This wizard is unscientific

Chapter 510 The Originator of Steam Machinery!

Chapter 510 Steam·Machine·Originator!

Following the mechanical demigod Chiole's explanation, Tucker finally understood a little bit about these mechanical gods who were attacking with great force.

Not waiting for Tucker to make a move.

The arriving mechanical demigod "Ogden" has already taken the lead in attacking.

His mechanical single-axis arm slammed into the space behind him.

A mechanical metal full moon slowly emerged in outline.

This is a powerful "Mechanical God Ring" constructed from the [Mechanical Magic Network].

Just like humans can build their own spells on the mimetic magic network.

The various mechanical forbidden spells and mechanical god spells of the mechanical demigods can also be placed on the [Mechanical God Ring].

It can be said that the Mechanical God Ring is the weapon arsenal of every mechanical powerhouse.

The various mechanical forbidden spells and mechanical divine spells in it are all condensed and compact.

Clearly prepared.


A forbidden curse exploded on the outer wall of the steam god of the Four-Tusk Elephant Realm Ship, and a roaring sound bloomed slightly in the god's kingdom.

"Tucker, come out!"

The mechanical power blooms indifferently in the silence and darkness, like the indifferent God Punisher.

Woo woo woo...

The roar of steam came from all directions, and Tucker's projection slowly descended on the wave of steam roar.

"To meet the great god, he is too cowardly to use his true body."

"Tucker Larmore, where has your reputation as the God of Steam gone?"

Ogden's voice was laced with a strong sense of sarcasm.

"My name as the God of Steam is opening up the core of steam, allowing more mechanical beings to welcome the new steam era and find new hope, instead of sticking to the abject era and waiting for sinking and death in the rusty time!"

Tucker responded calmly.

When the mechanical gods heard this, they became furious.

Many demigods' mechanical furnaces are surging with divine fire.

For a time, several huge [Mechanical God Rings] crowded the foreign sky, even suppressing the light of the Ole Star Ring not far away.

"Tucker, get out of the foreign black fog area now, immediately, and we may be able to save your life. This is advice from the mechanical tribe, otherwise..."

"Your people, the Kingdom of God, and your friends will all perish in the wrath of the machine."

Ogden suppressed his anger and spoke in a deep voice, like a volcano, always ready to erupt.

Tucker looked around and then said calmly.

"If I'm not mistaken!"

"This is my hometown. You...are the wanderers in a foreign land. You are the one who should leave!"

Tucker's few words made the mechanical demigod Ogden speechless for a moment. Reasoning is really not his strong point.

Full of anger and not knowing how to vent it, he could only release several mechanical forbidden spells again, bombarding Tucker's Kingdom of God.

Unfortunately, Tucker, who was prepared, used steam fog to stop them all.

At this moment, a few old mechanical voices sounded.

The sound was extremely rough and dry, as if it was made by the constant friction of old machinery.

"Tucker, although our mechanical tribe is entrenched in a foreign land, it has also blocked a large part of the Green Star tribe's offensive power. Otherwise, do you think the Green Star tribe has good intentions if they don't destroy you with their current strength? ?”

"You should know how you felt when the Green Star Tribe invaded our ethnic ecology."

"But now, you are allowing your steam core to invade the ecological foundation of our mechanical race. This... I'm afraid it's not good!"

Tucker followed the sound and looked over.

Sure enough, the outline of the rusty mechanical body came into view.

The exotic black mist protected the mechanical tribe and allowed them to avoid the crisis of genocide, but it also brought the disaster of serial rust.

As time goes by, even this ancient mechanical god is not immune.

After thinking for a moment, he slowly spoke.

"Senior Lord Jarvin, have I manipulated the steam ecology to actively invade the territory of your mechanical tribe?"


Mechanical God Jarvan gave a straightforward response.

"But your steam ecosystem has been invaded. This is an indisputable fact."

"Senior Lord Calvin, what do you want to do?" Tucker asked in a calm voice.

"Leave! Take your steam core and get out of here."

"Even if I leave, my steam and machine tribe has already taken root here, and steam cores will still be born here continuously."

"Isn't that what you have to worry about? We will naturally find a solution."

Tucker sneered when he heard this.

"Senior Lord Jarvin, do you want to use some kind of ritual to cut off the origin of the steam machinery race?"

"Becoming the founders of the steam and machine race sequence, the three mechanical gods, your calculations are quite clear."

Back then, we used the connection between the "Steam Sequence" and the "Black Mist of Death" to build the "Black Mist Steam Sequence" for dragons to roam in the foreign black mist, and made the steam and machine tribe no longer afraid of the foreign black mist.

Tucker realized that this was the origin of a new ecological species.

