Tech Hammer

Chapter 456 People who rely on talent to make a living

"Jack, are you busy? If you have nothing to do, why not come to my place for a drink?"

"Luo, if I remember correctly, you don't seem to have the habit of drinking a drink. Haha, do you finally understand that having a drink after a busy day is a kind of enjoyment?"

"No, no, no, Jack, I still don't like drinking, but I can drink a glass of orange juice with you."

"This is not an invitation attitude, Luo, then I might as well drink and watch TV in the room."

"Okay, one drink, I only have one drink, you are not allowed to make me drink."

"Okay, okay, I'm at my old place, come here quickly!"

After that, the phone was hung up.

Luo Zhiqiang had no choice but to compromise.

Luo Zhiqiang hated Jacknis's bad taste of always making him drink. He could hide from him on weekdays, but when he asked for help, he still had to give him some face.

Jackness is one of Luo Zhiqiang’s few friends at CERN. It can even be said to be an excellent friend.

They entered CERN in the same year. At that time, everyone was working on the same project, but they were responsible for different divisions. At that time, the two scientific teams of Yanbei and Huaqing were jointly responsible for collecting and processing all data in Division B, while Jack Nice's team was responsible for various matters in Division D.

The so-called partitions here are actually the data collected by sensors at different locations of the collider.

Everyone's working areas also overlapped, and since both of them were newbies at the time, they got to know each other when they went to meetings.

Jack Nice is one of those Americans with an extremely cheerful personality, but he is not very popular among his team because this guy can't control his mouth, especially he likes to make unscrupulous jokes. For example, he can even Ask the project leader directly in public if he is gay...

This kind of personality is obviously not lovable, and it is easy for people to feel offended, but he doesn't know it yet.

As a result, the young man, who was only 27 or 28 years old at the time, was isolated in the team. Fortunately, this guy does have some abilities, or he is very talented, especially he is very sensitive to numbers, and mathematical analysis is his strong area. Having a person like him in the team can indeed speed up the speed greatly, and he has irreplaceable skills. sex.

Irreplaceability has kept him alive, otherwise he might have been kicked out of the team within two days. It was at that time that Luo Zhiqiang met this genius. In fact, if we really talk about it, Luo Zhiqiang had long suspected that he might not have scientific research talent. Jack Ness was also responsible. He was the kind of talented person in Luo Zhiqiang's eyes.

For example, this guy graduated with a Ph.D. at the age of 24 and was hired as a professor at Harvard.

But this extremely talented scientist turned out to be the kind of person who had serious lack of self-discipline. In other words, although Jack Nice is very talented, his mind is not on scientific research at all. In his own words, he happens to be good at doing these things, and he needs a job to support himself. Besides, being a professor not only brings a certain social status, but also a decent salary, and there are many opportunities to meet female students on campus...

How can I put it, at least the reason this guy came to CERN is different from Luo Zhiqiang.

It is said that it was because this guy had too many romantic affairs in the school that all the school directors couldn't get rid of him. It happened that a high-ranking school official at that time was the tutor of this genius, and he was reluctant to give up such a talented person. The student was fired directly, and he was simply assigned to CERN in the hope that he would change his ways.

Of course, dogs can't change their habit of eating shit, but at least they can stay away from female students in school. After all, the number of girls studying physics and mathematics is still much smaller than that of boys. The proportion of women among the employees of research institutions like CERN is only 26%, and the vast majority are concentrated in administrative positions.

One can imagine how dissolute such a person will be after coming to CERN. As long as there are no urgent scientific research tasks, Jack Ness will not stay at CERN most of the time. He will go to nearby Zurich every now and then to have some fun. His status as a scientist, his good figure maintained through daily exercise, and his deceptive face always allow this guy to get what he wants.

On the other side of CERN, a small bar on the outskirts of Zurich, France, is where this guy usually hunts for women.

The reason why the two have a good relationship is probably because Luo Zhiqiang not only has a good temper, but their personalities and work can complement each other.

