Tech Hammer

Chapter 405 Careful advice

"We have been trying to find ways to change the world on many levels that people may not be aware of deeply, and use technology to make the world a better place."

“For example, I privately purchased the copyrights of many novels written by world-renowned authors, involving many languages ​​​​in the world, including English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish and Russian... Then through March’s understanding of language, Or by intercepting part of it, we can translate March into various languages, and the effect is quite good. You may have heard of its pseudonym, the eighth note of D major."

"Wait a minute, the eighth note is March? Is this the translator who translated "The Villain's Visit" and "The Life of Oscar"? These two books were actually translated by March?"

"It's not completely March, you can understand it as a part of March."

“Oh my god, I didn’t know this was actually translated as part of March!”

"Of course, it also has many pen names, English pen names, Spanish pen names, etc. In fact, its foreign pen names may be more famous locally."

"Here you go, Director Ning, I seem to have seen a royalty ranking list in the news last time. The annual royalties that Ba Yin earns are really not low! I heard that there are also publishing houses asking to hire Ba Yin as a translator. It is said that a publishing house offered a price of three thousand words for one thousand words? It is said that its translation is even better than many of the author's descriptions. Is it true? "

"Well, almost, but the income is not so simple to calculate. To be precise, the income is divided into several parts, not only the guaranteed amount of a thousand words, but also some royalties. But it's all small money!"


“In addition, I also used March’s ability to pilot cooperation with the power grid on a small scale to help the power grid perfectly trace back the operation of the power grid at any node at any time and help the power grid to quickly lock down power grid accidents. , and can even provide early warning of possible power grid accidents through simulation operations.”

"Now it seems that this effect is also good. It only needs to install some very simple sensors, and the March Intelligent Platform will collect enough data, and it can even predict possible low-frequency oscillations, as well as line and unit tripping and other power grid accidents. As well as forward-looking analysis of unit and line conditions, it helps the power grid operate more efficiently and significantly reduces power outages caused by unexpected power grid accidents."

On the spacious streets of Future City, Ning Wei, who had just had dinner, was walking with Chen Diancheng on a main road in the city, chatting about various things.

"Actually, it's more than that. You should know about Oukwang, right?" Ning Wei asked with a smile.

"I...Director Ning, please don't say that you and Yue Yue also created To be honest, our Ning Society has also considered whether to build something similar to, but the last time it happened After coming up with the genius idea of ​​using a computer to copy people and then repair them with nanorobots when they got sick, we gave up." Chen Diancheng replied immediately.

"Ha ha……"

Ning Wei laughed before explaining: "To be precise, is in charge of March. It uses the money it earns to invest in some projects that it feels are very reliable after analyzing big data. As for The project you mentioned does exist, but it is not as exaggerated as the news reports said. It is because of those reports that were taken out of context. In order to protect the researchers, the entire project is hidden on the website. In fact, they are studying the human body. A medical technology that uses the immune system's response mechanism to perform regular repairs, rather than restoring the entire person."

Chen Diancheng suddenly said: "Oh... no wonder I looked for papers after seeing this news but couldn't find them twice. I also thought that if can be so big and sponsor so many projects, it can't be a real person. Stupid money..."

"Well, that's probably the case. In fact, the original intention of starting was to train March, but as I was doing it, I got a lot of ideas. Really, I used to think that having more money was useless, but anyway There isn’t much to use it for, but after doing these things, I found that money is really a good thing and really useful. Especially for me.”

After sighing, Ning Wei suddenly asked: "Dian Cheng, apart from purely personal fame or profit, what do you think is the most important purpose or motivation for us to work hard on research and technology?"

This question was a bit sudden. Chen Diancheng obviously didn't react. He stayed for a moment before answering: "Uh... benefit all mankind?"

Ning Wei turned his head and looked Chen Diancheng up and down with a smile on his face. He looked at Chen Diancheng until he felt embarrassed, and then joked: "Hey, didn't you see that such a young man's thinking is so big? Your future thinking There’s not much room for improvement.”

"Hehe... I'm actually just talking nonsense. Director Ning, let me tell you the truth. I don't really have any big pursuits. I actually just want to live as I want. It would be better to be like you and be worshiped by thousands of people. I My dad told me when I was young that it is not easy to live a transparent life in this life. He works so hard, and a big part of it is to let me live a transparent life as soon as possible." Chen Diancheng smiled sarcastically. said.

Ning Wei nodded and said: "Well, I can see it, so you are enviable. You have a good living environment since you were young, and you have talents. Are you angry? Look at your senior brothers and sisters, especially Zhang Dingxi , People are really thoughtful, I have talked to him many times, Ding Xi really holds the idea that it doesn’t matter if he suffers a loss, but the country must be strong."

