The ratings exploded, soaring 9%!

As Li Ang turned around and climbed the hillside in a rage.

The TV station’s ratings are soaring!

Everyone is reluctant to change the channel, and they don’t want to go to bed when they are sleepy.

They are all waiting for him to make the final sprint.

Can he conquer this mountain road of death?

"Come on, we must rush over!"

"Let's create a miracle tonight!"

"I feel he can definitely do it"

"Rush through and conquer the impossible."

Countless spectators waved and cheered for him. Some people were holding on to their clothes tightly, even more nervous than Li Ang.

Li Ang was the second person to come to this place.

Before him was a man named David.

He conquered the narrow mountain road and conquered He took the corner and conquered the second circle.

He became the man who was closest to victory.

In the end, he failed at the cliff. The car fell down and his spine was broken, and he could only sit on the hospital bed forever.

Many people learned from it.

More and more people climbed to the top of the mountain, but they still couldn't get over the cliff.

The vehicles started to fall halfway through the flight.

Finally, some people came to the conclusion that no one could fly over the cliff.

Now Li Ang wants to break the impossible legend, is it possible?

The silver thug in the picture quickly gave the answer.

He charged forward with a strong momentum, and there was no room for turning back. The front continued to charge without any hesitation!

Suddenly, the eight blue flames erupted again, causing the silver mob's speed to exceed

700 and approach 800. Fortunately , this road is straight, otherwise he would not be able to reach the speed of 800!

"So fast!"

"What kind of magical speed is this?"

"If it weren't for the helicopter, the reporter's car wouldn't be able to keep up."

"It was so fast that the camera could hardly capture it."

The crowd was shocked.

The plane didn't even take off that fast.

How did Li Ang modify the car?

After today's exposure, there must be many supercar manufacturers looking for Li Ang to learn technology.

This kind of engine modification technology will make Supercar companies are going crazy.

Failure to obtain this technology means they will be eliminated.

The industrial revolution in the automotive industry is about to break out!

"Attention everyone, get ready to leap over the cliff."Tracy reminded.

Even she felt nervous.

Her words also drew everyone's attention back.

Everyone was paying attention to Li Ang!

The ratings exceeded 9.5%!

Before I could be happy, the painting style changed in the next second.

I saw the silver thug. The suspension hydraulic springs up, and the car jumps up from the ground like a human being. Is it going to fly up at such a high speed ? It must be a success! The ratings are 10%. The ratings are 12%, which is even stronger than before.


After the silver thug takes off, the arc is perfect.

It's equivalent to having an extra jump-assist pedal that is lifted upward, and it is very possible to rush to the opposite side.

Li Ang looked at the blue sky in the car, feeling extremely nervous.

Even in the air, the throttle is pressed to the maximum.

The nitrogen speed boost system is also turned to maximum.

They are like aircraft engines, which can continuously provide boost to the silver thugs in the air.

Jump over the cliff of death, Silver Thug!!

It only lasts a few seconds.

But it seems like centuries have passed.

Under the gaze of millions of eyes, the silver thug gracefully poses.

Leap to the other side!

He succeeded!!

Finally someone has broken death!

Break out into a new world!

The ratings soared to 20%.

All the people cheer!!

Hug each other to celebrate!

Raise your glass and drink! carnival!!



"Very handsome"

"No matter who he is, I support him!"

Li Ang's support rate has soared and he has gained a large number of new fans.

He didn't know how big a sensation the path he chose would cause.

Those who mocked him and questioned him were all slapped in the face.

So happy!

At this time Li Ang was concentrating on the game and knew nothing about the outside world.

Although he had seen the helicopter in the sky, he didn't pay attention to it because he didn't have any malicious intentions or weapons.


So after leaping over the cliff, he walked down the mountain road without stopping.

Tracy's blue eyes showed confusion and then she would have stopped by now..

But he had no intention of stopping to take a souvenir.

Does that mean he was here for the competition? It took no effort to follow the game and complete the news station.

Tracy was overjoyed.

Li Ang turned his head slightly in the car and looked in the rearview mirror.

The helicopter was still following him, and there was probably a person carrying a camera behind him.

Ignore him

"How many minutes have passed now?"he asks

"three minutes"

"How many minutes does it take to go down?"

"Two minutes."

So long?

Li Ang frowned. This hillside will take five minutes.

For a sports car, five minutes can drive a long distance.

"Is there a faster way?"

"Yes, it takes ten seconds to fly down from the top of the mountain."

The voice was serious, not joking.

Li Ang was silent and looked outside the cliff. Do you really want to jump?

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