Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 423 ‘Deterrence’ Class Battleship

After leaving the Galil constellation and returning to Falla, Russell first issued three decrees.

1. Close the borders. The Human Federation will no longer accept any form of immigrants or refugees from now on.

2. Trade control. All foreign trade within the Far East Star Territory must be monitored and controlled by the military from now on. The underground black market that once turned a blind eye and allowed it to grow wildly will be completely cut off.

3. Armament reform. The giant shipyard will no longer build more armed ships from now on. Due to some special threat, the principle of 'just use it' will replace the previous armament concept of excellence. The Human Federation has officially begun to produce low-cost ships. Deterrence' class battleship

Gray Feng obediently announced his decision, but she still had doubts about Russell's approach.

The ‘Deterrence’ class battleship is a war concept that can be adopted only after a civilization has truly transformed into a natural disaster.

This special type of ship is synonymous with words such as 'fanatic', 'paranoid', 'extreme', 'sacrificial spirit'... etc. All costs of the deterrent-class battleship are focused on attack and mobility. On the other hand, as for the armor and defense parts that are related to the lives of the crew, it is better than nothing - in fact, the deterrent-class warship does not even have the most basic energy shield, and the void shield and dark matter deflection shield are not extravagant.

The energy that should have been used to supply the shield generator was used to mount more weapons in pursuit of greater damage, and any cumbersome armor was removed in pursuit of faster speed and more flexible mobility.

Inflicting maximum damage to the enemy in the shortest time is the only construction concept of the deterrence-class warship.

As for the damage rate of the ship and the survival rate of the crew, these unimportant things are not considered at all for the deterrence-class warship. Letting 101 martyrs out of 100 crew members is the lifelong pursuit of the ship designer. This is also the only incarnation. One of the reasons why civilizations after natural disasters can build deterrence-class battleships.

Only a natural disaster civilization that has completely fallen into the madness of war can withstand the huge casualties caused by the deployment of a large number of deterrent-class warships without causing social collapse due to the increase in war exhaustion caused by successive suicide attacks.

So can the current human federation bear this war concept that treats human lives as consumables?

Absolutely, easily.

In fact, against the background of the anthropomorphic rule of the human empire, even the extreme and crazy war concept of the Deterrence-class battleship seems so affectionate.

It is better to say that many people are surprised that the Star Destroyer has only started to use human lives as consumables until today. Such a benevolent approach makes people burst into tears. For a while, the whole society is sighing that the Star Destroyer is really a good leader who is considerate of the people. ah……

What makes Gray Wind confused is why Russell would initiate military reforms at this time and let the giant shipyard start producing deterrent-class warships?

"In response to the austerity agreement that got out of hand." Russell said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Hui Feng's face turned pale. She immediately checked the ship's hull and found that the Suzheng main engine was still sealed in the cabin of the Gray Gu mothership safely. Both the time cycle cage and the physical shielding were all normal, and there was no trace of anything. Signs of getting out of trouble.

"...but the solemn agreement didn't help us get out of trouble?" Gray Feng asked doubtfully.

"Let's just treat it as out of trouble." Russell patted Gray Feng on the shoulder:

“Being prepared for the worst is like calling the consumer rights hotline before going shopping, taking a few alcohol poisoning pills before drinking, contacting your insurance company and handing over your will to a lawyer before taking a boat trip... … As long as anything bad is possible, we should treat it as if it has already happened and deal with it with all our strength."

Gray Feng blinked: "Is it possible that there is some overreaction? The impact of this level of military reform covers all aspects of the entire society. The lives of many ordinary citizens will be affected. The impact on the economy is even greater, and the losses are difficult to bear. Measurement…”

"Just do it." Russell did not waver at all: "As for the quality of life of ordinary citizens...who cares? Do you care?"

Gray Feng shook his head repeatedly, "I don't care."

She just thought Russell would care.

Russell's three words, as light as dust, fell like three mountains, and the Human Federation began a comprehensive reform.

The first thing to be hit was the underground black market where various resources, industrial products, and technological products were traded privately. The secret trade routes were cleanly cut off, leaving no room for resistance.

Every citizen of the Human Federation has nano-implants implanted in the brain stem from birth. Every thought of every member of this polity is under Gestalt surveillance, and any form of information is only There is nothing that Gray Feng doesn't want to know.

The black market prospered in the past with the tacit approval of the federal government, but now this tacit agreement has been broken, and both the empire and the federation have received a huge impact.

In the empire, dignitaries who cherish their own lives have an unlimited demand for artificial black stones that can isolate the influence of subspace and pure spiritual field generators that purify chaos pollution. The forging worlds of the major Mechanicus are also eager to study the stars. Various creations of technology.

As the black market channels were cut off, and high taxes were required to be paid through the official trade channels of the Order of Truth, the prices of a large number of industrial luxury goods represented by artificial black stones began to rise sharply. A large number of rogue traders with a keen sense of smell took this opportunity to stock up. The goods are rare and the value soars.

On the federal side, 'psionic dust', as a legal currency, is also an important energy source that supports the normal operation of various psychic devices. Since the huge underground trading network was cut off, the federation lost a large amount of unknown sources provided by the empire's black merchants. Psychic dust, and the speed at which the Eldar Ranch in Koroniai produces psionic dust is far less than the daily consumption of a large amount of equipment by the Order of Truth.

Under this ebb and flow, the stock of psychic dust became less and less, its value became higher and higher, prices began to fall, and federal society ushered in a round of unsolvable deflation.

Secondly, there is the refugee problem caused by closing the borders. The federal government has always maintained a moderate attitude towards the large number of escapees from various worlds in the Human Empire. Anyone who is willing to accept the scan of the brain with nano-implants and give up their support for the Emperor Faith, the Human Federation welcomes all fellow human beings to join.

However, with the issuance of the Star Destroyer's government order, key star gate ports were closed. Heavily armed fleets and armies blocked all trade routes, and the Far East Star Territory no longer accepted the entry of refugee ships.

The soldiers watched indifferently in the star port as the refugee ships that had exhausted their resources during the long escape journey were turned away from the border. Their remaining energy and food were no longer enough to support them in drifting to another inhabited planet. .

People with nowhere to go cried in the cabins and begged the troops who blocked the border for extrajudicial mercy. After calling the name of the bomber countless times without getting any response, people fell into despair.

As time passed, hunger and violence began to spread in the stinking and crowded cabins of the refugee ships. The federal soldiers tried hard to control themselves not to think about what the refugees who were in desperate need of food and water would eat and drink in the cabins to stay alive.

This is the 61st year of the 40th millennium, and the galaxy is filled with all the bloody atrocities you can think of that are inhumane.

Just like every other year.

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