Russell looked down at Lupine, whose eyes were filled with ambiguous mist. He felt a little tangled in his heart and raised and lowered his left hand, ready to move.

He now knew that by opening tiny holes in Lupanas' body, he could cause real damage to Slaanesh himself. But to be honest, he didn't really want to do that.

When he thought of a super pervert who was neither male nor female, looking at him hungrily at the other end of the umbilical cord, having orgasms due to the hollow siphon effect, and dying of ecstasy... Russell would feel that he was no longer clean. a feeling of.

"I'm sorry, Gray Feng, I didn't protect myself well. I'm sorry for you..." Russell put his forehead with one hand and sighed to himself while leaning on his seat.

To the south of Krentalina, the tears shed by the Eye of Terror are slowly retracting.

After the flagship Silesian Wind was destroyed by the Pride of the Emperor, the remaining command class headed by Admiral Genevia Liemstra managed to escape from the burning wreckage of the battleship and boarded the ship in the arms sales order via an escape boat. The only battleship.

Valkyrie-class battleship, "an unripe dream".

The Unripe Dream was originally a war flagship belonging to the 6th Fleet of the Terra Expedition, owned by the Blood Angels sub-group "The Crimson Upstart". However, the 6th Expeditionary Fleet met the Breakers in the Baal Starfield and engaged in a battle with them. Then the entire army was wiped out. Only the Unripe Dream, whose soul had been eaten away, dragged its body back to its home port.

The news of the extradimensional warlock's escape was brought back by the Unripe Dream.

After that, Anti-Entropy sent the remnant body of the Valkyrie to the giant shipyard for repairs, and then was resold by Russell to Benhardt Medius. The newly renovated Valkyrie of Unripe Dream thus became the new flagship of the Imperial Navy's Klenna Sector Defense Fleet.

The dead Valkyrie has no machine soul, but it is still a powerful war flagship that can compete with the Glory Queen-class battleship: Emperor's Pride. Genevia, who was no longer fighting against the headwind, was able to give full play to her commanding talents. The Klenna fleet, which gradually became familiar with the operation of battleships, gradually suppressed the fierce offensive of the Chaos fleet.

The ground troops on the asteroid base also repelled the Chaos Astartes' gang-hopping offensive with extremely heavy casualties.

Until the end of this abnormal war, the Chaos side was unable to break through the gravel belt defense line outside Krentalina. The expansion of the Eye of Terror encountered a setback in the first stage.

Everyone in the Kelenna Defense Force was encouraged and excited by this, and everyone from the grassroots to the admiral was basking in the glory of victory. But Russell remained calm.

He knew that the final key to this war lay on the planet Yan Ming, between the two primarchs fighting in the Stone Fortress.

"If the Rock falls and the Lion King falls into chaos, then even if they successfully defend Klentalina at a huge cost... it will only be a partial tactical victory. In terms of the larger strategy, it will have been completely defeated. "

Losing a loyal Primarch is a far more tragic loss than losing 10 or even 9 sectors.

With this idea in mind, Russell used the confinement spell to imprison Lupanas, the lover, on the Titan ship Pot of Greed, and climbed to the hive spire of the capital planet of the Kerenna sector alone.

On Krurentalina, officials from the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Interior have begun preparations for the victory parade in full swing.

Upon hearing Russell's arrival, the local authorities did not dare to neglect him. Governor Banhart, who had just come out of the underground shelter, immediately arranged the highest level of reception for him.

After rejecting a group of dignitaries who had gotten wind of the news and wanted to get acquainted with the messengers of the Star Bombers, Governor Banhart came to the seat below Russell on the left with an apologetic smile, and said in a reserved tone: "I made you laugh. , this is the first time that Krentalina has been visited by a big shot like you..."

"They are just a bunch of moths clinging to power. Although they are annoying, they are understandable." Russell casually picked up a nut on the table and chewed it in his mouth. He said: "So far, there are only two people in the Kelenna sector who can catch my eye. , you are one of them."

