Tech Hammer

Chapter 497 Red face and white face

According to Chinese saying, a man reaches his thirties, so this is indeed a big birthday. However, the tradition of Lao Ning's family is that they don't care much about birthdays or not. After all, Lao Ning and Ning's mother have always been like this. No matter how old the birthday is, they close the door at home and have a sumptuous meal together. At most, on Lao Ning's birthday, Ning's mother will prepare a meal for the old man in the family. A bottle of good wine will make him happy.

For example, this is how Lao Ning spent his 60th birthday last year. In fact, Ningwei wanted to have a big one for dad. I thought about inviting relatives from my hometown and old colleagues to come to the capital for a few days to make the two elderly people at home happy.

However, Lao Ning firmly refused.

It's not that he doesn't want to meet his old friends, but in Lao Ning's simple understanding, he doesn't want to cause trouble to others. In the words of Lao Ning, with Ning's current position, if he calls someone, he will be there no matter what happens. Why bother?

He and Ning Ma are both in good health and can still run. If they miss their family, they can just fly back and live there for a while. In short, don't bother others when you can trouble yourself. For birthdays and so on, just have a meal with your in-laws behind closed doors as before.

Of course, in the end, Lao Ning still couldn't close the door completely on his 60th birthday, and still set up two big tables in the hotel. After all, even if he didn't invite, some relatives and old friends who remembered Lao Ning's birthday took the initiative to come.

This year Ning Wei had the same idea, even more radical.

In Ning Wei's opinion, birthdays are nothing easy, so why bother announcing to a bunch of people that he is one year older? If he really wanted to have a choice, he wished he could go back to when he was in his twenties. Although he didn't have much money at that time, he wanted to buy everything he saw and could be happy easily. Although he is quite rich now, he still faces difficulties. There are many things that I once liked but I have completely lost the interest in spending money...

So I really didn't invite anyone to my birthday. However, on this day, more people came than expected. Ning Wei's age and birthday are no secret. It's written on his ID card. Anyone who has ever had a cooperative relationship will definitely know about it.

For example, those close partners, such as mentors, and even the doctoral students led by Ning Wei also know that although Ning Wei has not mentioned it, the relationship between his students is not bad. If one of them knows, naturally everyone knows. . The news that the mentor is thirty years old this year spread from Ji Mingzhi among his fellow students, because this guy returned to Jiangda as soon as he graduated, and the current bosses of Jiangda attach great importance to Ning Wei...

In this way, Ning Wei, who had planned to spend a normal day, still had a lot of people come on his birthday, forcing him to stop doing business.

I was quite happy, especially when I saw Liu Wei and Yu Xingwei coming to visit...

What is a pity is that Yu Xingwei is already married, and Ning Wei actually knows that his current lover is the daughter of a certain Jiang University professor whom Lao Lu once mentioned. Before Ning Wei called Yu Xingwei to the capital, the two had already met several times. After completing their mission in Beijing and officially returning to defend their thesis in preparation for doctoral graduation, the two confirmed their relationship.

I got married a few years ago and now have children. I am a completely successful person.

Liu Wei was still single, and after taking such a long vacation, he still didn't have a partner for Ning Wei to ridicule.

Even more happily, his former roommate also gave him a surprise. Luo Xiang, Xu Ruixuan and Liu Cong came to the capital in a group with their families, and it was a bustle again. The former roommates were all Ben San people. Except for Liu Cong who was still single, Luo Xiang and Xu Ruixuan were both married and had children.

It's not that Liu Cong couldn't find him, in Xu Ruixuan's words, this guy was already spoiled for choice. He was enjoying himself among the flowers every day and didn't want to settle down at all.

Of course, everyone has their own choice, and everyone just made a few jokes. Although I am still happy to see each other again at this age, I must have more sense of propriety than before. For example, in front of my wife, my father will definitely not be as unscrupulous as before. The cry came out...

