Seeing the tall figure wearing a green cloak and hood carrying a scythe into the black magic house, Russell felt a little surprised.

As far as he knew, the Death Guard Legion was currently engaged in a long-term attrition battle with the Ground Forces of the Boundary Breakers on a demonic planet called 'Anthrax'. The 14th Legion was fighting life and death on the front line, and he was actually in Nurgle's Garden. Here he met the Primarch of the 14th Legion: Mortarion.

The Pale King, the Death Lord, would Mortarion, who has these titles, be the kind of person who lets his soldiers fight on the front lines while he hides in the rear and enjoys comfort?

Obviously not. Otherwise he would not have surrendered to Nurgle in the first place.

During the Horus Heresy, the warship of the 14th Legion was captured by Nurgle while sailing through the subspace. Mortarion and the Death Guard on board suffered inhuman torture under the "care" of their loving father.

But Mortarion himself was extremely strong-willed, and not even Nurgle's corruption could shake him in the slightest. But he couldn't bear to see the soldiers of his legion suffering like this forever. In the end, Mortarion bowed his head to Nurgle and sought relief for his legion at the cost of becoming Nurgle's demonic primarch. .

It is worth mentioning that the reason Nurgle was able to successfully capture the Death Guard warship was because he was betrayed and framed by an insider within the legion.

That mole was the Captain of the Death Guard Legion, Typhons, the first mortal Mortarion had ever met in his life.

"I guess the Death Guard on Anthrax should be led by Typhons." Russell thought this way.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Mortarion would hide in the Garden of Nurgle to catch thieves when the Death Guard was fighting the Breakers.

Seeing Mortarion's back disappearing from sight, the main door of the Black Demon Palace closed automatically. Russell silently completely hid his soul in nothingness, and opened the window that the 66 Spirit Stealth Team had just climbed through again. He also entered the house of his loving father.

The abode of the loving father, the black magic house hidden in the deepest part of Nurgle's Garden.

This is the starting point of life, this is the embodiment of death, decay, decay, collapse... Too many words have been used to describe this weird magic house. The first thing Russell thought of after entering this place in person was the power of the land here. How much does it cost per flat?

The long corridor has thousands of twists and turns, with no end in sight like death itself. Even if Nurgle demons enter here, they are likely to lose their way and can only wait for their loving father to save them.

But the stealth team led by Everene obviously will not get lost. The operation of sneaking into the Garden of Nurgle went through long-term planning by the old prophet on Bietan and the full support of Victor, the Lord of Commorragh. Prepare.

The leader, Everene, was wearing a black translucent spirit bone armor, showing off her graceful body curves. She held a sword in one hand and a delicate rose in the other.

It is a delicate flower that contains the breath of life. The emerald green leaves are the color of life. The pearly white stamens are stained with a drop of morning dew. The abundant vitality interprets the beauty of life itself. In this city filled with the twilight of death, He looked out of place in the black magic house.

With Efrenie's brisk steps, the color of this rose continues to become more delicate.

"Hey, Elsa Rose?" Russell observed the trembling flower in Efreni's hand with great interest and recognized its origin.

The Rose of Elsa is a fictional flower that only exists in ancient Eldar legends. It is said that it will only bloom on the land where the Eldar mother goddess Elsa walks.

As far as Russell knows, during the Plague War (around the 12th year of the 42nd Millennium), Everene, who had become the leader of the Death Army, obtained an Elsa Rose from the Black Library and relied on this rose to succeed. Sneaking into Nurgle's Gardens, he stole an ancient artifact called the Dark Hand and gave it to Robert Guilliman.

"If it was Elsa Rose, it wouldn't be surprising if Ephrene led the team to successfully sneak into the Garden of Nurgle, but?" Russell's eyebrows trembled slightly.

But now, in the 40th year of the 40th millennium, the Eldar organization called the Death Army has not yet been established. The current Efreni is not the God of Death. She holds an ordinary spirit bone blade in her hand, and Not the later Crone's Sword.

Where did current Everené get Elsa's rose?

There seems to be something that can be called destiny that is pulling the changes in the galaxy, causing Efrenie, who has not yet become the leader of the Death Army, to break into the Garden of Nurgle with a rose in advance.

"Let me see how the story will develop next..." Russell whispered softly, quietly disappearing his body into the wall of the black magic house like a ghost.

After his figure disappeared, Mortarion, carrying a huge scythe, hurried through the corridor and continued to chase forward.

Following the guidance of the life breath exuding from Elsa's rose, Efreni and her stealth team hurried through the corridors, passing through countless rooms in the black magic house, and quickly approached the one where their mother was imprisoned.

The Elsa rose in Efreni's hand became more and more delicate and beautiful as her pace quickened, so gorgeous that it was unlike any other mortal flower. However, just when her footsteps stopped at the door of a room numbered 7777777, the rose that was in full bloom suddenly withered.

Efreni looked down at the withered rose in her hand, and she knew that this was it.

Elsa is the mother of the Eldar, the Mother Goddess of Life. The closer you get to the room where Elsa is imprisoned, the brighter and more beautiful this rose becomes. But besides the cage that held Aisha, there were other things in that room.

Efreni turned around, looked at her compatriots who were following behind, and nodded slightly. Then, she opened the door to the room.

It was a large room, large and empty.

The dark floor was dripping with thick ichor, the poisonous liquid dripping from the body of the loving father Nurgle himself, which even the most tenacious Eldar warriors could not bear.

In the center of the room stood a huge crucible. Plague and disease were boiling in the pot, gurgling with airless bubbles.

There is a golden cage placed in the corner of the room. Its exquisite shape and beautiful carvings can tell that the maker has put a lot of thought into it. Nurgle obviously cherishes and values ​​the 'things' imprisoned in this cage.

As the goddess of life and healing, Elsa can cure any disease. Nurgle imprisoned Elsa to take advantage of this.

The Father often forced new diseases of His creation into Elsa's body, judging the strength of the disease by observing how long it took the Goddess of Life to overcome its effects. In order to thank Elsa for her contribution to his career, Nurgle decorated the cage in which Elsa was imprisoned.

However, no matter how exquisite and beautiful the cage is, it is just a cage after all.

A beautiful goddess sat slumped inside, the joy of life gone from her flawless face. Compared to the elegant and noble goddess of life of the Eldar Tribe, she is now more like a rag doll that has been played with.

"What are you doing here?!" As if she sensed the arrival of Everene and the others, the depressed Elsa suddenly raised her body, which was extremely weak from the disease, and shouted at the door of the room with all her strength: "Children, Run!”

"Mother Goddess, let's solve it..."

Before the word 'save' could be uttered, a rusty blade wrapped in a pale cloth cut across the body, cutting several elite Eldar rangers into two pieces, and their colorful internal organs spilled all over the floor.

Mortarion held a huge scythe in one hand, and the rotting insect wings behind his back made a low hum.

"Despicable things." Mortarion said, holding the life-harvesting scythe with both hands, shaking off the alien blood drops stained on it in disgust: "Despicable low-level creatures, you appear in front of me to seek help. Death?"

Lower creatures...

Everene, who was born in the craft world of Bietan, has always been proud of her superiority as an Eldar. She never thought that one day, the term "lower creature" would be used by others to describe herself.

But when Mortarion said this, she couldn't refute it.

"Bitch, are you deaf?" Mortarion's pale face showed disgust as he looked at Efreni, who was stunned in place.

— not even anger.

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