Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1094: The cause is complex

Chapter 1094 The cause of the disease is complex

Lu Qi said: "I never thought of coming over. It was you who called me over. Yu Li doesn't smell the smell of barbecue the most lately."

Even Xu Chunliang couldn't bear it now: "Stop being pretentious and get out of here!"

 After Lu Qi left, Lu Ming and Xu Chunliang both laughed.

Lu Mingdao: "It's best for you to say hello directly to Secretary Wang about the Yangshan Village Cemetery. I'm a gentle person, so Secretary Wang may not take it to heart."

Xu Chunliang said: "I can't come forward in this matter. I am now a member of the Civil Affairs Bureau. If they know that I do this, wouldn't it mean that I am trying to steal someone else?"

Lu Mingdao: "What are you talking about? You are on the side of justice. Don't forget that Secretary Wang also handed over the resort headquarters to you? You can't forget about the headquarters just because of the Civil Affairs Bureau." .”

 “That doesn’t have anything to say, so it can’t be taken seriously.”

"What can't be taken seriously? Secretary Wang is a person who spits on you and makes a hole in his mouth. He is different from us."

Xu Chunliang said: "I just came out of the infectious disease hospital. If I come forward, others will think that I am seeking revenge."

 Lu Ming nodded: "Understood, then I will report the situation directly to my superiors."

Xu Chunliang said: "Grandpa, what are the external evils you are talking about?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It's tiring to use your brain."

Xu Changshan took off his spectacles, rubbed his brows and said, "You came just in time. The patient you introduced today has a very complicated condition."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "What did you do in the past? You have more experience in dealing with online public opinion than I do."

Xu Chunliang said in a low voice: "I think it may not be possible to achieve good results by going public against public."

 Xu Chunliang returned home and saw the lights on in the study. His grandfather was looking up information in the study. Xu Chunliang knocked on the door and walked in.

Lu Ming understood. Xu Chunliang's intention was to create pressure through public opinion. If he chooses the right moment to push, the chance of success will be much greater. This method is good, but it seems a bit darker.

Lu Ming picked up the beer in front of him and said, "Brother, I still have too many ideas. I'd like to give you a drink."

Xu Changshan nodded and said, "It's not like you don't know my rules. How can prescribing medicine indiscriminately without knowing the cause of the disease be worthy of the doctor's conscience?"

Lu Ming blinked: "What do you mean..."

Xu Changshan took it: "Okay, go to bed quickly, you have to go to work tomorrow."

 Xu Chunliang went to find a book on the bookshelf and handed it to his grandfather: "These are some secret recipes that grandpa left me. Please see if they can help."

Xu Chunliang pulled up a chair and sat down next to his grandfather. He smiled and said, "Why is it so complicated?"

Xu Changshan said: "He has been coughing for nearly twenty years. I think his cough was caused by an external infection at first, caused by the invasion of external evils. When he first got sick, he did not pay enough attention, and delayed treatment, which led to evil injuries. Lung qi. The patient has yin deficiency and less blood, spleen and stomach disharmony, insufficient kidney qi, and internal accumulation of phlegm. If the cough does not heal for a long time, it will cause damage to the lung, spleen, stomach, and kidney essence, and the cough caused by external factors will turn into a cough caused by internal injuries. The effect has just led to the current situation."

Xu Changshan smiled and said: "No wonder you, as a doctor, I rarely encounter a few cases like this in my life. This patient aroused my competitive spirit."

Xu Changshan sighed and said: "This patient is silent about the cause of the disease. If I can know the cause of the disease, the prescription will be easier."

 Xu Chunliang said: "It's me who's causing trouble for you this time."

Xu Chunliang said: "You didn't prescribe him any medicine?"

Xu Chunliang couldn't laugh or cry, and there was no point in trying to make up for him now.

 Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "I am the most relaxed in this class."

Lu Ming waved: "Boss, get two strings of sheep **** for my brother to replenish."

Xu Changshan said: "No matter which unit you go to, your attitude must be correct, and you must be worthy of the trust of the party and the people."

 “That’s what grandpa taught me.”

Xu Chunliang returned to his room and saw a message from Xue Anning on his phone, asking him if he was free tomorrow and wanted to meet him. Xu Chunliang secretly smiled, you can see me if you want to? He sent a message back to Xue Anning, saying that he would still be busy tomorrow and that his grandfather would be there for medical treatment, so he asked her to just relax.

Xu Chunliang thought of Wang Jinwu, who had always had an unrequited love for Xue Anning, and deliberately revealed the news to him. Wang Jinwu was extremely excited after hearing this, and said that he would come to Dongzhou to visit Xue Anning's father tomorrow.

On the day Huang Wanglin arrived in Dongzhou, he was invited by Xu Chunliang to the old funeral parlor. Huang Wanglin was also dumbfounded. Only when he arrived at the place did he realize that Xu Chunliang had asked him to come over to explore the ancient ruins.

Pu Jian accompanied Huang Wanglin this time. He now treats Huang Wanglin as a teacher and has the idea of ​​​​becoming a disciple. However, Huang Wanglin never said it, mainly because Pu Jian gave people the impression of being unreliable.

Go along the small door behind the crematorium and enter the path leading to the top of Fengqi Mountain. This is where Xu Chunliang comes. Non-employees of the funeral home are usually not allowed to enter.

