Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 63 63, the third god of the orcs

It was already a week later when the original body saw the Orc warlord again. The moment Duker entered the interrogation room, he was shocked by the sight inside - the skull of the Bonecrusher Salaka was completely lifted. Open, several slender iron tubes are connected to its remaining biological brain, several micro-pumps are pumping medicine into it, and several needles are inserted into the orc's body; and the surface of its body, everywhere in the room, is full of Orc blood stains.

Gris stood beside the torture device, praising the machine soul with a pious expression.

With this messy scene all over the place, it is hard to imagine what the great sage did to this poor orc warlord during this period of time.

"Salaka?" Dukel tried calling its name.

"Guh." What he got was a meaningless sound squeezed out of his throat.

"I still like your unruly look, waaagh!"

The original body tried to provoke it, but the response was still a stupid smile of "hehe".

As a green-skinned orc, he didn't even respond to waaagh. Duker was almost certain that he had been completely screwed up - but he still had to test it with psychic energy.

The original body tried to use psychic energy to reshape the consciousness of the orc warlord. As expected, the process was extremely smooth.

This surprisingly good result made Duker couldn't help but re-evaluate the great sage around him.

When next to the original body, the great sage always behaved as a humble and low-key scholar, and occasionally showed a melancholy expression worried about the fate of the empire and mankind. It can be said that it is in line with Duker's idea of ​​nerds. stereotype.

So much so that at the beginning, he didn't even think of Gris' existence.

But now - Duker has to admit that every guy in the Warhammer universe who seems to have thick eyebrows and big eyes often has unique skills that ordinary people can't predict.

"Well done, Gris." The original body praised without hesitation.

"Fortunately, Your Highness." Gris still behaved very humbly, but this time it was paired with the messy interrogation room and the completely ruined orc warlord; these made the image of the great sage in Duke's eyes. It becomes more and more three-dimensional in your mind.

The primarch's psychic powers continually penetrated the Ork Warlord's consciousness, reshaping it in the direction the primarch desired.

Duker performed this step very carefully, and its complexity was far beyond that of a delicate operation.

Far away in the depths of the subspace, the giant thing with wheels within wheels sheds a ball of essential flame at this moment. This flame continues to deform as it falls, and finally forms a circle of wheels made of flames, which are then built along Dukel. The spiritual channel created is connected to the consciousness of the orc warlord.

This loss of essence is not even a loss to the behemoth of a wheel within a wheel, but it makes the warlord very painful and unable to bear this power.

However, the original body didn't care about its life or death at all. Even if the Orc Warlord was swelled by this energy and exploded, it was just a failed experiment for him.

During this process, he used question and answer methods to determine the progress of the experiment.

At this moment, the Bonecrusher's mind was completely controlled by the original body, and he was in a state similar to deep hypnosis.

"Sakala, you saw Gao Mao during your previous surgery, right?"

"That's right."

"What does He look like?"

"A huge mass of energy, huge and crazy. I watched it and crawled back from the place of death."

"Then is he Brother Go or Brother Mao?"

"I don't know. No orc can tell Brother Go from Brother Mao. We often fight because of this."

"Yes, you can't tell the difference between them. Is it possible that he is neither Brother Go nor Brother Mao?"

"Then who is He?"

"He is Dugo, the third god of the Orcs."

"This" orcs can sense their gods through the waaagh network. This is as natural as eating and drinking. Sakala paused for a long time, and finally responded,

"I don't remember that there is this god."

"How could you not remember? Brother Go is both rough and cunning, Brother Mao is both cunning and rough, Brother Du is rough and cunning Sakala, how could you forget? Think about it again."

During this process, Duker continued to adjust the location of the essential point of intrusion into the waaagh network, trying to find a location that was concealed enough not to arouse the alarm of the furry, but also successfully established a link with the orcs.

——This process is like placing a spider into an owner's spider web that will not attract the attention of the owner spider and can successfully steal the prey on the spider web; the location and characteristics of the spider must be strictly controlled. .

"Think again of Salaka, think carefully - He is watching you."

The war warlord didn't speak. It frowned and sensed it seriously. After a long silence, it seemed to sense it. Even in a state of deep hypnosis, it showed extremely excited emotions.

"I saw it, I saw Him, yes, it's Him." At this moment, in its consciousness, a huge and crazy energy body was becoming clear,

"That's Him. It turns out that He is Du Ge, the third god of Orc! Yes, I have seen Him. How can I forget? I shouldn't forget!!!"

Seeing the Bonebreaker's increasingly agitated state, Dukel quickly increased the output of his psychic energy to prevent it from disconnecting due to too much excitement.

"Yes, that's right. Brother Go is both rough and cunning, Brother Mao is both cunning and rough, and Brother Du is both rough and cunning."

Sakala was still repeating unconsciously.

"Relax kid." Duker reached out and held down its shoulders. At this moment, the body of the orc warlord was shaking violently, and circles of wheel-shaped cracks appeared on the green skin, as if it would break in the next second.

In its consciousness, the huge and crazy energy body was also radiating power that made it feel warm inside, which gradually calmed down Sakala.

"Very well, you did well, kid."

"One last question." Duker paused for a moment and then continued to ask,

"What is 1000-7 equal to?"

"twenty two!"

This time, even in a deep hypnotic state, Sakala responded without hesitation, as if this was a truth engraved in the deepest part of his mind that did not require any doubt.

"Very good, go to sleep."

Duker took away the palm that was pressing on it, and the orc warlord fell into a deep sleep, enjoying the precious peace it had during this time.

"It's incredible, Your Highness, you actually succeeded!" Gris said excitedly on the side. At this moment, he was on the servitor. He shouldn't have any emotions, but he still couldn't suppress his excitement.

"What a great undertaking. You have sought the greatest welfare for mankind so far. You have single-handedly torn apart this dark age of despair. The entire empire should be grateful to you. This is the praise you deserve."

The Great Mechanical Sage was so excited that he couldn't control himself at the moment. He kept praising the original body, but even so, he could not express the ecstasy in his heart. Sparks began to burst out from the lines of the servitor, and smoke came out of his head. .

At this moment, Dukel's solemn and solemn face, which was like a marble carving, also showed a smile from the heart, and the corners of his mouth could not be suppressed.

"It's done!"

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