Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 81 Cardia: Mr. G, can you not come?

Two-thirds of the Death Guard on this ship were left in the real universe, and they were all stupid.

They had seen too many ships swallowed by the warp.

This was the first time they had seen a Chaos ship that could be swallowed by the subspace. This situation usually only occurred in the internal fights between evil gods in the subspace. The evil gods would use their own methods to control the subspace.

Oh, the subspace evil gods mentioned here are not only the four or five big guys, but also include a group of unknown chaos demigods.

In short, it is extremely rare for the Chaos side to be targeted by subspace.

However, the emperor said that just get used to it. In the future, the E Demon and the E Demon Army will often go to the subspace, such as a certain Gray Knight Grand Master.

The Genesis slowly drove to the wreckage of the Indomitable Will and fired a series of hook locks, leaving the huge former Death Guard battleship behind.

"I can't describe my feelings in words. Although I know this is wrong, my love for these alien races is close to that of my Inquisitor mentor."

"Just accept this feeling, I have the same idea as you."

Although only five Space Wolves Space Marines were left alive, words could not describe their feelings.

Victory, victory! victory! ! !

This was such a hearty victory that the inquisitors temporarily forgot that Isis and the others were an alien race. They really wanted the Imperial Military Ministry to award Isis with a medal.

Not only did he defeat an army of Slaanesh demons, he also easily left behind a ship that was desecrated during the 30K period.

The technical priests have to erect a monument to Isis in the nearest forge world. Whoever dares to object will be blown off the head with a melta gun!

Praising the God of All Machines does not affect their respect for a warrior who has made great contributions to the God of All Machines.

"The battle isn't over yet."

Isis heard the whispers of the men.

"There are still half a ship full of people that you need to clean up."

"Leave it to us."

This time it was the turn of the Imperial Commandos and the Lizardmen to join the Indomitable Will. Godzilla didn't go, so he was still needed to clean up the battlefield?

Wherever he went, the Nurglings were frightened away.

‘You don’t need me anymore. ’

【I don’t need you anymore. 】

‘Call me in Cadia. ’

Godzilla chose to lie down on the hangar deck and take a nap. The hangar deck was large enough to hold multiple large transport aircraft. Don’t forget, this was a huge ship that was more than ten kilometers long.

However, just take a look at the fragments of the planet that are still collapsing in the distance, and then take a look at Godzilla.

No one dares to underestimate Godzilla.

The worker clan on the hangar deck treated Godzilla like a god. They were not disloyal to the Emperor, but they were workers in the 30K period and did not regard the Emperor as a god.

But they really regard Godzilla as a god.

A few children from the worker clan also used those discarded parts and the sticky Death Guard flesh to build several small Godzilla statues.

The strange thing is that Nurgle's blessed flesh and blood, which can obviously infect humans instantly, did not let these children be infected. It is not known whether Godzilla has appeared or whether Nurgle's blessed flesh and blood has lost its activity.

The cleanup battle was over quickly.

Seven or eighty-eight of the Death Guards in this company were killed, as were the accompanying Nurglings and Plaguebringers.

The Inquisitor proudly suggested: "This ship must be taken to Cadia, so that Cadia's navy can see that under the power of the Emperor, our empire is invincible."

"This could boost Cardia's morale."

"Let those minions of Chaos see what the power of the empire is!!!"

However, some inquisitors came up to Isis and expressed their thanks again.

"Priest of Isis, thank you again for your help. We are also going to Cadia, and we hope to go with you. This way we can make Cadia treat you as a friendly force and avoid accidental damage."

"Yes, I don't want any thoughtless nobles to open fire on these lizardmen."

"I think the nobles have no brains."

The Empire was not united. Although the Space Marines and the Inquisition were loyal to the Emperor, the nobles

Let's put it this way, after killing all the nobles of the empire, eight out of ten are related to Chaos, and one of the remaining two is an absolute egoist who is only interested in profit. The remaining one has no faith in the emperor. Put a question mark.

Although the Inquisitors are crazy, they know the consequences of attacking these demihumans.

Besides, they are not enemies yet, attacking allies?

Even if that ally is an alien, other inquisitors will spit in the face of the inquisitor who attacks the ally if they know this, and if they are so bad-tempered, they might just blow the opponent's head off with a gun.

"Yes, this is not far from Cadia. You can take the shuttle to Cadia first, but I cannot guarantee your safety."

"Thank you for your understanding, Priest of Isis. Even if I die, I will remember your kindness."

This seemed like a curse word, but it was the most sincere thank you that this inhumane judge could say.

The Imperial Stormtroopers left, and the few surviving Astra Militarum troops, now veterans, joined Captain Wade's forces.

In addition, there was the assassin who worshiped the Death Cult, and she didn't want to leave.

This Death Cult assassin looks pretty good, really. She is wearing a tights with several holes in it. This is because her clothes were damaged during the battle, but her wounds have healed at an inhuman speed, and now only fair skin can be seen.

It's just that the spiked restraint mask she wears is too Warhammer 40K, which makes the time travelers feel uncomfortable.

She is still pretty without looking at her head.

But she is the most beautiful when she takes off the mask.

Her blonde and blue eyes are rare even in the overall Western-style Warhammer 40K world. Her better face is a little slender, but that's because she has no excess fat on her body. Her body fat rate is lower than that of the Space Marines.

"Aren't you leaving?"

Isis asked the Death Cult assassin.

"I want to stay."

"I know what you are thinking about in your head, fighting, killing, I am surprised that you didn't pick up a weapon to attack me."

The assassins of the Empire are all inhuman monsters, but don't think badly of her because she looks beautiful.

She may be less human than the Chaos Space Marines. "You have no flaws, and I don't want to kill you. Following you will get more battles. I crave killing, and I crave death in killing. I will destroy all enemies of the empire, drain their blood, and offer it to the emperor!"

"Well, you are worthy of being an assassin of the Death Cult."

Isis nodded, very satisfied.

This guy can probably fight three Eldar Rangers at the same time.

She is worthy of being able to survive two consecutive battles. Her strength is worthy of recognition.

"Then follow me, I will bring you the most intense killing and meet your needs, because we are about to go to Cadia."

Cadia, if a traveler who understands the worldview of Warhammer travels to the natives of Cadia.

He may choose to commit suicide without saying a word.

Even Godzilla can only wait for death if he travels to Cadia.

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