When the door of room 107 is closed, the big hamster realizes that this room belongs to him.

She quickly ate the biscuits around her. After her body shrank, she only needed four or five biscuits to fill her stomach.

I'm a little hungry. I haven't eaten since last night's dinner.

The big hamster pinched her face. Now her face was much fleshier than before, but she didn't hate it because it looked so furry and fleshy.

Anyway, now that he is a hamster, and he is already so fat, there is no need to stay in shape.

So she ate half a bag of biscuits in one go, then lay down in the drawer, leaning her head on a biscuit, crossing her legs and patting her round belly.

All we have to do next is wait for Yu Liang to come back.

I didn’t expect that life as a hamster would be quite easy.

As she thought this, she felt a little lazy in her heart. Of course, she couldn't be blamed for this. She had become a hamster now and couldn't do anything.

It's just a hamster waiting to die.

But really speaking, the current situation is still a bit inconvenient, at least she has no way to communicate with Yu Liang now.


But it doesn't seem that distressing.

Because the hamster saw something else in the drawer - watercolor pens.

She went up to pick up the pen, bit off the pen cap with her teeth, and tried to write something on the inner wall of the drawer.

Horizontally and vertically.

It's okay to use. Although the writing is weird, I can still recognize what the words are.

She thought about it and wrote "Be careful there is a ghost upstairs" one stroke at a time in the drawer.

After writing this sentence, the hamster looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction and showed a sly smile.

When Yu Liang came back later, she pretended to be shocked and pointed out these words to him. This should attract his attention, and then she would have sufficient reason to let him take her.

She thought with satisfaction, then lay down in the drawer and fell asleep. She shouldn't have been awake at this time, and she only woke up in the morning to wake Yu Liang up.

Hamsters usually go to bed at seven or eight in the morning and get up at five or six in the evening.

She had raised hamsters before, so of course she remembered Men Qing.


The orange sunlight at dusk shines from the balcony and evenly shines on the big hamster's body, like covering her with a golden quilt.

She shuddered, all four paws twitched at the same time, and then suddenly woke up from her dream.

The big hamster sat up from the drawer and looked around blankly.

She had a dream of falling continuously in the air. The feeling of weightlessness made her instinctively feel palpitations and panic.

But luckily it was just a dream.

So she let out a bubbly yawn, patted her face with her little paws, then stood up from the drawer, picking at the edges and looking into the room.

Everything was the same as before she went to bed. The quilt on the bed was pushed aside, the pillows were placed vertically, and the sheets were messy. The time in this room seemed to have stopped in the morning when Yu Liang left.

Tsk, what the hell, I went there all day.

The big hamster muttered something in her mouth. She happened to be hungry when she woke up, so she grabbed another biscuit and stuffed it into her mouth, then hid the two biscuits in the pockets on both sides of her mouth.

She likes this feeling very much. The bulging face is a kind of richness, which symbolizes the happiness of the hamster.

As for worrying about Yu Liang?


What could happen to him in this zoo?

Even "it" took special care of him, but she could see it clearly.

And if the guess is correct, Yu Liang should be the unofficial next director of the garden. He will not be eaten by some monster at this time, right?

She opened her mouth wide, trying to see how much food she could hold. She heard that a hamster could hold half of its own volume of food in its mouth. In that case, would it be possible for her to take Yu Liang as long as she grew to the size of two Yu Liangs? Stuffed breath into your mouth?

Ha ha.

The big hamster chuckled. She found this scene funny just thinking about it.


It's a pity that she can't grow that big. If she can grow up, she can at least be considered a fighting force, so she won't be unable to help at all.

This time, she felt full after eating two biscuits, so she stood up from the drawer, grabbed the edge of the desk, kicked her legs hard, and jumped onto the table.

There was only one photo frame on the table, and inside it was a photo of Yu Liang, but even Yu Liang himself didn't know when the photo was taken.

In the photo, Yu Liang is wearing a security uniform, standing at the gate of the zoo. Behind him is a line of large characters "Changhong Zoo welcomes you."

His eyes were calm and deep, just like his usual look.

The big hamster stood up and stood next to Yu Liang in the photo. Judging from this, she was much larger than Yu Liang. She put her paws on Yu Liang's shoulders and patted her, just like a big sister taking care of her little brother, and then Let’s say a few words of encouragement: “One day you will be able to surpass me.”

Unfortunately, Yu Liang couldn't move, so she felt bored after playing for a while.

Hamsters all crawl, but she is not used to it, so she simply stands upright and walks.

The balance is a little difficult to master, and he walks unsteadily like a drunkard, but at least he can persevere.

It came to the edge of the desk and looked down. It was a height that made her dizzy, but she didn't seem to have to worry, because there was only a very narrow distance between the desk and the bed, even with this body that was not good at exercise. You can also jump over it easily.

And that's exactly what she did. She took off with just one acceleration and fell steadily onto the soft quilt.

The big hamster got up from the quilt and first looked in the direction of the room door. When he saw that it was calm and didn't look like someone was about to come in, he buried his head in the quilt and took a deep breath.

She didn't know the purpose and significance of what she did. After Yu Liang's words, she was no longer sure whether she really fell in love with Yu Liang, but at this time and place, it felt like everything was in place. , it would be against her conscience if she didn't do this.

Well, that's right.

There was a refreshing smell in Yu Liang's quilt. It might be something like grapefruit, sea salt, and cedar. She hadn't studied perfume carefully, so she couldn't tell the difference.

