Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 62 A miracle comes!

As the Emperor's Ascension Day approaches, almost all departments in the Royal Court District have been mobilized to prepare for the Holy Scripture.

People know about this Holy Scripture and envy those activists who are qualified to enter the Holy Square.

Many people began to regret.

Why didn't they work harder and contribute more to the Governor-General, so that they missed the opportunity.

Of course, people talk more about the Governor-General.

Some people say that the Governor-General was blessed by His Majesty the Emperor, and some people say that the Governor-General gained divine power overnight and could kill demons with one punch.

Others say that the Governor-General found the Slag Bread Mountain and wanted to feed everyone, etc.

There are even rumors that after the Governor-General gained extraordinary divine power, he had sex with ten beautiful women at night.

But someone immediately refuted this, saying that it was nonsense, and the version he heard was that the Governor-General had sex with twenty female demons.

When this was said, everyone was stunned and then fled in all directions.

This person is really bragging and dares to say such a story about the Governor-General!

The man who said that the governor was a demon at night saw that everyone had run away, so he also shrank his neck and ran away, fearing that the bailiff would come to catch him.

Of course, most of the rumors were spread quietly.

But the bailiffs must not hear it, otherwise it would be troublesome.

In just a few days, rumors about the governor were flying everywhere.

Bayev once proposed to arrest and try those disrespectful people who talked about the governor, but was rejected by Ron.

At present, the comments about him are basically in a good direction.

Even if it is outrageous, it also promotes his powerful image.

It undoubtedly increases the trust of the people in him.

So it is a good thing for the people to talk about him, as long as they don't promote heresy.

If people are arrested and punished or even executed, causing everyone to change color when talking about the governor, that would be troublesome.

It would damage his image of kindness.

In short, let the people say whatever they want.

In this way, two days passed quickly.

All preparations for the Holy Ceremony of the Emperor's Ascension Festival have been successfully completed, and the Secretariat has also confirmed and arranged the personnel participating in the Holy Ceremony.

In the evening, Ron came to the balcony of the spire again and watched the final construction of the craftsmen in the Holy Square.

Tonight, they will plate the statue of the God Emperor with gold and inlay it with gems.

When the sun rises tomorrow, the statue of the God Emperor will emit a brilliant golden light in the sun, and all the surrounding residential areas will see this scene.

This is the first "miracle" that Ron prepared for the people of the Royal Court District.

Now, he just needs to wait.

The workers in various areas have been notified of vacations and have received enough food.

They can go back and have a good rest to welcome the Emperor's Ascension Festival Carnival tomorrow.

Black Coal Street.

Laughter and joy came from the low shacks deep in the block.

Under the faint candlelight, Maca carefully wiped the worker's medal, his eyes full of hope.

He glanced at the kid next to him, who was already full.

Since he got this worker's medal for his good mining, his life has changed dramatically.

This is a medal bestowed by the Governor, specially awarded to the best workers.

All the workers envied him, and people looked at him differently.

Even the most respected Mr. Will came to see him in person and brought him food and candles.

Tomorrow, he and Mr. Will will go to the Holy Square to attend the Holy Ceremony to receive the blessing of the Emperor.

After the Holy Ceremony, Will will recommend him as the captain of the mining team.

And all this was given to him by the great and kind Governor.

Drake Residential Area, C43 Area, Small Staff Dormitory.

Alila was laughing foolishly.

These days were the happiest days of her life.

Not only did she receive the Governor's commendation, she also became an overseer!

After becoming the overseer of the third assembly line, everyone remembered her name and would never call her by mistake again.

She did not whip everyone like other overseers, but tried to teach everyone how to work.

How to do it quickly and with the least effort.

She even gave everyone a short break.

These are the best ways to improve work efficiency based on her experience.

However, the supervisors laughed at her privately and wanted to see her make a fool of herself.

They thought that if they were not strict, the workers would be lazy.

However, the facts slapped their faces, the workers worked very hard!

The third assembly line she supervised had the most and best output!

Alila didn't know why, but anyway, she had become a super powerful supervisor!

She was very good at managing people!

But she didn't know that the workers worked so hard because they were afraid that Alila would be transferred or dismissed because of poor output.

In this way, the fierce supervisor who liked to beat people would come back again.

In short, Alila was very happy.

What's even happier is that she can go to the Holy Scripture tomorrow to see the benevolent governor!

She thought, hugged the worker medal on her chest, and rolled happily on the iron bed.


Wangting District, administrative unit residential area.

The Lapu family was having dinner together.

Tonight's dinner was very rich, with a piece of pure wheat bread and a small piece of steak for each person.

This was a gift from the Royal Court to officials at all levels, and it almost emptied out the food reserves in Ron's treasury.

Mattie also took out a small half bottle of wine.

That was the only treasure of the Rapp family.

This wine was originally intended to be reserved to entertain visiting distinguished guests, but Mattie believed that only this kind of wine could be worthy of the delicious food given by the Governor.

Otherwise it would be a desecration of this delicious food.

Mattie carefully poured wine into the glass and handed it to Deville.

She thought for a moment and poured another glass for Lilith.

Finally, Mattie poured herself a glass and raised her glass.

"For the Governor!"

The Lapp family toasted and drank.

Maddie drank the wine, and the familiar and mellow taste of alcohol made her tipsy.

Memories of the past flooded into my mind.

She couldn't help but have tears in her eyes.

When she was as old as Lilith, she went to parties with her father.

At that time, there were banquets everywhere in the Wangting District, and people were drunk and dreaming.

But then the situation in Wangting District became worse and worse, and gradually no one held banquets anymore.

Thinking about it carefully, I don’t know since when, Wangting District has been lifeless for several years.

It hasn't been as lively as it is now for a long time.

so good……

Mattie firmly believes in that rumor and firmly believes that the Governor will revitalize the King's Court District.

Everything in the past that she dreamed about countless times will come back!

Everything will get better!

This night, countless families in Wangting District were full of expectations.

Everyone can feel that the lifeless Wangting District is regaining its vitality.

They looked forward to the mercy bestowed upon them by the Lord Governor.

They look forward to better and better life in the future.

They are looking forward to...

Unknowingly, the fate of many people was changed because of Ron's arrival.

A glimmer of light appeared in their gloomy lives.

That's something called hope.

In the future, this change will continue until a beautiful new world is built.

When dawn arrives, people take to the streets one after another to welcome the Emperor's Ascension Festival.

"Lies are all lies...

There is no food in Wangting District. The governor is lying to you! "

On the street, a drunkard muttered under his breath and took another swig of "wine".

It's said to be wine, but it's actually some kind of sewage mixed with industrial waste, called "Eryliquor"

Although alcohol is poisonous, because it can simulate the feeling of alcohol, many people would rather drink it without eating.

The drunkard cursed and cursed, and everyone around him ran away when he saw this.

People who drink strong alcohol generally do not live long and are not in good spirits. No one wants to mess with such people.

When the bailiff encounters such drunkards causing trouble, they usually kill them.

"The appearance of the God Emperor is also a lie. Damn it, no one can try to lie to me..."

The drunkard's curses became louder and louder, but suddenly, a golden light came into his eyes.

He looked up and saw that it was a 100-meter giant statue of the God Emperor, emitting golden light in the sun, giving people a huge shock.


The wine bottle fell to the ground and broke.

The drunkard was so frightened that he fell to the ground:

"God...His Majesty the God Emperor has appeared!"

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