"As well as you, Senior Brother Ji, Senior Brother Chen, and Senior Brother Meng, they all have clear plans and ideas for their future, but their talents are not as good as yours. I am also very optimistic about your Senior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Lu. Their abilities are definitely not as good as yours." The problem is that they are too introverted in terms of personality and are not very good at communicating with others. I can do research with them, but I think it will give them a headache if I let them lead the team in the future. I wonder if their communication skills can help the team. Take it with you."

"The person who is most similar to me is actually you. From what I understand, what your dad meant by living a transparent life is having the power to disagree without any threats at any time and under any circumstances, just like the United Nations' One-vote veto power. At the same time, although I was born in mathematics, I don’t need to do actuarial calculations to do anything I want to do. For any provocation, I can be strong enough to directly respond with guns and bullets instead of repeated compromises. This You look a little like me.”

Chen Diancheng grinned and started to giggle, obviously not resisting this.

Ning Wei obviously enjoyed this kind of casual conversation and ignored the students' giggles. He continued: "But there is a problem. If you want to achieve the thoroughness you mentioned, you still need to be like Ding Xi and Meng Ze." There are more senior brothers like Mingzhi, not because you are backed by a powerful country, and there is no simple environment for you to immerse yourself in learning. From this point of view, Ding Xi and the others are really transparent."

"If nothing else, I have relied on my influence to hold many high-level international scientific conferences in domestic cities over the years. What is the biggest reliance on me? Of course it is not just the so-called academic influence, but the peaceful and stable environment in the country. Without With this foundation, how can it be possible to invite so many scientists, and how can there be so many big names attending the awards ceremony in March? Big bosses all cherish their lives, right?"

"I used to think that if we study science and technology and keep advanced productivity at home, we will have more money and make everyone live better. But after experiencing many things in the past few years, I found that scientific research thinking is too rigorous. In fact, it’s not a good thing. Because people’s ideas are never the same. The nature of human nature is to enjoy leisure and avoid work, and to firmly believe in things within the scope of one’s cognition. This has nothing to do with how high one’s academic qualifications are. It is purely a problem in the cognitive field. .”

"Even myself, I have a paranoid side, and it's hard to change my opinion about what I think is right. So I like you, because our cognitions actually tend to be consistent. For example, we both hate compromise, and there is resistance in our subconscious. The spirit of authority. This is also the reason why I have always resisted attending conferences in the academic circle, or even reviewing many projects. This can gain a lot of recognition externally, but it is very unpleasant internally. By the way, speaking of Well, do you think why many people abroad are so afraid of me? It even makes me unable to go abroad in these years?"

"Ah..." Chen Diancheng was stuck again. He thought about it carefully and said, "Because of March? Or Ning Xin?"

"Absolutely, but it can be more specific. For example, the farce of the March Encourage to Students made many people feel scared because they discovered that they could be easily breached in the field of propaganda around the world. If you understand carefully, you will find that In recent years, both Twitter and Facebook have been constantly upgrading various information review rules and researching new filtering algorithms. They are actually preparing for a rainy day." Ning Wei explained with a smile.

"That's right!" Chen Diancheng blinked and agreed.

"So don't forget that when those big guys who can control everything come to China, they all come with smiles. But now they are not sure. If they can really find a way to kill me, or find a way to crack it , the fangs have long been exposed. So one thing has never changed from ancient times to the present. It is when you have the most friends, and it will always be when you are the strongest. So you have to learn to make friends."

"If you want them to pat their chests in front of you and say that we are good friends, you have to stay strong and keep pressing them to the ground... Because these friends can only be forced to kneel if you are strong enough. They can only be friends when they talk to you. Once they feel they can stand up again, or when they find you have a slight weakness, they will become an out-and-out enemy. So, we need a lot of friends, this logic, Do you understand?"

Chen Diancheng nodded suddenly, and then replied: "Director Ning, after hearing what you said today, I realized that the saying that we should have many friends and few enemies can actually have such a meaning. I understand, I understand. Yes, we really need a lot of friends."

After hearing this, Ning Wei smiled and scolded: "Get out of here, stop misinterpreting my words here. I'm just telling you about the principles of dealing with things. Look at me, I seem to be very prosperous now, but do you know that if I want to go abroad? After playing around, Mr. Liu can bother me for three days and three nights and persuade me to give up my mind? You see, after all, I still don’t have complete freedom. So in fact, I have to rely on you. Only when you are strong enough can I have real freedom. "

"Don't worry, Director Ning. As you said today, I will definitely study hard and stop being lazy. I will fight for the rest of my life to inherit your legacy and realize the freedom to go wherever you want." Chen Diancheng He immediately expressed his stance by patting his chest.

"Only counting on you?"

Ning Wei glanced at Chen Diancheng, and then said solemnly: "I tell you all this because I want to tell you that I have managed Ning Club. To be honest with you, your instructor called me three years ago. When I talked about Ningshe, I just thought you were fooling around, but now Ningshe really makes me look at it with admiration. My opinion is, don’t just focus on this three-acre land in China, take advantage of Ningshe now The company has sufficient funds and you still have energy, so look further ahead.”

