Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 264 Ether Giant Worm

The question from the juniors made the old team leader Harding blush, but the face of a founding team leader was so thick that a junior team leader could easily break through the defense?

Within a moment, the only trace of guilt in Harding's heart completely disappeared.

Harding coughed lightly and said earnestly: "Elliot, you have to understand the painstaking efforts of my predecessors. It's not that I won't let you go, but that the Star Gate is really of great importance. This is not just a route or a piece of land. The problem of the Internet also involves the distribution of interests between local nobles and Terran bureaucrats. The water here is very deep. You are still young and cannot grasp it..."

Having said this, the old group leader looked a little melancholy.

Today's Ultramar Star Territory is already in disarray. Bureaucrats from all over the country are holding back their feathers and working on their own affairs. They argue endlessly for some personal petty gains, and they have no idea what the overall situation is and what the greater good is.

If the Primarch had not dismantled the Five Hundred World System, had not handed over the power of partition to mortals, but had allowed the Ultramarines to continue to manage their homeland, how could Ultramar be like this now?

At least the Ultramarines wouldn't do something as abstract as labeling the Terran Expedition that brought the Stargate as heretics.

No, this is too offensive. How could the Primarch be wrong? The Primarch is infallible...

The Primarch is always right...

Harding suppressed the heretical thoughts in his heart and continued in a deep voice: "The Star Gate matter is not a trivial matter. I hope you won't find me verbose. As soon as the 13th Expedition Fleet arrived at Macragge, it was attacked by the National Church, the Inquisition and the Adeptus Mechanicus. Joint charges, even I can only imprison and protect you.

If this is the case in the Primarch's homeland, have you ever thought about how you will be treated when you actually arrive on Terra? "

Eliwood gritted his teeth, he had already thought of some bad things.

"When the High Lords Council declares you heretics and the Imperial Navy turns its guns on the expedition fleet, do you have the courage to raise your power sword and chop off the Sun Lord's head?"

“When the Adeptus Mechanicus declares the construction template of the Star Gate as forbidden technology, and Mars declares you as an enemy who blasphemes the Machine God, do you have the courage to dispatch your fleet to launch an orbital bombardment against the red planet that is as old as Terra? "

"When the Golden-armored Imperial Army orders you to surrender with the forged will of the emperor, do you have the courage to ask the Valkyrie to aim the main cannon of destruction at the palace and the golden throne?"

No, no loyal Space Marine has such courage and awareness.

"I have." Hardin said: "I am very old, Eliwood. More than eight hundred years of service have made me tired and exhausted. If one person must bear the responsibility of being an enemy of the Golden Throne, he will use his own Life opens up the future of the empire, and that person can only be me. My life is coming to an end, and you are still young."

Hardin patted Eliwood on the shoulder, walked down the bridge and returned to the cabin of Macragge's Glory.

Eliwood's eyes were red, and an inexplicable feeling lingered in his heart that he couldn't let go for a long time. But soon, when the turbulent emotion subsided, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"I seem to have been fooled again..."

In the cabin, Harding, who had successfully stunned the young man with a few words, felt refreshed, and the boring paperwork in the past became more lovely now.

"Preparations must be stepped up. The progress of the other 12 expedition fleets across the galaxy is still unknown. I need to signal enough elite warriors as soon as possible to rebuild the 13th expedition fleet and head to Terra immediately. No matter the cost, every second counts. Give the torch of hope to the emperor The glory in my hand belongs to the children of Guilliman, to Macragge... and to me."

Harting's writing was flying like flying, and the powerful brain inherited from his genetic father was processing tedious documents from all over at high speed, preparing for the next thing.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and an Ultramarine wearing full armor broke through the door, looking very anxious.

Harding put down his pen and frowned slightly. Entering the Chapter Master's office without knocking was a serious breach of etiquette, and it was even more rare for such a thing to happen within the strictly disciplined Ultramarines.

Either this soldier is a new recruit who doesn't understand etiquette, or the matter at hand is extremely urgent.

Obviously, it's the latter.

"Captain! It's an emergency! The planet Parmenio sent an astrological message asking for help. They were attacked by unknown aliens!"

Panting, the soldier ran to Harding and slapped a piece of parchment on his desk with the ink not yet dry.

"Parmenio..." Harding's frown deepened.

The status of the planet Parmenio is very important. It is not an industrial base or an agricultural world, but a training base that fully serves the selection and training of ultramarine recruits. There are a large number of recruits who have just completed gene seed implantation and organ modification. In the unified training camp, a lot of gene seeds were also stored, which can be said to be a top priority.

If something happens to Parmenio, it will undoubtedly be an extremely heavy blow to the Ultramarines. In severe cases, it may even plunge the entire battle group into a state of decline.

Harding quickly read the description of the aliens that invaded Parmenio on the parchment, and then asked: "What is the current situation of Parmenio? How long can they last?"

The soldier standing in front of the table shook his head heavily: "I don't know, Captain, the communication between Macragge and Parmenio has been cut off, and none of the many astrological messages we sent have received a response. Except for the one in front of you. Apart from the Stars, no new information comes from Parmenio."

At this moment, Parmenio was like an isolated island in the sea, completely isolated from the rest of the Ultramar star field and unable to utter a scream. Only the bottle thrown when he was about to die luckily floated to Macragge.

Otherwise, the Ultramarines might not even know that Parmenio was destroyed.

Harding gritted his teeth slightly, a strand of gray hair hanging down to his forehead, and he read the only information on the parchment with a solemn expression.

[What invaded Parmenio is a huge cosmic creature. Its appearance is similar to some kind of weird deep-sea fish. Its size is larger than the largest void whale recorded so far, and it is enough to swallow a small... planet】

[It has a body structure that violates the rules of physics and an indestructible skin. Even if a dozen of the most powerful Nova Cannons focus their fire on one point, they will not be able to cause even a trace of damage to it.]

[It possesses powerful psychic power and can roam freely in the subspace with its physical body. Every time it swings its tail, it brings a dark shadow, and the psykers or mortals who look at it will immediately go crazy. All those related to the subspace will The operation of the equipment will be severely interfered]

[Its body is inhabited by countless other small space creatures, spreading around like fern spores. Parmenio's orbital defense is now completely paralyzed, and we cannot resist the invasion of those torrential spore drop capsules! ! 】

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