"Ahhhhhh——!! My hand!! My hand!! What have you done?!"

Seeing the two people grabbing his broken arm and retreating in horror, while the frostbite was still spreading, Gray patted his cloak gently, and then pulled out the dagger from his waist. The red eyes of the charging wolf at the hilt of the sword flashed.

One of the remaining two people chose the villain to complain first, took out the ax from his waist, and pointed it at Gray, "What are your guys doing?!"

Gray tilted his head, held the dagger, and tapped his mouth gently with his finger. In the end, the disguised ordinaryness and innocence disappeared without a trace, and the raised corners of his mouth were like a bloodthirsty wolf. "There is no need to pretend to be righteous in front of me. Since you have chosen to betray, then show some courage that only a betrayer can have. Don't let me look down on you."

Among the four people, the one who was the leader took two steps back. His expression was slightly stiff, but he still maintained the smiley mask. "Betrayer? What are you talking about, you little brat? Take action at will." You who attacked us are the traitors!"


Gray sighed in his heart, and understood that these guys would not shed tears after seeing the coffin. With the magic power of the dagger flashing past, a wolf howl echoed in the small forest, and then one after another the North Wind wolf used Their frost-condensed bodies tore up the cloth of these carriages, and all the goods in the carriages were clearly visible at this moment.

Of course, what was piled at the rear of the carriage were salted fish packed in wooden boxes, and in the area at the head of the carriage that was covered by the salted fish, there were cages one after another, and the cages contained their Saxon teenagers.

These young children had their hands and feet tied with strips of cloth stuffed in their mouths. In order to restrict the children's movements, the cages that trapped them were also tightly attached to their bodies, making them unable to even perform the simplest movement of turning around. .

In that valley, the presence of the Saxons among the Black Knights already made Gray feel that there was something wrong, especially since those of the same race were obviously brainwashed.

"Sure enough, someone is doing human trafficking. Originally, I was expecting those Celtics to do such a deal again. After all, they are enemies... And you... how sad. "

I'm sorry for you. The expression on the leader of the human trafficking team's face changed, and he rushed towards Gray with the ax in his hand.

What they did was indeed unkind, so they must not let others know. If they wanted to hide everything in this small forest, the only way was to kill this seemingly difficult guy in front of them!

"What are you looking at? Come on together!!"

When they heard their boss speak, even the two men who had lost one of their hands gritted their teeth and raised their weapons. The Saxons didn't turn around and run away! Even if they betrayed the existence of the wolf pack, they still would not forget the wildness of the wolf. These two men with severed hands wanted to cut Gray into pieces more than their boss.

However, what responded to these four people was the constant flash of cold light. Only a short sword was enough. Gray's green eyes were extremely cold, and even the firelight could not warm these green eyes.

Flowers of ice bloomed at the ankles and wrists of these people, directly cutting off their meridians and causing the four of them to lie helplessly on the ground.

"Listen, we are invaders, we are guilty people, we are also heroes, we are a pack of wolves who came from the sea. This is our new home. We have not yet established our footing. I thought that no matter what, we will be waiting for you. Before I took root, there would not have been such a betrayal, but now it seems that my thoughts were too good."

Gray came behind the leader and used magic power to shatter the leader's shirt. "No matter where you are, no matter which ethnic group you belong to, there are scum like this. Do you remember how we dealt with betrayers?"

Gray took a deep breath, looked at the boy in the cage in the car, and his tone became a little gentler, "You wolf cubs who haven't grown up yet, if you are afraid, just close your eyes, I will not force you to grow up. , but please remember that the combat mission is not over yet."

Gray put away the dagger of ice and took out a Celtic dagger from his arms instead. This was the first trophy that Gray got after coming to this land. After the double swords of ice were polished by him, they were no longer intended to be used in battle.

As for why this dagger is used, the reason is simple. The low temperature of the ice swords is a gift that reduces pain for these betrayers.

The sharp dagger cut through the flesh and blood, and under the influence of magic power, it was not too difficult to cut off the bones, and the screams continued to echo.

Gray used the power of ice to suppress his complicated emotions. If possible, he did not want to take action against his own people, but betrayal is betrayal. If he could ignore the betrayal when he became the wolf king, his prestige as the wolf king would be gone. .

Therefore, here, the traitors will be punished with the blood eagle!

"With the blood of you traitors, I will start my journey to become the Wolf King!"

