Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 55 55, take off your head!

Thanks to the arrival of the expedition fleet, this agricultural world avoided the impending disaster.

Green-skinned orcs are undoubtedly a huge threat to the empire, and once their terrifying reproductive efficiency spreads, it will be an extremely terrifying nightmare.

Most war groups will even directly use the Extermination Order to eliminate all life forms in the world contaminated by aliens.

On the ground battlefield, the green-skinned orcs made chaotic noises.

The huge war warlord drove a waaagh war machine and walked out from the siege of the orc boys, looking at the human defense line in the distance with ferocious eyes.

A huge war machine comparable to the Knight Titan, with two huge fangs, and a thick wooden stake nailed to the head of the machine, it looked extremely terrifying.

Following the roar of the orc warlord, countless war boys shouted, like a green torrent, impacting the defense line of the human empire.

And inside the defense line, there is a very special group of Astra Militarum.

They huddled silently inside the defense line. Their dark military uniforms and silent formations carried the silence of death. Their eyes hidden behind the gas masks were empty and indifferent.

Their political commissar was walking within the defense line, holding a laser pistol and firing wildly into the sky. At the same time, a mechanical loudspeaker spread the political commissar's words with a loud sound that made people's ears buzz.

"Attention all!——"

"Charging is not allowed without orders!"

"Repeat, no charge is allowed without orders!"

"Cavalry troops, listen, whoever dares to charge before the order is given, I will shoot him! -"

The veins on the political commissar's neck popped out and he roared loudly. He had to repeat this kind of work before every battle.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the political commissar not only had to shoot the soldiers who charged rashly, but also had to be extremely careful to prevent himself from being attacked by the soldiers.

Without the suppression of political commissars, these soldiers will launch a fearless charge against the enemy regardless of the cost.

Even if every one of them falls, as long as one of them is still alive, they will not stop.

It was as if they came to the battlefield just to beat everyone to death, or to be beaten to death by everyone.

"Don't stop the artillery!"

The political commissar issued orders over the communication channel.

A large number of cannons, automatic artillery, rotating cannons, etc., madly vented their firepower, making the entire battlefield atmosphere instantly anxious.

The plains were scorched with flamethrower flames, roaring explosions were heard, and countless green-skinned orcs were killed.

But more orcs drove their crude vehicles out of the flames.

The imperial infantrymen in the defense line looked at the war boys who were getting closer and closer. They all assembled their monomolecular bayonets in silence. Their empty and dead eyes seemed to contain endless madness. They only waited for an order and began to charge forward. .

But at this moment,

Boom! ——

A huge figure fell like a meteorite!

Within a few hundred meters, countless green-skinned boys felt a wave of air rolling in, as if a war hammer hit their chests, and they flew directly out, spitting blood from their mouths.

The location where Duker landed was originally a slightly raised hill.

But now, this has turned into a pothole with a huge depression.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, the green-skinned orc army that was still charging was stopped.

As if they were greatly frightened, they looked at the center of the smoke in confusion.

"What is this?!"

"I'm thinking this thing is pretty scary."

"Everyone, listen to me. Once the dust clears, rush in and chop!"

Just when they were hesitant, a huge figure rushed out from the billowing smoke.

Like a monster that chooses and devours people, it kills the orcs on sight, and soon tears a bloody path through the formation of the War Boys.

——The original body's goal was very clear. He rushed straight towards the warlord boss, killing all the orcs along the way, and no one could stop him.

In a war, the orcs must have a strong enough leader, otherwise they will fall into chaos and even fight among themselves in an instant.

The political commissar of the Astra Militarum within the defense line, although he did not know what had happened, the opponent was obviously a human being, and the fighter plane at this moment could not be delayed, as he blew a sharp whistle.

Wearing gas masks behind them, the impatient soldiers launched a charge one after another. There were no slogans or roars. Just like their black military uniforms, they were cold, dead, and cruel.

In a hand-to-hand encounter, blood and flesh flew everywhere in an instant.

Compared to human guardians, these soldiers are more like beasts. Although they are mortals, they use the most brutal life-saving methods to bite their enemies.

Perhaps it was such madness that made this agricultural world wait for the arrival of the expeditionary legion.