Xu Chunliang is now the director of the Office of the Civil Affairs Bureau. He is also accompanied by Geng Qingsong, the director of the funeral home, so he can naturally flow freely here.

Pu Jiandao: "Chunliang, Mr. Huang just came to Dongzhou, and you invited him here to visit. You are really unconventional."

Huang Wanglin smiled and said: "Don't tell me, this arrangement is really novel. Let's feel the human fireworks in Dongzhou first." Pu Jian laughed. If the place with the most human fireworks is besides the crematorium, The place is really incomparable.

Geng Qingsong pointed to the grassy path in front of him. It could be seen that few people walked on it. Even the internal employees of the funeral home were not interested in this place. As for ordinary people, hearing the word crematorium made them tremble in their hearts. Who usually comes here when they have nothing to do?

 Xu Chunliang walked at the front, paving the way for everyone.

Pu Jian turned around and looked back at the chimney of the crematorium. He couldn't help but sigh and said: "It's a good geomantic treasure land, but the people avoid it because of the crematorium."

Huang Wanglin said: "There are not many crematoriums so close to the city. Your urban planning in Dongzhou lacks foresight."

Geng Qingsong said: "It was closer in the past. It has been relocated once. The city has also considered this problem and decided to fundamentally solve the problem of the funeral home this time."

Pu Jian suddenly pointed forward and said, "Is that Shi Wengzhong?"

Huang Wanglin looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a severed stone statue more than one meter high standing among the rocks, with wild grass half a meter deep growing wildly around it.

Huang Wanglin walked over, put on his reading glasses and studied the stone statue carefully.

Geng Qingsong said: "There are many more on the mountain, but no one regarded them as good things in the past."

Huang Wanglin stroked the stone statue and sighed: "What a precious cultural relic is thrown here. What does your Dongzhou cultural relics department care about?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Third Master, it's the same across the country. In the past, everyone lacked the concept of cultural relics protection. Now we know that we pay attention to it, but there are so many cultural relics that we can't take care of them all at once."

Huang Wanglin said: "Look at the level of carving of the stone statue's clothes. It looks like it has been blown up by the wind. The texture and folds of the clothes are vividly displayed. It is a treasure. It is definitely a treasure."

Pu Jian also went over and touched it, and said to Geng Qingsong: "Director Geng, you don't think it's a good thing anyway, so sell it to me at a price."

Geng Qingsong said: "I am not the master of this, you have to ask our Director Xu."

Pu Jian looked at Xu Chunliang eagerly.

Xu Chunliang said: "You can't even touch a hair of the country's property."

Pu Jian curled his lips and said, "Find me a hair from it." In fact, he just meant it, knowing that it was impossible to buy or sell this thing.

Going further to the place where they temporarily piled construction waste, Geng Qingsong took the key from the administrator in advance.

  Opening the big rusty iron door, several people walked in. Huang Wanglin and Pu Jian were attracted by the stone foundation on the ground as soon as they entered.

Geng Qingsong has worked here for many years and has never regarded these as good things.

 Looking at the expressions of Huang Wanglin and Pu Jian, it was as if they had discovered a golden mountain.

Xu Chunliang patted Geng Qingsong on the shoulder, and the two of them went out and continued to climb to the top of the mountain. There was a Medicine Master Tower past the top of the mountain. The foundation of the tower was still there, but the tower had long ago collapsed.

Standing on the top of the mountain, with a panoramic view of the sparkling Yinlong Lake, and the lake breeze blowing in front of him, Xu Chunliang sighed: "This land is in an excellent location. If it weren't for the crematorium, I would definitely get a good price." .”

Geng Qingsong said: "In the past, developers have also made plans for this area. They said that the California forest is mostly vacant. Who would choose to buy a house next to the crematorium?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It's a psychological effect. When the funeral parlor is officially demolished, it will definitely get better and better here."

Geng Qingsong said: "The common people's mentality is to buy up and not down. Anyway, this area is now a low price. I don't know when it will get better. Let's talk about Fengzhan Road in front of our door. Dongzhou locals call it It’s called Huangquan Road, and who wants to live on Huangquan Road?”

 Xu Chunliang laughed, this was indeed the truth.

Geng Qingsong said: "Director Xu, it's thanks to you that the funeral home project can be restarted this time. Others don't have your ability."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't say that, it is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Geng Qingsong took out a box of cigarettes and offered them to Xu Chunliang, but Xu Chunliang said he would not do so.

Geng Qingsong lit a cigarette himself.

Xu Chunliang joked: "You work in this kind of environment every day, don't you smell enough cigarette smoke?"

Geng Qingsong laughed and said: "Can that be the same smell?" He took a puff of cigarette and said: "I was not used to it when I first came to work. In the past, when people heard that you worked in a funeral parlor, they didn't even look at you seriously. You said you were serious. Yes, no one wants to have **** with you."

Xu Chunliang said: "That's because they have no vision. The welfare benefits in this industry are so good."

Geng Qingsong nodded: "In the past ten years, everyone's views on us have changed, so we have to have money. Now it is too difficult to formally establish a funeral parlor, and there are not enough children of employees to arrange it."

Xu Chunliang said: "Zhao Xiaomao has undertaken many civil affairs projects in the past, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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