Chapter 19: Homecoming

[Although the traitor has been dealt with, I understand that everything is not over yet. 】

[If there were no senior Saxon people behind these people to support them, how could there be no reaction from the clan if so many young men disappeared at once. 】

[Therefore, there is still a bigger traitor who has not been dug out. I am afraid that this traitor is still in the tent discussing how to invade the Saxon land next. 】

[At the moment it’s just the sale of people, but in the future will it turn into selling intelligence to gain more wealth? 】

[Once you embark on the road of betrayal, there is no possibility of turning back. This is a dark road destined to lead to the abyss with no turning back. 】

[This hidden danger must be dealt with as soon as possible. I plan to go directly to the gathering place of the Saxon leaders, where I will use the blood of betrayers to complete the red carpet for me to ascend the throne. 】

[It’s time for these many wolves to have a wolf king! 】

Gray found some parchments with names on them from the corpses of these slave traders. Looking at these names, Gray couldn't help but have a sentence pop up in his mind: How could he feel like he was playing Assassin's Creed?

But what is Assassin's Creed?

Forget it, none of this seems to be important. What is important is that he will not let go of any of the guys involved in this matter.

Directly using ice to destroy the cages that imprisoned the teenagers, Gray's face showed an unprecedented tenderness, "Let's go, I will take you home."

After one of the teenagers moved his hands and feet, he came to a few "blood eagles" that were still lingering with indifference and anger in his eyes. He then raised his foot and stepped on it towards the lungs, decisively and cruelly. inferior! As expected of Saxon blood.

Gray could see a bit of determination and a bit of aggression in this young man's eyes. It seemed that he might see this young man in his army in the future.

Of course, Gray did not immediately assassinate the people on the list. Everything requires evidence. He will not let any betrayer go, but he will also try his best to protect every innocent person in the process.

Gray continued to investigate on the way to the destination. This time he would capture the betrayers directly, punish them in the forest, cut off their heads, and then freeze them with ice.

Although the Saxons are still united, they do lack a top-level leader. Such an alliance may seem solid, but it is also extremely easy to break. After all, they are all tribal leaders who have successfully set foot on this land. , it is inevitable that there will be arrogance in the heart, and these heads are the tools that I use to kill the arrogance of these team leaders.

At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, after the grain has been sown, it is time for the clan leaders of each ethnic group to meet to formulate what the Saxons should do in the next year, and at the same time to compare the strength of each ethnic group. To determine who has the greatest say, which is equivalent to the Saxon supreme leader for one year.

At this moment, in the tent, grilled fish and barbecue have been put on the table, and the wine has been prepared. Team leaders from different regions have also arrived one after another. When the time comes at noon, everyone takes their seats and raises their hands. Drink a glass of wine to celebrate this day.

In a tent, a man with a somewhat stingy and bitter appearance had a bit of melancholy on his face, and then he sighed. He had received a lot of bad news in the past two days, of course it was about himself. This guy is just a person. The top leader of the business, his subordinates have lost news one after another in the past few days, resulting in the money in his hands being less than expected.

After all, he is weaker than others. If he wants to obtain the position of the supreme leader of the alliance this time, he can only find a way financially. After tasting the sweetness of the human trafficking incident more than a year ago, , he has been relying on this to prepare the money he needs.

He missed the best opportunity last year, and he must successfully win the highest position this year. By then, he will have the opportunity to arrange his people into each tribe. As long as he does it properly, he will become the richest in the future without anyone else. The existence that matches oneself will have more say after taking control of the economic lifeline.

This man is very proud that he has Saxon blood as well as Greek blood. This bloodline makes him completely different from other reckless men. While everyone else is pursuing military combat effectiveness and their own strength, he is the only one who sees clearly what the economy hides. The power gave him the opportunity to have more say.

Looking at the time, the man frowned. There was no more time for him to wait for his men to send more money.

But it doesn't matter. Although there is no way to be sure that with the money and power you have, you can steadily hit that position this year, you can definitely give it a try, and you have a good chance of winning.

This time the tribal leaders gathered together, of course, Gray's father was also involved. As a leader, many tribesmen successfully landed on this land, and even expanded their territory, accepting many tribesmen who were wandering around. Gray's father It can be considered that he has made some achievements.

It's just that although the entire tribe is developing steadily, both in terms of population, combat effectiveness and economic strength, it has grown much more than when it first came to this land. However, compared with those tribes who came to this land for several years in the morning, There is still a certain gap.

After all, Gray's father came here mainly to see what other people plan to do in the next year and make corresponding arrangements. As for grabbing that position, how much does he have? Gray's father Still clear.

