One after another, the pythons are still drilling into the strata of the Hagia star. This giant creature, which was born out of the Tyranids' genetic sequence, has a crystallized skeleton made of spiritual bones. Although it does not have visual organs in the conventional sense, the pythons have a large head above their heads. There are dense tentacles of inspiration that can detect subspace reactions. With the help of these organs, they can continuously throw large amounts of rocks and soil buried deep underground along the tunnels to the surface, cleverly bypassing those sleeping black stone creations.

On the construction platform on the surface, the anti-gravity suspension transport vehicles coming and going were all fully loaded. The soil and rocks dug out by the Digging Python from the depths of the ground were transported in batches to the 'Ven Grand Canyon' in the west of Ansipal City. Due to the excavation The amount of work done on the undead black stone device was too huge. Over time, the earth dumped into the canyon was so full that it was almost level with the ground.

With the active cooperation of the Ultramarines, as the population of Hajia Planet has been evacuated, the underground excavation project has also reached the end of the project. The strata of Ansipal City have been completely hollowed out by the digging pythons driven by the construction team. , became a huge underground cavity with a diameter of nearly 10,000 kilometers.

The arched dome structure is supported and reinforced by pouring a large amount of liquefied plastic steel and nanofibers. In the wide underground cave hall, black stone veins like long black snakes are winding and intertwining in mid-air. It looks like A ball of yarn randomly mixed together.

But beneath the seemingly disordered appearance, there is some indescribable harmony and regularity.

In the area around this strange 'Black Stone Snake', 'strict rules and regulations' are posted everywhere to ensure construction safety. ’ and ‘Scientific management and standardized operations. ’ and other content, the eye-catching yellow characters on a red background are hung in the deep underground cave hall, which looks very eye-catching.

The engineering director wearing an orange safety helmet put his hands behind his back and walked slowly along the periphery of the cave hall's dome, meticulously inspecting the fine gold load-bearing beams that supported the cave hall.

"This is the Necron's 'phase shift' device."

The owner of the voice is a burly man nearly two meters tall. He has long brown hair, soft facial features, and clear amber eyes, which is one of the characteristics of the new humans. This person was Gustav, who had put on a new body after genetic ascension. He stood on the suspended platform above the Black Stone Snake and introduced to the several truth monks and mechanical sages following behind him:

"The undead souls sleeping here used this giant device to move their tombs to an independent phase space, isolated from the outside universe. Using vortex torpedoes to execute the extermination order on this planet is the only thing that can be destroyed. It’s just a phase-shifting device, and the tomb itself hidden in another dimension will not be affected in any way.”

"On the contrary, rashly destroying the device will only force the undead tombs hidden in the phase space to escape, and the undead sleeping in the tombs will be awakened in advance. Such a powerful undead dynasty capable of building a planet-level phase shift device will once Wake up and the consequences will be catastrophic."

Gustav's words made the mechanical sages who had great confidence in the Extermination Order-level whirlpool torpedoes break out in a cold sweat - specifically in the form of condensation water condensing on the surface of the brain radiator shell.

The mechanical sages only feel that this sacred planet where the undead are sleeping is such a hot potato, "Then how should we deal with this device?"

"What can we do to completely eliminate these abominable aliens without using whirlpool torpedoes?"

Gustav smiled lightly and said confidently: "It's very simple. I just become the owner of the tomb, right?"

After saying that, he finally no longer concealed the method he had prepared for a long time. On the long and winding body of the Black Stone Snake, the green undead runes suddenly flickered violently, extinguished, and fell into a standby state. When the complex runes lit up again, their color had changed to colorless white light, and their contents had also changed into a format that the mechanical sages could understand.

——Hacker code!

For a moment, the atmosphere in the underground cave became silent.

Several mechanical sages clearly understood what happened here. This scholar loyal to the Star Bomber actually forcibly hacked into the black stone creation of the undead and seized control of the Black Stone Serpent!

Can humans actually crack the technology of the undead? Nothing like this has ever happened in the past 10,000 years.

It is not that the believers of the God of Machines have never excavated the tombs of the Necrons before. Although the tombs they can find mostly belong to those weak dynasties that cannot build phase-shifting devices to hide themselves, their technological level is still enough to make the most virtuous and respected. The high-ranking sages looked at it and sighed.

The undead's magical technological creation, not to mention trying to crack it, can't even understand its composition at the most basic level.

Some radical sages will connect the necromancy gauss weapons and phase weapons obtained from reverse combat to their mechanical prosthetics to increase their combat power. But such behavior is essentially as crude as grabbing the enemy's anti-materiel rifle and using it to hit someone with an iron bar. It has no technical content.

And now, scholars from the Order of Truth hacked into the planet-scale Blackstone device in front of them and took control of it, bringing a small scientific shock to the devout Mekhan servants.

Gustav controlled the suspended platform and crossed the 'Defense, warning bells were ringing. ’ safety slogan came to the top of the ring structure of the Black Stone Snake, pure white runes flashed with spots, and the black snakes squirmed and spread out, exposing the energy core wrapped inside the device to everyone.

It was a body of pure energy exuding ghostly light, tightly bound by ancient spiritual chains. Countless energy pipelines were connected to his broken body. The technological creations of the undead greedily moved towards this piece of land. Batteries that never run out are constantly asking for energy.

"The energy core of this phase-shifting device is a fragment of the Star God... No wonder it can be buried deep underground and continue to operate for 60 million years, and it is still stable to this day." The star bomber announced to a certain extent the ancient times to the senior leaders of the Order of Truth. Based on the historical facts of the Battle in Heaven, Gustav knew that the time point when the undead fell into sleep was about 60 million years ago.

That was a long, long, long time.

Gustav searched the Blackstone Serpent's database and found the name of this Star God fragment.


While Gustav was browsing the undead database of the Black Stone Snake, a slender black shadow flashed away like a ghost at the edge of the underground cave hall.

With an inaudible sound, the engineering director who was checking and accepting the construction quality fell to the ground. At this moment, all the skin on his body was quietly peeled off, just like taking off a piece of clothing. , the bright red tendons were exposed to the air and beat slightly, and the intestines and blood flowed out of the abdominal cavity and spread on the floor.

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