Seeing Wang Shuo’s solemn expression, Wu Yun asked,”Is there someone corrupt?”

Wang Shuo shook his head:”Someone is cheating under our name!”

Wu Yun frowned:”A single incident or an organized premeditation?”

Wu Yun didn’t ask whether he was defrauding the platform’s money or personal money. If he could defraud the platform’s money, it could only mean that there was a mole in the hospital!

But now it’s impossible! That won’t be the case as time goes by!

Wang Shuo explained:”We used our guise to deceive some small hospitals, and used the excuse of promoting the platform to let others scan the QR code to register information. As a result, some people were deceived! The money for medical treatment was also transferred away!”

“These people are so fucking crazy! Even the poor are defrauded of their money! Nor are you afraid of losing your descendants!”Wu Yun’s voice was filled with anger.

Wang Shuo glanced at Wu Yun, who was frowning, and added again:”There are still people who try to defraud donations by scanning QR codes!”

“According to police investigations, more than 100 people have been deceived before and after! This is data from just a few days ago!”

Wu Yun immediately realized that if this matter was not handled properly, it would definitely affect the operation of the platform and even future donations!

If fraud becomes common, who would dare to donate? I accidentally donated my entire net worth!


elevator door opens

Wang Shuo was about to continue his report, but was interrupted by Wu Yun:”Let’s talk in your office!”

Although Dilraba and Wu Yun rarely stay together, this is the first time she has seen Wu Yun in such a state. Wu Yun’s expression is solemn, his brows are furrowed, and the veins at his temples are floating from time to time.

It feels like Wu Yun will explode at any time

The bodyguards stopped in the rest area consciously. Seeing this, Sister Wu wanted to remind Dilireba not to know too much, but she saw Dilireba being held by Wu Yun’s shoulders and walking all the way into the office.

Wu Yun was extremely angry now. This was the first time since his rebirth that he was so angry. He was never like this when others slandered him online.

As soon as he entered Wang Shuo’s office, Wu Yun sat directly on the sofa and stared at Wang Shuo:”When did you discover this?”

Wu Yun wanted to continue asking why he didn’t tell him, but he swallowed it down when he saw Wang Shuo sweating on his forehead.

“Mr. Wu! The first victim was a week ago!”

“There were only a few people there at the time, and they called the police directly after being deceived! The police even came to investigate!”

“We have also issued warnings about related scams on our official website and APP!”

“Unexpectedly, many similar incidents occurred across the country!”

Wang Shuo wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and continued:”We have called the police and the police have filed a case! But there is no news yet!”

“And because it happens all over the country, it’s relatively sporadic! So the local police just opened a case and started investigating!”

“Those scammers seemed to disappear, as if they had heard the news.”

Wu Yun punched the sandbag cushion and said coldly:”MD, don’t let me catch who did it! They want to defraud people of this kind of money! I will make them pay the price!”

“Wang Shuo! You continue to pay attention to this matter! Just leave the rest to me! The police can’t just file a case! This is obviously a group crime, and more joint law enforcement is needed!”

“The company’s publicity department must come up with a corresponding plan! How to publicize our process to the outside world and how to publicize and prevent fraud? Please optimize it as soon as possible!”

“OK! Mr. Wu! I’ll make arrangements right now!”Wang Shuo nodded repeatedly and wrote down Wu Yun’s request in his notebook.

Wu Yun quickly controlled his emotions and took out his mobile phone to dial Yu Bo.

“Mayor Yu, excuse me! There is something I want to report, and I hope the authorities will pay attention to it!”

Yu Bo was originally having a discussion with a visitor. When he received Wu Yun’s call, he answered the call without hesitation. He didn’t expect Wu Yun to ask such a question.

As Wu Yun described, Yu Bo’s expression remained unchanged, but his hand movements increased, and he kept writing down the key points with a pen.

“OK! OK! I’ll arrange for someone to handle it right away! The nature of this matter is too bad! Must be severely punished!”

The visitor sitting in front of Yu Bo was surprised by Yu Bo’s reaction. After seeing Yu Bo hang up the phone, he smiled and said:”Old Yu! Did the leader call?”

Yu Bo shook his head and said:”It’s Wu Yun! We encountered some little trouble!”

“Wu Yun! That’s the one?”The visitors were a little surprised

“Lao Wang! Just wait! I’ll arrange it!”

With that said, Yu Bo pressed a button

In more than thirty seconds, there was a knock on the office door.