After the alliance started, Gray's old father was eating barbecue and drinking wine, watching the tribes that had the strength to compete for the position of leader of the alliance, constantly increasing their bargaining chips, while Gray's old father curled his lips. Ba, what he was thinking about was when his son could come home.

At the alliance table, the man from before once again spent a sum of money, demonstrating his financial strength. After all, financial strength is also part of the tribe's overall strength. The confident and arrogant smile on his face seemed to have already made up his mind. It's the same position as this year.

"If you don't have any opinions, then I will formulate this year's combat strategy."

Gray's father put down his wine glass, thinking that this year's results would be coming soon, but at this moment, a chaotic sound came from outside the tent.

Chapter 20: I want to be the king!

"Opinions? Of course I have opinions! Are you proud to be in that position with money stained with the blood of a Saxon boy?"

Along with these words, there were several heads that were frozen by the ice that entered the tent. Although this man did not know who was in his network, he could still recognize the people who were relatively close to him. .

But why do these heads appear here? etc! Doesn't this mean that his human trafficking business has been exposed?

Different from the panic on this man's face, the leaders of other tribes have stood up and even picked up their weapons. If they dare to come here to cause trouble at this time, are they planning to rebel?

However, there were also a few people who subconsciously stood up and began to think about the words that had just entered their ears.

What does it mean that this money is stained with the blood of their youth?

"Don't think that I have killed all the people. You can use the excuse that you don't know anything to put aside all your sins. I specially left one alive."

A man who was holding his frozen shoulder, who had been punched and kicked many times, and whose nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but whose identity was still identifiable, stumbled into the tent.

After seeing his leader, this man stretched out his hand, with runny nose and tears, his face full of grievance, and wanted to seek help from his leader.

After seeing his men, the man sitting on the chair gritted his teeth and kept telling himself in his heart, don't turn your head and pretend not to know him. As long as he bites him to death and doesn't know the guy in front of him, then these people will What can you do to me?

It's a pity that because of the relatively high position of the person who was left behind, not only one or two people have seen this person, especially many of the leaders present have also dealt with this person, so they naturally recognized the person in front of them at a glance. What kind of relationship does the person who was thrown in with a bruised face have with the tribe leader sitting on the chair?

Gray fiddled with the two swords in his hands, with a smile on his face, and used his eyes to directly push back the Saxon soldiers who wanted to surround him. There is nothing wrong with them advocating battle and strength, but this does not mean that they are fools. As expected, it would be better to take a look at the situation first.

Arriving at the venue, Gray's eyes locked onto the silent man.

"Why don't you plan to explain it yourself? Explain why young people disappear frequently in your tribe and in neighboring tribes, you traitor?"

The other leaders around him have all focused on this man, but even so, this man still has an expression that has nothing to do with him, but the people here are not fools. At this point, it is useless no matter how much he evades responsibility. .

But Gray didn't intend to stop, and he stepped forward step by step to ask. The long sword in his hand stabbed into the leg of the bruised and swollen man.

"Look, since the boss of your family has given up on you, you should tell everything obediently, and I will give you a good time when the time comes. Look, you are following someone who doesn't even dare to take responsibility. What’s the meaning of waste?”

Every word Gray said was basically a vague mockery of the man who was sitting there pretending to have nothing to do with him, and the intensity of the mockery became stronger each time.

While mocking Gray, he also passed the information he collected to the leaders of other surrounding tribes.

Under such circumstances, the expression on the face of the man who had been sitting there pretending to have nothing to do with him finally changed. It was a look that knew he had come to the end and wanted to drag the person who cut off his life to hell together. of ferocity and hatred.

After seeing the man's expression, although Gray's father believed that his son already had good fighting ability, there was still a look of worry on his face, so he came to his son's side with an ax and prepared He was prepared to block this attack for his son.

However, Gray looked at the man in front of him who seemed ready to attack. He just patted his father on the shoulder and showed a confident smile.

Just picking out a traitor with a few frozen heads is not enough for him to sit in that position. Now he needs to show strength that no one else can match, so that this guy in front of him can be regarded as a traitor. , give yourself the last remaining value.

"Kid!! Cut off my wealth, destroy my life, destroy my dream——! In that case, come with me to the other side of death!! Even if it means death, I will take you as my backer!!"

Gray's father subconsciously wanted to drag Gray behind him, but Gray rushed out directly, swinging the long sword in his hand forward, and at the same time poured most of the magic power in his body into the weapon in his hand. , looking at the man who looked like him, the fake smile on Gray's face completely subsided.

Really, I always feel a bit insulted by giving false smiles to such a betrayer. This unbearable time can finally come to an end.