"Although Yanbei University has improved its international rankings very quickly in recent years, the world is so big and there are so many geniuses. What a pity it would be to miss it? Your tutor has publicity channels that can be used by you at any time, and I don't care whether it is in the field of mathematics or computer science You still have some influence on a global scale, but you don’t know how to take advantage of it? Ningshe is rooted in China, must it only develop in China? Do you dare to set up a Stanford Ningshe branch? Berkeley Ningshe Computer Division? Empire Science and Engineering Branch? Princeton Ningshe Mathematics Branch?"

"Now that Ningshe has money, people, and channels, it is enough to just make a few software? Yes, the distance is far away. Can't Ningshe develop a communication software dedicated to members to unite everyone? With academic exchanges Let’s build a big network for the sake of bonding. Think about it, even you, Mr. Ron, can live very well in the capital. Are those foreign people who are obsessed with academics really too resistant to studying in China in the future?”

"Now Ningshe has almost 200 to 300 million yuan in its account, right? You put this much money in your card and earn interest? Can't Ningshe do some academic exchanges among students? Now the whole world is interested in 3D technology , wouldn’t it be nice to invite those Ningshe members from abroad to come to our century-old auditorium to experience the beauty of scientific and technological progress, to visit our first-class laboratories, and to let them know that it is not only easy to make money here for further studies, but also the closest to the cutting-edge of science and technology?”

"Let's not say too much. Even if we ask a hundred talented geniuses to come to our Yanbei University as guests, if Ningshe can keep one, it will be a net profit, right? How much does a round-trip air ticket cost? How much does a hundred personal meals and accommodations cost? Money? The interest on the money on your card is enough for casual financial management, right? How big will Ningshe’s influence be in the future? Have you ever thought about it? "

"Students who really yearn for academics are actually very simple, just like you, Senior Brother Chen and Senior Brother Lu. If we keep a few more of these people, how much results can we produce in the future? You know, when you come to Ningshe, you can use our intelligent platform Auxiliary, what kind of pure academic talents are invited to stay in our laboratory for a few days and take a look at our scientific research system? Believe it or not, many people will be unable to move? Diancheng, please open your eyes wider, do you understand? "

"Of course, you have to learn to distinguish. Don't bring in all the cats and dogs. Of course, you can give out some dividends in the early stages of expansion, but when you really want to introduce them, you have to follow the Ningshe system. Only the best people . Remember, repetitive verification work in the future will rely on the March Intelligent Platform. We don’t need skilled workers who can do repetitive work. What we need are pioneering talents with innovative abilities, which is also the focus of attracting Lainingshe.”

"In the future, as long as these people are branded as Ningshe, your senior brothers and sisters will be responsible for so many departments, as well as our cutting-edge intelligent laboratory. The most important thing is that we must make them accustomed to using March Intelligence in the laboratory. Scientific research assistance system, so that no matter where else you go, you will be extremely uncomfortable without this assistance system. Where else do you think these pioneering talents can go?"

Chen Diancheng finally understood why Director Ning took him to chat after dinner today.

It turns out that everything is waiting for him here.

Thinking about it carefully...

Ningshe, a student club, is really in vain. Day by day, it seems that it is content with making small fuss. He has never thought about expanding Ningshe's influence to the whole world. He even often worries about the public accounts. How to spend so much money...

After hearing what Director Ning said, Chen Diancheng's situation immediately opened up.

Yes, Ningshe now has money, people, and influence...

According to Director Ning, if they are willing, they can directly post the recruitment notice on the school's internal forum in March...

Put forward the banner of your own mentor, and then take advantage of the afterglow of the awards ceremony in March to experience the shock of three-dimensional display at close range and expand the influence of Ningshe...

Thinking that a group of foreign genius children had to call him President Chen, Chen Diancheng's thoughts couldn't help but fly, why the hell is he called President!

"Director Ning, I understand. After I go back, I will hold a general meeting of Ningshe and start arranging work. Don't worry, give me half a year. We won't talk about the top 100 in the world. At least the top 50 must have our Ningshe. Chapters! Make sure to spread our logo all over the world.”

"Okay, let's not make a military order, as long as you go in this direction. If you have any difficulties, please contact me at any time. If you can't find me, just inform Liu Wei. I can rest assured that you can do this. of."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Wei's cell phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and looked at it. It was Director Chen calling.

"Hello, Director Chen."

"Haha, hello, Academician Ning, hello, I have good news for you. The two sets of plans you submitted before have been passed. Everyone's intention is very clear. Whichever step our technology can achieve, we will make whichever set of plans. Others You don’t have to worry about it. As long as it can be realized perfectly!”


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