“Leader, please give me orders!”A man in his thirties wearing an executive jacket stood with his hands tied.

“You go inform Director Xie and bring someone with you to hold a meeting here in half an hour!”


After Wu Yun calmed down, he listened carefully to the report from Wang Shuo and related personnel.

I have a general understanding of crowdfunding for serious illnesses.

After a month of promotion, all tertiary hospitals in Jiangcheng have been connected to the critical illness crowdfunding system, and hospitals in other provincial capital cities are in contact and negotiation.

It is precisely because other cities are still promoting or expanding that some people have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

In one month, critical illness crowdfunding successfully helped hundreds of patients obtain the medical funds they needed.

Through word of mouth, Jiangcheng’s hospital has become a place of hope for many patients.


As soon as Yu Bo got home, he saw Wu Yun sitting on the sofa chatting with Tian Meiqin wordlessly, with happy smiles on their faces.

There are already several dishes on the dining room table

“I had a video conference in the afternoon and I came back late!”Yu Bo smiled and hung his coat on the hook, looked at the two people with smiles on their faces and asked:”What are you talking about! So happy! ?”

Tian Meiqin smiled and said:”We were just talking about my daughter-in-law!”

“I just told Xiaoyun that although this girl Zhai Na is a little older than Yu Xiao, she is still a good person! So I think we can let Yu Xiao get in touch again! Don’t worry about it so much!”

“What Xiaoyun said just now is right! Now that Yu Xiao is still young, even if this relationship becomes obsolete, we can just let him go on a blind date in the future!”

“Sometimes, if you are too lenient, it will make him have a rebellious mentality. When the time comes, he will kill you first and then show you, get on the bus first and then pay for the ticket, and bring you a grandson back directly!”

Wu Yun released his hold on the case and sent out a long voice. If Tian Meiqin could see the person Wu Yun was chatting with, he would definitely find out that it was his son who has been quite rebellious recently.

Yu Bo frowned, then relaxed:”Xiaoyun, Yu Xiao asked you to cover, right? Otherwise, you won’t go home after the exam!””

Wu Yun chuckled and sold Yu Xiao directly:”Cousin actually wants to have his own life! According to his wishes, he has been clearly arranged by his uncle since he was a child. Cousin just follows your plan. act”

“Uncle, to be fair, you don’t need to worry so much about emotional matters! Let your cousin develop on his own, which is also a kind of growth for him!”

“After a long time, you will naturally know whether it is suitable!”

Tian Meiqin put her hands on her hips and asked,”Do you dislike your son for finding a teacher? You find a teacher yourself, but you hope that your son can’t find a teacher?””

Yu Bo laughed, raised his sleeves and changed the subject:”Where are those weird thoughts!? I just don’t care from now on! Eat quickly! Otherwise the food will be cold!””

Tian Meiqin rolled her eyes at Yu Bo, stood up and entered the kitchen.

After a while, he walked out with two bowls of rice and placed them in front of the two people who were chatting.

“Xiaoyun! This serious illness crowdfunding matter has attracted great attention from the above, and it was reported this afternoon! The above decided to set up a task force to combat online fraud similar to QR code scanning!”

“It can be said! This operation is nationwide!”

“Because the critical illness crowdfunding is in Jiangcheng, this task force will be set up in Jiangcheng, and Jiangcheng’s law enforcement team will be used as the backbone to join forces with other places to enforce the law!”

“I believe there will be news soon!”

As Yu Bo spoke, he took a bite of the rice in front of him and called to Wu Yun:”Eat quickly! Eat quickly! We have been having a meeting all afternoon and I am already so hungry that I can’t bear it anymore!””

Wu Yun was not hungry. He ate some nuts in the office in the afternoon.

“uncle! I do believe in the authorities. I believe they can catch these people.”

“But now I wonder if anyone will reveal the news to them! ? I analyzed it in the afternoon and found that the operation seemed to be committed by the same gang!”

Yu Bo nodded, swallowed what was in his mouth, and then said:”Your guess is not unreasonable! Someone also raised it during the meeting this afternoon!”

“So we hired actors! Handling cases in other places!”

“This is a good way!”

Wu Yun couldn’t help but think of what he and Dilraba did in the afternoon, pretending to be patients in need of help or kind-hearted people, and letting those people show up on their own initiative.

