Tech Hammer

Chapter 486 Controversy over the Nobel Prize

For the media, just watching the excitement is not too big a deal.

The whole world knows that the March Prize founded by Ning is currently the biggest competitor to the Nobel Prize in the world. Not only are the two awards similar in prize money, but the March Prize also covers the Nobel Prize in addition to the Literature Prize and the Peace Prize. All other awards.

Over the years since the March Awards began, the two awards have been secretly competing in many fields. Even when the March Prize was first established, Ning Wei directly criticized the selection process of the Nobel Prize, which has lasted for hundreds of years, as not being transparent enough and far less open and transparent than the March Prize point-based selection model.

At that time, this kind of talk about science awards was not favored by the media.

At that time, Ning Wei was still a great mathematician, and as we all know, there happened to be no mathematics prize among the Nobel Prizes. Therefore, no matter how Ning Wei used the Nobel Prize as a target, no one would have thought that one day in the future, someone would appear. A dramatic scene...

But who would have thought that today, when disciplines are increasingly segmented, Ning Wei, at the age of less than thirty, has made great achievements in physics that are recognized by the world's physics community, and successfully won the Nobel Prize in Physics. qualifications……

This is very interesting.

The founder of the March Science Prize, who competes with the Nobel Prize, has become the most popular candidate for this year's Nobel Prize in Physics. If this topic is not caught and hyped by the keen media, it will be looking down upon the majority of the media. Practitioners’ ability to control hot events...

So after the popular seven-day National Day holiday passed, almost the entire Internet was discussing whether the Nobel Prize Committee in Physics would hold its nose and award this year's Nobel Prize in Physics to Ning Wei.

How hot is it?

Let's put it this way, it is said that there are even foreign websites that directly open handicap, allowing everyone to bet on whether Ning Wei can be selected.

In addition, the Internet has memory. When Ning Wei satirized the Nobel Prize for being complacent at the first March Award Ceremony, the completely opaque speech of the judges was also revealed by the media and spread all over the Internet. This also made Countless netizens are even more enthusiastic about discussing this topic...

"Pfft, I think Academician Ning and the judges of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences who watched this video again this year were so silent... The former did not expect that he might be eligible to win the Nobel Prize many years later, and the latter did not expect that many years later they might actually win the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize should be given to the former..."

"The most interesting thing about this matter is that if this year's Nobel Prize really has Academician Ning Wei, it would feel like giving the award a million dollars to slap Ning Wei in the face. You said that our selection is not transparent, but we give the award to Academician Ning Wei." You. If Academician Ning Wei loses the election, then Academician Ning Wei can make a big deal about the opacity of the Nobel Prize review when the award is awarded in March next year. We can achieve each other's achievements, but also slap each other in the face, haha..."

"This is really cool. I also think that both parties are probably in very complicated moods at this time, but the degree of complexity is still different. There is no doubt that the judges from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences should be the judges at the stage that has not yet been announced. It’s more complicated. After the results are announced, it should be Academician Ning’s turn to feel complicated.”

"In fact, everyone has overlooked an issue. The March Science Prize is the heart and soul of Academician Ning. I bet a hundred dollars that Academician Ning actually hopes that the Nobel Prize will not be awarded to him, so that the March Science Prize will be lost forever. Haha, someone is in a dilemma!"

"Trivia: Ning Wei said when the March Science Prize was first established that in order to ensure the fairness of the March Science Prize, he would never participate in the selection of any awards for the March Science Prize."

Discussions about this matter are extremely hot on the Internet. Everyone is not only looking forward to whether Ningwei can win the prize, but more people are participating in it with the mentality of watching the fun.

It is indeed a very interesting thing. It is not common for friends and businessmen to discredit each other between two world-class awards in academia. It's as if Fields and Wolfe would always slander each other.

This kind of entertainment can probably only be watched once in a lifetime. Of course, if Ningwei is rated this year, it may cause another controversy next year.

For the parties involved, well, it depends on which party is involved...

At least Ningwei didn't have any dilemma, but it was impossible to say that it had no impact at all.

The Basic Physics Laboratory jointly established with Yanbei University has attracted hundreds of foreign scientists, many of whom happen to be the kind that the Nobel Prize Review Committee sends invitations to nominate every year. These academic leaders often meet Ning Wei when they come over, and they always mention one or two words: "Ning, the name on my recommendation letter this year is yours..."

Still somewhat in a state of dumbfounding.

The netizen is right about one thing. Five years ago, he never thought that one day he would become one of the strong contenders for the Nobel Prize. But to be honest, Ning Wei has long been indifferent to whether he can win the prize.

For example, when he learned that he could win the Fields Medal, he was actually very calm deep inside. It's like a child wants to surprise his father and takes out his most precious card to present to his father. As a father, you have to act very moved and happy, but in fact, deep down, there is no emotion. At most, the emotion or expectation that this child will definitely be filial in the future rises in your heart...

Of course, it is a good thing to win an award. It can bring glory to the country, bring honor to the mentor, and make many people happy.

