Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 211 Boundary Breaker

At the bottom of the Great Rift Valley, at the base of the space elevator.

An Astartes wearing dark green power armor covered with cracks was lying half beside a boulder at the entrance of the mine, panting and clenching the plasma pistol in his hand.

He was waiting for the gun to cool down. Plasma weapons are powerful and have excellent performance. The only drawback is that continuous output for a long time will cause the gun body to overheat, causing an explosion.

The feet of this Astartes were littered with dead Astra Militarum mortal soldiers. Deep in the blazing mines, you could occasionally see Space Marines like him wearing dark green power armor with sword-wing symbols on their shoulders.

They boarded the same landing module and came to the Great Rift Valley to annihilate the Dark Angels of Chaos, but now he was the only battle brother left with them.

The last Dark Angel on Hive B-211, Gazza.

He has run out of fuel and is about to die.

His injuries were too serious. Even if the medical system built into the power armor had injected him with a variety of stimulants and hormone drugs, it could not keep his overdrawn body running and his consciousness awake.

As he lay dying, Geza remembered what happened when he first arrived in the Kerenna sector.

Two years ago, the Dark Angels received an astrological message from the Star of Hell, asking for help. While all the company commanders and adjutants in the chapter were speculating about which company would be sent to rescue the threatened imperial world, the current chapter leader of the Dark Angels and the 6-wing Grand Master announced the results of their joint deliberations:

——The result was that the Dark Angels came out in full force and drove the Monolith Monastery directly into the Kerenna Sector.

Geza is not a member of the inner circle. He has served for less than 400 years and is a proper recruit in the Dark Angels. However, due to some special personal experiences, he has also heard about some secrets within the group.

For example, fallen angels.

"The only one who can make the Chapter Leader and Grand Master reach an agreement to move the boulder is the Fallen Angel..." Geza thought before setting off.

But he seemed to have made a mistake.

When my thoughts returned to the present, the plasma pistol had cooled down a bit and should be able to sustain one or two more rapid fires.

Geza took a deep breath, used his tenacity to support his broken body, and carefully stretched out a small part of his body to look out of the mine.

"What are you looking for?"

"For the Emperor!"

A gentle voice sounded from the mine behind him. Without any thought, pure muscle memory made Geza instantly raise the plasma pistol in his hand. He roared and pulled the trigger, and the hot plasma was fired.

But his angry blows failed to do any harm to the "Baptizer."

Even the void shield was not turned on, and the dark matter deflection shield was also turned off. The hot plasma beam shot out, but failed to leave any trace on the silver-gray zero-element armor, just like using a water gun to saturate the tiles.

"Conventional weapons cannot break through the defense of zero-element armor. At least you have to use melt weapons that can disturb sub-atomic, or higher-end gravity manipulation and dimensional weapons... The decomposition force field of the power sword should also be able to do it?" Russell A voice came from the Baptist, saying with some seriousness: "Why don't you let go of the trigger? Your plasma pistol is going to overheat."

Before he finished speaking, Geza decisively abandoned his pistol and stabbed Russell's chest with the power sword in his right hand.

There was a crisp sound, but nothing happened.

"Your power sword has been damaged a long time ago, and the decomposition field has been paralyzed. Now what you hold in your hand is just a simple steel bar... Haven't you noticed this? It seems that you have experienced a tough battle."

Russell shook his head, and the Baptist's eyes dazzled the indigo spiritual energy, and he forcibly ordered Geza's body to put down its weapons and slumped to the ground: "Don't be nervous, I am a human being, I just wear different clothes from you."

As he spoke, the Baptist's breastplate briefly disintegrated, showing Russell's face to Geza before quickly closing and locking it again - there was strong industrial waste gas deposited at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley, and a mortal who breathed directly would only die on the spot. The slave workers of the Adeptus Mechanicus need to be implanted with iron lungs to mine here.

He is a good-looking young man, but unfortunately he is a bit of a girl. This was Geza's first impression after seeing Russell's real face.

Russell's bones and skin are both beautiful, but they do not conform to the general aesthetics of the human empire.

War is raging in the galaxy, and humans are generally martial. Girls like handsome and powerful males like the Blood Angels or the Emperor's Children, or strong and wild men like the Catachan Jungle Fighters, but Russell does neither. Related.

