This is not a weird story

Chapter 607 The separation of body and consciousness

"You saw me? But why didn't I see you?!"

Although Wei An couldn't see anything at the moment, he still looked around.

He suspected that his vision might have been blinded, or that the strange things he had just encountered had done something to him, causing him to only see the strange things in his peripheral vision, instead of having problems with his normal vision.

" definitely can't see it. Don't move or move around yet." Pei Na's voice continued to sound in her mind, seeming a little unstable.

But at this moment, Wei An already knew why she was unstable, because it was the influence of Pei Na herself. She must have seen some incomprehensible scene.

Wei An was very curious about what Pei Na saw.

He stood under the wall, not daring to move at the moment. He didn't know what would happen if he didn't listen to Pei Na and suddenly moved.

Moreover, those weird things just now have been temporarily thrown away by me, and now there is not a single weird thing around.

On the contrary, if you keep standing here at this moment, the weird thing you left behind may come after you again, and the danger will increase dramatically by then!

Wei An stood there and looked around carefully. The yellowed stone bricks on the crematorium wall, some of the stone bricks had fallen off, and weeds had grown inside.

In addition, a breeze blows from time to time, and the wind is mixed with a faint salty smell.

This feeling was like blood, but it also seemed to be caused by the faint heat from the crematorium mixed with other strange smells.

Originally, Wei An was going to climb the wall directly into the crematorium, but after Pei Na warned him, he gave up the idea for the time being. He just looked down to see if there were any dog ​​holes under the wall, just in case the weird things just happened. If you chase me, you can find a place to escape quickly.

While he was observing, he felt a palpitation in his heart. He looked up and saw a middle-aged man in a white coat appearing at the end of the street in the direction he had just come from. He was holding something in his hand, which seemed to be a baby.

This middle-aged man should have had the familiar figure he saw just now, but at this moment his figure has been completely out of shape and has become extremely slender.

As he rushed here, the middle-aged man's figure was still changing.

"Can I move? It will be dangerous if I don't move!" Wei An said in his heart.

Outside the Colosseum.

Pei Na and Tang Li cautiously approached the small door of the Colosseum.

In their eyes, a man was walking around inside the small door. Now after "hearing" Pei Na's call, the man had stopped, but his body was covered with a large number of blood-red threads in all directions.

The man's limbs had been unknowingly entangled with countless blood-red threads.

These threads look like hairs, but when you take a closer look, they are not. The threads are not smooth and complete, but have a slight fascia on the surface, and there is a faint fishy smell on them.

This man is the back of Wei An.

Pei Na was shocked when she saw him just now, and immediately felt something in her heart, telling Wei An, who was unaware at the moment, to stop immediately and stop moving.

Because Wei An's so-called walking and trotting seemed to Pei Na at this moment to only bind his body and limbs tighter and tighter.

Wei An's voice sounded in Pei Na's mind.

At this moment, she and Tang Li wanted to get closer to Wei An, but they found that as long as they walked into the small door leading to the Colosseum, they would definitely fall into the same situation as Wei An, and they would immediately be entangled in those fascia-like threads. .

Not only that, if he knew that he was being entangled, it would be easier to handle. Now, from Pei Na's point of view, Wei An didn't know that he was being entangled at all, but thought that he had entered a certain scene in the Colosseum. Faced with the weirdness he "saw."

Little did they know that a bigger crisis had actually occurred, which was putting Wei An into dire straits step by step.

"Don't move. It will be more dangerous if you move now!" Pei Na replied immediately.

Wei An in the Colosseum watched the shop owner holding a white baby in his hand getting closer and closer in the distance, and he could already see the other person's face that had become mysterious.

In particular, not only did the shop owner's facial expression become extremely terrifying due to the self-squeezing, but his body also seemed to be shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This shrinkage does not disappear out of thin air, but is gradually transforming.

As his body shrunk, the body of the baby held in the store owner's arms was gradually growing. The body quickly expanded, and the skin became paler.

The arms began to become thicker and longer, and the clenched fists gradually expanded. The five fingers were stretched by an invisible force, and the nails stretched.

His facial features became more three-dimensional, and even grew so quickly that his entire face swelled, like a small rubber ball.

Just when he was less than half the distance away from Wei An, an even weirder scene happened.

I saw that the "baby"'s body had grown to half a person's height, its feet were on the ground, and its eyes were open.

The look in Wei'an's eyes seemed extremely familiar, very similar to that of the store owner who was still in a normal and slightly fat state just now.

Wei An never expected that even though the store owner was weird, he would actually achieve a more evil evolution through this method.

It can be inferred that if the opponent waits for it to become completely evil, its strength will definitely increase a lot, and it will even launch some kind of unpredictable attack pattern.

"If I don't leave, the weird approach will have disastrous consequences!" Wei An mentally replied to Pei Na.

Pei Na glanced at Wei An, whose whole body was strangled tightly with blood threads. She could clearly see that several blood threads had been cut into his flesh, and blood seeped out.

"He may have fainted, we have to find a way to rescue him!"

Tang Li didn't know that Pei Na and Wei An had telepathy. After carefully observing Wei An's back, she now came to a conclusion.

Pei Na asked Wei An in her mind: "Do you feel any pain now?"


Wei An looked down at his body and saw that there was no damage.

"Why should I feel pain?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred in his mind, and the four ambiguous and never-before-seen plots that he had just guessed using the plot editor came to mind again.

"My body is shaking and my consciousness is sinking?"

"My body is trembling and my consciousness is trembling?"

"My body is starting to break apart and my consciousness is being wiped out!!!"

At this moment, some parts of the body, especially the back, suddenly felt a dull pain.

This made Wei An frown slightly.

"Am I trapped in a hallucination? No, it's not a hallucination. My consciousness is connected to this Colosseum, but my body is still somewhere outside!" Wei An suddenly realized at this moment.

When he looked forward again, he saw that the pale, transformed baby of the store owner had already spread his legs and trotted towards him. Behind him, he dragged the shriveled and shrunken former store owner, like a human skin kite.

This scene is extremely weird.

Thanks to Brother Mingde for the great reward! Thank you for your tipping support!

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