"Let me reflect on my sins!!"


The ice broke through the tent directly, and the huge ice edges refracted the rainbow under the sun. It immediately became the most dazzling and eye-catching presence in this territory, and the power displayed by Gray also attracted everyone who came here to attend the meeting. The tribal leaders of the alliance looked at him sideways. Of course, some of them could use magic, but there was no one like Gray who could create such a grand scene.

The ice completely blocked the betrayer's movements, and Gray pulled up the ax next to him. He picked up the ax and dropped it. A head rolled to the ground, and the blood dyed the carpet red. As Gray said, with the blood of the betrayer, To embellish your coronation ceremony.

This huge ice completely froze the position of the alliance leader and raised it at the same time. After Gray took a look, the others walked towards the position of the alliance leader step by step, regardless of what others thought.

While everyone was still surprised, Gray sat directly on the frozen seat.

Gray's expression became serious, and the magic began to center on himself, gradually spreading outward, like the cold wind in the north, reminding all the Saxons of the Hunting of the Goddess of Winter that had just ended, that kind of helplessness. Help, that kind of despair, and the fear that is engraved in the bones.

Gray clenched his fists slightly. He had already reached this step, so he mustered up the courage to finish the remaining half step on his knees.

"The betrayer has been dealt with, so... although it's a bit unexpected, let's talk about business.

We are outsiders in this land, seeking a new home. Before we completely occupy this land, betrayers have already appeared. Facts have proved that we must have a wolf king to lead the pack of wolves. "


"Today I hope to ascend the throne of the Wolf King under the witness of everyone. I also know that you may be dissatisfied, so challenge me!"

Chapter 21: Knights of the Round Table

"Arrogant boy!"

A leader holding a heavy hammer rushed forward with an angry smile on his face. At the same time, ice flowers bloomed on the land, the howling of wolves came, and the clear sky turned into a blizzard. This leader Before he could even rush under the ice throne, he was surrounded by ice wolves and could not break through for a while.

Several other tribal chiefs who had the chance to become leaders glanced at each other and rushed towards Gray. The brat in front of them had some strength, so they were not angry. It was a good thing to have younger generations who were willing to stand up and carry the banner, but the higher they stood, the more pressure they had. The bigger.

"Boy! Let us see if you are qualified!"

Gray stood up from the Ice Seat. The magic power in his body was constantly rising. He rushed forward without retreating. Among the Saxons, whoever has the most fists listens to them. The easiest way is to defeat these seniors!

On this day, the entire Guildland was shrouded in a snowstorm for a whole day.

When the wind and snow dissipated, Gray was sitting on the Ice Throne. His body was covered with wounds and he was still limping. One of his eyes was black and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. If he hadn't been fighting with his own people, the wounds would probably have been worse. Heavy, but the appearance of the other tribal chiefs sitting on the ground under the throne was not much better.

Looking at these seniors, Gray smiled, then raised his sword high and shouted in victory.

[As I thought, my sudden desire to lead the Saxons led me to teach them lessons. 】

[But it’s a pity that the seniors couldn’t take down this madman like me. 】

[Perhaps it seems strange to outsiders. As a junior, I will soon become the wolf king and lead the entire wolf pack. 】

[During this trip, I saw many problems that other tribal leaders failed to see. The first and most important thing is the strength of the humble king of the North. 】

[After becoming the Wolf King, I chose to gather the land. Instead of letting all the Saxons spread out to occupy a large territory but lack defensive power, I would rather prioritize taking root in this land. 】

[We are wanderers and have lost our hometown. As a leader, I must be prepared for both. This is responsible for our entire Saxon people. I am a wolf that expands territory, and I am also a wall of ice and snow that sticks to my tribe. I must not Let the tribe continue to wander. 】

[What surprised me was that not long after I became the Wolf King, Altos also convinced other city lords at almost the same time and became the third ruler of this land. 】

[In the following years, there were many conflicts between Altos's troops and I, but almost no one could do anything about it, and both sides suffered casualties. 】

[During this period, my father may have stepped down from the heavy responsibility of being a leader. Before I knew it, he gave birth to a younger sister. Looking at the smiling face of my little dumpling, the gloom brought about by the war seemed to disappear. A lot of it dispersed. 】

[The days are still going on, and there is another round of friction on the border. I have to say that after that boy Altos established the so-called Knights of the Round Table, I was under a lot of pressure. I was wrong. That boy is worthy He is the born king of the Celts. 】

[In order to cope with the increasingly frequent frictions and collisions, I decided to build a Great Wall on the periphery of the territory. 】

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