“Eat it soon! Talking about business all day long! You can’t even spend some time watching TV with me! Tian Meiqin glared at Yu Bo and said,”After eating, come with me to watch mortals cultivate to immortality!” This is played by Xiaoyun’s wife! Don’t you support it!”


The lights turned on, and the dim living room suddenly seemed like daylight

“Get up! Get up and get to work!”A young man with a harmless appearance slapped the men lying in a row on the sofa several times.

This somewhat narrow living room looked very messy. There were still leftover barbecues from the night before on the coffee table. Several green beer bottles were either dumped on the coffee table or fell to the ground.

The trash can not far away is already very tired, and there are buckets of instant noodles scattered around.

“Damn it! Are you pigs? It’s almost twelve o’clock and I still can’t get up! Do you want to make big money? ?”

Under the young man’s scolding, the three people lying on the sofa also reacted

A young man with a lean face reached out to fumble around and put a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose:”Brother Lin, didn’t you say we have to wait two days?”

“”Hey~” The man with glasses yawned,”I have a headache!” I drank too much last night!”

Brother Lin frowned:”If you have a headache, take an ibuprofen! After eating it, get up quickly and familiarize yourself with the new QR code applet! Add a few more springboards based on the ones provided by the company!”

“We’ve had a reprieve for a few days! We just need to take advantage of this period of crowdfunding and promotion for Serious Illness to get started!”

“Otherwise, wait until everyone else has settled the matter! Then nothing will happen to us!”

At this time, the fat man at the end of the sofa said carefully:”Brother Lin, didn’t you say we would stop after one vote?”

The little fat man swallowed his saliva:”We are trying to steal Wu Yun’s wool! If he finds out, he will have to sit through it!”

Brother Lin’s eyes widened at first, and then he smiled and said:”Little Fatty, do you think the few votes you did in the past few days are enough for us to share?”

“You also have to pay management fees! All that’s left is some mosquito meat! Think about how many transactions you have to do to buy a house? To get a wife?”

Xiaopang’s expression relaxed, remembering the days when he was a licking dog but couldn’t get it, and he clenched his fists:”Brother Lin, I’ve done it! I won’t stop until I buy a house!”

Brother Lin smiled and said:”That’s right! Think about the good days beckoning in the future, let’s work together! Be bigger and stronger! Create greater glory!”

Brother Lin’s voice changed:”Don’t worry, everyone, if the matter is exposed, the company has prepared an escape route for us!”

The young man who had been silent until now became energetic:”What retreat?”

When Brother Lin saw this, he stopped urging the three of them. Instead, he picked up a small stool from the side and sat down:”Everyone knows that we are a multinational company, right?”

“The company has offices and even branches in various countries in Southeast Asia!”

“Now that the domestic market is getting worse, the company is gradually shifting its focus to Southeast Asia.”

“Especially northern Myanmar and the Golden Triangle area are free places!”

“Especially in northern Myanmar, the living habits there are no different from those in China. They all speak Chinese and use Chinese currency!”

“So don’t worry, everyone, the company has already thought of a way out for us! As long as we create more benefits for the company!”

“Technical talents like glasses are very popular in Southeast Asia, and they are definitely popular everywhere!”

Brother Lin rarely talked to the three of them. After stimulating the fighting spirit of the three of them by catering to their preferences, Brother Lin finally talked about the company’s requirements.

“Because the police started to notice us, but don’t worry, because the cases were scattered, the police didn’t pay attention!”

“If there is an inspection coming, the company will still notify us in advance!”

Brother Lin stood up and said:”Okay! I’ve said everything that should be said and shouldn’t be said! Everyone, cheer up and familiarize yourself with the new mini program sent by the company!”

“Glasses, we are here to do technology, so we must hide our IP, not to mention completely hiding it, at least give us enough time to retreat!”

“Xiaochuang and Dali! You should familiarize yourself with the words sent by the company as soon as possible! Be sure to memorize it thoroughly when you start the activity tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!”

Brother Lin took out his mobile phone and forwarded a message to the group of four people:”This is the message sent by the company today! The team with the highest performance will not only receive high bonuses! There will also be a specially customized half-month tour of Southeast Asia! The whole journey Beauty company!”

“real?”The three people on the sofa suddenly became energetic when they heard the beauty.

“Could I still lie to you? Fatty, wipe your saliva clean! After work, remember to lose weight! Otherwise, when the time comes, will you use your toothpick to prick the beauty?”



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