Chapter 511: There must be something wrong with the alien’s brain

Not only in this area, it seems that as the magic power from outside the planet began to run rampant, the remaining two outsiders also took the initiative to attack.

Bad boy Abi headed towards the desert, perhaps because his young body's instinctive curiosity about the desert also affected this body's choice to some extent. After all, compared to several other beings who were clearly aggressive or clearly hostile to humans, , the branch spirit that possesses the body of this heroic spirit and dominates the consciousness does not have so much initiative, so it has the smallest change in relative essence.

Even Yang Yuhuan began to instinctively feel the most powerful heroic spirits he could feel. They were going to try to turn these heroic spirits into their own clones. Although they were all clones of gods, they were actually more like ten Split tools, this is their mission, the meaning of their existence, and it is what must be done.

Just like the leader who has been possessed by the body, at this moment he... Oh, she, the purpose of summoning so many descendants of the black goat, as well as monsters created using various magic powers and magic, is to Invade more existences. After all, although outsiders like them all want to occupy this planet from the starry sky, they also have conflicts among themselves.

In fact, to a certain extent, it is no different from the current earth. Isn’t the current earth also the human beings as the main "ruler" on the earth? As a result, different countries still have mutual conspiracy theories and conflicts. For example, the Bald Eagle, which is currently hosting the Holy Grail War, has always wanted to use various methods to provoke conflicts in order to consolidate its hegemony. .

These outside fans also want to occupy more and a wider place for their own believers when they really come here.

To a certain extent, these heroic spirits composed of magical power are the best puppets to invade. Once they are completely transformed, they will become their most powerful thugs.

In the eyes of these outside gods, the Holy Grail War at this moment is a selection field, and of course they must pick up the excellent products as soon as possible.

Gu Feng, who also had the consciousness of an Outer God, stood at a high place, looking at the three Outer God clones who were already in an excited state. He sighed and scratched his head. The battle with the Cthulhu clones that time It also had a certain impact on him. Although the clone used the body of a heroic spirit, wasn't he also the body of a heroic spirit now?

I can only say that the integration between myself and that cheap father is relatively high. Even if I use seemingly outrageous power, I will not lose my mind. But if other descendants also fall into madness and directly become those foreign gods The clones of outsiders, then their own advantage will no longer exist, because of course those clones of outsiders hope that their own power will become more and more powerful in this body.

There is no need to worry about whether they will be affected. Could it be that they themselves will also affect themselves?

But if these guys act like this, they don't need to take action anymore, and they have to have some confidence in other selves, right?

What's more, the Egyptian side might not need another Egyptian self to take action. Before he could take his eyes back, a spear like a paddle pierced the bad boy's body in the desert area and brought him to In mid-air, there was a powerful lightning, which directly covered the heroic spirit that was fixed in mid-air with firepower like a fierce bombardment.

A mirror also floated into the mid-air, and then a large number of undead washed away the heroic spirits fixed in the mid-air. Not only that, those starry sky sphinxes and ordinary sphinxes were also like the characteristic weapons of a certain country. Launched a suicidal charge towards the heroic spirit.

Although a golden snake that looked like it was completely affected by the power of the North Star Palace flew out of the crack quickly, trying to save its owner, or to be precise, its new owner.

In fact, everyone in Egypt has already felt the withdrawal of one of their partners. After all, he did not return within the stipulated time. Coupled with the strange thick fog, even if something happened, it would not be an accident.

Just deliver it directly to your door, otherwise it will still be considered a provocation. In fact, everyone in Egypt is holding back a burst of anger.

The blue-haired boy rushed out of the temple. At the same time, an anteater mask appeared on his face. With the golden spear in his hand raised forward, the area that turned into a desert instantly lifted up. A ladder of sand and dust rushed directly towards this heroic spirit.

After being in mid-air in the passage, a large amount of sand turned into huge claws. Saitum directly grabbed the head of the golden snake, and then grabbed the giant snake that had been controlled by others and smashed it directly from the air. earth.

With a loud noise, the desert swallowed up the golden snake again. The sand grains turned into blades and weapons capable of erasing everything. They began to erode the gold like a millstone.

A huge pyramid rose from the sky and the ground, and then merged into the sky.