Looking back on the past, I still feel a lot of sadness. For example, Luo Xiang still can't figure out how Ning Wei managed to lower his IQ to a level just a little higher than theirs, and then spent three years together. It's really too much to hide his stupidity like Ning Wei. of. He even asked again and again, whether Ning Wei had actually been caring for them as if he were mentally retarded from his freshman year to his junior year?

Obviously this is due to lack of confidence in myself after reflection in recent years. But obviously he was overthinking it. After all, at that time Ningwei simply wanted to be their father. For a boy of that age, after being a son for a long time, he would have a desire to be in a higher position.

In short, I just laughed and made noise all day long, until after dinner, I went out to have fun with some of my brothers who used to live in the dormitory. During this period, I gave Xiao Yuan, who is now beside me, a holiday, and Liu Wei took on the responsibility again. After carrying out the previous tasks until finally settling down the brothers in the dormitory, Ning Wei specially left Liu Wei until the end and asked him to accompany him for a walk in the school.

This is definitely a treatment that many of the big guys who came to attend the birthday party did not enjoy.

But for Liu Wei, it was actually nothing special. In the past, the two of them often wandered around the campus in the middle of the night. Usually Ning Wei is too busy in the office and has to walk back to his home in Yanyuan from the International Mathematics Research Center in the middle of the night.

"I said, do you really plan to die alone? It's been more than a year since I gave you freedom, and you don't even have a partner? Didn't you tell people that you were really married when you went on a blind date? I promised you a house in Beijing. ?”

It was quite cold by Weiming Lake in February, but after drinking, I was still quite warm, and with the heavy clothes on my body, I just felt comfortable.

"There is no suitable one, and my job is quite special. It is quite difficult to find the right one." Liu Wei explained casually, obviously not caring much about whether to get married and have children.

"Your parents didn't push you?" Ning Wei asked curiously.

Liu Wei smiled and replied happily: "Haha, my brother and I are already married and have children. My brother also gave birth to twins. The two elders in the family are too busy raising grandchildren, so they treat me very well." Tolerant. My mother also said that if I really don’t want to find a wife in the future, I will let my brother have another one and give it to me to raise, and he will take care of me until I die. So, they have prepared for the worst, and I am very Free."

This time I was speechless.

This is probably the benefit of having brothers and sisters. Parents don't just focus on one person, and they have many choices. It's good to be able to freely choose the way you live. If you marry for the sake of marriage, it may not be happy, regardless of the gender.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to worry about you anymore. I'm a little worried about leaving you here, and I want to talk to you." Ning Wei put his hands into his trouser pockets, as free and casual as he did when he was young.

"Huh? Are you still worried about something now?"

"There are too many! You don't know. In the past, I just thought of attracting a bunch of the most talented people, giving them better treatment, so that they can better utilize their expertise, and let them have a place to belong. I feel that if I can see a bright future, I will be able to work hard. These smart people are really gathered together. There are so many smart people and things!"

Ning Wei sighed with a tangled look on his face.

"Oh? What's the specific situation?" Liu Wei asked with interest.

In fact, Liu Wei was quite interested in how scientists fought with each other, even if it was just for fun.

"A load of rags!"

Ning Wei said angrily: "For example, there have been cases of collective academic fraud due to dissatisfaction with each other. Can you believe it? Let me give you an example. There is a material project that is very important. According to the current According to some data and mathematical models, we need to create a material that can adapt to the migration from low energy region to high energy region and maintain its own stability."

"Similar to this kind of important project, the laboratory adopts a strategy of joint promotion by multiple project teams. The essence is to hope that there will be healthy competition among the various project teams, and everyone is exploring different directions. As long as there are enough Supported by data, March will be able to quickly determine the most appropriate direction. This is how the moths appeared. In order to compete for the final results, the laboratory has now begun to produce fake data."

"Oh no! You're making fake data! It's also systematic fake data. It's not just projects that compete with each other by making fake data. In the same project team, A is B's deputy, but A doesn't accept B, and it happens that A I had some contact with C, and C and B were responsible for the same project, so A would actually add a lot of unconfirmed data to B's project team in order to help C!"