As for the $1 million bonus and medal of the Nobel Prize, they are not very attractive to Ning Wei. He didn't even bother to calculate how many million dollars the prize money for the March Science Prize had been given out, and there were already two Nobel Prize winners working for him. In order to make these two big guys feel valued, two Nobel Prize-specific lounges have been specially prepared in the scientific research building where the Basic Physics Laboratory is located.

We originally planned to provide dedicated parking spaces, but there are too many parking spaces in the plan. Moreover, the internal residential area is actually not far from the scientific research building where daily work is done. Most of them are just a walk, so having dedicated parking spaces seems a bit hypocritical.

If he wins another Nobel Prize, won't the laboratory need to have an additional dedicated lounge in the future? Somewhat wasted...

Tian Yan was really interested in this.

From time to time, I would talk to Ning Wei about this topic, probably because I hope to gain inner satisfaction from being a mentor.

For example: "Did you see, Xiao Ning, you are very vocal about winning the Nobel Prize in Physics this year."

"You may not be able to win even if you have a high voice. Director Tian, ​​I have won a lot of this award and that award over the years. I have ruined a few medals, trophies and so on. There is nothing to look forward to!"

"Can it be the same? It will cheer you up if you win another Nobel Prize! If you don't care about yourself, you should also think more about our children at Yanbei University. Next time when you are debating with the opposite school, say Yanbei University Independently trained the first person to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in China, what a boost! Haha, let the opponent be indefensible!"

how to say……

This sentence is indeed very encouraging.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with changing the name of Yanbei University to Tian Yanzhen.

After all, he was Ning Wei's great mentor when he was studying for his PhD.

No matter what others think behind their backs, they have to accept it in terms of face. If you know how to cultivate...

"Hey, let's not have high hopes for Director Tian. What if they don't give it to me..."

"So your attitude must be positive! Repair the relationship and give others a step down. After winning the award, it's not up to you to do what you want?"

"Hmm... Director Tian, ​​if you want to say that, how about letting March bankrupt the Nobel Foundation? Let this year's Nobel Prize be the swan song?"

"Are you serious?"

"You're kidding, Director Tian!"


Bankrupting a century-old foundation is indeed a joke. This kind of fund, which has been operating for hundreds of years, still tends to be stable in investment. It is highly unlikely that it will go bankrupt in the short term, and it is unthinkable in March.

However, this conversation probably also showed Ning Wei’s attitude towards the Nobel Prize. A Nobel Prize without the support of the Nobel Foundation is a good Nobel Prize! Compared with winning the prize himself, he is more looking forward to winning the March Science Prize. Without the Nobel Prize as an eyesore, next year Ningwei can guarantee that the March Science Prize will become the most well-known comprehensive science prize in the world.

This is the blessing of life.

Ning Wei believes that Tian Yanzhen and other older generation academic leaders also think so in private, but it is just not convenient for these big guys to express this idea. He is still young and naturally has no such worries.

Considering this direction, Ning Weidao actually hopes that the Nobel Prize will do something out of chaos, such as firmly excluding him from this year's Nobel Prize winners list and refusing to give any explanation to the outside world...

Of course, he won't say anything more and refuses to comment. It's time for Yue Yue to perform a show on the Internet and make an animation. It couldn't be more simple. As for how everyone feels after taking part in it. , there is no need to think too much.

Anyway, the cornerstone of credibility is to pry a little bit today and a little bit tomorrow. After a few more years, when the Nobel Prize no longer excites countless ordinary people every October and cannot even make any waves, he will succeed.

For this reason, Ning Wei even forcibly pushed for a staged breakthrough in his basic physics laboratory, a method to control the super-light quantum tunneling effect. The tunneling effect of ten times the speed of light has been controlled in the current laboratory environment. This also means that scientists have been able to use Ning Wei's theory to specifically explain the reasons and principles of this phenomenon.

If you want to use a description that ordinary people can understand, you probably have to use metaphors.

This is like a person playing tennis against a wall. From a macro perspective, when the tennis ball hits the wall, it will inevitably bounce in the opposite direction to the wall. This is unquestionable. If someone said that this tennis ball might pass through the wall while rushing towards it, they would definitely be called stupid.

So if the macro world and the micro world are unified, using the same collision algorithm, of course it is impossible for such a small ball to pass through the wall in the micro world. But the reality is exactly the opposite. This is the quantum tunneling effect.

To describe it in less academic terms, the position and energy of microscopic particles are uncertain. During the fluctuation process of quantum energy, these tiny particles do not know where they obtained their energy. They can directly cross the energy barrier and reach the wall directly. the other side.

This is also the reason why it was difficult to break through the silicon-based chip manufacturing process in the past. When designing a chip, if the size of the material that blocks electrons is reduced to a certain extent, the electrons will inexplicably penetrate directly through the blocking material, and the chip will begin to leak electricity.