The powerful force first created a burst of wind pressure, pushing the fog in the underground area together with the simulated clouds to the surroundings, creating an ancient and somewhat majestic scene between the sky and the earth, which was covered by the yellow sand. The infected city and the towering pyramids are a romance unique to ancient Egypt.

The thick fog shrouding this underground land dissipated at this moment.

Seeing such an ending, Gu Feng was actually not surprised. Those alien gods would follow their instincts and act regardless, or they would directly select the most powerful and difficult being to deal with, or they would act under the influence of other alien gods. At that time, he would not be willing to act together with others, and Gu Feng knew it.

On the one hand, to a certain extent, I am also their kind. Can these gods who come from the chaotic side really let their clones follow their own reason? You don’t need to answer this answer yourself, the facts have proven everything.

On the other hand, haven’t I dealt with these guys so many times while I was alive? Even those incarnations of foreign gods may not all have normal rationality, let alone the beings born from these invading bodies. After all, in order to completely influence the clones of these heroic spirits, how crazy must the consciousness of these clones be? Be successful!

On the other side, in the church, a white sacred light also began to spread towards the surroundings.

Chapter 512: Bringing light to those in despair

The light barrier engraved with various cross patterns also directly dispersed the surrounding dense fog. The screaming black crow was instantly torn into pieces, and the black goat cubs were suppressed on the ground and began to slowly melt.

The butcher's knife directly cut the leg of one of the black goat cubs. The man glanced at Hu Hai, who was thrown to the ground by the black crow. He clicked his tongue in displeasure, then threw one of the butcher's knives and chopped off the leg. That crow.

Although I can ignore the fact that a crow pecked Hu Hai to death, after all, I won't feel any sadness because of Hu Hai's exit, but now I am under a lot of pressure, and I still need Hu Hai's Noble Phantasm to give me power to improve. own combat capabilities.

The surrounding terracotta warriors and horses were still shooting at those strange beings with their machine guns.

The man wiped the sweat from his head and looked at the alien creatures that had surrounded them in the center of the cross street. There was a hint of exhaustion in the smile on his face.

Sure enough, it is not difficult to cut down those magicians and familiars, but it is torture to cut down these seemingly tenacious things.

"Damn it! This Holy Grail War doesn't look like it was fought by humans. Maybe we really have to risk our lives to get out of here."

Really, this is not X Dynasty Warriors, nor is he the God of War who has killed many gods in a major game IP. These monsters are not beings who can mow the grass casually.

I can't die in this place.

Thinking that my son might be oppressed by other people in the family, although my son should not suffer too much, this kind of future really makes people feel uncomfortable. Before my son's body recovers, I must not die!

A burst of powerful energy and blood began to erupt in his body. Although maintaining it for such a long time may affect his lifespan, it is still better than losing his life directly.

Just as the sacred light spreads out, the battle in the church should have entered the final stage. As long as it persists for a while, the battle should be over. If the one in the church fails, it will definitely not be easy for him. , no matter whether the result is good or bad, we must try our best now.

But before this power could completely explode, a claw was quickly launched from the roof of the building, directly hooking the man's waistband, and then quickly contracted towards the roof of the building, raising his head and looking towards Toward the top of the building, a young assassin with the emblem of the Assassin organization hanging around his neck was using magic to strengthen his limbs.

Only in this way can you firmly grasp your own hook. Such a high height, coupled with the weight of a strong adult, is also a big burden for assassins who are inconvenient to become big muscles.

This young assassin is the master of the white-clothed assassin. Naturally, the purpose of not acting together before was just for this moment. What could disrupt the enemy's rhythm more than the sudden appearance of reinforcements?

Looking at the monsters surrounded by Hu Hai because he escaped from here, the man still raised his right hand, the command spell flashed, and Hu Hai appeared in mid-air, and was then firmly held in the man's hand.

"I'm afraid of heights——!!"

Under Hu Hai's heart-rending cry, the two of them were briefly out of danger. It was much better to be able to persist until the end like a kite than to force a fight.

In the church, the white assassin took off his hood, looked at the blood and some small wounds on his body, and took a deep breath. At this moment, all the demons with skeleton-like faces around him had fallen to the ground. The wounds from the swords with golden light on their bodies were enough to show who caused their deaths.

