Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 68 68, Captain Khorne: You are too extreme

Most people's stereotype of Khorne's followers as mindless and reckless men is obviously wrong - in fact, the Lord of the Skull only despises the use of powers other than his own, such as wizards borrowing souls from the warp. An act of strength appears to Him to be an act of complete weakness.

Technological products, on the other hand, are the embodiment of mortals’ own strength and skills. The Blood God appreciates inventions and innovations, appreciating learning skills from others, appreciating technological masters, and appreciating wise men.

Guns, explosives, and mushroom bombs are manifestations of mortal strength; the diligent efforts of scientists in order to kill are also a tribute to the power of Khorne.

The top scientists from various races who research murder weapons are all born to be the chosen gods of Khorne. They could have used their talents in other ways, enriching lives, eliminating hunger and cold, fighting diseases, etc.

But they didn't. They chose to use their talents on the path of spilling blood. How pious this is for the Lord of Slaughter!

They use their unlimited potential to selflessly and noblely develop new killing techniques. Whether it is swords or guns, they are all manifestations of mortals making full use of their own power.

In the eyes of Khorne, all this is very different from obtaining energy from some unknown god, using it for his own use, and then rolling it into fireballs like a coward!

This tolerance of technology has also made the Khorne demon fleet a Chaos fleet with the most types of demon engines and the most sophisticated weapon systems.

On the space battlefield.

Duker sensed the difficulty of Khorne's daemon fleet.

Even if it is equipped with the top firepower system, it is difficult to gain a significant advantage in the passionate exchange of fire with demons.

So he decisively adopted the space combat style that is very characteristic of the Warhammer universe - collision and gang jumping.

In addition to conventional energy shields, the expedition fleet is also equipped with a psychic matrix force field, which is not weak at all in terms of head-on confrontation.

Amid the roar of macrocannons and light spears, the intensive artillery fire from the expedition flagship Mindfire opened the way, and the huge expedition fleet formed a front line and slammed into the Khorne fleet.

"What is the original human being thinking about? After thousands of years of slumber, has his brain been filled with muscles? He is about to be hit right away as soon as the fight begins!"

In the demon fleet, each captain cursed and hurriedly commanded his warships.

"This is a bit too extreme!"

According to their vision.

After encountering the demon fleet, the imperial fleet should decisively shrink its formation, shorten the front line, and strive to build a defensive force field to form a defensive array.

The ambush demon fleet will use the powerful demon firepower system to cut them bit by bit and block the subspace passage to ensure that they have no way to escape.

Unable to escape, the Primarch was slowly drawn into a web of despair.

This was not his imagination. In fact, in past battles with the Imperial Navy, this tactic had always been successful.

Every time a human skull is harvested, the Blood God is very pleased.

but now.

It’s just been a fucking round of shooting, why are you in a hurry?

The space war has just begun, and you launch a charge to collide. Will you be able to fight a space war while riding a horse? !

boom! boom! boom!

Watching the Fire of the Soul, which was nearly thirty kilometers in length and charging at full sub-light speed, explode one small demon frigate after another.

Captain Khorne gritted his teeth,

"It's too late to retreat!"

"Push on, press on at all costs!"

Madness appeared in the eyes of the demon captain, and he gave the order with a sudden movement of his heart.

Collision is collision, no one is afraid of whom!

As the order was issued, thousands of engines on the demon flagship roared simultaneously, leading the fleet to ram into the approaching imperial warship.

The distance between the two fleets shortened rapidly. The roar of macro cannons, light spears, and plasma cannons continued for a moment. Deep space torpedoes and missiles were released densely, forming an airtight barrage.

The interceptor weapons of the demon fleet released beams of light, detonating barrages in space, and part of them hit the void shield, causing ripples that flickered.

One battleship after another exploded into dazzling flames in the deep space.

Each explosion scattered countless corpses floating in the cold space.

And more space battleships roared like wild beasts and bit together.

At this moment, the power of the mind matrix was operating to the extreme, and the chaos shield that the demon fleet was proud of was suddenly weakened.

Immediately, there was a brazen collision!

Boom! ——

The huge golden horn of the Soul Fire tore apart the chaos shield of the demon flagship almost instantly, and embedded itself straight into the steel armor.

The Chaos flagship let out a piercing cry, and the corner of it was instantly torn open with a length of more than ten kilometers, almost completely breaking it.

And this is just the beginning——

"The Empire is on top!"

Amidst loud slogans, the original body jumped down from the ram of the Inner Fire, smashing huge dents into the deck of the demon flagship.

With infinite power surging throughout his body, he kicked the closed metal door away with one kick.

Dulquer marched in, followed closely by his bodyguards.

The flagship of the Khorne demons looks like an old model from 10,000 years ago. No wonder it performs a performance that gives even the expedition fleet a headache.

The interior is also painted with Khorne-specific paint - brass scorpion, murderer, gold and red color combinations.

Countless skulls were piled on both sides of the ground, leaving only a walkable aisle in the middle.

Some human corpses pierced by spikes can also be seen on the walls. Some of the corpses of these Imperial soldiers were twisted under the attack of the power of Chaos.

Some can still maintain their human form, and their expressions may be angry roars, or twisted with hatred.

Some of them were not completely dead, but integrated with the ship. When they saw Dukel's arrival, they all made pitiful cries for help.

These people can no longer be saved. Their lives are connected to the giant ship and they are no longer independent individuals.

In this regard, Duker could only ask the Imperial warriors to use the chainsword in their hands to give these unfortunate people the last mercy, hoping that after losing their lives, they could enjoy eternal peace, or their souls could return to the throne.

Suddenly, there was a bang.

The walls of the battleship were instantly blown open.

Countless cultists came out, with brass brackets inserted into their bodies, and skulls hanging on them, including human ones, alien ones, and demonic ones.

Behind them, two teams of Khorne demons rushed out of the darkness.

The moment these heretics rushed out, the bolt guns in the hands of the Imperial soldiers sprayed out fiery bullets.

The chain sword in Duker's hand buzzed, and he rushed forward, the fire of his soul rising.

The thick armor filled with subspace energy was cut instantly, and blazing flames spurted out from the gaps in the helmet.

Kicked it away with a bang, and the helmet rolled off, revealing the human face inside.

The fire of the soul burned in the body of the heretic, turning it into charcoal in the blink of an eye.

The cultists were trampled underfoot by the Battle Sisters, and the Space Marines' bolters blasted the demons' heads.

In the long and narrow corridor, the followers of Khorne fought with the expeditionary legion.

Dukel launched a charge, charging all the way down the corridor like a meat grinder. His heavy body made the steel deck rumble, and heretics along the way were chopped and chopped.

Humanity's anger was vented in the sound of gunfire, and it was poured out unbridled on the heretics.

The wildly rotating chain sword slashed at the heretic's body, causing sparks and broken flesh to fly everywhere.

Khorne's divine power cannot protect these heretics, and all their defenses are cut through as easily as cheese.

The body, filled with the negative energy of subspace, is purified by the burning fire of the soul.

When the flames of battle gradually extinguished, it was accompanied by the fall of the last heretic in sight.

Duker continued to advance with his guards, approaching the demon's core area.

In the core area, a Khorne champion took out his Daemon Glaive, and the power of the Daemon surged in his body.

There was a demon living in this demonic war blade. When the God-chosen champion picked up the war blade, he heard the beautiful hymn again.

It was the most beautiful hymn composed by blood and killing, presented to the Blood God.

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