The long sleep finally ended, and Calvin's spirit returned to its original state after getting enough rest.

His consciousness also slowly floated upward from the pure black dreamland.

Through this transformation, Calvin finally made up for the shortcomings on one side of his body.

His body finally sublimated to a certain extent through the struggle with the Emperor's blood during this last catastrophe.

Although it is still far from the original golden cells, his essence is finally on the same level as the former.

Regardless of the process, as far as the result is concerned, his spirit and body were finally unified.

However, in the eyes of the pharmacist in charge of the operation, an unprecedented problem was posed before him-these superhuman organs that had been transplanted into Calvin's body through surgery were invincible during the war that covered Calvin's body. One survived.

They all experienced the process of being first defeated and replaced by golden cells, and then taken over and replaced by Calvin's new cells.

Not even the chitinous black carapace that was implanted at the end could escape this disaster.

These new organs of Calvin were no longer the same as the original versions.

After experiencing two "baptisms", they no longer have the characteristics of acquired implantation, and they do not need obvious artificial traces of hormones to maintain the balance between them.

On the contrary, they join perfectly into the circulation of this new body, without any trace of artificial carving.

Therefore, in the eyes of pharmacists who have undergone thousands of transformation operations, the seemingly ordinary tall body in the life-support cabin is different from any previous transformation results.

It's more like a new species that they don't understand at all, with no trace of modification visible. Placed in front of them in a natural and perfect posture.

However, the memory of this operation and Calvin's related information were all wiped clean by the strong orders of the chief pharmacist and the great teachers due to some unknown reasons.

As a result, the pharmacist brothers did not know where the body in front of them came from, nor what it meant to this battle group that had gone through many hardships and had never been full since the beginning of the army.

The pharmacist brother who stayed by the monitor looked at the body in front of him with fascination.

He was full of curiosity and desire to study this strange body that was completely in the blind spot of his knowledge.

With a height of 2.8 meters, nearly 15 times the bone strength of adults and muscle dimensions far exceeding that of ordinary Astartes, he weighs over 210 kilograms, has better body proportions and force-generating structure, is close to the skin color and can open and close freely. white carapace interface.

These differences in external details told the pharmacist brother that this was a truly ferocious beast on the battlefield that he had never seen before.

"I really look forward to what he will look like when he wakes up..." Brother Pharmacist admired, and then his raised eyes met Calvin who had just woken up in the life-sustaining cabin...

"Isn't this guy gay? No, Astartes are not that weird! Don't panic, don't panic!" This was Calvin's current thought.

He immediately controlled his facial muscles perfectly to prevent himself from revealing any flaws. He remained calm and looked down at the people outside the cabin with firm eyes:

"As long as it's not me who's embarrassed, it can only be embarrassing to others."

But what a look in the eyes of the pharmacist and Aidan who was waiting not far away!

His eyes, which are as dark and deep as the stars, reveal the depth of experience in the world.

The silver stars in the pupils represent the terrifyingly powerful but perfectly controlled psychic power.

With the blessing of divinity, this is the biggest difference between Calvin and mortals, Astartes, and even the Primarchs.

There was no hesitation in his eyes, and his will no longer seemed to originate from an individual, but more like a final declaration brought together by the cry of thousands of souls like the Hive Will.

Both of them were shocked for a moment by the eyes that seemed to have been cleansed by the passage of time, and they stood there motionless.

It was not until Calvin in the life-sustaining cabin started to choke on water due to the active breathing he had regained after waking up that he began to dance around in the cabin to signal for help. Only then did the two people outside the cabin hurriedly release Calvin.

Although not long after the initial choking, Calvin instinctively switched to underwater breathing state with the support of the organs in his body.

But Aidan still made fun of him for a long time because of his embarrassed appearance just now. After getting dressed, Calvin and Aidan walked outside.

The two of them were chatting and laughing together in the corridor outside the medical room. Aidan looked at the strong man next to him who was originally short but was now more than a head taller than him, and said with a smile:

"I have never seen a recruit with such growth potential as you. This transformation surgery has given me a new perspective; but if you had just died of choking on water, I think I could add a new level of knowledge to my knowledge. Pen."

Calvin rolled his eyes when he heard the sound. He turned his head and looked down at Aidan and said:

"I really don't know..." Then he was startled by his voice, which was as loud as a loudspeaker and contained certain low-frequency psychic ripples.

Then he consciously curbed the instinctive spread of psychic energy, cleared his throat and continued:

"I really don't know that all you Gray Knights have to go through such a test. How did you win from that level of invasion and assimilation in the end?"

"What about you Gray Knights? You are only one trial away from us now. Do you think you can't pass it? What else does it mean to win... Wait, what did you say? You won it?"

Aidan, who was originally in a relaxed state, was still complaining about Calvin's identity, but as a Gray Knight veteran who had also experienced that kind of ceremony, he instantly understood what Calvin meant.

Aidan looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief, and he confirmed to him again:

"What you mean by winning is that you did not compromise in the last baptism, right? Even in the most dangerous time, you did not give in and entrust your fate to the emperor? You won completely on your own. Got into that war, right?"

Facing the three questions about Aidan's soul who suddenly became serious, Calvin didn't know why, but he still answered solemnly:

"As you can see, of course I won that war, otherwise I wouldn't have the chance to stand in front of you. And, isn't that what you do?"

"Your throne! You don't even know what you did!"

After receiving the confirmation, Aidan thought briefly and then stomped his foot heavily on the spot.

"Let's go! Come with me, let's go see the Supreme Master!"

He grabbed Calvin and almost dragged the young man who was still confused and walked quickly towards the end of the corridor.

His eyes seemed to be covered with tears, and his trembling lips were still muttering:

"We! The Emperor's blessing! We finally have a true Gray Knight!"

So short! So short! Why! How could I be so short!

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