After dinner, naturally everyone went back to their respective homes.

Because they were drunk, Wu Yun asked Eagle Eye to drive and take Qi Fei and the others back to the villa.

Of course, Wu Yun declined Comrade Qi Guo’s invitation to live in the villa together. What a joke. After all, the two are not married yet. Although the atmosphere is now more liberal, the spread of the news will still have an impact on Qi Fei’s reputation.

Looking at the Rolls-Royce leaving, Wu Yun pulled away the co-pilot next to Stinger and got in.

“Go to Huile International!”


In the Rolls-Royce, Qi Guo looked at Eagle Eye, who was sitting upright and wearing white gloves while driving, and the English navigation playing on his mobile phone.

Qi Guo then said in half-baked English:”Where are you from?”

When Qi Fei heard her father’s English pronunciation with a Shu accent, she couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh:”Dad! Others can speak Chinese! Don’t show off your half-hearted English!””

As a boss, Qi Guo’s face must be said to be very thick, and he said without feeling embarrassed at all:”Brother, where are you from?”

Eagle Eyes said without squinting:”Mr. Qi, I am from the United States!”

Qi Guo continued to ask:”How could you think of coming to China to be a bodyguard?”

Hawkeye smiled and said:”The first is the invitation from my comrades! The second is that Mr. Wu really gave me a lot!”

Eagle Eye spoke relatively slowly, so Qi Guo heard it clearly.

“Can you tell me what your salary is? Do you have any comrades who want to be bodyguards?”Qi Guo felt that Wu Yun was quite capable of bringing a few foreign bodyguards. He planned to hire one or two to make money in the future. Only by letting foreigners come to work for him could he reflect the power of China now. Look! There is nothing wrong with foreigners. No matter the big deal, you still have to listen to me!

Hawkeye glanced at Qi Fei who was leaning on the armrest in the back seat through the rearview mirror. There was no doubt that she was really the boss lady, so he said directly without hesitation:”According to Huaxia, it’s 35,000 Huaxia coins a month, tax Finally, you need to purchase five insurances and one fund! The year-end bonus will be calculated separately!”

Qi Guo was a little stunned. This salary was as much as that of the project leader of his company, and this was not counting bonuses! It seems that the matter of hiring foreign bodyguards has to be delayed until we can make more money later.

I remembered that Wu Yun had four foreign bodyguards and one domestic bodyguard. I guess the salary of bodyguards in my country is not lower than theirs, so Wu Yun spends more than 2 million on bodyguards every year.

At this time, Liu Yan asked from behind:”Feifei! I heard that Xiao Wu also found a female bodyguard for you?”

Qi Fei hummed and said:”My female bodyguard is an elite member of the security company hired by Wu Yun, and now she is my personal bodyguard!”

“Xiao Wu is interested! Liu Yan said with a smile.

Qi Guo asked curiously:”Why haven’t you seen your bodyguard?”

This sounds a bit sour. As the boss of a large company, he has only hired one veteran as a driver for so many years. Feifei’s treatment is much better than him.

“I gave her a day off! Because following Wu Yun, there is no safety issue, besides! What problems can there be in the country, as long as you don’t go to places with few people or chaotic places?”

Because they knew Wu Yun’s bodyguard could speak Chinese, Qi Guo and Liu Yan didn’t say much in the car.

When the three of them returned home and sat on the sofa, Qi Guocai asked:”Feifei! How much do you know about Wu Yun? Tell me the truth! This is related to my subsequent decisions!”

Hearing Qi Guo’s words, Liu Yan immediately asked:”Old Qi, was this something you two discussed alone this morning?”

Qi Guo nodded and said:”Yes! Wu Yun gave me a plan for Chengdu’s future subway and an airport!”

Because he had been around Qi for a long time, Liu Yan had been influenced by his eyes and had a higher vision, so she asked:”You want to ask if this plan is true?”

Qi Guo nodded and shook his head:”Really, I believe most of them! I just want to confirm the relationship between Feifei and him! This is related to future investments. Wu Yun said that he can also invest or take shares! From this point on It can be seen that this picture is at least credible.”

“If Feifei was just playing for him, of course I know it doesn’t look like it from Wu Yun’s performance, but I still want to confirm it from Feifei myself! Although my assets are not that much in his opinion, they are also related to Feifei’s dowry and future!”

Hearing Qi Guo’s concerns, Qi Fei said with a smile:”Dad, you are worrying too much! Wu Yun is almost defenseless against me. I know exactly how many companies he has and how many girlfriends he has. As for him I haven’t asked how many assets you have.”

“dad! Put yourself in my shoes, if you were rich, would you be willing to buy your mother hundreds of millions of real estate, millions of jewelry, and spend one to two hundred million to open a company to support your mother’s development?”

Hearing Qi Fei’s rhetorical question, Qi Guo glanced at Liu Yan, who was very interested, and affirmed without hesitation:”I will certainly do it!”

“What about Mama Leng and Mama Lin?”

“Just let them have enough food and clothing and live a prosperous life! oh! By the way, your reminder reminded me of the issue of inheritance in the future!”

“Although your two brothers are still young, I still need to prepare early!”Qi Guo felt a little sad when he thought of his two sons with unfair names. Although he often visited them, the two still couldn’t get along and started fighting whenever they met.

Liu Yan spoke at this time:”Anyway, let me tell you, I am the wife you are marrying, and I have a legal status. Feifei has the legal right to inherit! For your two younger sons, I have no objection to you giving them some money.” They have been carefree for half their lives, but they don’t want to think about this family property!”

Seeing that the topic had changed, Qi Fei felt dumbfounded. Every time I talk about those two little moms, I become���Sample

In the past, Qi State would bring them over to celebrate the New Year together, but every time Mother Leng and Mother Lin would dislike each other, so now they live separately. Liu Yan occasionally gets together with them separately to take on the responsibility of the eldest sister.

“dad! Are you talking about Wu Yun? Qi Fei quickly changed the subject:”You said Wu Yun wanted to invest in real estate with you?””

Qi Guo escaped Liu Yan’s thoughts and said with a smile:”Since you are so sure, then I decided to work with Wu Yun to make the company bigger! Dad’s goal is not too big, not to mention becoming Evergrande. Wanda’s large national real estate groups must also become the best real estate companies in Chengdu!”

Qi Guo’s ambitions seemed to come to life at this moment. He felt as if he was back when he was twenty years old, full of energy and imagining the best for everything in the future.

“dad! I trust you!”

“husband! I believe you too!”Liu Yan seemed to have seen Qi Guo in his prime, handsome, confident, charming, and strong! Liu Yan felt that Qi Guo was even better tonight!

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