Luo Zhiqiang is the kind of person who diligently engages in scientific research and regards it as the direction of his life. Even if he is doing basic data processing work, he has no complaints; but these are things that Jack Ness never bothers to do. So after the two got acquainted, Jack Ness would often ask Luo Zhiqiang to help him with some basic work, and then he concluded that Luo Zhiqiang would usually accept anyone who came.

Similarly, if there is a problem with his own project, Luo Zhiqiang will often go to Jack Ness with data for advice, and this guy will reciprocate and help solve the problem. Of course, the premise is not to delay this guy's time to pick up girls...

Fortunately, Jack Ness has been in his forties over the years, and time can still change a person. Although this man still has not changed his mind about being a happy bachelor, at least he has restrained himself a lot in hunting for women.

In addition, their situations are also different.

For example, after so many years, Luo Zhiqiang is still only a professor stationed outside the school, but Jack Nice has become a regular employee of CERN, responsible for data processing. Of course, this is also related to the fact that China is not an official member of CERN.

When a large number of particles are ejected from the collider at the same time, a huge amount of seemingly disorganized data will be obtained. Each time the laboratory can produce about 16PB of data, the post-processing of these data will take more than half a year or more. After various permutations and combinations are made through special algorithms, they are then analyzed and processed. Find the most reasonable combination of data and mark the error range.

Eventually these data will be cited in various papers, and more will be archived.

But obviously the formal work at CERN did not change Jack Nice too much.

For example, Luo Zhiqiang feels that scientists should not drink. It has long been a consensus that alcohol affects the brain. However, Jack Nice does not have a good time without drinking every day. He will never take the initiative to stay and work overtime. This will affect his interest in having a drink. . I have even always hoped to make Luo Zhiqiang like him, understanding that people live for enjoyment rather than for inexplicable things like uncovering the truth of the universe.

This is probably why Luo Zhiqiang is available as soon as he opens his mouth.

Whether it is from Switzerland or France, CERN is actually a small town. The location of CERN is right on the border between France and Switzerland, and it also happens to have two main working locations, Merlin and Prevessin. The former is right at the junction of the two countries, and the latter is in France.

The problem of eating is easy to solve. There are restaurants R1 and R2 on both sides, but if you want to have a drink or two, you have to drive to the town.

Luo Zhiqiang actually doesn’t have the habit of going out at night.

But the other party obviously had no intention of coming to his house, so he had no choice but to go out and drive to a small bar called Bistro on the main street of a French town called Chalex, more than ten kilometers away.

This is what Jack Ness calls his old place.

It's just that before the two came together, Luo Zhiqiang always took this guy's car, but today he needs to drive by himself.

There were no cars on the road at night, and soon Luo Zhiqiang arrived at the door of the bar. When he opened the door, the relaxing sound of jazz hit him. Luo Zhiqiang glanced at the stage. The small band was working hard. The lead singer was a bit unfamiliar. Anyway, it was not the one he saw when he came last year. But compared to this kind of jazz, he still likes the previous style of blues, but this is the style that Jack likes.

Shaking his head, he glanced around the tavern and soon saw Jack sitting in the corner, waving to him...

There was no surprise. There was a blond beauty next to the middle-aged nobleman, looking at him with curious eyes.

Luo Zhiqiang smiled bitterly and walked over.

"Hey, look, it's him, Luo, a scientist from a mysterious eastern country. Apart from not understanding life, he doesn't even have any shortcomings! Luo, this is Kalida. She comes from a big city like Paris. For those who are traveling here, you should have noticed that today’s Shalex has a touch of metropolitan temperament, all thanks to our beautiful Ms. Kalida.”

Jack Ness's excited performer and his strong flirtation brought a happy smile from the blonde beauty next to him. Then he stretched out his hand to Luo Zhiqiang and said in broken Chinese: "Mud Howl..."

Then he quickly changed to English: "Isn't it unexpected? When I was studying, my roommate was from China. She once taught me this sentence."

"It seems that you are really talented in languages, and what you say is so good." He gently shook hands with the lady, and Luo Zhiqiang complimented her insincerely.