"The March journal is almost crazy about the papers it accepts from laboratories. There are really a lot of good news every day. It feels like every project is progressing smoothly, but what is the result? Last month alone, 13 papers from All the papers written within the laboratory are suspected of data fraud! I won’t mention these. There are even incidents where students are instructed to steal data from other project teams to advance the progress of the project team. What kind of nonsense is this? The key is really Someone did it!"

"You must know that the entire basic physics laboratory currently has only more than 3,000 scientific researchers! My goal is to build this laboratory into the world's largest basic research institution in the near future. It is expected that there will be five research bases across the country. There will be as many as 100,000 people. There are already so many messy things with just 3,000 people. They form cliques and engage in academic fraud, and they don’t distinguish between domestic and international ones. You said that if there are 100,000 people in the future, there will be chaos. What will it become?"

Speaking of excitement, Ning Wei took his hand out of his pocket and waved it twice in the air, as if he couldn't vent his depressed energy otherwise. Of course, this is indeed quite shocking.

"Ah..." Liu Wei sounded quite angry, but this kind of gossip was a bit far away from real life for him, and he didn't quite understand the twists and turns involved, especially the falsification of data. In his opinion, This is a bit counterintuitive.

"Couldn't the data fraud be discovered in March?"

Ning Wei shook his head and said: "It depends on the method of fraud. If it is fraud on the instrument or in the laboratory records, it will be discovered in March, and it even has the ability to self-correct. But people After all, you are still smarter than the system, and you can always find a way to bypass the system to falsify data. It is theoretically possible to completely plug the loopholes purely technically, but in practice, efficiency will be sacrificed."

"Actually, March has been very impressive. From the data uploaded every day, we have been able to find some data that deviate greatly from the simulation and mark them out, and send them back to the project team for re-verification, or submit more detailed laboratory processes to support the data. Authenticity. If there is no March, it will only be worse. But this is not what I want. Because the problem is not only caused by data fraud, but also group confrontation and even suppression."

"I now understand why a group of people think they are right, and then get further and further away from what is right... Those who do things simply and honestly are squeezed out, while those who do messy things can still respond to everything." After saying this In a word, Ning Wei finally couldn't bear it anymore, raised his voice, and cursed directly: "These idiots!"

Liu Wei couldn't help but glance sideways at Ning Wei. Although the two hadn't met each other in more than a year, they had worked together for many years. He naturally knew that Ning Wei would not speak like this if he wasn't really angry. After having the enlightenment, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Based on his understanding of Ning Wei, this guy would definitely not be aimless, not talk to others about this kind of thing, and leave him until the end...

"No, Ning Wei, what are your thoughts when you tell me this?"

"Well, someone suggested that I make some improvements to my internal management methods, including but not limited to hiring people with rich management experience to do things. I also know some people in this regard, but I don't feel confident. So I have an immature manager. What do you think, why don't you just go and kill them for me as a warning? I'll support you! I'll give you a list, and you can shoot a few of them to satisfy the hatred in my heart." Ning Wei looked at Liu Wei playfully and said.

Liu Wei was stunned and even paused. Then he realized that Ning Wei must be joking. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said: "Academician Ning, don't be joking. What on earth do you think? Let's talk seriously. What do I know? manage?"

"Haha, Brother Liu, you are being humble, aren't you. Well...that's what I think. In fact, our management model is already very advanced. I want to introduce some educational models for ideological transformation. I am not familiar with this. But you guys at Jitu Security should be familiar with it, and I want to give it a try. Now is the most suitable time, and we are in a period of explosive results, so this is the best time to start."

"I asked Yue Yue to help me make a plan. I will give it to you when I get home. You can hand it in for me. From the beginning to the end, it is not convenient for me to come forward. After all, many people still have the ability. I need their contribution. To put it simply, when implementing this plan, I have to find someone to push out as the bad guy, and then I will be the good guy to appease everyone's opposition, do you understand?"

"Well...are you sure it will work?"

"When dealing with smart people, you often need the simplest way to torment them...try it first!"

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