warhammer 40K, it won’t work without divinity. In the future, he will be captured by four Chaos giants. ’

[Oh, I thought you were obsessed with girls. ]

‘Girls are part of the reason. I still have to consider myself. Besides, I can’t use Godzilla’s form to negotiate with other races. There must be someone who speaks up. By the way, what time point am I in now? I see there are Tyranids, which is probably 40 millennia. ’

[Early Battle of Macragge. ]

The Battle of Macragge was a confrontation between the Ultramar Star Region of the Human Empire and the Tyranids. The two sides involved in the battle were the Ultramarines of the Human Empire and the Leviathan Fleet of the Tyranids.

The two sides fought a fierce battle around Macragge, the home planet of the Ultramarines. It was so fierce that the Tyranids felt that it was a loss to take over the planet and retreated on their own initiative.

The Ultramarines won a tragic victory. Even the Ultramarines Chapter Leader Calgar was seriously injured in that battle.

‘Wait, the early stage of the Battle of Macragge? Shit, did I help the Smurfs by blowing up all the Zerg Vanguards? ! ’

Godzilla annihilated all the Tyranids in the galaxy just to vent his anger. It seems that he helped the Smurfs by mistake.

'Let me first say that I am a human being, but I have no favorable impression of the Human Empire in the 40K period. I like the Human Empire in the 30K period. I just accidentally helped the Ultramarines Chapter, not because I wanted to help humanity. . ’

Godzilla is a classic image of anti-humanity and anti-nuclear pollution, which is equivalent to the incarnation of nature or a distorted representative of nature.

This image of taking the initiative to help humans is a behavior that ruins the character setting.

[It’s okay, all you have done is give the Ultramar Star Territory some breathing time. The swarms will still come, but if you hit the Great Devourer a few more times, the Great Devourer may have to bypass the galaxy. 】

‘Fortunately, fortunately, if the Great Devourer doesn’t come, then I will lose a lot of points, ah, no, a lot of fun will be lost. ’

Godzilla looked at his own planet and nodded with satisfaction.

‘Then who’s going to get me wrong next? ’

[They are Tau people. 】

'ah? ’

[It's the Tau. Your planet is very close to the Tau Empire, and there is also a wave of medium-sized orc WAAAGH underway. 】

‘No, I thought it might be demons, Eldar or Necrons, but would the Tau be a bit too bullying of this race? ’

Unlike the human empire, which has a history of 40 thousand years, the Tau only have a history of five or six thousand years, which is too young.

Compared to this galaxy, the Tau are too young.

[It’s okay, Mr. Titanium will come to your house soon to teach the higher good. Then you will know what it means to bully you. 】

‘Then let’s fight Titanium Lord. ’

Godzilla looked at the distance of the planet. He saw a lizard-man temple, which was a building similar to the style of the Mayan civilization in Central America. Godzilla walked towards the temple and expressed his thoughts.

‘The prototype of Titanium Lord. Godzilla just needs to fight Titanium Lord, he must fight Titanium Lord! ’

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