
The moment the arrow shot over, Chen Ke pressed Flash very quickly.

The distance of this wave is too short, and Toothpaste’s ultimate move is accurate.

Chen Ke thought it was impossible to expect to move and twist away.

Although there is purification in the body, it takes time for the purification to be released.

Now that the BGM is not playing, Chen Ke feels that at his own level, even if he solves the problem quickly, there will definitely be a setback.

Toothpaste is still holding the second section of E in his hand. It’s hard to say whether he can get away if he is really caught by Silas’s chain and flashes again.

Even if you can get away, you probably still have to flash.

It's better to press flash earlier, at least it can save a wave of health.

Silas's current equipment is just like that, and the damage of the ice ultimate move he shoots is not that exaggerated.

But it's definitely higher in damage than Chen Ke's original version.

Purification only removes control, but the damage will still be taken solidly.

It would be okay if his ultimate hit Toothpaste. Toothpaste was forced to stand there, which actually didn't pose much of a threat to Chen Ke.

But the temptation for a hero like Han Bing to have a bounty on his head is too great.

Toothpaste is hard to resist.

Just as Chen Ke thought, Toothpaste also pressed Flash immediately to hide from the ice.

The two flashed almost simultaneously.

When the two ice arrows met in the air, the two people dodged sideways at the same time, which was a bit like a world-famous painting.

"Both sides dodge to avoid this ultimate move. The toothpaste is in a good position, can you pull it?!"

The colonel was almost roaring.

This wave seems to have a good chance. The flash position of toothpaste is to the side and front.

It's obvious that you've thought about it in advance. Not only can you avoid it, but you can also move forward.

At this distance, Silas's second E is enough to reach Chen Ke.

Silas's second E is a bit unclear. Sometimes it feels very short, sometimes it feels very long.

Judging from the distance between the two people now, it is completely enough.

No wonder the colonel was so excited. As long as Silas could pull him away, the ice that didn't dodge could indeed kill.

Chen Ke didn't panic at all.

Because after the flash landed, the BGM was already ringing.

Hearing the familiar music, Chen Ke trembled unconsciously.

It seemed very easy, and he twisted the chain thrown by Silas almost effortlessly.

Once the chains are empty, this wave will actually be difficult to kill.

Toothpaste did not look back. He knew very well that there was no turning back when he opened his bow.

If he turns around, Chen Ke will definitely chase him.

Han Bing's clinging ability makes it really hard to get away when being chased.

Still walking forward, after giving a Q, he planned to use [Regislayer Thrust] to get close.

But Chen Ke is also constantly pulling back.

Pulling, this is Chen Ke's strength.

The range of Silas's W skill is too short, incomparable to Han Bing's flat A.

At the same time, Chen Ke can also slow down the speed. It can be said that it is not difficult at all to pull it.

Toothpaste was flown by a kite, and everyone was numb.

He took two steps forward and saw that his blood volume was dropping crazily when he couldn't touch anyone, so he thought about retreating.

But retreating is not an option.

The hero Han Bing is already disgusting at slowing down, and Chen Kegang even got a red buff.

At the same time, the secondary system in the talent is [Travel Speed], which is very useful when chasing someone.

Toothpaste doesn't have any armor on him, so he wears mercury shoes for laning.

However, Chen Ke's equipment was very good, so it hurt to hit Silas.

Chen Ke turned on Q and kept beeping.

Toothpaste's HP was in critical condition, so he finally waited until his E skill improved.

There was an E ready to move forward. He knew that even if he turned back and counterattacked, he would not be able to beat this E.

His current equipment is really not enough to kill the ice instantly if he pulls it.

But when moving forward to E, Chen Ke received a W and slowed down again.

He couldn't get away, and the next double E didn't catch Chen Ke, so he was declared dead.


The senior colonel was immediately embarrassed.

He had shouted so passionately just now, but now he saw Toothpaste falling to the ground, and Han Bing's blood hadn't dropped much on the opposite side, and he suddenly felt embarrassed.

I can only say awkwardly: "This ice equipment is so good, there is nothing you can do if the toothpaste gets stuck on it."

Chen Ke originally wanted to kill stone beetles, but he didn't expect an unexpected gain.

Chen Ke didn't even think about taking action this time. The main reason was that Toothpaste had murderous intentions. If he didn't show up, he wouldn't die.

The death of Zhong Dan is another big blow to JD.com.

Now I can only console myself that G2's advantages are all concentrated on Han Bing alone.

In the words of the Cat King, "Fortunately, the big dragon hasn't been refreshed yet, this head is relatively dry."

But within a few minutes, a not-so-dry head came.

It was Chen Ke's arrow again.

Without the BGM bonus, Chen Ke's ultimate move is still very accurate.

Shot Kanavi, who likes to engage in invasion.

If the male gunman is arrested, it's basically gone.

G2 didn't use many skills here, but Syndra used a big shot to deal damage.

As soon as the male gunman died, the atmosphere immediately became tense.

Everyone knows that if the jungler dies, the opponent will definitely attack the baron.

This is the best opportunity to create a gap.

Although G2 has always been leading economically, the lead is not large, and it has not rolled up the snowball.

A lead of several thousand yuan in ten minutes does seem to be a lot, but if it is still a few thousand yuan in twenty minutes, it is just that.

With the two shooters Kind Jue and Han Bing, G2 beats Baron very quickly.

Jingdong still has four people, so it is impossible to magnify Long for no reason.

After they approached, Ornn directly called the sheep to start a group.

Seeing that Jingdong couldn't beat him, he lost one person and left, giving up Dalong directly.

Once the dragon is taken, the balance of victory tilts directly.

After everyone in G2 made up a wave, they began to group together and advance in the middle.

When pushing to the high ground in the middle, Jingdong's wrist teleported around the back, and it was obvious that they did not intend to let G2 continue to advance.

As soon as the Highland Tower fell, Chen Ke ran to the side, and the team also noticed the teleportation situation.

The Duke's first choice must be Chen Ke, but he can't stand Chen Ke's wretchedness.

He couldn't dwell too much, otherwise he would be controlled by the opponent.

Directly brought Qian Jue back with his ultimate move.

Lu Mao's ultimate move was very good, killing Qian Jue without even using his ultimate move.

Speaking of which, it would be nice to sell them directly, but Ornn has also been opened up. G2 did not intend to sell his teammates at the first time.

As soon as Kindred was defeated, G2's formation was directly disrupted.

"Beautiful, we won the battle, we won this round!"

Seeing that Jingdong actually won the team battle, the colonel immediately became excited.


"It's a pity that I couldn't kill Han Bing, but this wave has been very profitable."

"After killing three people on the opposite side, the advancement of the dragon buff was directly interrupted, and they did not remove the crystal in the middle."

“JD.com still has a chance!”


Chen Ke is relatively stable here and is in a good position from the beginning, so he is not in any danger.

When he was about to run away with his assistant Braum, the BGM sounded again in his ears.

As soon as the prelude started playing, Chen Ke realized something was wrong and actually changed the song!

A very classic BGM-"Limitless".

As soon as the BGM started playing, it immediately lit up.

Chen Ke knew that he couldn't retreat this time!

PS: Brothers, please read and vote!

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