The fourteen-meter-tall giantess looks down on the wine estate from above.

The pointed-arched stone house was like a child's toy in front of her. Just by transforming, she trampled to death several nobles in the center of the manor.

Amidst the crisp collision sound, the roasted whole lamb and roasted suckling pig tied to the iron frame fell to the ground. The cut suckling pig and lamb were placed together on the red-hot charcoal, making a sizzling sound. .

People who had had an appetite just now suddenly felt a surge pushing upward from the depths of their stomachs, leaving a sour and bitter taste in their mouths.

They stared at the blood on the ground and shouted in horror:

"Giant! It's a giant!"


"No! Don't eat me!"

The nobles crawled and ran out. A fat noble accidentally fell to the ground and saw the trampled human face. The white bones and dregs were mixed with fresh flesh and blood. Suddenly he remembered that he had been there a moment ago. While talking to this person, he made a horrified cry like a killing pig.

Ian arrived at the stables before Yani transformed. Historia, Mikasa, Eren, Armin and the soldiers of the Survey Corps were all here, about a hundred meters away from the female giant.

"Get in the carriage quickly! Send Histria away!" Ian shouted.

The soldiers reacted quickly. Historia was the princess. She had the blood of the Reis family in her body. She was the one who could inherit the ancestor Titan and exert its power. Her importance was self-evident.

They quickly held the horse's reins, and Histria was sent to the carriage first. She said anxiously through the curtain of the carriage: "Ian, come up quickly too!"

Ian did not respond immediately. Instead, he raised a torch in the darkness and stared at the giantess from a distance.

There was no longer a smile on his face, and the giantess stared at him. Histria didn't understand why Ian would take out a maltose and put it in his mouth at this time. However, the next second, the earth suddenly Trembling.

The giantess spread her legs and ran this way. Her feet stepped down like an earthquake.

Ian knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to capture herself and ask why there was poison in the maltose and how she exposed her identity.

"The giantess is coming!" Petra and the other soldiers put away their guns and took out the steel knives from their waists: "Get ready to meet the enemy!!!"

This guy is obviously a different type of giant than the giant that Allen turned into. At least she is not friendly. She does not care about the humans under her feet. The huge footprints are full of human remains.

The tiny bullets of the AK-47 are ineffective against an enemy of this size. If they want to deal with giants, the only thing the people inside the wall can rely on is the three-dimensional mobile device.

The hook ropes were ejected from the three-dimensional mobile devices on the soldiers' waists to the tops of the surrounding houses. Their bodies were pulled upward by the quickly recovered hook ropes, and the tiles on the roofs were trampled down.

However, among the dozen or so soldiers, except for those from the Survey Corps, the rest of them had little or no actual combat experience.

An impatient guy hooked the giantess's arm with a hook without any command. His body slid in mid-air. During the spin, he raised his two knives and slashed at the back of the giantess' neck.


Just as the soldier was thinking happily, his eyes suddenly met the cold eyes of the giantess.

The giantess covered the back of her neck with her right hand, and a bright sheen appeared on the back of her hand. It didn't look like flesh and blood, but turned into something hard and smooth.

The soldier's knife struck the hardened skin of the giantess, making a crisp and powerful sound, leaving a shallow scar. Then in the next moment, the giantess grabbed the rope of the three-dimensional mobile device.

He was hanging in the air, helpless, being looked at coldly by the face of the giantess that occupied all his field of vision.

"Don't. Don't eat me!"



He let out a sharp scream, followed closely by another angry roar.


In the darkness, another golden lightning struck the ground. The soldier felt a gust of violent wind. The world suddenly spun, and the center of gravity of the body fell toward the ground. The giantess loosened the rope of the three-dimensional mobile device during the impact, and the soldier was like a A thrown stone hit the hard stone wall.

At this time, he heard the sound of gas being released. Someone caught him and helped him become a buffer. He landed on a roof and rolled several times.

It was Petra. Petra originally wanted to ask the impulsive soldier if he was injured, but his attention was attracted by something else.

It was Eren, and Eren turned into a giant without permission.

Allen rushed towards the giantess and threw her to the ground, a beastly roar erupting from the depths of his throat.

Petra gritted her teeth and quickly used the three-dimensional mobile device to return to the battlefield. She said to other soldiers who did not understand the situation: "That giant is one of ours! Help him knock down the female giant!"

Ian's focus was different from the others. He was looking at the direction in which the giantess fell.

When Allen knocked down the giantess, nearly a third of the manor was crushed into ruins. Their huge bodies slid on the buildings and soil like rolling stones, crushing everything they came into contact with.

And the direction in which they fell happened to be the center of the crowd.

Hundreds of nobles and officers were crushed to pieces in this attack.

The red wine barrel exploded and mixed with the blood of the nobles, dyeing the earth red.

The bones will eventually turn into dust.

"Histria! You take Mikasa and Armin and go first!" The torch illuminated the side of Ian's face.

"Ian, won't you come up?" Historia bit her lower lip.

"I have other things to do! Mr. Coachman, let's go!" Ian shouted.

The coachman was extremely frightened. After receiving the instructions, he immediately waved his whip and drove the frightened horses out of the manor.

At the same time, the female giant has overthrown Allen. Yani's proficiency in the power of giants is not comparable to Allen's. Moreover, Yani has undergone military training and is proficient in fighting skills. Today, Allen is very good at fighting. , is no match for the giantess.

To be honest, if she was unprepared, Yani was determined to make a big fuss, not to mention flattening the royal capital, or at least killing more than half of the residents of the royal capital.

This is the power of the giant's power as a weapon. Since this incident has been triggered, Ian must personally solve the threat of the female giant.

He came outside the manor, where Hannis was organizing the evacuation of the people from the Chamber of Commerce. The place where Yani turned into a giant was far away from the people from the Chamber of Commerce. After all, it was Ian who took Yani away. Naturally, he did not want his people to evacuate. Died in this "accident".

"Mr. Hannis!" Ian waved to Hannis: "I have a way to defeat the female giant, please come and help me!"

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