At this time, a more counter-intuitive problem arises. According to the energy-time uncertainty principle in previous quantum theory, the time for a quantum to cross the barrier is inversely proportional to the energy barrier height of the barrier. In other words, the higher the energy of the barrier that isolates particles, the shorter the time it takes for the particles to cross. When the energy of the barrier reaches a certain level, superluminal quantum tunneling will occur.

If we apply the example of the macro environment, if there are many people standing in front of a wall practicing playing tennis, some tennis balls may pass directly through the wall every time they swing, and if the wall is thicker, These tennis balls will appear on the other side faster when they pass through the wall.

Before the release of Ning Wei's paper, the explanation of this super-light quantum tunneling had puzzled many scientists. Academic papers in this area can be said to be the most brain-burning research in physics. After all, to not only defend the absolute status that the upper limit of the speed of the universe is the speed of light, but also to explain the phenomenon of super-light travel, many assumptions are needed to make this matter reasonable. God knows how many detours there will be in the middle...

For example, in experiments, when the tunneling effect occurs, the observed waveform will be severely degraded, and no information can be obtained from it. This has once again proved the iron law that information cannot propagate at the speed of light.

But now with Ning Wei's theory as the basis, coupled with laboratory feasibility verification, we have even been able to initially control the occurrence of some tunneling effects, which proves that it was previously said that information cannot be carried, or it may just be that there is information but no one can read it. .

This is a remarkable achievement. It can also be said that the correctness of Ning Wei's theory has been proved through specific experiments. You can imagine how much shock it would cause to the entire physics community if released. It is no exaggeration to say that many philosophical thoughts can be rewritten...

You must know that before this, no matter how advanced the theory was, when describing quantum tunneling effects, there was a premise that the occurrence of these tunneling effects was highly random and could not even be predicted, let alone controlled.

This kind of metaphysical description is actually a bit like a lottery...

In an ideal world, the winning lottery numbers are unpredictable, uncontrollable, and a completely random process. But in reality, whether it can be controlled or predicted depends solely on whether humans, the soul of all things, want to control it.

Therefore, Ning Wei looks at the final result of this Nobel Prize with an extremely detached attitude. It can be given to anyone, but it is best not to give it to him...

If someone on the other side really insisted on justice and awarded this award to him...well, these people wouldn't be so spineless, right?

In fact, the discussion on this aspect within the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences at this time does seem quite spineless.

According to the general process, this year's winner has already been determined, and the decision will be announced on a certain day in October.

But this year's situation is obviously different. Ning Wei's idea is right. Some people really think that the award should not be awarded to him. The discussion on the Internet is very heated, and the discussion within the review committee is also very heated.

This is probably the first time since the establishment of the Nobel Prize that the review committee has been so entangled. Whether to save face or keep it is actually a question many times. Especially when the two sides of the argument are evenly matched, it becomes even more confusing.

The strange thing is that the internal debate in favor of Ning Wei is exactly opposite to the inner expectations of their supporters.

This kind of situation, which makes people feel exhausted even when imagining, is definitely unprecedented in the history of the Nobel Prize, and it is highly likely that it will never happen again.

However, a conclusion will finally be drawn tonight, and the results will be announced the next day. No one wants to delay the announcement. The entire network seems to be able to understand their struggle, but at this time, it is even more difficult to postpone it, otherwise it will confirm everyone's ideas, which will be even more embarrassing.

"Okay, now it's my turn to make the final speech! Professor Hansen just made his final statement. Everyone should already understand... I know this is a very difficult decision. Should we award this award to a A person who has repeatedly questioned the fairness of the Nobel Prize. But what I want to say is that because of this, we should award this award to him. To prove the fairness of this century-old award."

"Although, as Professor Hansen said, we can give some explanations after announcing the winners, in fact we have done so in all previous years. But it is not a perfect solution. As the chairman of this year's jury, "I know very well that if we put this issue on hold this year, we'll be facing the same problem next year."

"Then this delay goes on year by year? Until one year we have to bite the bullet and give him this award. This will really be a disaster in the history of the Nobel Prize. So I hope for the next vote Everyone can solve this non-academic problem as soon as possible! Let everything return to the scope of our control. This may make many people dissatisfied, but those who are dissatisfied will not be affected by the possible negative impact Take responsibility!"

"Except for you, Professor Hansen! You gave me a long time to think about it, and now I still insist on my opinion. And after today, I will voluntarily step down as the chairman of the review committee. So if everyone still decides to violate the universal law The idea of ​​​​actually has nothing to do with me. Because after today I will withdraw from the review committee. Even if you have to face the same problem next year, it is no longer my problem!"

"This is my last speech. I think everyone can raise their hands and vote now..."

"Wait, before voting, I have a question that I would like to ask..."

"Huh? Professor Hansen, you ask."

"I heard that you have accepted Ning Wei's invitation. After your contract at the University of Gothenburg expires next year, you will rush to China to start new research. Is that true?"

Hearing this question, Angus hesitated slightly, then nodded calmly and said, "Yes, Professor Hansen."

"Okay, I'm fine with that!"

"Then everyone can vote. Please be careful. The result of this vote will be the final decision..."

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