A soldier on horseback was half-broken by a violent orc, but he still crawled to the orc's feet and pulled away the melt bomb tied to his body.

With the roaring explosion, the huge orc was instantly torn apart.

The others continued to charge without any pause. Both their actions and their eyes were full of disregard for life, whether it was for others or for themselves.

They were born to serve in war. Before they die, they make the most of their cheap lives and kill more enemies - this is their salvation.

But this time, they felt unprecedentedly relaxed during the charge.

Because further ahead, there is a majestic figure, like a beacon in a desperate world, pointing out the way forward for them and sharing most of the pressure for them.

This was a feeling they had never experienced before. At this moment, the soldiers even had an illusion.

——Even with a mortal body, as long as they follow the footsteps of the giants, they can rush to the end of the galaxy together.

Dukel quickly fought his way through the greenskin lines, leaving the savage aliens vulnerable in his hands, and finally came to the mountain-like orc warlord.

The greater the number of greenskin orcs, the more powerful their war leaders become, and their size and strength will increase accordingly.

During the Beast Wars, their size and strength expanded to incredible proportions. Even the original Salamander Legion, known for its brute strength, could not suppress the opponent in terms of strength.

But Duker didn't care.

Because the greater the number of humans, their power will expand to incredible levels.

What a coincidence, isn't it?

"Human, you are so strong! But you can't defeat me, waaagh! -"

He was surprised that a human being who looked like a cub in his mind could be so strong.

The Orc War Warlord let out a roar to boost his momentum.

But Duker didn't talk nonsense to him. He came with a tactical mission and naturally wanted a quick victory.

The original body rushed directly in front of the battlefield warlord. At this moment, there was a huge repulsion between the psychic force field and the waaagh force field. The invisible force fields collided. After a strange wave flashed past, the waaagh force field was popped like a bubble.

It's not that the greenskin force field is weaker than the psychic force field, it's just that the size of the war warlord cannot be compared with Dukel.

Later, Duker punched the war warlord to the ground. After the orc was punched, his eyes showed visible confusion and incomprehension.

His big head was thinking about nine out of ten things that were wrong.

All the green-skinned orcs never thought that there would be humans who could defeat warlords with bare hands.

"This human being is so energetic!"

"I was thinking, maybe the boss is too useless!"

"Come on, I'm going to hide anyway."

The power of the green-skinned orc's waaagh force field showed signs of transferring to Dukel at this moment.

"Human, get out of here!"

The orc warlord lay on the ground, waving his thick hands, struggling to get up.

But the next second, he felt his head being held tightly by a pair of big hands.

Duker stepped on his back, grabbed the warlord's head with both hands, and pulled hard like he was pulling out a carrot.


A huge orc head was pulled out with half of his spine attached!

At the moment when the war warlord died, the orc manpower field lost its core and became scattered instantly. Countless orcs were scurrying around like headless flies. They no longer looked as arrogant as before, so much so that some orcs even lost the courage to fight!

Some orcs stared blankly as the huge human ripped off their boss's head with his own hands.

A giant man descended from the sky and killed orcs on sight, until he killed their warlord.

This scene shocked the green-skinned orcs beyond measure.

In their eyes, the almost invincible boss died like this;

Wouldn't the weakling himself die if he just stares at him? !

Just at this moment, the original body raised his head and glanced at them.

Then, they die.

Duker lifted the head of the orc warlord with one hand, raised the ferocious face with half of its spine high, and stepped on the headless corpse with his feet.

Put on a very handsome pose.


"Click——" "Click——".

Drones surrounded him, taking photos from various angles.

This is the war strategy against the orcs that Duker and the think tanks discussed together.

If you want to truly defeat the orcs, the first thing you must defeat is their hearts.

We must make the orcs think that the original body is extremely powerful, unrivaled, and invincible!

The reason why Duker came to the battlefield alone first was because of this bloody show.

And the primarch's first mission,

——Pick off the heads of battlefield warlords (completed)

——Put a cool pose (completed)

——Take a lot of photos (in progress)

Soon, these photos will be scattered in the world occupied by orcs, and like seeds, with the catalysis of war, they will take root and sprout in the minds of orcs until they bear a fruit called 'fear'.

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