Ordinary engine sounds have a thick sound, forming a roar.

The more expensive the sports car, the deeper the roar.

But this time the sound was different, Dominic had never heard anything like it before!

This voice is so passionate that it explodes.

Want to tear apart and destroy everything, no one can stop it!

"Farke, what on earth is this?"

"My soul feels trembling"

"It seems like something big is coming!"

"Damn it, boss, should we get out of the car and stop him?"

The people in the car were noisy, terrified and uneasy.

They were speedsters and were naturally very familiar with vehicles. They knew exactly what kind of engine made what kind of sound.

But they swore that there was no sound like this. It was like this today.

It was the sound of a car, but it was not a car.

If I had to describe it, it was an airplane with a car shell!

Yes, this car was equipped with an airplane engine! The boss has always been���His expression was relaxed and he didn't take anyone seriously when driving.

Today is different!

He looked solemnly at the rearview mirror,"No matter who comes, they are definitely not friends."

This operation was absolutely hidden, even the person doing it.

I didn’t know the news until I set off.

All cell phones were confiscated and the communicators in the car were used.

It would be damning if we could notify people in advance.

"Could it be someone passing by?"Vince said.

He is a rough guy with a ring of beard and looks very mature.

He looks like someone who often hangs out in bars and streets. He has a rough personality. He is a good friend of Dominic and has known him since he was a child.

Nick has great trust in him

"It wouldn't be arrogant to pass by, and there was only the sound of one car, so it couldn't be drag racing."Dominique's tone was profound.

The implication was that this car was coming for them.


I saw in the rearview mirror, the headlights of the car were on, and the speed was unbelievable.

It was like a bolt of lightning, swishing down the road.

Even the wind seemed to fall behind it.

"Damn it, this speed?"

"So fast!!"

"what car is this?"

"It will be there in the blink of an eye!"

The people in the speeding party were shocked and couldn't close their mouths.

Some people even rubbed their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw.

They had never seen such a fast car.

When it flew up, it could bring up a strong hurricane.

Seeing As he was about to arrive, a steel chain gun shot out from the rear of the truck , bursting into flames.

Then, at the last turn, the beast roared loudly.

It was the most exciting engine sound he had ever heard in his life.

Li Ang shifted gears in the car, suddenly stepped on the accelerator when exiting the corner, and the eight exhaust pipes at the rear of the car exploded. Blue flames erupted, and the powerful power continued to increase. The speed of the thugs increased again, and the speed of the vehicle was quickly pushed to the peak.

"No, cut off the hook rope quickly!"Dominic roared in shock, but it was too late.

The nuclear engine equipped by the thugs was even more powerful.

The huge container was instantly torn off the car and tossed wildly.

Dominic's car was only lightly hit by the container. As soon as it hit, it was swept out more than ten meters away.

The vehicle rolled on the ground five or six times, the glass was shattered, and the hood and doors were all deformed. The car on the other side was smashed and turned into a discus. The car in front was hit by the rear and flew twenty or thirty meters away. The glass was also shattered and the rear was completely deformed. The life and death of the person inside was unknown!

Li Ang looked at the vehicle behind him in the rearview mirror. I felt so happy about the situation. It was a nuclear-powered car, comparable to an aircraft carrier on land! But dragging the container was always inconvenient. It is easy to arouse the alert of relevant departments

"System, is there any way to deal with the cargo in the container? Is it best to sell it quietly?"

Li Ang just asked casually and didn't hold out much hope.

I didn't expect that the system really had a solution.

"The cargo in the container is laptop computers, some of which have been damaged. The total value after exchange is five million."


"Redeem, redeem now."Li Ang was overjoyed.

When he dropped it on the ground, he suffered a huge impact.

The laptop is a delicate electronic product, and a slight bump may cause damage.

If it weren't for the anti-shock measures inside, the loss would be even greater.

As time goes by , Li Ang shouted, and the cargo in the container suddenly became empty.

At the same time, the system automatically cut off the steel chain, preventing the thug from continuing to drag the container.

The thug's speed suddenly increased and disappeared behind the horizon.

Dominic, Vince and others struggled to climb out of the car, with blood still on their foreheads.

But at this moment, they couldn't care less about their injuries and looked at the horizon in shock. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have seen it.

I can’t believe that there are such fast cars in this world!

"What on earth did we encounter?……"Dominic murmured.

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