This is not a weird story

Chapter 249 Training

In fact, the administrative offices in cities such as Zhoucheng and Liangcheng do not have separate training grounds. If investigators really want to be trained, the training grounds of the Public Security Bureau are used.

Vatican City is always a superior city, so the Administration Bureau is also equipped with a special training ground.

Because there are many investigators, you can still see people training physical fitness, fighting skills, etc., and there are actually separate coaches in the training ground, but Wei An feels that none of them are as professional as Pei Na.

In the training ground.

As the first lesson for Wei An, Pei Na first told him a few key points, that is, usually, those who want to provoke Wei An are those who think they are stronger than him and can defeat him.

Otherwise, if Wei An could defeat the opponent with the help of hammers and other tools, there would be no need to learn to fight.

Starting from straight punches, swing punches, uppercuts, horizontal elbow strikes, and back elbow strikes, and ending with knee techniques, kick techniques, defense techniques, and wrestling techniques, Pei Na explained everything to Wei An in detail.

Then start teaching from the simplest basic skills.

Wei An asked her what the last attack was that knocked the cockscomb away with one kick. Pei Na replied that it was a side kick among the kicks. This is also a more powerful kick. Sometimes the target is hit with one kick. Then he would kick several of his bones into pieces.

That day, the cockscomb was kicked off because Pei Na had some strength to spare, otherwise it would be doubtful whether that guy would have been able to stand up.

After learning more about it, Wei An could deeply feel that what Pei Na had mastered were indeed killing skills, not basic fighting skills.

As for herself, because she had no fighting experience at all, Pei Na taught her some basic things. After a rough understanding, Pei Na took a dummy and began to explain to Wei An which parts of the human body are weak points and under what circumstances. What is the best way to attack.

In the next few days, Pei Na sometimes used the dummy to let Wei An practice, and sometimes she went out to practice with Wei An herself, so that he must master the essentials of fighting as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Ma Tao and the others have been tracking Zhang Zuxia's whereabouts in the past few days, but there is no news yet.

After every day's practice, Wei An returned to his dormitory and carefully read the notes on his talisman research experience that Xiong Shihai had left for him.

Later, Xiong Shihai's assistant passed on the pattern of the first traveling spell to him. Wei An carefully studied the drawing method according to the strokes of this spell, and tried to draw the first spell in different places, according to different longitudes and latitudes, and even time scales. A travel spell that enters the ghost story.

And he also fully predicted that if he successfully entered the first ghost story as a springboard, he would use the information in the ghost story to draw the second travel spell that would transfer to the target ghost story.

He practiced over and over again every night, and during the day he studied fighting.

After almost three weeks, Wei An gained some experience in learning talismans. He compared what he had just learned with the life-extinguishing spell he had memorized for the first time, and mastered a large number of basic writing techniques for talismans. These basic brushwork techniques can be used in almost every spell.

On the Monday of the fourth week, Ma Tao suddenly informed him and Pei Na to go to the office immediately, saying there was news about Zhang Zuxia.

Wei An put on his training clothes and rushed to the office with Pei Na. At this time, Ma Tao and Yin Siyuan were both there.

Because Zhang Zuxia is a former investigator, the things he committed also fall under the jurisdiction of the Internal Investigation Division.

Ma Tao closed the office door and returned to the computer to open a screenshot. This was a photo of a map location. It seemed to be not far from the management office because Wei An saw the last preparation on the edge of the map. Invite Pei Na to the restaurant "Qing Mi Yue Ban Wan" for dinner.

"We have detected this place and are experiencing strange stories." Ma Tao said: "And Zhang Zuxia was also found nearby."

As he spoke, Ma Tao exited the map and immediately opened a video captured by surveillance.

The video was taken just after eight o'clock this morning, almost two hours ago.

A man wearing sportswear appeared in the video. Ma Tao pointed at the man and said: "He is Zhang Zuxia, wearing sunglasses. We tracked him in the north of the city two days ago, but we didn't know that he was not far from the management office today. Appeared. Our detectors reported that there is a ghost story happening there, with large energy fluctuations, which is consistent with the characteristics of multiple people's ghost stories. If you go there now, use... uh... use your... uh..."

"Non-chief physique." Wei An directly explained for him.

"Yeah, special physique." Ma Tao nodded immediately, but still changed his mind, "You have a much better chance of entering this weird story than other investigators."

"As an intruder." Pei Na said.

"But there is one thing to note." Yin Siyuan said: "Just before you guys came over, we learned that this strange story was currently being handled by investigators from the tenth investigation team. Who knew that Zhang Zuxia would appear, and he would directly Got in."

"Is there someone inside already?" Wei An frowned slightly.

In this case, the situation will become very complicated to solve.

"Yes." Yin Siyuan said: "This strange story happened suddenly at that time. It happened that our colleagues from the investigation team ten were there, and they passively entered the strange story. And Zhang Zuxia appeared there about five minutes later, and actively entered the strange story. Unbelievable."

"How many are there?" Wei An asked.

"Three." Ma Tao said: "Currently, according to staff statistics, there were fewer pedestrians nearby, so except for our investigators, there were no additional pedestrian participants in the ghost story at that time."

"Then there are only three of our colleagues and Zhang Zuxia in the ghost story?"

"Yes, there are only four of them."

"You and I will go over and have a look. Maybe we can be sucked in together." Pei Na said to Wei An.

Wei An nodded.

"We have already had someone go over and temporarily block off that area." Ma Tao said.

"After meeting Zhang Zuxia, try not to kill him if you can." Yin Siyuan patted Wei An on the shoulder, "Although this man's mental trauma is very serious, his behavior is worthy of study. We suspect that he can directly communicate with him in a dream. Weird talk about world communication, but we haven’t found a mechanism to actively stimulate this kind of dream.”

Hearing these words, a cold sweat broke out on Wei An's back, and he thought to himself: "Aren't you talking about me? Does this happen to intruders?"

Regarding what happened in his dream, Wei An did not mention it to the people at the Bureau, nor did he disclose it in previous ghost reports, so others did not know.

At this time, he remained calm on the surface and nodded heavily, "Try your best, but if my life is too threatened..."

"If you take action at that time, the bureau will not pursue you." Yin Siyuan gave him reassurance.

"The situation is unstable now. If you go late, you may not be able to enter the ghost story." Ma Tao urged.

Wei An immediately left with Pei Na. Neither of them changed their clothes. Wearing their training clothes, they stepped into the car that had been waiting downstairs and headed to the place on the map where the strange story broke out.

While in the car, an investigation team assistant sitting in the passenger seat turned around and handed Wei An and Pei Na each a piece of general information about the current strange story.

The information contained very little, because the colleagues in the tenth investigation team were also sucked in suddenly, and they had no time to convey any information.

As far as the authority knows, this multi-person ghost story seems to have deliberately selected participants, so that all the people who entered the ghost story were veterans, and there was no newcomer.

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