In the distant and ancient second millennium, it was the primitive era before humans flew out of their home star and headed for the sea of ​​stars. At that time, Terra was still called Earth.

The ancient people on earth looked up at the stars, and their hearts were filled with all kinds of fantasies about interstellar travel.

Among them is a human writer who created a science fiction novel based on the most mysterious ultimate celestial body in the universe, the black hole.

In this novel called "Starry Sky", the author fictionalized an alien race called the Nelonians. The human scientific research fleet discovered the Nelonians' home planet at the edge of the event horizon of a black hole. A huge and eccentric installation.

The human scientific research fleet is parked far away from the black hole, silently observing the strange behavior of this alien race. The Nelon people are expanding the giant facility day after day. They don’t know the purpose, and they don’t know what will happen after the facility is activated. What.

This kind of observation continued for hundreds of years. The Nelon people's major project was finally completed. The scientific research fleet observed that the Nelon people's ships began to evacuate in large numbers, and the entire planet's population left the vicinity of the giant facility. The scientific research fleet still has little idea of ​​what is going to happen.

Finally, at the moment when the facility was activated, the human fleet was disturbed by an extremely powerful magnetic field, and they understood why the Nelon people wanted to evacuate urgently.

That giant facility, which took hundreds of thousands of years to build, is a super electromagnet with extremely powerful power.

The reason why the Nelon people spent a huge amount of time building this super electromagnet is to save their home planet. The Nelon people's home planet has long been captured by the gravity of the black hole, and will one day be sucked into the endless abyss of despair. In order to save the mother planet from the fate of being swallowed by the black hole, the Nelon people built this crazy facility. They used The electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces, opposes the gravitational pull of the black hole.

In that ancient man's fantasy, as long as he could create a strong enough electromagnetic force - how big would it be? The gravitational force is so great that it exceeds the black hole - it can win this tug-of-war with the doomsday and forcibly tear out the matter that is about to be sucked into the black hole or even has been sucked into the black hole.

So this alien race called the Nelonians spent a lot of time building a super electromagnet. They turned the black hole from the inside out, just like turning a sock from front to back.

——The above is the main content of "Starry Sky".

This novel has many shortcomings, and there are also many logical flaws. The astrophysics at that time was not sound enough. The author may not have known that the black hole itself also has a strong magnetic field. He thought that the black hole relied entirely on attracting matter. It is the force of gravity... But in the distant 22nd millennium, in the golden age when human beings' footsteps spread across the Milky Way, there is a group of people in the Ghoul Nebula with highly advanced technology. They are trying to realize what the ancients on Earth have said. The ultimate fantasy of a black hole.

This is the artifact that Perturabo will obtain during this trip, a super electromagnet born in the golden age: [Nightingale's Anchor].

This is a forbidden artifact that can create a magnetic field powerful enough to flip a black hole... This is theoretically true, but before the Jinren had time to experiment after creating the facility, the Iron Man rebellion broke out. This document spanned 20 Thousands of years of fantasy were buried in this rusty semi-mechanized planet along with the decline of human civilization, never to see the light of day again.

"The size of Nightingale's Anchor is almost as huge as the planet that buries it. We need to take the entire planet away together and wait for the opportunity to transfer it to near Falla and start it." Perturabo took a deep breath: " let's start."

The Iron Blood arrived in low-Earth orbit of Nightingale's Anchor, and the Iron Warriors began trying to awaken this ancient artifact born in the Golden Age.

When Perturabo led his descendants to trek through the ruins in search of the artifact control room, they did not notice that, centered on the Iron Blood hovering in the low-Earth orbit of Nightingale's Anchor, a group of Strings of strange crimson codes began to spread rapidly among the large amounts of mechanical debris that could be seen everywhere in the Ghoul Nebula.

Long before Perturabo found the entrance to the control room, the Sovereign Protocol had taken control of Nightingale's Anchor.

At the same time, the first captain of the Iron Warriors Legion, the war blacksmith 'Fagatu Regirock', led an elite guard to the orbit of the demon world located in the eastern section of the unbreakable defense line, and visited the Queen of Glory of the Black Legion. Class flagship: Vengeful Spirit.

Fagatu Regirok brought the will of Perturabo, saying that he needed the help of the Warmaster of Chaos. The Iron Warriors wanted to borrow a notorious bastard from the Black Legion, that annoying guy, whose Name——

"Fabius Bayer."

Fagatu Regirok looked Abaddon in the eyes and said: "The Primarch's cause requires the assistance of a skilled apothecary, and although his character is questionable, Bayer is undoubtedly the one we can find. The best candidate and I hope to loan him out for a while."

This request put Abaddon in a dilemma.

With Perturabo's reputation as the original body, borrowing a pharmacist is not a difficult matter in principle. Normally, Abaddon would be happy to cooperate with the Iron Warriors to bring himself closer to the original body. relationship, but the current situation is far from what it used to be.

In recent years, the Black Legion has been continuously invading the Empire's Forge World of Huangquan No. 8. This is a long-term tug-of-war of attrition. The radical mechanical sages on Huangquan No. 8 are undoubtedly a hard nut to crack. The forge world's force is so powerful that even the Chaos Warmaster's all-out attack cannot achieve results in a short period of time. Instead, the power of the Black Legion is constantly being consumed.

If it weren't for the large number of 'very strong' Azjan units that were sent to the front lines to serve as cannon fodder, Abaddon simply wouldn't be able to withstand long-term consumption on this scale.

What is irritating is that Fabius Bayer did not hand over the secret of cloning the Azjan worm to Abaddon. He firmly held this valuable technology in his own hands. If the Iron Warriors were really allowed to borrow it, Without Bayer, the Black Legion will lose a steady stream of space slug armies, and the Chaos Warmaster will no longer have any hope of winning Huang Quan No. 8.

Fagatu Regirok saw Abaddon's concerns. He pounded his fist on his chest and said, "Don't worry about it. My respected Warmaster, the Lord of Steel told me before we set off. After his promise, as long as you can lend Bayer to us for a period of time, the original body will personally take action to help the Black Legion capture Huangquan No. 8."

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