Soon, Tucker felt the benefits of this collection of ecological origins of species.

That is the continuous gathering of "ecological beliefs".

The "ecological belief" of the steam and machine race is still very weak. After all, the steam and machine race itself is currently relatively weak.

This is particularly evident in the steam ecology.

The originators and pioneers of the new sequence ecology can enjoy the huge advantages of "ecological faith", which the mechanical gods will not fail to see.

In fact, not only did they see it, they also wanted to exploit the benefits and advantages of this "originator".

By driving Tucker away, they obviously wanted to monopolize the powerful power of the "ecological faith" of the new sequence civilization of "steam machinery".

This is much more powerful than simple "life faith".


They gain the new sequence advantage of the Originator.

With the growth of the steam and machinery community in the future.

There is hope for them to reach level 400 or even level 500 and become true gods in the distant future.

Faced with the temptation of such amazing benefits, it is no wonder that the three gods would join forces.

Tucker, who was sure of the other party's thoughts, was not in a hurry at this time.

Forcing and driving yourself away is just a symptom.

Pursuing [the origin of steam, machinery, and sequence] is the essence.

After a long confrontation, Jarvan, the mechanical god in the foreign black mist, spoke again.

After being discovered by Tucker, the mechanical gods also disguised themselves.


"After driving you away, Lord Burning Star built a powerful [Origin Ritual], which is a powerful means to reach the sequential civilization class."

"Even if you are the founder and originator of the steam and machine sequence, Lord Burning Star can remove you from the origin of the steam and machine sequence."

"Don't doubt the means and strength of Sequence God."

"The Sequence God is called the [Sequence God] because it can change many things in the sequence."

Tucker smiled faintly when he heard the words and slowly elaborated.

"You can create the originator, I think so. In the distant future, there may be a war between the steam and mechanical tribes over who is the orthodox origin."

"That's when it gets interesting."

as expected.

Tucker's words caused the three mechanical gods to look at each other quickly.

The thing I was most worried about happened.

If it is said that Tucker cannot grasp his identity as the "originator".

Their mechanical tribe can indeed drive away Tucker.

Then take the ecology of the Steam Core and use the methods of the Burning Star Sequence Lord Zhengshen to reshape the origin of the Steam Sequence civilization.

They are the pioneers of steam sequence civilization and the launchers of new civilization.


At this moment, when Tucker speaks like this, he is obviously confident of re-opening a new steam-mechanical sequence civilization.


Tucker obtained the mysterious ecological power of the ancient civilization's "Star Network".

And the powerful steam and star network ecological power combined with steam ecology has radiated in Flora Cosmic Mountains, causing many powerful cosmic groups to have headaches.

Since Tucker has pioneered the steam and machinery group early on.


Have the steam, black mist, star network, and mechanical groups been developed?

The tone I heard at this time was probably open-minded.

In this way, even if they are working hard to develop the steam and machinery ecology.

In the end, war will occur because of the inconsistency of the sequence.

In the past, their mechanical tribe had fierce wars due to internal conflicts, which led to their decline.

Internal unity is the consensus of today's mechanical civilization ecology.

After the three of them conspired for a long time.

Only then did the mechanical god Jarvin speak again.

"The sequential origin of steam and machinery, if it only consists of flesh and blood life forms, may not be convincing to the life of the ethnic group."

"When they were weak, they might surrender because of their faith and destiny."

"When they are strong...that is not necessarily the case."

"But...if [steam ecology] and [machine ecology] are the main origins of the steam and machine race, then there will be no problem."

Having said this, the mechanical god Calvin paused.

Then he looked at Tucker's projection, and even looked directly at Tucker's true body.

"The great Lord Burning Star allows you to have the [Steam·Machine·Origin Sequence True Name]. This is already the biggest concession."

"As the ancestor of the origin, you don't have to participate in the development and expansion of the mechanical group, or even foreign wars, strategizing in all aspects, etc."

"You just need to practice on your own. As the [Steam Machinery Group] grows, you can definitely reap the benefits."

Tucker groped his palm slightly, thinking about the benefits and trade-offs involved.

The external expansion of the mechanical group is truly amazing.

It is a natural disaster that scares countless worlds.

At this time, there is also a new era version of [Steam Sequence].

That is the darling of the wave of the times.

In other words, it will be a new version of [Steam Disaster].


Those steam and mechanical tribes that were "free-ranged" by Tucker did need a strong ethnic ecology to control them.

Otherwise, as these steam machinery groups grow, it is inevitable that some careerists will rebel.

Such a powerful sequence ecology is destined to be impossible to control by Tucker if it is kept free-range.

The explanation of the mechanical god Jarvin made Tucker smile knowingly.

