The end of the world: mountain and sea disasters

Chapter 36 Seeing Through Weaknesses

The situation at the Little Garden Workstation was beyond Yu Ke's expectation.

He drove here on a snowmobile specifically to hand over the newly obtained samples to researchers.

Unexpectedly, I heard a familiar high-pitched neighing sound from a distance.

The resurrected human-faced owl appears outside the workstation!

Yu Ke is not a fool.

He quickly realized that it was no coincidence that the human-faced owl came to this place instead of seeking revenge on him after resurrecting from the dead.

The colors that spewed out of its body after it died seemed to have the ability to control the corpse, forcing it to come here.

Thinking about it this way, it was probably not an accident that the human-faced owl left the victim outside the workstation earlier.

Seeing the mutated human-faced owl attacking the security personnel at the workstation, Yu Ke had no intention of standing idly by.

He currently lacks the professional experience of [Forest Hunter], so he cannot miss the opportunity before him.

Brush the human-faced owl once when it's alive, and brush it again when it's dead!

Carrying the Leviathan ax and arriving first, Yu Ke passed over Captain Zhao, whom he had met before, and opened the communication channel.

"I'm responsible for holding back the human-faced owl. You go and deal with the stitch monster next to you first."

Because he was not sure about the human-faced owl's combat power after the mutation, Yu Ke didn't finish his words, but just offered to help them share the pressure.

"This monster is very strong, you have to be careful."

There is no doubt about the strength of the ranger hunter who dared to chase the human-faced owl in the snowstorm, but the monster in front of him was also weird, Captain Zhao subconsciously reminded him.

As a result, before he could finish his words, he saw Yu Ke swinging an ax to cut off the wings of the human-faced owl, and then he fought in close quarters without hesitation.

Yu Ke tried to verify his suspicions with close combat.

The human-faced owl's tactics against enemies have been mentioned before.

The air superiority brought by its flight ability, creating whirlwinds or shocking sound waves after widening the distance are its strongest points.

In a blizzard environment, as long as the human-faced owl grasps the distance, it is not easy to kill Yu Ke, who does not have any long-range capabilities.

The crux of the matter lies in this.

The human-faced owl, which has been resurrected from the dead and undergone a mutation, should logically become more powerful in combat.

But now it chose to land and join the battle. Not only did it voluntarily give up its ability to fly, it also launched a ground charge towards the security personnel at the workstation.

It had no chance to fly out of the nest before, but now it has voluntarily given up flying. It can be said that there is no conspiracy in the changes before and after.

No, it shouldn’t be said to be the conspiracy of the human-faced owl.

The color surging in his corpse is the real master behind the scenes!

As the battle started again, Yu Ke's speculation was verified.

Yu Ke made up his mind to fight the human-faced owl in close combat, and soon took the initiative. The latter seemed to have forgotten its ability to fly, always blocking the entrance and exit of the workstation, attacking anyone who tried to get close.

The so-called phoenix that landed on the ground is not as good as a chicken. The human-faced owl is still a bird after all. Facing Yu Ke's fierce attack, all it can do is to keep flapping its wings, trying to cover Yu Ke's sight with snow, and then swinging its sharp claws to attack Yu Ke. Crucial.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity for Yu Ke to test the results of recent training.

His body swayed in the wind and snow. With his greatly increased sense of detecting and filling gaps, Yu Ke was often able to make early judgments on the awkward claw attacks of the human-faced owl. His strong physical fitness coupled with enhanced toughness It made him cope with it with ease.

Stepping forward, sideways dodged the falling claws, and then leaned back and lowered his waist to avoid the sweeping bone claws in the middle of the wings. He stood up again with one hand on the ground and approached the human-faced owl's abdomen again. Leviathan The ax slashed horizontally and vertically, disembowelling him!

This should have been a serious injury to the human-faced owl.

However, there was no joy on Yu Ke's face after he succeeded.

The reason is simple. What flows out of the wound is not the organs and blood, but a large mass of twisted chaotic colors. They are like universal glue, easily smoothing the wound, allowing the Masked Owl to continue fighting.

'No wonder this guy dares to block the road like this. He is a corpse, so how can he be afraid of physical trauma?'

With half-squinted eyes, facing the resurrected human-faced owl in front of him, Yu Ke tried his best to deal with it, but at the same time, he felt more and more troublesome.

However, he still tried to get as close to the human-faced owl as possible while dodging the attack.

If you want to kill this monster, you must rely on another ability that you can't miss, that is, catching the target's flaws in battle.

At this moment, after a long period of close observation, the characteristic of detecting and filling gaps finally took effect.

Mutated human-faced owl: The body of the human-faced owl infected by unknown life forms is difficult to kill by physical means and is afraid of strong light!

There is never a perfect existence in this world, and the seemingly immortal human-faced owl also has weaknesses.

Just where to get the bright light now?

Yu Ke's helmet came with its own lighting, but the brightness was quite limited, obviously not high enough to provide strong light, so he had to contact security personnel.

"Captain Zhao, based on my previous experience, these monsters seem to be affected by strong light. Is there a strong light source in the workstation?"

"Yes, the rooftop of the workstation serves as an outpost, and a night searchlight is prepared. I will contact the team members inside."

Captain Zhao, who was leading his men to fight with the Stitch Monster, responded hurriedly. Although he didn't know where Yu Ke got the information, but in this situation, he could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor and contact the team members who were still in the workstation. ,

"One group, send two people to the control room."

"Captain! We were attacked. The bullets could not cause damage to the corpses that had just been dragged in. We were forced to retreat into the station. These corpses seemed to have a clear target and went straight to the research room. Stationmaster He was seeking reinforcements through the internal broadcast. Pan Dora goes berserk and is about to lose control. The medical room is also asking for help. We are short of manpower and need reinforcements! "

Before Captain Zhao could finish speaking, the more anxious voices of the team members in the workstation came back.

There has never been such a bad situation since the Little Garden Workstation was built.

At this point, Captain Zhao knew that it was impossible to call back the team members who went to protect the researchers. If the laboratory fell, it would be meaningless for them to crush the two monsters outside.

With no manpower available anywhere, Captain Zhao had no choice but to risk his own life. While instructing three groups of team members to suppress the Stitch Monster, he rushed to the workstation single-handedly and contacted Yu Ke on the communication channel.

"I'll go to the control room and turn on the lights throughout the station. Help me lure the human-faced owl away so it doesn't block the entrances and exits!"

"Don't worry, leave this to me."

Yu Ke paid attention to Captain Zhao's position. When the latter approached the entrance, the human-faced owl became obviously impatient.

There is no doubt that the color surging in its body gave the corpse the most resolute order.

Do not allow anyone to cross it into the workstation!

Although he didn't know what was happening inside the Little Garden Workstation, Yu Ke still realized that now was the most critical time.

With his legs slightly bent, Yu Ke jumped out and struck the human-faced owl on its right leg with an axe, forcibly preventing it from rescuing.

The more the enemy wants to do something, the harder it is to make it happen!

There is another chapter a little later that needs to be revised.

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