His appearance is more than handsome but not heroic enough. He looks like a gentle scum who plays for power. Any battle nun is more manly than Russell.

Geza tried to break free from the heavy spiritual pressure that imprisoned his limbs. After several failures, he understood the power hidden under this delicate skin.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Geza asked weakly.

"I don't have a real name, but you can call me: Star Bomber." Russell answered his question generously. After realizing that Geza's hostility towards him had subsided, he also dismissed his captivity. The other party’s spiritual energy.

Russell bent down to pick up the power sword that Geza had dropped on the ground, played with it casually, and said: "I originally planned to go to the Monolith Monastery to talk to your Dark Angels chapter leader about something, but when I passed by this galaxy, I saw Broken Angel. The dimensional anchor of the Boundaries, so I came down to take a look at the situation.”

"As far as I know, the boundary breaker's interdimensional portal should be near Baal, and the Keranna sector has reached the door of the Eye of Terror. The expansion progress of the high-dimensional invasion is too fast..." Russell smiled bitterly. Shaking his head, he didn't know whether to say that the Boundary Breakers were too fierce or that the Human Empire was too strong.

"Boundary Breaker? Dimension Anchor?" Geza's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and he quickly connected Russell's words with the terrifying enemies he had encountered before: "The Dimension Anchor refers to the one entrenched in the center of the Sulfur Galaxy. Is there an illusory existence that looks like a space jellyfish?”

"Border Breakers...So that kind of monster is called Boundary Breakers? They came here from Baal?"

For a moment, Geza was shocked.

"Oh? It seems that you have fought against the Ground Forces of the Boundary Breakers, and you can still survive... interesting." Russell suddenly became interested, and then the Baptist held Geza's head with one hand.

"I use spiritual energy to connect with your consciousness. Whatever I ask, you answer whatever I ask. Do you understand?"

"Understood..." Geza responded in a low voice, his voice weak.

"First of all, tell me why the Dark Angel came here..."

After several rounds of questions and answers, Russell basically understood the situation here.

Two years ago, the Dark Angels who came out in full force were on their way to rescue the planet Yan Ming, and received an astrological message asking for help from Hive B-211. Chaos demons had invaded the planet, and they were unfolding deep in the Great Rift Valley. massacre.

Due to the important strategic significance of the sulfur crystals, the Dark Angels extended a helping hand to B-211. Geza's entire company, together with the temporarily assembled naval fleet and mortal auxiliary forces, came to B-211 to fight against the Chaos Demons in the Great Rift Valley. Combat.

The Monolith Monastery continued to the Moon Star.

The task of Geza's team is to protect the base of Space Elevator No. 2. Once the space elevator is destroyed, the supply chain of sulfur phosphor crystals will face the risk of breaking, which will cause huge losses to the war zones around the Eye of Terror.

The warriors of the Dark Angels are brave and skilled in fighting. They built a defense line around the base of the space elevator and started a brutal battle with cultists and Chaos Daemons.

This battle lasted for nearly a year, and the situation became a stalemate. Geza's company was waiting for the support of the giant stone, and the cultists were also rushing to slaughter mortals and summon more demons.

At this time, a sudden change occurred.

"We lost contact with the fleet in orbit without any warning. All the ships seemed to disappear out of thin air. They made no sound and no longer responded to our signals..."

Geza's tone was filled with fear: "Then, the demons began to flee. We obviously didn't launch any attack, but the demons were fleeing, like a flock of sheep being targeted by evil wolves..."

"Whether they are brutal vampires or corrupt plague-bearers, they are all screaming and fleeing. The whispers in the subspace have been silenced, replaced by deep fear. The senior think tank told me that they are the natural enemies of the devil..."

"Then I saw it, and saw the existence of 'that'."

Geza closed his eyes in pain, unwilling to continue recalling. But through the conscious connection, Russell saw what he saw.

The originally immortal demons were driven, chased, hunted, and devoured like confused lambs... A strange existence with no fixed form appeared out of thin air in the Great Rift Valley. Their bodies were blurry and illusory, and they were different from everything around them. Out of place.

Their existence itself is a conflict, like using photo editing software to force-photoshop a bunch of things with completely inconsistent styles here. They do not belong to this universe, but they can devour everything in this universe.

Their name is - Boundary Breakers.

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