I am afraid!

This is the real intention of these gods coming to our door today!

Want to kick out the real "ancestor"?

I still can’t decide who will kick whom!

"Senior Lord Jarvin, there is no problem in cooperation."

"But the question is, why should I cooperate with you?"

Tucker said slowly, rubbing his palm.

"Perhaps you are strong enough and have a common enemy with me."

"But that's not the only reason I'm working with you."

"I am also working with some friends from the friendly mechanical tribe to explore the origins of the steam and mechanical tribe."

At this moment, deep in the dark mist of a distant foreign land.

A delicate mechanical sound slowly sounded.

"Of course it's because we, a series of mechanical gods, are the true origins of the many steam and mechanical races you have pioneered."

"And the mechanical life group you cultivated cannot serve as the origin ancestor."

For a moment, everyone followed the sound and looked over.

The powerful Mechanical Sequence God - Burning Star!

From the distant Kingdom of Mechanical God, Tucker was given a precise reply.

"And you... Tucker Larmore, one of the true origin ancestors, please believe me."

"In the future, those mechanical careerists will definitely tear apart the mechanical race because of your flesh and blood sequence state."

"They won't believe you because your steam sequence itself has certain characteristics of mechanical life. Even... they are eager to tear apart your body to see what the true origin is."

"And if we, the true origin ancestors, develop a new sequence, there will be no problem."

"The ecology of our tree nest mechanical group, spread in the foreign black mist, is larger and broader than you think."

"With the steam sequence fully expanded."

"As the origin ancestor, you will soon be able to get huge benefits."

"We can even become ritual aids in your god's expedition ceremony."

"On the one hand, there is eternal friendship and common interests, as well as a strong force of assistance."

"On the one hand, there is the rupture between each other and the bumpy future of fate, as well as the silent observers watching from the sidelines when a war breaks out in the future."

"What are your options?"

In the distant depths, the inquiry of the Sequence God [Burning Star] slowly came to an end.

"This is not a multiple-choice question."

Tucker smiled without much hesitation.

The steam and machinery ecology is the entire mechanical community, but it is only a part or even a very small part of Tucker.

For Tucker, what is really important is the ecology of the Steam Star Network sequence.

And in this regard, no one can get involved.

Using the power of the steam and mechanical ecology to cooperate with the mechanical tribe, Tucker will be the originator of the hands-off, and there will be no problem at all.

"I think our future cooperation should be great!"

Tucker's voice bloomed gently in the alien black mist of silence and darkness.

For a moment, the peaceful atmosphere of waiting in the void was suddenly broken.

Many mechanical gods had smiles on their faces.

There is no doubt that cooperation between both parties is definitely a win-win situation.

Only with strong enough strength and strong enough means can we achieve win-win cooperation with each other.

If Tucker didn't have the means to control sequence civilization.

I am afraid that these mechanical gods will really kick me out of the position of the ancestor of the origin of steam and machinery.

The powerful [Civilization Ritual] can completely reverse many essential characteristics of the ecosystem of Sequence Civilization, not to mention that the opponent has [Sequence Righteous God].

And for Tucker.

If the opponent does not have [Sequence Righteous God], it does not have strong enough war potential.

There is no powerful enough steam sequence ecological group that can provide itself with the power to sequence the ecological ladder.

Tucker won't cooperate easily either.

For Tucker, the steam-mechanical sequence ecology of cooperation with the mechanical tribe is only one aspect.

The Steam Star Network ecology is the more important existence.

Tucker asked slowly while thinking.

"Senior Lord Jarvin, when I was wandering in the outside world, there were mechanical tribes of insights and various overt and hidden sentinels everywhere."

"We don't know if there is a shortcut to the main world of sequence civilization, especially the main world occupied by Green Star Civilization."

"Oh? Does His Highness Tucker want to reach other main worlds?"

The mechanical god Jarvan asked in a hoarse mechanical voice.


Tucker nodded.

"I have done a lot of research on ecological sequences, and I want to learn more about them."

"His Royal Highness Tucker wants to get close to other main worlds, so you have to find the right person."

"Our mechanical tribe has been here for a very long time, and we know a lot about those hidden and quiet places."

"Not to mention getting close, we have a way to even land in some of the main worlds of the Green Star Clan."

This mechanical tribe, which has survived for so long in the alien black mist ecology with harsh ecological environment, has even been fighting against the Green Star Tribe, and can even put a certain amount of pressure on the Green Star Tribe. Sure enough, there is still something good about it.

Hearing this, Tucker took a deep breath, and a strange luster surged slightly in the depths of his pupils.

Before, Tucker tried every means to get close to those main worlds but failed.

And now.

The opportunity has come!

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