Because the sword of the cross that killed them was inserted into the ground, the unfolding sacred realm was also the power displayed by the cross. The holy cloth originally wrapped around the left hand had become a one-shoulder cloak. After all, Under the siege of so many enemies, he needed the defense of the holy cloth, and the left arm with the Ten Commandments engraved on it was naturally exposed.

At this moment, the assassin's identity cannot be hidden.

Perhaps weapons like crosses are not rare among Christians, and perhaps believers who call themselves saints can obtain the holy cloth, but only one person owns the arm with the Ten Commandments engraved on it.


As the last leader of the Holy Knights and a believer in the Lord, after the Renaissance, or to be precise after the Holy City was occupied by Islam, this name is an existence that all believers cannot avoid, even if this person It is not the people in the church, nor does it affect many people in the church to silently promote this person to the status of a saint.

The jealousy remaining in this heroic spirit's body was drawn out in this chaotic state.

It was the sorrow that he felt when his prayers to the Lord failed to get an answer when he was burned out by the flames. Perhaps he should be a little self-deprecating. He could not be as open-minded as Joan of Arc, so he would hate Everything, hating the gods, hating all living beings, and hating myself.

Originally, this emotion was just a bit of weak dissatisfaction bought from the bottom of my heart. Now in the chaotic situation, with the consciousness of the gods as the main body inheriting the memory, this feeling is naturally dug out from the depths of my heart. After all, The more unbearable, agitated and angry the mood, the easier it is for the spirit of the hero to collapse, and the more stable their foreign consciousness will naturally be.

"Ah! Everything I pass will turn into flames! Fill the whole skull with wine...IaIa...thnaroloyoranalakh! The desires of the body, the desires of the soul. Compared with light, we love darkness more, turning into A baby born from a mother’s womb… [Friday the 13th]…!”

A huge black shadow rose from the ground. While swallowing the body of the heroic spirit, darkness continued to pour forward. The black and smelly black mud seemed to be able to swallow everything.

But in the midst of this black tide, the holy cloth held up a ray of light. This daylight was busy swaying in the darkness, but it did not completely disappear.

Erlan raised his left arm, and the sacred light became brighter and brighter.

"Those who have been in despair, may this light save you. Those who cross the line of heart will be punished, and death will bring you eternal peace and rest!"

Ilan raised his left hand, and a dazzling white light rushed into the sky. The Ten Commandments floated from his left arm into the air, flickering faintly in the air. Ilan knew that the leader who had fallen into this state, Absolutely no way to pass the judgment of the Ten Commandments.

Chapter 513: The Ten Commandments Reappear

This soaring light fell from the sky again, directly locking the heroic spirit in the black mud, and was about to pull it out of the endless black mud, and out of the filth that seemed to have been swallowed by foreign creatures. , the cross light pulled up his hands, and for a moment the enemy was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Irlan drew his arm across the cross sword in front of him and inserted it on the ground.

The magic power surging upward caused the clothes to float from bottom to top, and at the same time, they kept making noises. The holy cloth was rippling in the wind behind her. That dazzling white, pure white, and sacred white was what she once believed in. White, at this moment, became an extremely dazzling white.

It's so dazzling that it makes people hate it, it's so dazzling that it feels unfair...and it's so dazzling that it makes people feel envious.

And the ten commandments in the sky began to gradually turn into a gentle cross, which seemed to be able to provide shelter for everyone, and would attack all enemies after being broken again.

"Here are God's Ten Commandments, start counting your sins——!"

[First Commandment: You shall have no other gods before me. 】·Did not pass!

The first commandment was broken and the cross that represented the first commandment turned red.

[Second Commandment: You shall not make for yourself any graven image, or any likeness of anything in heaven above, or on earth below, or under the earth, or in the waters in the water. You shall not bow down to them; you shall not serve them. 】·Did not pass!

The second commandment is broken, and the cross that represents the third commandment turns red.

[Third Commandment·Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord your God in vain]·Passed!

The third commandment floats in the sky, its gentle radiance forming a strong contrast with the other red lights of destruction.

[The Fourth Commandment: Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. The seventh day is the Sabbath. You must do no work on that day, neither you nor your son or your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your male servant, nor your livestock, nor the stranger who resides in your city. 】·Did not pass!

The fourth commandment is broken, and the cross that represents the fourth commandment turns red.

[The Fifth Commandment: Honor your parents. 】·pass!

