Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 1139: I'm thinking about it

 Chapter 1139 I’m thinking about it

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't worry, the superior leaders will definitely not touch a good comrade who is willing to devote his life to the revolutionary cause, and they may even promote you as a role model."

No matter how thick-skinned Wang Tongan is, he can't help but blush at this moment. What kind of role model is he? When a leader treats him like this, he is ashamed of his family, the people, the leader, and the country.

Xu Chunliang is right. He cannot choose to escape because of this disease. In fact, he cannot escape. It is better to use the last two years to do something good and make up for his previous mistakes.

Of course, Xu Chunliang is definitely not a kind person, and he is not dedicated to serving the country and the people. His real purpose is to deal with Zhai Pingqing. Having seen Xu Chunliang's previous methods, Wang Tongan has gained a lot of confidence in him. Instead of fighting against Zhai Pingqing, As he fell deeper and deeper under the control of Xu Chunliang, he might as well change his ways and cooperate with Xu Chunliang to at least have a chance of turning a corner.

Wang Tong'an said: "I have no shame in being a role model. Xiao Xu, you are right. I shouldn't give up so early. I still want to do something for the party and the people."

 When Xu Chunliang left, he went to Shu Yuanhang's office again and told him about his plans to use the secret recipe passed down from his ancestors to help Wang Tongan fight cancer.

Shu Yuanhang didn’t know the relationship between them, and thought they had a close friendship. He said with emotion: “Chunliang, it’s his good fortune that Wang Tongan knows you.”

Shu Yuanhang is very aware of Xu Chunliang's ability. Xu Chunliang can be said to be the most powerful Chinese medicine doctor he has ever seen. His father's leukemia was cured after taking Huichun Tang's secret recipe. Even his wife Ruan Xingmei, a hematologist, was amazed.

Since Xu Chunliang is willing to take action, Wang Tongan is very likely to recover.

Shu Yuanhang told Xu Chunliang his surgical plan. Xu Chunliang didn't care about his plan. He had confidence in Shu Yuanhang's surgical skills.

Xu Chunliang said: "All good things come in a long way. I was cut off in the middle." Seeing that it was getting late, Zhao Feiyang couldn't keep Zhao Feiyang waiting, so he asked Shu Yuanhang to go to the canteen with him.

 Putting down the phone, Xu Chunliang told Shu Yuanhang about the incident, and Zhao Feiyang also informed Shu Yuanhang.

In recent years, Xu Chunliang has been prosperous and prosperous, but he has suffered repeated defeats in career and family. Zhao Feiyang has to lament that time is also fate. His biggest opportunity was originally pinned on Qiao Rulong, but Qiao Rulong gave up on Changxing not long ago. Qiao Rulong's withdrawal instantly put Zhao Feiyang in an isolated and helpless situation.

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "That's not necessarily true. Although Changxing Hospital is not very good, Dr. Shu, the cardiothoracic surgeon, is a top expert."

Xu Chunliang did not refuse and said he would go there later.

Shu Yuanhang said: "He lives in the Provincial People's Hospital, so of course he will not come to Changxing for medical treatment."

Xu Chunliang said: "By the way, I heard that Luan Yuchuan, the boss of Equator, was hospitalized again?"

Although he is still the dean of Changxing, his power is more restricted than in the past. Zhao Feiyang has often thought recently that if he had not introduced Huanian and if there was no public-private partnership, then he could have continued to sit back and relax in front of his The dean still enjoys the treatment of a deputy director. After all his troubles, Changxing failed to take off as quickly as possible. Instead, he was trapped in Changxing.

Shu Yuanhang laughed loudly: "Don't be rude to me. There is a mountain as high as a mountain, and I don't dare to call it top. By the way, are you doing well in your job at the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

To Xu Chunliang’s surprise, Song Xinyu returned after receiving Zhao Feiyang’s invitation.

After Song Xinyu received Wang Tongan's advice, he couldn't wait to start activities, but he calmed down halfway through. He did have some connections in the city, but those connections would speak for him whether he moved around or not. He was definitely the main candidate. First, it is more important now than ever to show enough patience and determination. Maybe the organization is already quietly observing him. If he shows too much urgency, it will be interpreted as being too power-minded, which will actually become a demerit.

 Zhao Feiyang knows very well that once there is a rift between people, it is difficult to restore the past. He remembered that when he met Xu Chunliang, Xu Chunliang was just a young man who had just entered the workplace and knew nothing. He once wanted to develop Xu Chunliang into his younger brother, but he soon found that Xu Chunliang was too difficult to control.

 The canteen of Changxing Hospital was renovated and a new contractor was hired. There are three private rooms on the second floor, one of which is dedicated to serving hospital leaders.

 Xu Chunliang nodded: "Look how well I get along with the leader."

 While the two were chatting, Zhao Feiyang called and told Xu Chunliang that the lunch canteen was ready and asked him to stay for dinner.

Shu Yuanhang said: "Are you planning to leave the health system completely in the future? I really thought about it at the beginning. When the new hospital of the infectious disease hospital is built, I will help you expand the territory."

Shu Yuanhangdao: "It's not easy for Zhaoyuan. It's been under a lot of pressure recently. Although the owner has changed, Equator Capital is much more powerful than before. I've met their CEO Ren Tianye once, and it's not simple."