Upon hearing this, Governor Banhart lowered his posture even lower. This is human nature. After seeing the outstanding combat power of the fleet led by Valkyrie, I believe that even the high lords of Terra will not be arrogant enough to think that they are qualified to talk to such beings on an equal footing.

——Even the commercial ships sold to Klenna are powerful enough to defeat Chaos, so what about the combat power of the main fleet in the hands of the Star Destroyer?

Thinking of this, Banhart, who was not very straight, bent even lower: "Then who is the other person who can catch your eye?"

Russell was about to speak when his words reached his throat but he suddenly stopped and said instead: "She was at the door and was stopped by your attendant."

"Ah, this." Governor Banhart quickly ordered the attendant guarding the door to step back.

Then, a tall blond woman wearing an imperial admiral's dress walked into the guest room with long legs and quick steps.

"You are indeed here! Mr. Russell!" Genevia Liemstra looked delighted, with a light pink blush on her cheekbones, and a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, looking like she was jumping for joy and excitement. Not as serious and aloof as usual.

"Has your dream of commanding the Valkyrie come true?"

"Yeah!" Genevia nodded fiercely: "This is my first time commanding a battleship of the level of Valkyrie. I, I... I'm sorry, I'm a little incoherent... The Unripe Dream is so powerful and beautiful; standing there In the command room, I felt as if I had become one with her, with my feet on the stars, invincible..."

"As long as you can adapt." Russell nodded. He doesn't mind taking the time to hear customer feedback. So far, the response has been great.

Looking away from Genievia, Russell looked at Banhart standing aside with a smile: "I'm glad that our goods are helpful to you, but please don't forget to pay the payment while you are happy, Mr. Banhart."

"I understand." Banhart nodded solemnly.

Russell nodded, but his brows were still slightly wrinkled, as if he was worried about something. Governor Banhart was at a loss: Did he do something that dissatisfied Sir Russell?

The two of them had their own concerns. At this time, Genevia suddenly said: "Do you have time now? Mr. Russell?"

"It doesn't matter if you say yes or no, what? Are you busy?" Russell looked calm, and in his ears was Geneveria's slightly rapid breathing.

She put one hand on her chest, trying hard to suppress the excitement in her heart and said: "The invasion of Chaos interrupted our chat... Now that the war has calmed down, I wonder if you have time to come to my residence now, okay? Let me show you the medals you don’t wear?"

Genevieve's eyes were filled with water and she smiled: "Although compared with this defensive war, my past experiences seem a bit insignificant."

Her attitude was bold, which made Governor Banhart, who took the hint, a bit subtle.

Russell's expression was a little strange: How many times has this been the time for him to be lusted after by the opposite sex?

Last time it was the great demon of Slaanesh called the Shower of Love; and the last time it was Koroniai... well, at least this time it was a human being, not some weird thing.

"I am honored by your invitation, Ms. Limstra, but I... hmm?"

Russell was about to refuse the beautiful lady's kind invitation. Suddenly, a piece of information was transmitted directly to his mind through the Titan, the Pot of Greed parked in the outer orbit of the planet, which made Russell's somewhat solemn expression relax.

——Just now, the Dark Angel responded to Krentalina's previous cry for help, and the Stone Fortress was rushing here to provide support against the Chaos invasion.

"It seems that I won." Russell smiled softly.

The Dark Angel was able to free up his hands to rescue Krentalina, which meant that the Stone Monastery was out of danger and Lion successfully defeated Fulgrim. Slaanesh's plan to get his hands on the Lion King failed.

This confrontation with Chaos was extremely dangerous. Even Russell took the risk and used the power of the Worm of Time to read files, and barely avoided the failed ending carefully planned for him by Slaanesh and Tzeentch.

Tactically and strategically, he achieved a complete victory, but...

"It's such a disgrace to win..." Russell shook his head and sighed.

Even a little embarrassed.

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