The second complete commandment floated in the air.

[The Sixth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill. 】·Did not pass!

[Seventh Commandment: Thou shalt not commit adultery. 】·pass!

[The Eighth Commandment: Thou shalt not steal. 】·pass!

[The Ninth Commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness against others. 】·pass!

[The Tenth Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, his male servant, his maidservant, his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is his. 】·pass!

A total of four red-light commandments were about to be absorbed by the golden eyes that opened in the sky, but soon the eyes were locked on the heroic spirit shrouded in light, and the whole eyes completely turned into in red.

[Special situation detected]

[Determine the enemy is an outsider and start full liberation]

The other six crosses that were originally floating in mid-air, exuding soft light, also turned into red light at this moment.

【Ten seals lifted】

[Holy Arm·Ten Commandments—activate! 】

The heroic spirit in front of me has not completely violated all the ten commandments, but it is a pity that he is an alien now. After all, a certain old pigeon is also the god of this planet, whether he does not want his followers to be Either by accident, or out of responsibility, it is impossible for the old pigeon to let these outsiders go, whether public or private.

"The bell is ringing! Now—the trial begins!"

The ten commandments floating in the mid-air emitted a bright light, and then turned into white doves flying high one after another and rushed into the sky, blending into the sky, radiating light in the eyes.

When the soaring white dove rushed into the sky, as the trial began, the golden light in the sky took on a touch of destructive red, and then locked directly on the forehead of the man in front of him with an eye-like pattern, and at the same time, under his feet The pattern is like hell. It is obvious that the verdict has been issued, and the heroic spirit in front of him will be locked and annihilated.

The bell sounded slowly, accompanied by the feathers floating down from the brilliance, solemnly and far away, with a bit of sacred and deathly silence, and the sky was completely stained with the color of dusk.

Ten cross-like spikes appeared in the sky. The spikes emitted red light and were filled with the power of punishment. After rotating twice in the sky, these spikes fell directly towards the heroic spirit in front of them.

It was inserted into the limbs and body of the heroic spirit in front of him with incomparable precision, nailing the heroic spirit firmly to the ground. The last long sword fell and was inserted directly into the heroic spirit's neck, sealing off the heroic spirit's ability to speak, and also allowing the heroic spirit to speak. The heroic spirit's body was pressed forward, looking like a man forced to kneel down and bow his head forward.

Even though the dark power in his body tried to resist that radiance, this light seemed to ignore all the magic power and directly acted on the essence of the soul.

The sound of the bell kept reaching his ears. He raised his head with difficulty and saw the white young man in front of him lowering his raised left hand.

The next moment, the red light in the sky also fell.

With a loud noise, the thick fog shrouding the ground began to dissipate, and the black crows and black goat cubs that were constantly chasing the killers also lost their vitality at this moment.

Ilan looked at the restored sacred church, held the cross and breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at a pigeon landing on his shoulder, and finally sighed helplessly. He was obviously an assassin, so why did he always talk about religion? What about relationships?

The beings using Yang Yuhuan's body movement on the other side are not in a very good condition at the moment. Those highly intelligent robots that can transform, hold high-tech weapons in their hands, and look like terracotta warriors and horses are the only things that can appear in this era. ? How did it change from War of Heroes to StarCraft in an instant?

Not only are there normal-sized ones, but there are also ones that are as big as little giants.

Mainly because I thought that by destroying the weapons in their hands, it would be easier to solve the problem. But what happened? The robots that originally looked like humans were directly transformed into various weapons. If they were just beasts, that would be fine. There are also mobile artillery carts. The key is that even if they are destroyed, only half of these cannons are left. The car can also transform and be shot.

After all, they were not using conventional gunpowder ammunition, and they did not even need so-called ammunition at all.

It's actually a bit frustrating.

Finally, I felt that I was getting close to the concentrated area of ​​​​magic power. As a result, one after another, Chinese mythical beasts and magical beasts that only existed in myths and legends sprang out. This feeling of being unable to finish the battle made people feel a little helpless. Besides, she is not a warrior or general herself!

Chapter 514: Concubine Yang? How many teachers does she have?

In the villa, Qin Qiaosong was eating potato chips and watching the live broadcast shown by his instrument. At the same time, he was looking at his precious phantom ["The Book of Mountains and Seas\

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