Zhao Feiyang also called Gao Xinhua. Gao Xinhua was very happy to hear that Xu Chunliang was here, but he didn't like this kind of public gathering. He knew very well that Zhao Feiyang was doing it out of face, and Xu Chunliang couldn't refuse. , everyone having a meal together is just a formality.

Zhao Feiyang's call brought Song Xinyu back to reality. Only then did he remember that Xu Chunliang was still in Changxing. Now he and Xu Chunliang should be in the same camp. Xu Chunliang had a good relationship with Secretary Wang. If Xu Chunliang could get through Secretary Wang's If you blow the wind in front of you, maybe it's certain that you will take over the position of director.

As soon as Xu Chunliang arrived, Song Xinyu came over.

 Zhao Feiyang shook hands with Song Xinyu warmly. Song Xinyu said: "Zhao Yuan is too polite."

Zhao Feiyang smiled and said: "We are all not outsiders. If you come here at this time, you have to have a meal before leaving. I made a casual arrangement. I hope Song Bureau will not dislike the simplicity."

Song Xinyu smiled and said: "The environment in your cafeteria is good. I will arrange for Zhao Yuan to go to the welfare home cafeteria for exchanges some other day."

 Zhao Feiyang said: "Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Gao Xinhua also shook hands with Song Xinyu. In fact, they had met before. Gao Xinhua and Wang Tongan were both from the army. Song Xinyu remembered that the last time he met Gao Xinhua was at Wang Tongan's dinner.

Because Changxing is now a public-private partnership, there are no strict prohibition regulations on alcohol like government agencies, so Zhao Feiyang asked people to prepare Wuliangye.

Song Xinyu said: "Our unit has strict regulations and alcohol is not allowed. Let's do this. I will drink tea instead of wine at noon today." It's not that he doesn't want to drink, but he doesn't dare to drink, especially at this critical moment, in case he is caught. He would be in trouble if he was found to have violated the prohibition on alcohol. What is alcohol compared to the position of director? What is a woman?

Zhao Feiyang said: "I heard that the Song Dynasty Bureau has a huge amount."

Song Xinyu said: "It depends on who I am competing with. In front of Xiao Xu, my drinking capacity cannot be compared to that of others."

Gao Xinhua said: "Does Chunliang drink?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Song Bureau doesn't drink, how can I have the nerve to drink?"

Song Xinyu smiled and said, "Drink your drink. When you turn around, I will drive you back in your car."

Once Gao Xinhua heard that it was okay, the deputy director was willing to be Xu Chunliang's driver.

Xu Chunliang said: "Well, if I don't drink, I will be living up to Zhao Yuan and Uncle Gao's kindness."

Gao Xinhua said: "Two bottles of wine are not enough for your drinking capacity."

Zhao Feiyang said: "Secretary Gao, don't say that, it makes me so stingy. I have enough wine, and I can't say the food is comparable to a star hotel, but it is definitely healthy."

Zhao Feiyang is not exaggerating. The chef in their canteen this time is good, and both the hot and cold dishes are served in style.

 Gao Xinhua paid attention to Xu Chunliang's behavior and found that he was much more mature than when he was in Changxing. It seemed that his experience during this period was not in vain.

Zhao Feiyang obviously kept a low profile and lost the high-spirited spirit of the past. After a few glasses of wine, he talked about the recent dissolution of the cooperative relationship between the Civil Affairs Hospital and the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This incident has caused a lot of impact in the health system. .

But most people don’t know the truth. In order to save face, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital claims outside that the management level of the civil hospital is low, uncooperative in cooperation, and treats work negatively. Considering the future development and the vital interests of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital It was decided to terminate the cooperative relationship with the Civil Hospital and take down the sign of the Second Affiliated Hospital.

Song Xinyu and Xu Chunliang looked at each other. They had been paying attention to Wang Tongan recently, and they really didn't pay attention to the actions at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

As the leader of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Song Xinyu certainly refused to suffer this disadvantage. He told the truth again and proved it for the Civil Affairs Hospital.

Gao Xinhua said: “I thought the rehabilitation department of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals used to pay rent, but it turns out you haven’t received a penny in the past few years.”

Song Xinyu sighed and said: "Not only did he not get a penny, but he also paid a lot of water and electricity bills. Fortunately, Xiao Xu discovered this situation in time and decisively ended the cooperation with the traditional Chinese medicine hospital."

Xu Chunliang said: "All are under the wise leadership of Song Bureau. It is the decision made by Song Bureau. I am only responsible for the implementation."

Zhao Feiyang looked at Song Xinyu and Xu Chunliang who cooperated with the tacit understanding of the piano and the music, and couldn't help but think of the past when Xu Chunliang was in Changxing. At that time, the two of them also had a honeymoon period. Is it because he didn't trust Xu Chunliang enough, or Xu Chunliang? Chunliang is dissatisfied with management, and it doesn't matter now.

Zhao Feiyang winked at Gao Xinhua, and Gao Xinhua said: "That's right, our Changxing is currently building a high-tech zone hospital. The main body of the second phase of the project has been completed but it is still being renovated. The old wards have also begun to be renovated simultaneously, so our The wards are a little tight. Can you two please lend us some wards for transitional use in Changxing? Of course, you can rest assured that we will not be like the traditional Chinese medicine hospital. We will pay the rent at normal market prices and can provide Civil hospitals provide some additional support.”

 The Civil Hospital is not far from Changxing and is in a good location. Changxing has been facing a shortage of wards recently, and they must find a solution.

 (End of this chapter)

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