This is not a weird story

Chapter 231 Wordless Book

When Pei Na and Cai Lu rushed to the lounge, the door of the lounge had been opened by Qinqin. Sister Jia and Qinqin were standing at the door, staring into the room with frightened faces.

When they saw someone coming, they quickly backed away. Pei Na and Cai Lu walked into the room and saw that Tony had already stood up. However, because he was handcuffed at the foot of the bed, he was half-bent and raised his head to look at this person. side.

A closer look showed that his head didn't look like it was raised naturally at all, but that his neck had been broken and he raised his head in a weird way. His mouth was slightly open, staring straight at Pei Na and Cai Lu.

"Resurrected?" Pei Na was surprised.

Cai Lu immediately shook her head, "Without resurrection, he is still a dead person."

Looking at Tony's left hand again, it was about to break. This guy had been trying hard to break free from the handcuffs. Because the foot of the bed was fixed to the ground with metal, his hands were handcuffed through the metal pillars at the foot of the bed.

If the left wrist is broken, the guy breaks free and can stand up completely.

"You said he is the cockscomb head?" Cai Lu asked softly.

Pei Na said: "Look at his current head shape, doesn't it look like him?"

Cai Lu thought for a while, "If this person can move again after death, he probably wants to get close to that terrifying location, which will be very dangerous for us. We must stop him!"

After a pause, Cai Lu asked: "Do you have any methods to deal with weird things? It's best to use them and be prepared!"

Pei Na did not take out the wordless book, but said: "This is my second weird story. I still don't understand the weapons and props."

She was referring to the fact that she had not yet understood her research on the wordless book, so she did not know whether it could be directly used to deal with weirdness. However, because she was not able to name the prop of the wordless book, her words were a little vague.

Upon hearing this, Cai Lu thought that Pei Na had no weapons, and she was surprised to hear that this was the second time that the other party had entered the ghost story.

In Cai Lu's view, this indirectly shows that the two bureau investigators from Zhoucheng do not have much experience.

"Stay behind me and be careful not to let this guy run out. Leave the rest to me."

Cai Lu gave an order and then took out a pistol from her personal belongings.

Pei Na was shocked when she saw this. This was the first time she saw a participant's item being a thermal weapon. As far as she knew, she had never heard of this type of weapon prop.

"There are only two bullets left, use it every time and you will lose one." Cai Lu said with some distress after taking out the pistol.

It seems that although her weapons are good, they can only be used less and less due to the limitation of bullets. Hot weapons are not like cold weapons. As long as they are not lost or damaged, they can be used continuously.

It seemed that Cai Lu had used this pistol many times before, so only the last two bullets were left.

Just when she finished speaking, Tony's wrist was torn off by himself, and the broken part was still in the handcuffs. Without the restraints of the metal bed legs, he quickly stood up straight.

However, there was no blood coming out of the broken part of Tony's left hand, which looked weird.

Cai Lu quickly raised her gun. She didn't dare to shoot in the air, because this was a flying plane. If she shot through the plane, the consequences would be extremely serious, so she steadily aimed at Tony's body.

Just as Tony was walking towards her, a shot was fired, and the bullet instantly penetrated the guy's head. A black hole appeared on the upper left side of Tony's forehead. The bullet passed through the back of his head and hit the wall inside the lounge, but There was no contact with the cabin wall.

Pei Na noticed that when the pistol was fired, a circle of light blue light spread out from the muzzle, like ripples. It was obvious that this was not an ordinary firearm, but was specially used to deal with weird things. Used.

After being shot, Tony leaned back and almost fell down, but he maintained this position and slowly stabilized his body, purring from his mouth.

The next second, the man's body stood upright again, his head tilted back to straighten. The wound where he was shot had completely exploded, and was still undergoing a strange corrosion. Half of his head was turned up, looking extremely terrifying.

But it seemed that the power of this shot was limited and did not affect his actions.

Tony approached Cai Lu again.

Seeing this, Cai Lu secretly wondered if the important part of this guy was not his head. She immediately shifted the gun, pointed it at Tony's heart and pulled the trigger.

The last bullet penetrated the opponent's heart smoothly, and then opened a huge blood hole in his chest, and his internal organs were mixed with blood and spattered.

Tony's whole body tilted to one side and stopped.

But looking at him, it seemed that the shot still failed to knock him down.

"Back off!"

Cai Lu sensed that something was wrong, because if it was something unusual, one bullet would be enough for her, but that was not the case now, and the two of them immediately exited the lounge.

Tony, whose head and chest were rotten, suddenly increased his speed, rushed over, and grabbed the door that was about to be closed by Cai Lu.

This guy was so powerful at the moment that Cai Lu couldn't compete with him, and the door couldn't be closed. In addition, the gun in her hand was out of bullets, so she kicked him immediately.

Tony, who was inside the door, clamped his severed hand toward his armpit and directly clamped Cai Lu's right foot.

Seeing that something was wrong, Pei Na flew forward and kicked the door open. The door hit Tony hard back, causing him to bounce back several steps.

Cai Lu was able to escape and looked at Pei Na in surprise as she jumped over her.

She didn't expect Pei Na to be so skilled!

At this time, Pei Na's eyes quickly wandered around Tony, trying to find his weakness as quickly as possible. Otherwise, Cai Lu's pistol specially used to deal with weird things would not be able to eliminate this guy. She didn't believe that she would take action. can solve him.

As a last resort, he took out the wordless book to resist, but Tony immediately grabbed Pei Na after he stood firm.

Pei Na held the wordless book in front of her. Tony's five fingers touched the wordless book, but it seemed to be burned. He retracted his hand instantly, then tilted his head and bit Pei Na's side. .

This scene was captured keenly by Pei Na.

She suddenly realized that she might have misunderstood the purpose of the wordless book all along, thinking that it was necessary to write words on the wordless book. Now it seemed that there was no need to write at all, as long as the wordless book was taken out. This was weird and obvious. I dare not touch it.

There must be other reasons for this!

When Pei Na was bitten by the opponent, she used her agility to lower her waist and sit on the ground. At the same time, she turned the wordless book in her hand over, as if using a weapon, and quickly swung it at the guy's head. go.

When Pei Na thought about it, since this weirdo was afraid of touching the wordless book, this thing could be used as a weapon, and she also knew that the wordless book was very hard and could be used as a shield.

With a bang, the open page of the wordless book hit Tony directly.

At this moment, an incredible scene happened. The pages of the book were directly stuck to each other. Pei Na pulled hard, and Tony's body was quickly shrunk. The next second, his whole body was sucked in while he was wailing and shouting. Disappeared in the pages of the book.

This scene was also clearly seen by Cai Lu, who looked shocked, "Oh my god, this... didn't you say you have no weapons?"

PS: The stewardess on this flight wore trousers, not short skirts, so the fighting movements were not affected at all^_^

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