The quilt was very soft, so the big hamster jumped up on the bed, which was much more interesting than staying in the drawer.

After playing for a while, she became a little tired. Looking at Yu Liang's pillow, she suddenly felt that her teeth were itchy and needed to be polished.


No, no, why are they really like pets?

The big hamster shook his head quickly, and then jumped from the edge of the bed to the ground. She could bear such a height.

She walked around the whole room, then opened Yu Liang's wardrobe, jumped in and rummaged through it, and successfully found a bag of ham sausage among a pile of clothes.


First he was surprised.


Then he became confused.

Can hamsters eat ham?

Forget it, let’s not cause trouble for Yu Liang.

She looked boredly, and then looked at the door, but there was still no movement there.

When will Yu Liang come back?

The big hamster lay down in the pile of clothes and played with all the things he could play with. Now she just feels bored.

It seems that there is only one thing to do: sleep.

You'll probably see him when you wake up.

She thought so and closed her eyes again.


It was midnight when I woke up again.

Yu Liang still hasn't come back.

She finally began to worry about Yu Liang's safety, and the uneasy feeling lingered around her, which made her eager to do something, but she didn't know what she could do as a hamster, so she could only sigh.

The big hamster climbed out of the closet, closed the door, and then came to the desk and looked up. It was a height that made the hamster despair.


Only now did she remember that she couldn't go back.

No, there is still a way up.

She saw the chair with a soft leather backrest next to her, and an idea suddenly came to her mind.

First push the chair over, then grab the railing in the middle of the chair legs to climb onto the chair, and finally hook the back of the chair with your claws to successfully climb to the top.

Rolling over and rolling into the drawer, she lay down in the drawer and waved her paw.

It worked.

"Bang." Suddenly, the door opened.

Is Yu Liang back? !

She was immediately happy, got up from the drawer and looked in the direction of the door, but as soon as the rat head was exposed, she retracted back into the drawer.

Not Yu Liang!

That's a man in overalls!

Hostel? !

She could probably guess the person's identity, but she didn't understand why the dormitory manager could open the door to Yu Liang's room. !

The light of the flashlight shone everywhere in the room. She carefully crawled into the drawer, not daring to make a sound. A rat gallbladder was trembling crazily and about to jump out of her throat.

She huddled in the corner of the drawer, wrapped herself into a small ball, and did not dare to move.

The footsteps circled the room and then left, taking the light of the flashlight with them.

"Bang——" There was another violent slamming of the door.

The big hamster rested in the corner for a long time, and did not feel relieved until he confirmed that there was no one else in the room.

It seems safe.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of grievance in her heart for no reason.

You obviously promised to come back soon, but how long has it been?

The more she thought about it, the angrier and more aggrieved she became, so she grabbed the biscuit and gnawed it.

However, he won't be in any danger, right?

Why don't you go out and look for it?

The big hamster suddenly became distressed again.

Forget it, let's continue waiting here. Since I said I would come back, I will definitely come back.

If he runs around, he won't be able to find the hamster when he comes back, and he will cause trouble.

She thought so and looked at the ceiling of the room with her eyes open.

There seemed to be nothing better to do besides being in a daze.


She couldn't remember the date because there was a piece of chaos in her mind that kept interfering with her thinking.

I just remember that it took a long time.

No one has been in this room for a long time.

She had finished eating the biscuits long ago. She realized the seriousness of the matter on the third day, so she started to save food, but now, the big bag of ham sausages was still empty.

She picked at the edge of the drawer and stared blankly in the direction of the room door, but no matter how she looked, she could not open the door.

It's been a long time, a really long time, and he really won't come back to this room again.

The big hamster sighed and sat down in the drawer.

She glanced at the photo next to her, stretched out her paw to poke Yu Liang's face in the photo, but turned away, not wanting to look at it anymore.

Yu Liang lied.

She grabbed a watercolor pen and wrote the word "liar" on the inner wall of the drawer.

No, it seems to be "liar rat".

Liar rat...

The word "rat" is so difficult to write, so I won't change it.

She swallowed, suddenly craving potato chips.

After thinking about it, she seemed still upset, so she added another line under the word "liar".

"Yu Liang is sorry to Xu Cixi"

Yu Liang was indeed sorry for Xu Cixi.

She thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with her writing.


The word "Yu" is so ugly.

The big hamster frowned and looked at the "Yu" that was obviously bigger than the other characters, feeling dissatisfied.

It’s really hard to write with so many strokes.

She stepped forward and chewed off the piece of wood with the word "Yu" written on it with her front teeth, then swept the sawdust aside and looked at the current line of words in a daze.

"I'm sorry Xu Cixi."


Isn't it a bit too ambiguous to call someone by just one word?

Some strange emotions arose in her heart, so she thought about it and then stepped forward to chew out the word "good".

"I'm sorry Xu Cixi."

Forget it, that’s it.

The big hamster sighed, folded the photo next to him in half and then held it in his arms.

Suddenly she didn't want to be in this room.

Jumping on the bed, the neat quilt suddenly bulged into a big bag. She skillfully straightened a corner of the quilt to make it flat again, and then jumped out of bed.

Pushing the chair to the glass door of the balcony, she stepped on the chair and pulled the door latch.

This process had been in her mind a long time ago.

Yu Liang once said that people cannot stay in a cage forever.

The big hamster climbed up the balcony railing and looked back at room 107 for the last time.

She blinked and suddenly realized something.

Did Yu Liang really say this?

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