The enthronement ceremony still didn't stir up much excitement. Although Historia became the princess and walked through the streets on a float in front of everyone, people's impression of her was mostly just that of a very cute and lucky girl. things.

Historia was a little disappointed by this, thinking that she had failed to do something well.

Although this is not important, after all, the top leaders of the new government understand her value.

It’s just Lord Leis and Kenny, they seem to have disappeared and can’t be found anywhere.

Ian talked privately with Erwin and Pixis, and they strictly blocked the information that Eren could become a giant, and prohibited Eren from becoming a giant.

As for the basement mentioned by Allen, for the time being, it can only be put aside like the disappeared Lord Reis.

The most important thing at present is to spend the winter. Historia took the initiative to be transferred to the glass factory and participated in the production of glass. Compared with the life of a princess, she preferred to stay in the factory. She could understand herself better during labor. It's worth it, and she can see people she knows there.

The weather is getting colder in autumn, and people on the streets are wearing long sleeves and jackets.

The first glass greenhouse was built, with low-cost steel refined by the new steel-making method as the skeleton. It was a transparent house, like a crystal room.

The first glass greenhouse was built in the royal capital, in a very good location, next to a natural water source. Many people would pass by and see the workers building the glass house.

Historia announced the name "Glass Greenhouse" to the public, indicating that this is a building that can grow crops in winter.

The workers involved in the construction of the first glass greenhouse were assigned to various towns within the walls. Under the decree, large towns established ironmaking factories and glass factories, and small towns imparted knowledge and waited for the materials to be transported. After coming here, he was responsible for the construction of the glass greenhouse.

This kind of building is not complicated. As long as you have the materials, it can be built within a few days, and it can withstand even bad weather.

The new government will spend most of its manpower and material resources on promoting glass greenhouses.

Glass houses were built one after another near water sources, and glass greenhouses became a landscape. Many workers with insufficient knowledge did not know the use of these things. They only knew that they could get money by building these glass houses and use the money. Go buy food to fill your stomach.

It wasn’t until a month later that the crops in these glass houses began to sprout.

Even after the sowing season, the seeds in the glass greenhouse still grew.

Only then did people realize the significance of this building and began to pay attention to it.

Some rumors appeared out of nowhere, saying that this "glass greenhouse" was invented by Her Royal Highness the Queen. Her Royal Highness accepted God's visit and spread the glass greenhouse to the land so that mankind could survive this terrible crisis safely. winter.

Historia became a messenger of God, and her reputation suddenly rose.

She did participate in the production of the original glass greenhouse. Under conscious instructions, those workers responsible for imparting knowledge began to praise Her Highness the Queen, further expanding Historia's influence, and she became the idol of the people.

In mid-November, the first snow of the year came inside the wall.

The snowflakes are light, coating the roof and ground with a thin layer of silver. Those rows of glass houses look like crystal houses in fairy tales. Through the transparent glass layer, you can see the green leaves growing inside. .

It was incredible, like a miracle.

Everyone who saw this scene had such thoughts in their hearts.

They finally began to trust the new government. The refugees who escaped from Wall Maria also received subsidies. Starting in mid-November, the government provided free subsidies for potatoes and sweet potatoes produced in glass greenhouses to refugees. Residents can also apply to the government for hardship and receive food.

The new government is really doing something to help people get through this winter, and this subsidy will continue until the end of January next year.

It is easy to detect who treats you well and who treats you badly.

The uneasy people gradually calmed down, and everyone began to praise the new government for doing practical things.

Within the Wall of Rosai, in the forest, a certain hunter village.

Eleven-year-old Sasha Browder followed her father out of the forest.

Her father led her to the nearest glass greenhouse, and Sasha looked at the crystal-like houses with bright eyes.

"Sir officer, I heard that you can get food here, is it true?" Sasha's father asked the soldier standing guard there.

"Are you a resident of the pioneer land?"

"No, my daughter and I come from the forest. We are residents of a hunter village."

"I remembered, was it the village that refused to be allocated?"

"Yes, we don't have enough food at home. Can we get food here?" Sasha's father stopped: "If not, we will go back."

Sasha's father is the head of a hunter village. The number of people in their village is very small and they have always lived a self-sufficient life. However, since the influx of refugees into the Wall of Rose, it has been difficult to hunt prey. Many people have broken in. They took over the forest and competed with them for resources.

The government had advised them to come out of the forest during the summer, but the tribesmen did not agree.

In winter, they discovered how difficult this year was. Many people in the village had not prepared enough food for the winter.

They came here because last week, someone came to their village and announced again, saying that if necessary, they could register at the glass greenhouse and receive the minimum amount of food.

"Of course. What's your name? How many people are there in your family?" the soldier asked, holding a pen and paper to take notes.

"My name is Arutol Braus. Including my wife, there are five people in my family."

"Take this paper and go queue up." The soldier tore off a piece of paper: "We only have potatoes and sweet potatoes in supply here. According to the amount of three sweet potatoes or three potatoes per person per day, you can receive up to a week's worth of food at a time. If If you find that you have overpaid or claimed falsely, or you have lied about the number of people, then I’m sorry to say that your subsidy will be cancelled, so absolutely, absolutely don’t think about getting away with it, you know?”

"I understand, thank you, officer." Sasha's father bowed with his daughter.

"Don't thank me." The soldier patted him on the shoulder: "If you want to thank, just thank Her Royal Highness. If it wasn't that person who invented the glass greenhouse, we wouldn't be able to grow crops in winter."

"Who is Her Royal Highness?" Sasha raised her head and asked.

"It's Your Highness Histria." The soldier smiled: "These glass houses were all invented by that one person."

"Really! Her Royal Highness is so powerful, she even gave us potatoes and sweet potatoes to eat!" Sasha blinked.

"Of course." The soldier patted Sasha's head.

"Sasha, come and line up!" Sasha's father waved to her.

They waited at the back of the queue for a short period of time, which was neither too long nor too short. They came to the front of the queue and received half a sack of potatoes and sweet potatoes, which was enough for five people.

"Dad, look, they are really sweet potatoes and potatoes, and they are so big!" Sasha excitedly took out a sweet potato and placed it next to her face. It was almost half the size of her face.

"It's true." Sasha's father rubbed her little head: "Maybe it's time for us to get out of the forest."

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