If possible, he would really like to throw this lady outside the bar. Jack is indeed as unreliable as ever...

"Wow, it seems we have reached a consensus. To celebrate our meeting today, I think we should have a drink." As he said that, Jack Nice took the opportunity to pick up the wine glass.

"Of course, but I can't drink too much today. This is the last drink and my friends are still waiting for me. I'm sorry."

"Carida, I don't allow you to say sorry. A beautiful lady like you should never apologize. By the way, I remind you again that if your tour location includes CERN tomorrow, be sure to contact me and I promise to bring it to you. The most perfect travel experience. If you buy a ticket, you can only go to the auditorium and the physics museum in Building 1, but I can take you to the ALICE control room to understand how those big machines operate."

"Of course, Jack, we have made an agreement, I will definitely contact you tomorrow! Goodbye, Luo, I hope you have a good time."

"Thank you!" Luo Zhiqiang said quickly.

Luo Zhiqiang definitely retracted his previous thoughts. Facts have proved that this beauty from Paris is still very sensible. What is not sensible is his friend who is still looking at the woman's back and thinking about it.

Luo Zhiqiang couldn't help but wave his hand in front of his eyes, and finally came to his senses.

"Luo, have you seen it? This girl's body is so hot. I have already begun to imagine that if there is no one in the control room tomorrow, we will have the deepest soul fusion on the computer desk. It will be a wonderful experience... Oh my God! I believe God would be shocked by it!”

"I don't know if there is a God, but I think if there is, after hearing what you just said, he would have rained down a thunder specifically for you." Luo Zhiqiang said angrily.

"Haha, you are so boring, Luo!"

"No, no, no, I can't imagine that you actually agreed to take them to ALICE's control room. Tell me you're not serious!"

"What does it matter? You are too old-fashioned, Luo, I just want to promote the scientific spirit to tourists. Don't you think the ALICE control room is very atmospheric? Okay, don't talk about this, what do you want to see me for? Don't tell me it's nothing, a good man like you wouldn't come to a place like this at night." Jack Nice said nonchalantly.

"Well, there is indeed something. Jack, do you think there is a possibility that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is wrong in some special situation that we may not understand? In a special space, the speed of light can be Is it transcendent, and does this space really exist in the universe?" Luo Zhiqiang asked seriously.

Jack Ness shrugged, then picked up the wine glass, took a sip, then looked at Luo Zhiqiang and said: "Of course, I have always believed that everything is possible in this world. Really, nothing is impossible! All theorems They are all subject to certain conditions, and beyond the conditions..."

"The universe is so big, who knows? But it doesn't matter to us. Luo, if the sun is going to explode tomorrow, it doesn't matter. To the universe, we are just passers-by. As passers-by, we must have The enlightenment of a passer-by is to just be happy one day at a time, so why do you think so much? Even if we study the universe thoroughly, what can we do?"

With his usual frivolous tone, if an old scholar read it, he would probably scold this guy for his disrespect for science, but Luo Zhiqiang has long been accustomed to Jack's personality. As he said, research is work, his life goal is enjoyment, and work is for better enjoyment, nothing more.

As for how many secrets there are in the universe, it has nothing to do with him.

"What if this theory was proposed by a rich man? You should have heard that all our projects recently are serving this rich man. He spent 700 million US dollars on this, but in fact, he paid ten 100 million US dollars, but it may not be possible to obtain enough data. Because the entire experimental plan is only one month, of which only half a month is collected through the LHC."

There was no surprise at all. When it came to money, Jack Ness obviously became serious. He put down his wine glass, looked at Luo Zhiqiang, and asked seriously: "One billion dollars? So I am the one who would rather you come to me?"

"No no no!"

Luo Zhiqiang shook his head and said seriously: "It's not that he doesn't have any other ideas, it's just that he demonstrated his idea to me today. I admit that I don't understand it very well, but I have a hunch that his theory is probably Correct, but now it may not be verified due to lack of data, but I can't do anything, but I think you can help him, so I came to you..."

"Luo... be honest, do you mean you can help me make a lot of money?"

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